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94.11% Reincarnated in Astral Pet Store As Su Ping / Chapter 15: chapter 14

Chapter 15: chapter 14

Pixie Pet Store as always was deserted but in the afternoon, it welcomed three pretty visitors, Su Lingyue, Su Yanying, and Lan Lele.

"Junior Sister Su, I noticed when on the way, you seemed a bit different, wouldn't you say Yingying" Lan Lele had been curious since they met today but was holding back till now but as they neared the store she finally couldn't hold back from asking.

 "Hmm? Well yeah if I have to say junior sister Su looks more sharper?" added Su Lingyue now that Lele had breached the topic.

"Senior sisters, you flatter me, it's just brother took me for training yesterday so there might be some difference"

Su Lingyue's reply left them confused, They were together till early evening and even if she did train with Su Ping for a few hours, the difference they could see wasn't something that they could surmise as 'some difference'.

Su Ping sprawled on the counter and looked up as he heard their voices, he was waiting for the trio to arrive.

"Since you both are here I suppose you made your decision?" said Su Ping as he saw them enter the Store.

"Yes, we will take the sponsorship, but boss how come the store is filled again?" asked Lan Lele as she viewed filled-up shelves.

"That? Well I made a trip to restock, don't worry about it"

"Since you have decided, then follow me," said Su Ping as he stood up to enter the Pet Room.

"Boss, before that can I make the purchase?" asked Lan Lele while showing a cute expression.

"You can but do you plan to become my sole customer or something, At this rate there won't be anything left for others, Don't tell me you intend to keep my services to yourself?" replied Su Ping with a teasing tone at the end. He could see that despite gathering their courage to come here, both Su Yanying and Lan Lele still seemed nervous so he decided to lighten the atmosphere a bit.

 "That would be a dream come true, too bad despite your affordable prices, With your services being so much, even with my capacity I would only be able to partake in such delight two or three more times" came Lan Lele's reply alongside her smirk taking Su Ping's hint to relax, being from a business family, reading the room comes to her naturally. It qq

" Oh? Then come with me, today I will give you some special private service, a personalized one instead of the standard" quipped Su Ping with a wink and a hearty laughter as he went into the Pet Room followed by Lan Lele with her merry laugh, both ignored the Accusing glares of two Red Apples behind them.

All of them were teenagers, and at this age, there are some things that one learns naturally from their surroundings it's just Some people are more innocent than others.

Inside the Pet Room after some more banter, Su Ping turned serious and Lan Lele also adjusted herself, now finally a bit more relaxed. No Matter how she looked at it even after her investigations, things surrounding Su Ping still looked shady at best if not dangerous but seeing his sister standing beside her just as innocent as her Yingying from what she gathered, she could put a lid on her worries somewhat.

"Now, before I start, I apologize but I forgot to mention one last thing you both should know, the things you will see from here on out, you won't be able to tell anyone about it even if you want to, not even to your parents, there will be a restriction placed on you as this pertain to sensitive information regarding me, if you consent to it then I will start."Said Su Ping as he bowed to the two of them in apology. No matter what he is also a human, With all the ruckus that happened yesterday this little bit totally slipped his mind.

Hearing Su Ping, both girls' nerves became taut as Su Ping didn't mention anything about any restriction before, Was it harmful? How would it be placed? All kinds of questions started running in their heads. Both girls looked at each other then at the exit, now having second thoughts.

"You are an Idiot you know that," said SU Lingyue as punched Su Ping's arm lightly and looked at the clearly nervous seniors.

"I know"

"Don't worry seniors, I also have the same restriction despite being his sister, and if you could trust me, I assure you that it is because of Proper reasons"

Su Yingying and Lan Lele turned to Su Lingyue then at still bowing to Su Ping, Finally, they could only smile wryly, as people say it is hard to punch a smiling face. 

"Okay" in the they gave their consent in a low voice.

"Sorry again, but trust me it will be worth it, now Call out your best battle pet," said Su Ping as he summoned Little Skeleton.

Seeing him summon his pets others also did the same, As soon as the pets came out, Su Ping looked at Lan Lele with a question in his eyes as she didn't summon anything. 

"I haven't contracted one yet, I was going to contract pets with Rank 9 bloodline directly after reaching Rank 7, by the time I reached Rank 9 they would be in their adult phase, perfect fit for me"

"I see, well then"

Soon golden light covered everyone's vision as five temporary contract scrolls materialized, which he promptly used to contract Su Lingyue, Snowball, Su Yanying, Lightning Rat, and Lan Lele. He was already at Rank 5th after he absorbed a lot of high energy pet food last night similar to Lingyue who has reached Rank 6 and now could contract 8 pets at his limit. They could have reached a higher Rank but one night was too short to absorb anything more.


As soon as the contract was established, the rookie pair instantly felt their nerves relax, somehow it was easier for them to trust Su Ping now, which they found weird but didn't question it as it felt natural. Su Ping knew it was the effect of the contract and planned to tell them during their first training session after all nobody in their right mind would easily accept a pet contract from someone else.

While the two girls relaxed their guard, it was the total opposite for Little Skeleton, Lightning Rat, and Snowball, The instant they felt the familiar connection, their gazes became sharp, their posture taut, their minds alert.

"From here on out keep all your questions to yourselves until I am done explaining everything alright"

 Getting the nod from both girls, he chose a cultivation site and opened the transfer portal.

"Follow me," said Su Ping as went into the black hole that suddenly appeared in the room followed by his sister and the pets and then a pair of girls, already filled with questions.

The moment they reached the cultivation site, the three pets, Lightning Rat, Little Skeleton, and Snowball sensed Su Ping's intention through the contract and immediately surrounded the other four in a triangular formation, facing outwards.

"Take some time to get used to the current environment" Sensing no one in the vicinity, Su Ping relaxed his guard a little and said to the Rookie pair but was totally ignored for the moment as they were too busy in their own thoughts.

After the temporary contract had taken effect Su Lingyue couldn't sense the original connection with the Lightning Rat, instead, right now both Su Lingyue and Lan Lele could feel multiple consciousnesses connected to them, and although Su Lingyue was faring better but for Lan Lele, it was all a new experience.

As they experienced the new sensations they took in the their sudden change of environment, from the shop room to a bushland/forest hybrid, and even though what happened seemed as impossible as it came they found themselves strangely calm at the moment.

A little noise caught their attention causing them to look toward the source, They saw Su Ping patting a Little skeleton which released an aura of Rank 6 Pet which confused them a little as it seemed like a mutation of the low Rank demon family skeleton pet. To them, even with mutation and Rank 6 it still felt weird for Su Ping, someone so mysterious to contract a Mid-level pet rather than a High-level Dragon or Demon family Pets.

Seeing their expression Su Ping understood what they were thinking and only smiled a little. For his training session, this morning as well as last night he had chosen a Mid-level cultivation site that had the best environment for the Demon family Pet progress, which helped both his sister's Snowball and Little Skeleton reach Rank 6 with a combat rating of Low Rank 9.

During the training session, he had both Pets consume any demon family pet they killed, leading to a lot of changes in both the Pet's bloodlines, This was especially true for Little Skeleton who now supports a reaper-like miasma cape formed by the tendrils of black fog that is constantly released by the black gems that seem to be embedded in different bones that made its body.

"Let's find a bit more hidden place and there I will answer all your questions, don't want to be disturbed by wild beasts again and again"

A/n: Enjoy the chapter everyone 

Meet you all later 


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