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66.66% to not be numb ( hiatus) / Chapter 2: everyday numbness ( nuns pov)

Chapter 2: everyday numbness ( nuns pov)

time skip 3 months

mary the nun pov

my name is sister mary and I have been working in this orphanage for six years and I am now turning twenty-eight years old this year. So as you can imagine I have seen all types of children in this orphanage weird parents as well as weird kids. Even if I have seen many children over the years I must say out of all the years this year has the weirdest group of kids in all of my time.

No, it's not like all of the children that we got this year it's only five that are extremely peculiar. out of all the children, I must say these five are the weirdest with nox being the most bizarre out of the small group. All of the others have some bizarre personality but he's the most because peculiar he always acts as though nothing can bother him.

It has been 3 months since the good looking couple has dropped off their infant son. The child does not cry or scream like other infants but I can't complain as it makes our job easier. I must say even tho he is an infant I can already tell that this child will have no trouble getting adopted.

He is such a cute baby that I sometimes find myself wanting to spoil him even tho we nuns should love all children equally. He has inherited his looks from his father although his dad had a terrible personality he was extremely handsome. So even though he now looks extremely cute I have to make sure he doesn't inherit his father's personality.

I'm now in the nursing room where all the baby's that are under a year are set up at. I was doing the regular you know feeding the baby's and making sure everyone is changed and unharmed. I'm currently changing josh he is also one of the babies I favor more than the rest.

Now Josh is the opposite of nox as he is very sensitive and will scream loud as he can if he is uncomfortable or restless. He is also very hard to please as I usually have to walk him for at least half an hour to calm him down. Some might say that such a troublesome baby shouldn't be in an orphanage because he seems too hard to please.

Now I'm in the middle of trying to walk josh but he seems to wanna walk longer but I'm too tired so I tried to lay him down and leave but he didn't want that. Soon as I tried to put him down to go get as I have been up all day tending to the younger group of the children. He screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs causing all the children even my favorite nox woke up but like always he didn't cry or scream like josh.

"Josh please I'm begging you to please don't scream so loud I have been up all day looking after you all my feet are hurting more than usual".

Josh looked me in the eyes starting for a while as if in deep thought but surely a child who hasn't even turned one can think so much right?. What shocked me, even more, is that the incredibly hard to please josh went silent and went into his bed without causing any more distress.

Even if I am shocked to the core by what josh just did for me I will not look a gift horse in the mouth and question. I shall not be the fool to do so when I am in my current position and situation. So I did what anyone else would should and have done in my situation I rushed to put all of the baby's sleep before Josh changes his mind.

I first dealt with Daniel he is not of the peculiar children so he was not difficult to put to rest all I had to was give him a bottle. After I had given him the bottle he immediately proceeded to drink it and fall asleep in his crib. I then turned to deal with Daniels twin but I had no trouble as they are copies of each other even with personalities.

After I put the pair of twins to sleep I then hurried to deal with James gula who is unlike the twins one of the peculiar kids this year. You see James' parents dropped him off at the orphanage under the excuse that James was eating too much and never seemed to get full. I thought that his parents said was a joke but I was proved wrong as every night he would drink four bottles consecutively every day.

The worst part is that he never gained an unhealthy amount of weight like it was normal to do so and have no serious consequences. So when I thought about it I realized that his last name gula was the Latin word for glutton which is one of the seven deadly sins. This was not shocking to me and only received a laugh as I thought it was funny for him to have such a name.

A/N: For those that are unaware or don't know the seven deadly sins are not called that because they are huge sins. That is rather because these seven sins can lead to the most jaw-dropping sins caused and done by men.

Even the more I thought about it I can't help but laugh as he is now surrounded by a priest and nuns in the orphanage. This could be seen as the equivalent of naming a demon with a name that means pure or untouched it just isn't the right thing to do.

Then I decided to deal with mary now I know what you're thinking and no I don't only like her because we have the same name. I like her the most after nox is because of her name, not the first name but instead her last name. Sanctus is her last time and just like James our home glutton her name is Latin for holy.

I dealt with her by feeding her and then changing but I also sometimes have to bless her funny right?. After I dealt with her I then decided to finish with john putridus just Like his sister is name means something. His name is the opposite of his sister mary his means of corruption or decay.

Even then I suppose that him having this name and living in the church is not a weird or odd thing tome. I don't find that odd because don't forget the devil used to be God's holiest and favorite angel. Yes, it seems this year will either the best or worst year possible to ever happen in this church.

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