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8.16% Rise of the Goblin Kingdom / Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4 - MY...PET

Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4 - MY...PET

They looked surprised and scared when he came out of the bushes. Each of them held a weapon as they tremblingly pointed them at him while taking defensive a stance, looking as if they were expecting him.

Sen wondered what could make them look so horrified before realizing that he now wasn't a human. In the time he spent playing with the boar, he has not once thought about it. He was no longer a human! He sulked in the realization, temporarily forgetting the three people in front of him.

Of course, despite what he was now, he was still human at heart. So he took the initiative of making a conversation.

He started them for a while before opening his mouth to speak. However, before he could do that, the female with the bow in her hand who looks as if she was about to lose bladder control from fear, accidentally let loose the arrow. The force wasn't much as her hands were trembling so the arrow did not even reach Sen, but wobblingly landed beside his feet. He was not irritated as he saw the fear behind their eyes and he understood where they were coming from.

But in that split second the arrow left the bow, he had the intention of massacring the three of them but quickly dispelled the thought away. He attributed it to the fact that he was no longer a human but a whole new race he knew pretty much everything about. His race… well let's say that if it was another member of this race, the three would already be a puddle of flesh and blood.

He sized up the tree humans looking at him like he was some kind of a predator. The one that looks like a leader was a young man of about 25 years old. He has short brown hair and wore red leather armor and held a normal-looking iron sword pointed at him. The bigger man who he just assumed was a tank wore a metal shield and stood in front of his two teammates covering them as he was a hulking mass of muscles, although his eyes contained fear as much as the other two. As for the girl, she looks like a typical Archer from any fantasy book; early twenties, short light brown hair. She wore a single half glove and held a bow. Also wearing what looked like cloth armor to facilitate movement

As soon as the arrow touched the ground the three of them panicked thinking that Sen was about to attack them.

To be honest, Sen did not feel joy after seeing humans, just felt familiarity. He really did hope he would meet other people as human beings are social animals. But now that he did, it was not what he expected.

But that didn't really matter to him. The thing that's needed the most right now that he met a conscious living being was information about the nearest town or the nearest human settlement. But these three in front of him spoke a language he did not recognize when the leader shouted.

Because it was a bit weird for him he did not remember at once that he had certain items and skills fit for this kind of situation.

Normally after playing a game for years, a professional veteran like him would have a plethora of items he deemed miscellaneous and useless due to their flavor text (a short introduction of a certain item to give it thrill and depth) and the fact that they really were unneeded in the game. But now these items would solve great inconveniences for him.

After searching for a while in his void space, he took out an item. It was a fist-size mechanical orb. This certain orb has helped him a few quests when he was playing the last Realm.

He fiddled with it a bit before a cyan light emerged from it, scanned the three people, and entered his head.

"Hmm…can you understand me?" he opened his mouth and spoke.

"Don't come any closer!" the muscle-man shouted with shaking voice.

Sen thought for a minute what to say considering the situation. A few moments later, he was enlightened. Holding up his right palm in a salute manner and putting his left on his chest, he spoke, "Greetings, I come in peace"

Don and his two friends seemed to relax but did not dare to let their guard down while facing this naked demon. Don especially, since he judged the thing to be much stronger than them. Since it had initiated the conversation, he figured that there may be a way out of this by talking it out.

"Hello," he stepped forward after amassing his courage. "Can…can we help you with something?"

"Umm...I'm looking for a black boar, around this size" Sen made height sign with his arm, "should be injured…it's my…pet"

He was not used to the new language even with the converter, so the words came out a little slow and stuttery, but Sen could clearly understand what others were saying.

The three's expression fell apart at that moment. Black boar? His pet? We're done for! Don's eyes filled with panic as he looked at the boar that's still roasting on the fire and its carcass, fangs, and hooves were drying nearby waiting to be sold.

Sen followed their eyes as their expression broke. His gaze landed on the slaughtered pig and was surprised for a moment before sighing for his ex-pet. Luckily he did not grow attached to it. He had only wanted it to test some more moves.

In fact, he also thought about making pig trotters soup. The food in his inventory was mostly golden bread and fish which he had been consuming these past few days. But since they had already killed it, he might as well have a taste.

Quickly making his way to the roasting meat, he made himself at home, sat down and took a bite before retracting the piece of meat from his mouth, he looked at the three and asked, "Do you mind?"

At this moment the three poor souls were scared silly so when the creature did not get mad at them for killing his pet and even sat down and had a taste on his own, they thought they would be next but its next words shocked them. What sort of beast asks for permission to eat something that's already theirs, and from the ones who killed it?

"Y…yes of course. Please help yourself"

Sen nodded and took a bite. The meat was bland and with only a smidge of salt but he could taste that the meat was fragrant and delicious if made with the right way. He thought for a moment before remembering something in his space. A second later, a belt holding many vials of spices appeared in front of him.

This belt was something a dungeon boss had dropped. According to the lore, she was a gourmet witch that used meat from all creatures including humans, elves, and others to make the perfect dish. When Sen defeated her she dropped this belt of legendary spices as well as a few recipes that were now engraved in his mind. But he had no idea that the three were shocked silly once again after the belt appeared.

The fragrant aroma of spices assaulted their noses. The shock they received from the sudden appearance of the belt out of nowhere was quickly forgotten as they stared at the spices.

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