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80% The Paying Guests / Chapter 3: Disturbing Night

Chapter 3: Disturbing Night

Disturbing night

Hunger of curiosity was chewing me up from inside. I needed to know what was there. And the moment I came in the end of the hall, I saw two rocking chairs, facing a little away from each other. There was nothing else other than this. But still I knew someone was there. Something was pushing me from behind to go there. But suddenly the aura in that corner of the room start suffocating me, I wanted to go back to a safer place but my legs they were not helping me. My eyes, they were not shifting from those two chairs until that time.

All of a sudden a gasp came out of my mouth; I was feeling like something is choking me. I fell down to the ground but still I can't run away. Tears started falling down my cheeks. I was terrified as fuck. I crawled backward using my palm and hips. But suddenly creaking sound started to came. It was coming from none other than the rocking chair. Now I stopped struggling. I knew my death was near, by something I can't even see. Tears on my cheeks were falling down, making my face warmer. I was just not able to help myself. Only if I could reach through the door then everything will be come back to normal. But that all was what I was thinking. I couldn't even help myself to stand up. The rhythm of the chair started to escalate, making it sound more and more obnoxious. And suddenly the door thud opened but until that time I was already passed out.

When I woke up I was in someone's bed. My head was hurting so much like someone had spank wooden plank in my head a 100 times. And the moment I had opened my eyes there was the same lady from the entrance hall sitting some meters away from me. She had folded her arms up straight to her chest. She was giving me the most annoying and pity look and the same time. There was also another woman. I had never seen her before so it was very awkward for me to just simply sitting there. But other than that annoying woman, that other girl was giving me a smile. She was wearing blue top with a black outer and a pair of pink pyjamas. It really didn't match but I didn't have any right to judge her. Because they must be the one who saved me from there. But wait what happened last night? It was literally not a normal thing. That aura and that emotion from that room started to chill me up my spine again. I sat up on the bed while facing the earth, sinking deep on the thought of what happened that time. But suddenly I jumped on my seat when I heard a voice.

"You got up?" was all that annoying lady said when I met my gaze with her. I was completely scared of the shit which happened last night and all she had was you got up? Are you an idiot? Can't you see I shit myself after that incident?

I was giving her the most murderous glare, which worked! She flinched and then looked the other way. I smirked on the thought that I won this one.

"Alight-alight! Now honey calm down." The other lady spoke as I stopped smiling. What the hell was I doing? I thought. Then she continued "look my girl, it is a very weird situation we all are facing. Actually even I can't tell you everything in detail. Um that's..."she stopped while scratching her head. "Just understand... 'We all are stuck for now honey'," My eyebrows narrowed. "What?" I said.

Suddenly the door barged opened. A very handsome man came inside. He was wearing a black turtle neck sweat and glasses. The moment he entered I was not able to shift my eyes from him. "Such a cute guy" I mumble lightly, but suddenly that annoying lady looked at me. She had the same irritating face but I swear I could have seen a smirk on her face. I got embarrassed, oh my god what am I doing? I looked down on my clothes. My hair was looking like a nest which got scattered by the wind and the bed... just don't ask about it. A sudden discomfort set on my mind. I looked up and saw that he was talking with the pink pajama lady. They were just talking with each other, but even with that no sense of style that lady was looking so elegant and mature. They were so good with each other I thought. A sudden throb felt in my heart. I looked down feeling bad but suddenly a warm hand touched my face. "You're okay? Are you hurt?" he was standing in front of me. That man, the same person I adored. We were just few inches away from each other faces. I was literally not able to say anything. But I had to; I know I was looking like a fool right now. "I-yeah yeah I am alright." Then I looked away and my eyes met with that same troublesome woman. She was giggling and looked away when I saw her looking at me. I was so furious and embarrassed at the same moment. But again I was happy enough in the end of the day.

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