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Chapter 3

As I stepped off the plane and a cool breeze swept pass me. The man I had exchanged numbers with waved me goodbye as he followed the other passengers into the airport. A black SUV pulled up in front of me and my chauffeur Arnold opened the door for me and I stepped into the vehicle. We took off into the beautiful city of Los Angeles. The city is filled with a lot of beautiful buildings. Big and small. There were people walking around the streets talking either talking on the phone or to a friend beside them. Some walked with cups in their hands while others didn't.

One look and I could tell that this was a very busy city.

I had finished unpacking a while ago and searched up the best clubs in the area. A reserved club caught my attention, Champagne Glass. Only red wrist bands were allowed in tonight and I had managed to snag one of the few left, my name took care of it.

I was dressed in a white t-shirt with a camouflage jacket and my light blue jeans paired with timberlands.

My father had called me before I left out of the house. " Hello son." he answered cheerfully. He sounded a bit too happy, like he knew something.

" Father, how are you?" there was a long pause before he answered.

" Son, I have some news for you." by the tone of his voice I could tell that I would not like it.

" Is it good or bad news?"

" That depends on how you take it."

" Well what is it?"

" You're going to have a housemate... isn't that exciting? ...yay?"

" How old do you think I am father, I am quite capable of living on my own"

" Well son not everything is about, the girl needed a place to stay and I told her she could stay with you for as long as she needed and you don't have a say in it."

" When is she coming ?"

" tomorrow be prepared"

he hung up the phone without another word.

Angry doesn't doesn't do justice as to how I'm feeling right now. My dad thinks he can just ship me off to America to live and with some random bimbo, apparently I had too many issues with everyone so I need to find new people to let my anger out on.


When I arrived at the club there was a long line but I just walked up to the bouncer and showed him my wristband. He grunted before letting me in. the room wasn't as packed as I thought it would be. the intricate designs on the walls caught my attention. The walls were red and black giving off a fifty shades of grey vibes. the lighting were keep low but bright enough that we would be able to see. the bar was run by men instead of women, there were little desserts on display that presume were made by the women that I see running around in the back.

There was a cage in the center of the club where the strippers perform where performing and a few lounge chairs scattered around the area.

I ordered a drink and went to sit on one of the chairs when someone caught my attention. It was a girl, dancing like no one else was in the room. my thought turned unholy watching her dance. Her eyes were closed as she caressed her body, the strippers long forgotten as everyone was now watching the girl dance. when she opened her eyes she looked directly at me. I was sucked in. she was beautiful, the black dress she had on hugged her curves perfectly, it wasn't too short, her boots made her legs look longer. I want her.

She was walking over when another girl came up to me. I looked at her with a brow raised, she was saying something but I didn't hear what she was saying, her stench was overpowering my thoughts. it was like she did not know what a shower was, not to mention that her hair looked like a bird's nest. the girl from earlier grabbed my face and pecked my lips, she was bold, I like that.

" hey babe where did you go? i was looking for you?" she stared at her for a minute before realizing what she was doing. her voice was that of an angel singing.

" I just went to get some drinks. let's go home" she said something about her friend Anna. I was busy staring at her lips to know what she was saying.

A girl came up to her and said something to her. She looked back at me. "let's go home." she said.

God her smile was beautiful, she had tiny dimples on both cheeks. I just wanted to ravish her right here and now.

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