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Inside the ring Inside the ring original

Inside the ring

Author: readerabbit101

© WebNovel

Chapter 1


The sound and smell of rain always seemed to calm me down.

The soft pitter patter against the car

distracted me from the situation at hand.

I watched as the raindrops raced each other down the window .

The smell of rain always reminded me that I was alive.

I used to believe that the rain washed away everything dirty.

Everything that happened yesterday would be washed away.

The day would be new and all mistakes undone and forgiven.

I learned all too quickly some mistakes just can't be forgiven.

Some mistakes are so brutally unforgivable that there are

constant reminders of that one mistake everywhere, everything triggers a memory.

If I could go back in time and erase my mistake, I would.

I would if I could but I can't, it's already done.



Pain isn't something that I am used to.

I hate feeling it but like inflicting it upon other's.

Physical pain isn't so bad, it goes away over time.

Emotional pain though, was on a different level.

It was like the pain wouldn't go away, it hurt a lot one minute and the next it's just a dull

pain that just increases again then dull.

It was a never ending cycle of pain.

The hole in my heart seemed to grow with time.

My brain went into momentary shock.

It was like my heart stopped beating, I couldn't feel, see or hear the people around me.

The sound of the blood rushing in my head overthrew everything else.

I never believed they saying: words cut deeper than knife, but now I do.

everything that I used to believe in is now a lie to me.

I don't know what to believe


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