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11.76% Ben 10,000 x D.C. Universe / Chapter 4: Combat Test

Chapter 4: Combat Test

While the league led Ben to the training facilities, he was pumping himself up for hopefully a good fight. Not to toot his own horn but he was one of the strongest beings in his universe and since he could acquire DNA from this one, he was thinking he could be one also in this one. They arrived in front of warehouse size doors that held plenty of equipment for super training behind them.

The giant doors opened to reveal at least ten giant separate training areas. Separating the areas, were metallic walls that looked indestructible and were tens of feet high. Outside of each were touchscreens that allowed the members to simulate whatever environment necessary for specific mission preparation. These facilities were specifically for intended and/or unavoidable damage caused by beings with powers. There were also smaller gyms next to these that were for 'normal' exercise.

"What type of environment do you specialize in, Omni?" asked Batman who was in front of a touchscreen.

"Any works," Ben mused.

Barely a whisper of a grin swept over Batman's face as he typed <Aquatic> on the screen. Inside the massive training room, many jets of water started to fill it. Once it was ¾ full, it stopped.

"Come on Bats, I don't think he meant it like that," Aquaman complained.

"He said any, so I gave him the least expected," Batman replied.

"This is fine," Ben said before the others could 'defend' him, "not my first underwater battle."

"See? Now who's gonna test him?" Batman proposed the question.

"(sigh) I could see if Aqualad is available," replied Aquaman.

"Why not you, Aquaman?" Flash asked.

"Haha, not that I'm doubting Omni's power but I am the king of the seas, Flash," Aquaman laughed.

"So? If any of what he's told me is true, I bet Omni here could give you a run, or swim that is, for your money," Barry smiled.

"I'm fine with fighting you," Ben said towards the king of the sea.

Aquaman looked at the others who also looked hesitant except for Batman who just shrugged.

"Fine, lets go," he said.


On a walkway sitting over the water in the room, both Omni and Aquaman stood facing each other.

"Let's have a good fight, shall we?" Aquaman said holding out his hand, "and remember that this is just a test to test your combat prowess."

Nodding, Ben took the man's hand and shook it.

"New DNA sample collected," Trix chimed, "Sub-species of human detected: Ancient Atlantean. More details available after transformation."

Ben smiled as he let go and jumped in the water alongside the Atlantean.

On the walls above the water, stood the other members with screens near them showing live-feed footage of the events under water.

Omni's suit and helmet looked the same as he floated with poise, apparent that the suit provided oxygen. Little did they know, while the suit was made to last for literally any environment, it did not provide oxygen. The suit actually had very micro controllable vents that could open and close with a thought. Water was inside the suit but Ben used Ripjaws to breathe just fine.

Aquaman was a few meters in front of him, his hair and beard floating aimlessly as he crossed his arms, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, the walls and floor shifted and protrusions of rock and coral made their appearance. Now there were some obstacles. Aquaman looked at Omni and gave a thumbs up, indicating the start of the test.

Ben sped over to deliver a punch to nothing as Aquaman ducked and kicked out, hitting Ben straight in the chest and having him back up a step. Surprised by Omni's lack of a reaction, Aquaman pulled back his fist for a punch only to get an uppercut from Omni.

As his opponent was slightly dazed, Ben decided to try out the powers of an Atlantean so he tapped the symbol on his chest. Still covered by the suit, Omni's body became toner and more defined as the breathing powers overlapped Ripjaws. Ben marveled as a lot of information filled his brain in a second.

In this form, his body became a lot stronger and his senses heightened to the point that he could hear the league members breathing from above the water. As always, the Omnitrix programmed instinctual movements into Ben's brain.

*That was some punch* thought Aquaman as he recollected himself.

*Thank you* he heard Omni's voice in his head.

Bewildered because usually only Atlanteans could speak telepathically to each other, aside from Martian, Aquaman looked to Omni with a shocked expression.

*Why does your telepathic message feel so familiar?* He sent the thought.

*Remember how I explained that the Omnitrix allows me to transform into aliens and collect new DNA? Well apparently it can also do it with sub-species', including humans.* Omni thought.

*You collected my DNA?*

*The Omnitrix did automatically when we shook hands up above* Omni pointed an index finger upwards.

Aquaman didn't know how to feel about that as they floated across from each other.

"Hey, is everything alright in there?" they heard Wonder Woman's shout with their enhanced hearing.

*Everything's fine. Just got distracted by something. We're about to resume* Aquaman sent telepathically to Martian Manhunter who relayed it.

Aquaman swam towards a wall and pressed his hand against it. A waterproof screen appeared that displayed a scroll of weapon racks. He scrolled until a picture of a trident was shown and pressed it. From the wall, a rectangular hole appeared and a dull, silver trident floated out and into his hand.

*Want a weapon?* Aquaman asked Omni.

*A 6 ½ft. spear will do* he responded.

Nodding, Aquaman scrolled and pressed on a leaf shape-headed spear and typed the length. From the same hole, a tall and dull, copper colored spear floated out into Aquaman's hand before he sent it across to Omni.

*Ready to resume?* Aquaman asked as they both had weapons in hand.

*Of course* Omni replied, leveling his spear towards his opponent who responded in kind.

Now it was Aquaman's turn to instigate as he swam forward and thrusted towards Omni's chest. Omni sidestepped and parried the blow, the weapons screeching against each other as Omni lashed out with a foot and connected with Aquaman's face. Aquaman heard a ringing in his ears as he ducked under a swing from the spear and caught it in between the prongs of his trident. Omni allowed himself to be pulled with his weapon so that he could catch his opponent off guard. As Aquaman flung Omni over his shoulder, he was hit in the back of the head from a kick.

Both fighters backed up to ready themselves for another clash.

*You're holding back, aren't you?* Omni sent.

*Yes, but so are you* Aquaman smirked.

Since both were experienced fighters, they were easily able to realize that each other was holding back.

*So, how about we go fully at it then?* Omni proposed.

Aquaman sinked to the bottom of the water filled room and gave a thumbs up to the surface indicating the end of the test.

*That's not necessary* Aquaman sent, *You've shown enough capability to be considered and I bet the others will agree.*

Ben was only momentarily disappointed but quickly perked up at the man's last words. Even though Ben has been through a lot in his career, he was still excited about being a part of a superhero driven club so that he can experience this universe to its fullest.

Drains opened on the floor and Ben quickly sank to the bottom as the water fully drained. He looked up to see the others make their way down to meet them.

Ignatius_Artist Ignatius_Artist

Just a short combat scene. Didn't do too much with it because this was to just test Ben's fighting capabilities against Aquaman and he landed some good blows. In the show, sub-species DNA wasn't really touched upon in Ben 10 since there were no sub-species of human there. So I decided that the Omnitrix in this story could collect it and enhance Ben accordingly. Next chapter is going to be his mental test. I don't even know what I'm going to do for that. Maybe something with Martians powers or maybe they have a machine for it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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