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50% The Reaper and The Devil / Chapter 101: Tiny Fang

Chapter 101: Tiny Fang

- Death, Gwyn, Lucius -

Death was checking his robe while Gwyn and Lucius were being healed. The two vampiric rulers were in their matching black sports tops and shorts.

"You seem...different?" Gwyn questioned as she stared at Death's arms.

Death looked at his arms and back to Gwyn. "I'm trying to fight less aggressively."

Lucius couldn't help staring at Death's face as he spoke, "From what I heard, and what you told me, your victory in the demon war was overwhelming. If you have any weaknesses, I don't think your aggression is one of them."

Death's expression soured a little as he thought. 'That "war" was a skirmish. Everything that involves upper ranks is a "war" nowadays...'

"We learn more from our losses than our victories..." Death said to Gwyn.

"When have you ever lost?" Gwyn asked.

"Enough times to know I'm not invincible," Death answered. "Overwhelming victories and defeats don't teach anything. The demon "war" isn't the reason I'm trying to improve."

Before Gwyn could ask what the reason was Lucius put his hand up to her and gave her a look not to. He could tell something was off but he didn't want to press Death further.


A bloody, much younger-looking Lucius sat against the stone walls outside of Sangmara, next to the open gate that led into the city. He was surrounded by bodies, some wearing black cloaks, the others red. The jumbled sounds of fighting were muffled to him. His head tilted down slightly as his consciousness was beginning to fade. He kept his head still for a moment as he noticed a dark figure getting closer.

"Vázo?" his weary voice mumbled.

Death hopped off of Hrom as he got closer, running to Lucius. "Stay awake!"

"Can't...too little blood...too little mana," Lucius mumbled.

Death wanted to offer his neck to Lucius. It was clear the vampire wasn't lucid enough to drain from him, so he needed to be more creative. He conjured his scythe and cut his hand. He grabbed Lucius's mouth and dripped the blood in.

"AH! FU-" Lucius started spitting in a desperate attempt to get the taste of Death's blood out of his mouth.

"You seem fine enough for now," Death said as he stood up. "I know this is a civil war but I'm not letting your kind wipe each other out."

Lucius waved his hand at Death. "I don't care, do whatever you want. The fighting in there just goes to show that my kind can't be trusted to make their own decisions."

Death changed into his hunter form and went into the city. Lucius watched as the shadowy figure before him walked through the gates.

'At least you have the advantage of your blood being disgusting,' Lucius thought to himself as he stared up into the sky.

It didn't take long for the once uproarious sounds of fighting to cease. Lucius wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed but he knew it wasn't enough for the fighting to be over already. He dragged himself up along the wall and started to hobble over to the gate. He wasn't sure what to expect as he turned around the corner, but what he did see made his eyes go wide.

Death was holding a red-cloaked, white-haired man up by the throat. He was surrounded by the corpse halves of those who had clearly tried to stop him. The white-haired man struggled with all their might as they tried to free themselves from Death's grasp.

Death leaned his shadowy head in as he spoke to the man. "I know you're the one that started this. The only reason you're still alive is because killing you would be a mercy."

A younger-looking Gwyn approached Death. She was propping herself up on a spear, making a strong face as she tried to ignore the dragging weight of her bloodstained cloak.

"Killing him...won't solve the problem," She said through heavy breathing.

Death tilted his head towards Gwyn. "I know," he threw the white-haired man to the ground so hard that their body nearly bounced off the stone. "How you choose to solve this problem is up to what remains of your kind."

Gwyn glared at the now crawling man. "How did you know it was him?"

Death left his hunter form and stomped the leg of the now crawling man, creating a loud crunching sound in the process. The man's screams of pain were met with another kick from Death, this one knocking them unconscious.

Death spoke to Gwyn, "I keep track of potential threats to humanity. I couldn't just outright kill him until he actually made a move. I think he knew that which is why things escalated so quickly," He bowed. "Forgive my inaction."

Every vampire that was nearby couldn't help but stare at the sight of Death bowing to Gwyn. Moments before, Death was cleaving his way through red-cloaked vampires, so to see him bow to any of their kind was unthinkable.

Death whispered as he spoke to Gwyn. "I have to do this next part, so please forgive me," he changed his tone to one of loud anger as he looked around at the spectating crowd. "THE IDEAS OF THE BLOODRITE WILL DOOM YOUR KIND TO EXTINCTION! REMEMBER THAT!"

Gwyn couldn't help flinching as Death's voice roared out. As strong a front as she had put up, she was afraid of him. She had expected his arrival to signal the end of the vampires. Even if he was on her side, it only barely eased her fear.

Lucius could tell Death was putting on an act. The words didn't match the man he had seen outside the walls, though he knew Death would back them up if he had to. He stumbled over to the nearest wall and crumpled. He wasn't sure if it was completely safe yet but he didn't care, he was exhausted.

Lucius found himself being jabbed awake by the handle of Gwyn's spear.

"Fuck off!" Lucius yelled in a delirious tone as he smacked the spear away.

"The fighting's done, Tiny Fang," Gwyn continued jabbing.

Lucius grabbed the spear. "King and queen still alive?"

Gwyn pulled the spear back and rested on it. "King's fine, Queen was a traitor so she's on the way to execution."

"Fuck the both of 'em," Lucius spat. "The king supports the Bloodrite faction just as much as the banshee he's married to, the only difference is he's smart enough to hide it."

Gwyn tried to sit down but fell as her legs gave out on her. She pulled a black bottle out of her cloak and offered it to Lucius.

Lucius waved his hand. "I'm good, thanks. Lost my appetite..."

Gwyn took a quick sip before speaking. "You sure? It's angel."

Lucius remembered the taste of Death's blood and retched. "You remember the feeling you had during your husking?"

Gwyn raised a blood-soaked eyebrow. "Of course. Why are you bringing that up now?"

"Because I think I've finally had something worse," Lucius said.

"What could possibly be worse?" Gwyn asked.

Before Lucius could speak, the two of them heard the sound of a well-known vampire yelling in anger.

"Put me down! You'll make an enemy of all vampires!" the voice yelled.

Gwyn and Lucius looked at each other.

"I guess they found the King's secret," Lucius laughed.

Gwyn sighed. "Guess we need new rulers. I hope Genevieve and Jean are ready for that."

Lucius leaned his back on the wall. "Who cares? Mara was the last good ruler our kind had."

Gwyn spoke in a defeated tone, "You know this affects you too?"

Lucius chuckled. "Maybe, maybe not. I might join Death after this, become a reaper, maybe even a Grim. I'm too young to be sitting here, covered in my own blood, wondering how the next ruler will fuck our kind over."

Gwyn gave a tilt of her head that showed her agreement. "If that reaper position works out, put a good word in for me."

The two of them exchanged glances and laughed with their mouths closed. As exhausted as they were, as much pain as they were in, for just a moment, they didn't care. Even with their kingdom burning around them and the stench of corpses in the air, they both just sat there, joking and laughing until eventually, Death came up to them.

"Who's the new royalty?" Lucius asked.

"Genevieve and Jean," Death answered.

"What a surprise..." Lucius mumbled.

"Where does this leave the vampires and you?" Gwyn asked.

Death folded his arms. "So long as your kind don't allow the Bloodrite faction's poison to spread again, we'll be on amicable terms. Otherwise, this will happen again, and I'll have to be more thorough with my involvement."

Gwyn shuddered. She hated the sound of that but acknowledged the necessity of such a thing.

Lucius, possibly due to delirium, had a thought. He got an evil grin on his face.

"Hey, Gwyn, why don't you try some of Death's blood?" he said.

Gwyn stared daggers at Lucius. She couldn't believe he would suggest something like that. She wasn't aware of what Lucius was doing.

"Please ignore Tiny Fang's foolish remarks, Lord Death," Gwyn lowered her head. "I would never ask an ancient for their blood."

Death unfolded his arms. "It's fine. If you need blood though I'm happy to oblige."

Gwyn's mouth started to water slightly. She had never had ancient's blood. From what she heard it was the most incredible-tasting thing in the world. Her fear of Death was overwritten by her hunger.

"Well, if it's no trouble to you..." Gwyn said.

Death knelt down and lifted his hair to reveal the nape of his neck.

"You'll break your fangs on my arms, sorry," Death warned.

"That'sfine," Gwyn jumbled her words she was so excited.

Gwyn sunk her fangs into Death's neck. The moment Death's blood hit her tongue she reeled back, turned her head, and vomited.

"Forgive my rude-" She retched. "I mean nothing by i-" she couldn't stop gagging.

The inappropriate volume of Lucius's laughter told Gwyn everything she needed to know.

Death stood up with a sigh. "I don't take any offense by it. We can't help the taste of our blood, I think." He turned around to walk away. "You two seem like good beings. If you ever notice anything off with your kind, please contact me or one of my Grim. I believe that your kind and humanity could get along very well with one another."

Death walked off, leaving Gwyn and Lucius to discuss what he meant.

"Why does someone like him care about Humanity?" Gwyn asked, wiping her mouth.

"Who cares?" Lucius sighed. "I think it's nice that there's an ancient that actually cares about lessers."

"Yeah..." Gwyn agreed. "Oh, one thing."

"Wha-" Lucius was interrupted by Gwyn's fist hitting him in the cheek

"That was the most disgusting blood I've ever had," Gwyn said.

Gama_Ser Gama_Ser

Chapter fact #38

Lucius had suggested the idea of keeping a container of Death's blood around as a new rite of passage among vampires. Gwyn talked him out of it.

"I don't want our kind hating Death."

- Gwyn

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