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75% Tales of Avenge Avatar / Chapter 9: First day of School....last day of school

Chapter 9: First day of School....last day of school

That night, Samael had trouble sleeping. He woke up several times during the night. However, not because of some traumatic memory ... but a bit like yes.

Realizing that tomorrow, after a long break, he will have to go to school. She wasn't very nice, which made Samael unable to sleep well.

So after the third unsuccessful sleep attempt, around two in the morning, Samael got up and decided to get up early.

Until seven o'clock in the morning, Samael did nothing special. He cleaned the room, took a bath, satisfied his physiological needs, changed clothes and made a nutritious breakfast.

Then he packing books and notebooks and then spent the remaining time watching the anime.

A curiosity is that in the new world of Samael, his favorite anime. It has a few more seasons than normal. For example, the anime Overlord has ten seasons completed, and now its eleventh season is airing.

It was for this reason that Samael almost missed his first day of school. However, he realized the lack of time, around seven-thirty in the morning. So, in quite a hurry, he went to the garage and drove away. However, he promised himself that when he got back he would continue the viewing sessions.

As Samael drove up to the school building, many students were either standing in front of the building or headed towards the entrance. Including a few people from the "Brotherhood" and the X-men group. Fortunately, the parking space next to the school gates was empty so Samael parked there, and then when he stopped before turning off the engine, he toyed with the gas pedal to brag and fool around a little.

In the meantime, of course, the mere appearance and sound of the engine caught the attention of almost all students and teachers in front of the school building. Many people wondered "Who is this person?", "Is this someone from the exchange", "Or maybe a lottery won the lottery".

In general, the crowd of teenagers gossiping competed with the roar of the engine of Samael's car. Everyone was waiting for the moment when the driver of the said car would leave. However, no one expected the person to leave the car to be Samael.

As soon as he got out of the car, many of the students could not speak. Theoretically, most knew that Samael was rich, but considered him a sucker. Because for most of the previous school years, he dressed ... not very cool. And he acted like he was absent ... dead in life.

As a result, most nicknamed him "Dead Sami." Which was quite offensive, but previous Samael did nothing about it.

However, the person who got out of the car didn't look like the Samael they knew at all.

The present Samael was almost unrecognizable to them. Almost everyone knew Samael only by his facial features because the rest of his body did not look like an image from their minds. This Samael was a little taller, much more muscular .... really more muscular. His clothing style was completely different. Much better.

And while Samael was walking towards the front door of the school. The two girls and Scot, still staring in disbelief at their classmates, had difficulty talking.

(Scott)-It's really "Dead Sami", fucking, I don't believe it ??

(Kitty)-It's amazing ... he had to train like crazy for those two months ... or worse, he could have been taking steroids.

(Scott)-Even if "Sami" was taking steroids, he had to exercise a lot, just taking steroids. He cannot give such a figure.

(Jean)-I wonder more about what happened? After all, he was like a zombie for several years. And now he's become a different man. Not in appearance. Something had to happen that changed him. Just what?

(Scott)-Jean??? Do not tell me. That you are worried about "Dead Sami"?

(Jean)-tch...And you, as always, make fun of him ....

(Kitty)-Scott, you've always been mean to Samael. Hihi ... I wonder if you will be so tough now ... Who knows, maybe he was training to get revenge on you and your friends.

(Jean)-haha...All in all, Kitty, that might be true .... And now Scott looks like he has never played sports with life.


(Kitty)-Let's go school. The lesson will start soon.


Then they went to school. Samael was almost first in the class.

Most of the students sat in the corridor until the last minute. So Samael entered a class where there were only three people. However, he did not recognize one of them, except for his memories, of the former owner of the body. That they were in his class, however, he never spoke to them.

Samael took his place on the last bench by the window. He took out the phone and took advantage of the free moment. He was working on a plan for energy turrets. Which he will install in the residence and possibly in the car.

And after a few minutes, the class was slowly filling up with students. In Samael's class with known mutants. There were Jean, among others. Which took its place in front of him. And Jean was really sexed .... Jesus. She has already been advertised in the media as the sexiest X-woman. But seeing her in real dawn. Samael had to swallow for a moment and reign over his younger brother. Which is not so easy ... and even impossible for an ordinary mortal.

There were a few more X-men in Samael's class. Like Rogue sitting a few chairs in front of Samael. Scott and Bobby haven't been in class yet. From the brother, Samael recognized Pyro, the toad, the Avalanche. There could be more, but Samael only recognized them. So nothing to lose.

Most of the class gossiped about Samel's transformation over the summer holidays. A few unnamed actors even said.

(Jessi)-Amara ... fuck .... Now even I would consider dating Samael.

(Amara)-You only say that because you like its richness.

(Jessi)-It was like that before ... But now ... look at him. His figure.... clothing style ..what else ...

However, Jessi couldn't finish her sentence as Scott and Bobby entered the classroom. In quite a fighting mood walking towards the place where Samael is sitting.

And as they walk towards him, Samael does not take his eyes off the phone.

Jean sighs as she speaks from her side.

(Jean)-Good thing I broke up with him .... pathetic.

Scott reached Samel's bench rather quickly. However, seeing that despite his presence, he does not react, she decides to take his phone away. And he says.


(Scott)-"Dead Sami." What have you got here? "- He said in a strange cheerful tone of voice.

Samael got nervous, but waited a moment to see. Scott's expression when he sees what he's working on. I will not give him a closer look, but the mere sight of the plans. He made Scott frown in shock.

Samael, nervous, stood up and stood in front of Scott. They were of equal height, so there was a brief struggle for sight.

Scott handed the phone to Bobby, who when he received the call. He was going to ignore him and keep an eye on Scott. However, when he saw the contents of the telephony, he was shocked. And he ignored his friend's actions and focused on Samael's phone.

(Samael)-"Toothless Scott" !!-he said quite angrily.


However, before Scott could understand what was happening. Samael grabbed the back of his head. And he threw him on a nearby bench, some boy. Making Scott's eyelashes a little crackle, which made Scott have to keep his eyes closed.

If the glasses weren't enough, Scott lost one tooth. Due to the pen, which, unfortunately, fell under the collision lines with the bench. However, it didn't he did not stop there.

Samael pressed Scott's heads tighter against the bench. Until Scott cried out in pain. Then Samael leaned over Scott's head and before Bobby could get a reaction, he said.

(Samael)-Never ... fucking ... don't call me that way. Because I'm not going to be so kind and gentle at the next ... Heh ... "incident".

(Samael)-You Understand??!!- he said, squeezing his head even more. Until Scott could not stand it and did not want to release the laser beam. He said.

(Scott)-aa...a...I understand...hheeehh.

Samael let go of Scott's head to block Bobby's punch with one hand while picking up the phone with the other.

Then he deftly and quickly put the phone in his pocket, then grabbed Bobby's hand as he delivered another blow.

And when he was holding Bobby's right hand with his left hand. Samael was getting ready to hit Bobby's jaw. However, Jean, after breaking out of shock, took this unexpected and quick action. She walked over to Samael and touched his shoulder.

Jean wanted to use her telepathy to calm Samael. But she couldn't even read his mind. Which shocked her a lot. However, the situation was quite tense, and seeing Samael getting ready to punch Bobby in the face. Jean walked over to Samael and put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit and she said.

(Jean)-Enough Sam, please stop.

As soon as Samael sensed ... Jean scolded. Which in a rather delicate and specific way. She tries to calm him down and stop him. Samael sighs and says.


He said then he let go of Bobby .... However.

However, at the time Bobby was released. Bobby accidentally pulled the glove off Samael's hand. For a fairly short while, as Samael put it back on quickly.

However, for a brief moment, Samael's hand was bare. And for a few seconds, several people saw his ... protruding protrusions from his bone. That is, the places where the blades come out, where Samael has bone protrusions.

So Scott, who was still lying on the bench with his head on his face, saw Samael's bare hand. And he wasn't the only one, Bobby, Jean and Rogue. Which was sitting behind standing Bobby. She also saw the unique structure of Samael's hand.

However, apart from them .... students .... there was also a teacher in the class. More precisely, the director who also teaches. Which, as you might guess, is really a Mystique. Which girls with enhanced eyesight noticed what a few of the aforementioned people. The Headmistress entered the classroom just as Samael refrained from striking Bobby.

Samael sighed and thought.

(Samael)-,, heh ... And that's about pretending to be an ordinary teenager. Thanks Scott .... and fuck you."-think Samael

Samael sighed and left the classroom fairly quickly. Before he left, however, he walked over to the Rogue bench. He took a pen from her desk and wrote his phone number fairly quickly in her notebook. Then he left the classroom quickly, and then the school.

Kriuswer Kriuswer

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