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Rise of The Frost Jedi

(Author- Hey guys I hope you enjoy I work really hard to make this for you all. If you enjoy then please don't forget to support me on my paypal. PayPal.Me/YugiohGod)

"Knight Eren, please leave the chamber for some time while the masters discuss what should be done." He gestures and two temple guards escort me out of the room, the massive doors closing behind me. I sit there for hours, meditating to clear my thoughts.

Finally, the doors open and I enter the room. Master Windu then stands, "All in favor of expelling Eren from the Jedi Order for crimes against the Jedi including but not limited to, murder, slaughter of fellow Jedi, use of the deskside, excessive violence, disobeying the Jedi Code, and Corruption. Please raise your hand." Master Windu glares at me with a look of disgust.

Slowly, hand after hand raises until seven hands are raised into the air. Looking from master to master, I see the five that didn't raise their hand, One of them, with green skinned nautolan, which is an aquatic species from the world Glee Anselm, stands up, "Fellow masters as I've said before, this is outrageous. Expulsion? While I agree he should be punished, I think probation is the absolute most we should even consider."

The man with the beard nods his head, "I also agree with Master Fisto, expulsion is ludicrous."

The little green frog man also nods, "Hmmm Agree with Master Kenobi and Fisto I do. Evidence we do not have innocent he may be hmmm."

Master Windu turns to Yoda, "Grandmaster, with all do respect, we will decide this as we have decided everything else, we will decide this with a vote."

An orange skinned Kel Dor stands along with Master Fisto, "I Agree with Master Fisto, expulsion is out of the question!"

Windu's face then looks at the man sternly, "Master Plo, as everything else, this has already been settled, it's seven to five." Turning to me Master Windu stands and while looking down at me declares, "I, Mace Windu, Jedi Master of the Order, hereby renounce your title of Jedi Knight."

I just sit there in silence, 'Expelled? My rank revoked?' This should be absolutely unheard of! Expulsion with no evidence? How arrogant can the new Order be?

Master Windu then continues, "You will now be expelled from the order on the count of murder, slaughter of fellow Jedi, use of the dark side, excessive violence, disobeying the Jedi Code, and corruption. Now, former Jedi Knight Eren, please hand over your lightsaber." He demands holding out his hand.

The aura of my saber then grows cold and hostile, and desperate? At this point, my expression is stone cold. This is not the Order that I had sworn to serve, that I had dedicated my life to. I raise my knee from the ground and face Windu with a look of disgust, but try to keep my tone polite, "Master Windu, I must ask that you please allow me to keep my lightsaber, this lightsaber is unlike most, it has become like a piece of me, I must ask you to please allow me to keep it."

Windu's face then grows even more demanding, "Hand it over."

I grit my teeth as I prepare myself for what I'm about to do. I will not follow this pathetic excuse for a council. Excluding the five master who seem to be outraged, the rest are all out of hand!

I turn and start dashing towards the exit. Windu then snarls and ignites his saber, then he uses force speed and appears behind me and viciously slashes towards my back, 'Crap! He's fast!'

Right as his saber is about to cut me in half, a blue flash of light blocks the saber. Windu then snarls, "Skywalker!"

I continue to dash towards the exit. The two temple guards prepare to engage me, when they get blasted into the wall. "Come on" Ashoka shouts as she sprints down the hall. I follow behind her shocked, buy hey, I'm not gonna complain about getting help.

As I exit the room, I turn my head to see Anakin smirking before pulling his arm back, "Take a seat Master Windu." Then, Skywalker blasts an incredible force push into Windu sending him flying into his chair causing it to flip over.

As I exit the room, I see Master Kenobi rubbing his beard and chuckling in amusement. I dash down the hall and catch up to Ashoka, many Jedi are all looking at us strangely but in the end ignore us. "Um, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but why are you and your master helping me?"

We turn left into the entrance hall and head towards the exit, "We are helping you for two reasons, one, you saved my life, so I owe you one. Two, anakin hasn't every really gotten along with the order. He told me he's been thinking about leaving for a while and he felt that this was the perfect opportunity."

We dash out the door, and jump into a speeder. Ashoka hops into the driver seat and turn the engine on. "Hold on, shouldn't we wait for your master?"

Ashoka smirks, "Nah, Skyguy can take care of himself, we should just get out while we can. He said to meet him at the space port."

I shake my head, "Alright." With that, we speed off towards the space port.


(Also, whenever I do a character that isn't Eren I'm gonna write in 3rd person. If you like this Idea let me know. If not, comment here and I'll try to keep it first person.)

Anakin sprints down the hall with a satisfied smile. Master Windu was never kind to anakin and constantly was a cause of grief for him. So being able to embarrass him in front of the entire council was a moment that he would never forget.

As he is about to turn the corner Master Kenobi and Master Eeth Koth, a pale zabrak with long black hair, who also voted against Eren's punishment, enter the hall cutting him off.

"Young Skywalker, you know that we can't just let you leave." Master Koth sighed.

Master Kenobi looks saddened, he knows that this is the end of Anakin's career as a Jedi. Not only was Anakin his apprentice, he was his friend, his brother. Now he was leaving the order. While he understood, he still couldn't bring himself to leave the order, even for his Brother. But that doesn't mean he had to catch Anakin either.

Both he and Koth ignite their sabers, blue and green standard lightsabers respectively. Anakin raises his dark blue saber and charges towards them.

He clashes with the two masters, ducking beneath Obi-Wans saber he spins and kicks Koth in the chest causing him to stumble back. Anakin frowns, 'Why are they so slow?'

Realization then dawns on him, they're letting him escape! Swinging his saber the locks blades with his former master and uses his superior strength to shove him back creating a few feet of space.

He turns around only to see master Windu and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was a tall man of the Cerean species, walking towards him with four temple guards following him.

"Skywalker! Surrender immediately and submit yourself to be tried by the Jedi council!" Windu roars at him clearly still irritated by his earlier embarrassment.

Anakin smirks before sarcastically scratching his chin, "How about this, I Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order, hereby resign from the Order. Oh, I forgot, my apprentice Ahsoka Tano Jedi Padawan of the Order also resigned." He states before tossing her padawan braid onto the ground.

Anakin then smirks victoriously while turning off his saber and attaching it to his waist, "Also, according to the Republic's laws, I am completely innocent, as is Ashoka and Eren. So you have no right to arrest us or even chase us."

Windu just stands in place as if he was cemented to the ground, shocked. Anakin then turns around and bows to Master Kenobi and Koth, "Goodbye masters." He then turns to Obi-Wan directly. "Goodbye Master." Before hugging him in a brotherly manner.

Obi-Wan, hugs him back and replies, "Qui-Gon would be proud of the man you have become. I am proud of the man you have become. Goodbye Anakin and may the force be with you." With that, Anakin exits the temple never to return, at the least, not as a Jedi.

DaoistShinobi DaoistShinobi

Hey I hope you all enjoyed, if you did then please support me at


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