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Chapter 10: Logan, Samael is your son?

On the same day, the seat of the X-men. Conference room.

In the conference room, at the large round table with the X-men logo. Dressed in uniforms, sit the main members of the X-men who debate among themselves in complete chaos.

At the round table, there are, among others: Jean Gray, who conducts a discussion with Ororo Munroe (Storm) and Anna Marie (Rogue) sitting next to her.

This group generally tries to analyze Samael's psyche and changes in attitude. Comparing the new Samael to the previous body-bearer.

A bit further a heated discussion on a more scientific topic ... that is, about Samael's powers and possibilities. Henry McCoy (Beast), Danger, and several other X-men are talking. Who are more scientists than warriors

The next group is hostile to Samael, unlike the others. They are mostly Scott's friends, and he tells them ... he shouts his opinion about Sam. Meanwhile, the rest of Robert "Bobby" Drake (Iceman) and a few other X-men only listen to Scot. The only person who tries to talk to Scot, not just listen to him. There is Alex Summers (Havok), Scot's brother. He tries to remember a brother who begins to have a negative impact on the rest of his group.

Another group are people who want to befriend Samael and they also discuss his powers.

Another group are people who want to befriend Samael and talk about his powers as well. This group is headed by Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) and the book is headed by Amara Aquilla (Magma), Kurt Wagner (Nightclaver), Luara (x-23) and several others.

Of course, a few X-men don't have a rare discussion, but just sit back and wait patiently for Charles Xavier (Professor X) to arrive. Which will soothe all the company. These people are, among others: Gambit, Angel, Colossus and a few others who do not want to participate in conversations.

The last one to sit at one of the computers is Logan. Which plays the recording of the events in the port several times, and the image of Samael is displayed on the second monitor.

Overall, the situation in the conference room is quite chaotic and noisy. However, all conversation fell silent as the conference room door swings open. And enter inside is none other than Charles Xavier in his automatic wheelchair.

As soon as Charles entered and took his seat, he looked at the other X-men. Many people spoke at the same time mainly Scot was the dominant voice.


Then the voices faded away and Charles sighed and said looking at Ororo.

(Charles)-Ororo, could you please introduce me to the situation.

(Ororo)-Of course.

(Ororo)-There have been many incidents involving unknown mutants in recent days. However, we are gathered today to discuss one of them who we have managed to establish his identity and some of his powers and skills.

(Charles)-Who are we dealing with?

(Ororo)-His name is Samael Firebones, age eighteen, the image is displayed on the screen.

(Ororo)-According to information obtained from databases and from several X-men who had contact with Samael. I found out that he was a rich orphan. His character, despite his wealth, was quite "dead." Mainly because of the persecution he experienced.-she said looking angrily at Scott and his friends.

(Ororo)-During this period, in addition to the damaged character and poor physical condition. There was no indication that he would be one of us.

(Ororo)-However, it can be assumed that during the holidays, Samael woke up his General X. We cannot determine exactly when, as Samael has not left his home address since the beginning of the holidays. He only ordered the necessary items online.

(Ororo)-It wasn't until a week before the start of the school year that Samael Firebones was registered in town. When he was buying a car, new clothes and other items. However, once he was captured by cameras, his physical appearance changed.

Ororo then runs a program on the computer that displays a hologram in the center of the table. Showing the old skinny Samael and the new muscular Samael.

(Ororo)-As you can see, Samael has undergone quite a big metamorphosis in two months. Due to the fact that it is not possible to develop such a figure in such a period of time. This is probably due to his mutation which either increased his physique. Or it significantly increased the process of building muscle tissue.

(Charles)-So you suspect the masked hero, Tyrant, and Samael Firebones are the same person?

(Ororo)-Yes, and we have proof.

(Ororo)-But next...How the Professor has already read the report about the incident in the port and the information obtained from the place and the people that Tyrant saved. I collected information about his powers, or part of them.

(Ororo)-The proven skill is super strength at a fairly high level. Because according to witnesses and Rogue here. Samael was able to measure the Crossbones suit with his bare hand. Which as is known from the information obtained. It was made of a mixture of many metals. Which is like the Crossbones vs. Logan showdown. It is able to block adamantium claws with only a scratch or a strong cut. Depending on Logan's attack strength.

(Ororo)-However, he was able to destroy this metal quite easily. So his strength can be compared to the Juggernaut. However, it is not certain as we do not have exact measurements.

(Ororo)-He also has enhanced endurance, it's not entirely clear how much. But it is known to be resistant to firearms. Because the bullets bounced off him, leaving not even a trace or reddening of the skin.

(Ororo)-Samael also has quite strong regeneration. According to Rogue, Samael has been bolted several times with energy weapons. That could hurt him.

(Charles)-So his only weakness as we know it is energy based attacks.-So his only weakness as we know it is energy based attacks.

(Ororo)-Yes...However, its regeneration level is very high. And I'm not talking about Logan's level anymore because Samael has a stronger regenerative factor. And the only person I can think of with a similar regeneration factor is ... HEH ... Deadpool.

(Scott)-This is probably some kind of joke !!! How "DEAD SAMI" can have such a restorative agent. It's ridiculous, Rogue must be exaggerating ... ha ... she must have been absent all the time since Sam touched her with no side effects. And she's deeply in love now ... ... HA !!

Scott fell silent as he saw Charles glare. Rogue, on the other hand, was quite sad, but she knew that she wanted to get to know him better and not just rely on the fact that Samael might touch her. She doesn't want it like that, she wants to like him not for his powers, but for his. Love only thanks just by contact is not for her.

And this is what Rogue repeats in his mind to calm himself down and reassure himself in his new conviction.

(Charles)-Ororo, continue, please.

(Ororo)-Okey...As "Summers" managed to say. Samael is immune to the Rogue's power. We suspect that he owes it to the regenerative agent, which acts too quickly. For the Rogue's power to act on him.

(Ororo)-His instincts are quite similar to Logan's, although not only that ... hehe..But coming back Samael has agility and instincts beyond human abilities. Because when he wasn't taking the bullets at himself. He was able to avoid them quite quickly and skillfully.

(Ororo)-Before I move on to the most interesting part. It should be mentioned about the high intelligence of Samael. Not only was he able to work out the collars blocking the powers of mutants. As with the Rogue collar. But Samael had artificial intelligence or someone works with him. However, according to Rogue, the voice coming from Samael's headphones was quite mechanical. So the most likely option is AI.

(Ororo)-This means that Samael was either unable to show his intellectual potential in school through bullying and lack of confidence. Which is the most likely option. Because it was recorded that a few years ago Samael created a little robot for a contest ..... Which was unfortunately destroyed by Scott. As a result, Samael was never seen with anything like it again.

(Ororo)-There is also a possibility that it is due to a mutation. However, no one has ever been of the physical and psychological type at the same time. So the first option is the most likely.

(Ororo)-And the last and most interesting power. The fact is that Samael has claws like Logan. I mean they differ because he has two claws coming out like Logan and one like Ben's sting aka Scarlet Spider. From the Spiderman team.

(Ororo)-So given the high power similarity and the obscure information regarding Father Samael .... Logan ... Is Samael your son?

As soon as she said this, almost everyone made a sound of surprise. And everyone waited for Logan's answer. Who stared at the screen with the image of Samael's mother for a moment and tried to remember whether he had ever been in a relationship with her or not. Yet knowing that he has amnesia and oblivious to almost nothing of his future. He wasn't sure about it.

(Logan)-I....I...I don't know .... I just don't know ... as you know I don't remember anything that happened before the last five years. So I can't confirm it or deny it.

(Ororo)-I think we can help. Because when we were researching the port with my team. We came across Samael's blood when he was hit by an energy weapon. And the blood flowed to the ground. So we collected it and gave it to Henry for examination.


(Henry(Beast))-Yes...And according to his DNA and yours. You have a similarity of 89% that he is your son. Or he is definitely related to you.

Upon hearing this information, Logan stands up abruptly and speaks.

(Logan)-I must find him?!!!

(Charles)-Logan Stop !! We haven't covered his mental state yet. Because it goes without saying that he killed all of Crossbones' men and himself, with quite a lot of cruelty.

Logan ignores it and walks towards the exit. Before he leaves, however, he stops and talks to the others.

(Logan)-If there's even a small chance that Samael is my son. He is a predator like me or Laura (X-23). But that's just another reason for me I would to find him and I help him control my instincts.

Logan said and left the conference room. In which there is silence now. Until Rogue gets up and follows Logan. By saying.

(Rogue)-I'm going with Logan!!

She said and followed Logan. And together they went to the garage. And then they rode a motorbike together to Samael's estate.


Merry Christmas!!

I did not abandon this novel. I just go to work now. And I don't have time and strength to write. But I will try to add as many chapters as possible.

This chapter was intended to remind you and me of the powers Samael has. Or a part of them that the X-men know about. The chapter was also intended to show some of the past of Samael's former host. However, the fragment of the flashback was deleted for me. And I didn't see it and it was too late. So I just wrote a sentence about it in Ororo's discussion of Samael.

Now questions for readers. Make me a gift and answer at least one.

1)What powers should the MC give to make it adapt to the rest or not?

2)Harem or Romance (with Rogue)?

3)If a Harem, who do you want in it?


Kriuswer Kriuswer

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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