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66.66% The call of the wild / Chapter 4: Fighting Is For The Heroes- FIFTH

Chapter 4: Fighting Is For The Heroes- FIFTH

A/N:Hello wonderful creatures I am here yet again with a new chapter , damn I am going too fast, every day I write more and more, and I am positively surprised. I can't wait to finish this book and surprise myself with the ending. Yes I do indeed have this book planned out, but not all of it. The ending changes a lot of times, in fact the whole story changes a lot of times. But nonetheless I still love writing this piece, this time it is different from the other books that I have been trying to write. Usually I have a writer's block for months, or I am too lazy to write a chapter. But for this one I am constantly coming up with new names, scenarios, and new ideas. But how are y'all doing? I hope you are healthy, safe and most of all not hungry. I hope you have an amazing day and week. You can do anything you want to, nothing is impossible. I believe in you and your dreams. Make them real. All love♡.


Zara's P. O. V

No this can't be happening. Not again. Did I not get away ?. There was I, I was laying down on my bed, sleeping peacefully with my mouth gaped wide open.

Small snores leaving my mouth as I breathe in and out. My hair is all over the old gross pillow that they gave me. And I didn't have any blanket to be covered with.My tiny body was curled up in a fetus position as it looked even smaller.

You see as an act of "kindness" they would give me on my birthday used things. Such as this pillow for my last 16 teen birthday. But I don't complain at least I have something to sleep on. However they treat me as a slave rather than a part of their pack, a daughter or a mate.

You see I wasn't allowed to shift into my werewolf form, so my wolf have been leaving me, and her absence is less and less prominent. Werewolves must shift into their wolf form, to let out some steam and let their wolf run to satisfy themselves.

It is like when you are home for weeks and you really want to go out and have fun. Or to clear out your thoughts. Since I wasn't allowed to shift into my wolf they probably think I'd ran away.

So if a werewolf doesn't let their wolf out they will leave them, day by day, month by month, year by year. It is said to leave you so painfully that it kills you at the end when they are gone for forever.

And what is a werewolf without their wolf. So that's what I am without my wolf Lucy, just plainly nothing. Since I am always treated with disrespect and I'm constantly being bullied and hit many times. My manipulators don't even let me outside much, afraid I'll run off to someone and tell them and get them in trouble. Or let the hunters know and kill them.

But why if they hate me so much do they even kept me in the first place. That would be a mystery for me, for forever. Groaning in pain I rolled over on my back and ran my fingers through my hair several times.

For fucks sake another day of hell. I was cursing in my head on how much I hate my life and how weak I am, while I was trying to get rid of the knots in my hair I accidentally pulled too hard and hissed in pain. As a result from the last times beating I got because the floor wasn't clean enough, and I tried to fight back but instead I got myself into more trouble.


"You fucking cunt!".

A slap echoed in the room, the walls shuddering from the roar in their voice lacking any sympathy and being filled with disgust and dissatisfaction.

The same hatred that I always hear and recognize which is always pointed towards me. I felt tingles dancing on my now red crimson cheek that was left with a hand imprint from the recent slap I got. It stung like a bitch.

"What did I say about the cleaning?!" he shouted and slapped me again really hard.

I winced in pain, from the impact,my head turning to the other way. For fucks sake Lucy was ready to appear and tore my father into pieces.

Even though he is my father, you would expect me to be afraid of him and be the little so naive girl. Even if I am too scared to make a move I am not too scared to know what he is doing is not because of my "mistakes".

He is disappointed in himself so he is throwing his pathetic excuses on me so he can use me as a punch bag. But if I ever escape from this fucking hellhole I swear I'll be the one to end his pathetic excuse of a life. Turning my head back I tried to contaminate my rage, it was so hard to not lash out and earn myself another punishment and no food for a week like before.

He would starve me and then bring me a whole ass meal fit for a werewolf king. You see he adores torture. This way he exhausts my body and makes me sick. If I eat too much sometimes a food can get stuck in my intestines.

And if it does, knowing they will not bring me to the doctor for a surgery, the place will be infected and filled with bacteries, resulting in my intestinal wall breaking out and causing damage to my other organs. To which I'll die a slow painful death. But they don't care it will be actually a favor to them. Not even my mate would mourn. You see my mate is a fucking asshole.

Unfortunately I am madly in love with him, but that doesn't most certainly blind my two eyes on how he is treating me. I am a punch bag to release stress on when he is mad or things don't go his way. Or is there to bully me or make me believe he loves me and then let me down so hard.

"DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?!" he yelled again.

Gosh I swear my eardrums are bleeding from his stupid yelling.

"I'm sorry,I'll listen more from now on" I responded murmuring the last part.

Gosh I hated him with my whole heart. My scalp started to burn from such immense pain, the feeling was caused by my sorry excuse of a father who have had grabbed my hair, fisting it in his hand and pulling on it harshly. Coming closer to my face, I can feel his ugly breath from the beer he just drank.

"Listen here you little bitch, I am not your fucking mutt to play around with. If you ever disrespect me ever again, even once I'll cut your head off of your body slut. There will be no warnings DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

He spat venomly with such hatred and disgust in his voice. He spit in my face, disgusting piece of shit.But the next thing that happened had me reconsider my next words as his face got uglier from his previous one.

And then it all happened, hitting me like a train. He dragged me by my hair tugging on it as much as possible. My scalp felt like it was set on fire, every tug every push every hit he gave me broke every little piece of hope in me that I will ever be set free. Who am I kidding he will kill me and nobody will ever know. Nobody knows that I even exist. After many screams I have let out, my throat burning in so much pain I think my vocal cords have been extracted from their place.

I bet my stars and soul that my scalp have started to bleed from his pulling on my hair and dragging me by it. I can even feel the new made place on my scalp that have been pulled on so harshly that he left a bald spot. The pig grabbed me by my neck, hitting me harshly on the wall. I winced in pain once again from his assault, I couldn't stop this again why am I even hoping that something will change?

I started crying for the hundredth time today. Yet again nobody heard my helpless pleas for help. Nobody even dared to help me. Nobody even noticed.

That's what I am a nobody. All my thoughts have lost the train of my inner wailing when he took me by surprise and tightened his hold around my neck.

My airway has been cut off as I felt like my eyes would fall off of their sockets. My hands instantly went to his strong grip trying to pray his hands off of my throat. But to no avail, I am weak. He all but released his grip in fact he tightened it even further to the extent where I can't even feel the circulation and has been cut off. I probably look like a gaping fish right now, without water. But what surprised me even further was that he started to turn into someone. Or rather something.

His eyes have turned as black as midnight. His hands that were holding the death grip on my neck choking me have turned into skeletons looking ones, his face reconstructing into the monster he was, at least I thought he wasn't.

His face was torn away from his skin and his eyes held a promising to which I was left dumbfounded in. His thin small pink lips are now gone turning into a creepy smile that lures the innocent kids for candy and after suck their soul out. His teeth growing at the size of my pinky, his nose is replaced with nothing as his cheekbones have became bony and his bones on full display.

The glares he is sending me are enough to kill me. If glares could kill I wouldn't be six feet dug under grave. I would be vanished and banned from my existence.

His whole body reeked of power making me a slave hiding under my submission. But what caught my interest was the beating, organ.

An organ that is supposed to pump blood to your whole body. His heart. He didnt have anything else but his heart. His heart was black. Yet again it wasn't connected to the cardiovascular system. Rather it was just there. Working and still beating on it's own.

Right then I looked back in his eyes, my gaze traveling back to his black horns. His neck covered in the numerous necklaces he have had put on him. And his shoulders covered in the silky red cloak. To which wasn't able to hide his heart from me.

His face being hidden with the black see-through material that was attached to his horns.

And that's when I fell into unconscious state with his last roar that emitted rage, his face anguished but his teeth on full display. As he said the last thing or rather whispered to me as promise that he will see me again. His voice so deep and yet so mysterious have said-

"I am back, Lord Emmett has been arisen"

And with that he dug in his claws in my chest and took my heart out. My screams erupting in massive waves of pain as it encountered my whole body. And then I fell.

My whole world started to spin.

It felt like I was falling and falling and suddenly finding myself on the cold ground.

My body jolted feeling as if someone spilled a bucket of freezing cold water on me. I was covered in sweat panting for breath. As I was screaming in pain.

Sitting up I gasped at the sudden shock that was crashing in my brain like a train.

I forgot about my hurt ribs, about my hurt ankle or arm. I made such a sudden move that I hissed in pain as my ribs weren't yet fully healed properly.

I could barely take a single breath without my lungs hurting my ribs. Not allowing me to inhale properly.

But at least I was breathing. Well kind of.

But my breath hitched as I was trying to calm down my trembling state. But to no avail.

And then I remembered.

My heart, my heart is gone. I frantically searched and patted my chest with trembling hands trying to feel where my heart is.

Lifting up my shirt I felt that my heart is safe and sound there beating. Standing up in a rushed state I tried to have a look at my surroundings.

I have forgotten about Vera and everything as I was trying to keep my composure and not fall. My heart beating thousand beats in a second as if I just finished running the whole world.

My anxiety started to rise more and more, as I forgot what even my name is. All I knew is that I am not safe here. Spinning around in circles I tried to look at something. Remember something. Figure out how did I ended up here.

Even where am I supposed to be

My hands starting to sweat uncontrollably as they became clammy and I reached the maximum level of trembling to ever exist to me. I clutched my hands to my chest trying my best to keep calm.

Come on deep breaths. But with my hurt ribs that wasn't so possible now is it. I started to hyperventilate even more and the tears started to come again.

Like a waterfall the tears would not stop as I lost my cool and composure and fell down hurting my already damaged ankle.


I heard a soft whisper motherly-like as if caressing a child softly to their chest and lulling them to sleep. My state calming down a notch after hearing her voice. The voice of an angel.

"Zara it is me Vera, what happened?"

The voice said again, but it didn't come from anywhere around me.

And then it all made sense. I am Zara. Zara is me, I have been the poor thing, my loved ones ended up throwing me here.

The incident, the broken ribs, the dream, Vera and my mind palace. It all rushed back to me in such short notice of time that it felt unreal and it seemed like I was watching a movie.

"V-vera is t-that really y-you, the same Vera the Vera that is mother of the dragons right?" my shaky voice answered. I was a stuttering mess and I was dying at my own first-hand embarrassment and stupidity.

"Yes, who else did you expect to be here. What the hell happened to you girl? You sound like you just saw the end of the world" yet again so calmly as if she just got out under the rock she has been living for 200 years.

"And I did Vera I saw the end of my world. I had a nightmare or something and saw my father beating me up back then while I was still on earth. But what shook me to the core was the fact that he turned into this 7 foot power hungry monster." I replied with disbelief lacing in my shaky voice.

" Zara what are you talking about. I haven't seen a single thing since I am in your memories or mind that you just described" Vera replied with such certainty that I almost felt like I was lying instead of telling the truth.

"I don't know why you didn't see it, but I did I swear to you. He said his name is something like..." I replied trying to reverse what have I just dreamed about trying to find the name of this creature or some information.

"What was the name Zara?" Vera asked not patient to hear out my answer.

I furrowed my brows together trying to figure out what I just dreamed and discover his name. But all I got is that he is a Lord and that he said that he has risen or something like that.

" I don't know I forgot but I know that he said that he has arisen and that he is a lord or something" I replied uncertain of what I just said. But I know that he said his name I'll remember now or later either way.

"Okay when you do inform me right away" Vera replied back.

It is so weird to have someone else's presence in your mind and responding to you as if you are not mental.

"Hey I heard that Zara, I know it is weird and all but you will get used to it" Vera said back in my head.

Shoot I forgot she could hear me.

"Yes I can, now are we just gonna sit here, or we will escape?" she asked again sighing in boredom.

And the realization dawned upon me. The escape I forgot all about it shit.

"Oh yes shoot I forgot. So what's the plan what am I supposed to do?" I asked not really sure of my agreement to escape.

I bet Vera could feel it too, because the next thing she said surpised me.

"Look I know it is scary and it seems crazy, and you are really unsure about all of this. I mean I would be too if some woman, who have existed way before and probably knew my whole generation just possessed me, made herself comfortable in my own soul and body and told me to get her out. I mean I would have every right to accuse her of many things, but yet again you only know my story therefore you can't judge a book by it's cover. So please just trust me on this one. I am sealed to you for forever anyway. Why would I harm you when I will harm myself too. "

True to her words if I die she dies too. There is no back. So I said the next thing amusing myself even further where all that courage came from.

" Okay, what's the plan? What am I supposed to do? "

" That's good I am glad you get me. So the first thing I need you to do is stop putting this mind block and letting me flap my wings around as I need to see where we are properly" she answered, happiness evident in her voice engulfing me with her presence. Didn't knew that having someone to share your body and soul with would be a blessing and a curse.

"Wait what you have wings?! I don't even know how to fly Vera, I barely can walk without tripping and falling like a fool and you are saying I have to fly?!" I half-yelled in denial that I will fly and probably end up dead this time for real.

"Calm down Zara, I assure you that no harm is to be done to your dear self. Like I said I'd die too if you do. So I'll do everything in my power to protect you. I depend on you. And no I'll be the controlling the flying and all" she replied.

That didn't really assure but yet again she is right, we have to get out of here somehow. But what if something happens. But what if nothing happens. I thought to myself.

"If you aren't willing to take this risk of flying then how will you take the others? Come on show your fighter be a warrior don't give up on me now" Vera said again assuring me and trying to convice me to let her take control and get us out of here.

She is right if I am not willing to risk it now for something so small yet so miniature to her, then how will I survive and be a leader of the most dangerous creatures? Thinking for a while and rethinking my decisions to which Vera thankfully didn't intervene and let me decide I came to conclusion that I am not as weak anymore. If I am sealed to be with the goddess of the dragons, who by the way wiped half of the humans population and creatures what are the chances of me losing?.

"Let's get out of here, I am tired of it" I finally said with determination written all over my face and body now, as I stand proudly and assured that I'll be fine.

"Finally took you long enough. But I am glad you aren't so naive and stupid as I thought" Vera said with happiness evident in it, not even trying to hide her satisfaction with my answer and approval.

"Hey I heard that! Who are you calling stupid?!" I jokingly said, with a serene smile on my face. I felt my eyes smiling too as my cheeks squashed them.

"Yeah yeah, okay now let's get this over with, also it may hurt a bit so apologies for that beforehand. I haven't used my wings for years" said Vera.

And before I had the chance to reply, I felt a stinging pain coming from my back. I felt like my back was flaming up in fire. My ribs haven't healed yet I am aware so is she, but we both know that either that or we are whiped away from existence in a few days. My ribs and back feel like they have been broken and reconstructed again but I can't do anything but grit my teeth so hard that I can feel them almost breaking. But I need to suck in the pain and bare with it. I have to there is no other way.

"Zara relax, let me out you are blocking me I can't take over if you keep on pushing me back you are putting yourself in more pain" Vera whispered to me, but I still heard her.

"I-I don't k-know h-how Vera w-what s-should I d-do" I asked wincing in pain and trying to not let the tears out. God it hurt so much.

"Okay first of all stop trying to suprass my power don't fight. Let it be relax your tensed shoulders and take deep breaths" Vera said calmly.

And so I complied with her and did my best to relax. I inhaled slowly and deep, and exhaled loudly slowly. Then I started to stop tightening my back muscles and felt the tension in my muscles calming. Just as I did.

And then it all happened, I felt my back bones breaking and bones poking me and coming out of the slits.

My skin started to rip more and more as it opened even wider letting the closed wings come out. I fell down to my knees groaning in pain.

Kneeled down still trying to calm myself down. Come on Zara you got it. I tried ensuring myself to keep on being calm and not stop this.

My small hands started to tremble in pain as I fisted them so hard until blood gushed out of my now new opened wounds.

It Is said that causing another pain will distract you from your current pain. And so I did that. I shuddered and took a shaky breath in and tried to contain my tears.

My nails started to grow more, digging deeper in my palms and creating bigger wounds, but that didn't hurt much compared to my back.

My shoulders started to turn into weird angles trying to find a comfortable place to stay still and make place for my wings.

A scream pierced through the silence and the crack of bones was heard.











































A small amount of cool breeze passed my ears, caressing them as if a hand was slowly touching my face and leaving a trace of tingles and warmness spreading on my rosy cheeks.

Blood was dripping down my long claws. Lifting my hand up I touched the wet trails, each one racing who would win the race and drop on the ground.

Wiping away the tears I brought one finger to my mouth and licked away a part of my hand from the blood.

It tasted sweet but metallic. Mixed with my salty tears. Staining my cheeks now crimson red, I now wiped away the remaining blood on my lips to which I probably only smeared them more and look like I just sucked someone's life out.

Speaking of that I feel an urge to dug my now new fangs that are on full display in someone's neck and suck someone's blood out.

But I contained the need.


I said my voice sounding so low yet feminine. But although it sounded gruff and like the lowest growls of any werewolf it was still recognizable I suppose.

To my calling she replied "Yes?"

"Let's fly and get this over with." I said my voice dripping with determination and toughness.

"I thought you'd never ask" Vera replied excitingly, I can just imagine her with a smirk plastered on her face as she is standing proudly.

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