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41.17% Soul-Mates

Chapter 6

When I got to my house, my mom, Jodie's mom and Jodie were waiting for me. When I walked through the door I was rushed up to my room with them digging through my closet like crazy people. Jodie's mom used to be a cosmetologist and took me into my bathroom to give me a trim. By the time she finished, my mom and Jodie had my outfit choice down to 2 possibilities for me to choose from. One was all black and the other was blue jeans with rips from the thighs down to the shins, a tight teal v-neck, with a blue pair of tennis shoes. I chose the second option and then a gold chain necklace with an aquamarine fang pendant to finish the look. They went downstairs to let me get ready and I did. I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked good and I wasn't bad so I went downstairs.

It was 6:45pm at this point so we all sat at the table chatting while waiting. At 7pm on the dot, the doorbell rang. Mom went to the door quickly and answered it while I followed with the other two behind me. Aden stood on the front stoop holding another bouquet of pink roses and handed them to my mom. He said "This is to thank you for today and for giving birth to and raising such an amazing guy." I blushed again as my mom replied "Why thank you Aden! I tried and I suppose it worked if he attracted such a handsome respectful young man as you, even if he is as stubborn as the day is long." I rolled my eyes and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as I walked past her and started out the door. Mom said "You can keep him out until 1am but no later." Aden smiled and said "Of course Mrs. McLean, I wouldn't dream of breaking your rules and my parents wanted to ask if you and the Pope family would like to join us for dinner on Monday night. They want to get to know the future in-laws better and of course Jodie and Ryan's second parents as I have been told. I groaned at the future in-laws comment and face palmed and mom and Mrs. Pope both said "We would be honored. Isn't that a night Ryan will be cooking?" Aden smiled and replied "Yep, they didn't want to serve you anything but the best." I blushed again and wanted to scream as mom replied proudly "Then they have the right young man cooking the meal." Aden smiled proudly back and said "I couldn't agree more."

When they all finally stopped talking and embarrassing me, we made it to his car and he held the door open for me as I playfully rolled my eyes and got in. He drove us to a wooden area in the middle of nowhere and parked the car as I thought 'this place looks like a perfect horror movie place to be murdered' but got out when he opened my door with a picnic basket in his hands and a big paper bag along with a blanket and my lap throw. We walked into the woods and to a clearing deep enough into the woods that I couldn't see the car anymore. I finally had to ask "So, is this where you murder me and hide the body?" He laughed and said "I JUST got you to agree to be my boyfriend…I plan to make sure you live a VERY long time. Anyways, we're waiting for some guests to arrive and while we wait, we're going to sit and enjoy some snacks and drinks." I replied "What guests?" He smirked and said "You'll see." He laid out the blanket and sat the food out. We sat down and he handed me a Pepsi as we sat chatting about whatever came to mind. Suddenly I heard a twig snap right behind me and froze.

Aden laughed at my frozen form and said "Relax babe, they're my friends. I come out here all the time. They'll sniff you and then you'll feed them the meat in this bag to make friends with them." Aden pulled out a bunch of meat out of the paper bag he brought and sat it next to me. I'm still frozen and worried about what the hell is behind me and don't want to turn around after he pulled that meat out. I jumped as I felt something cold and wet touch the back of my neck. The next thing I know, a HUGE gray wolf steps around me to get in front of me and looks down at me. I could swear it licked its lips like it was going to eat me. About 10 others came out of the forest and kept rubbing their heads on Aden before Aden said "Ryan has your snacks tonight guys, go make friends with him." They one by one start walking up to me and I'm frozen stiff as a board. A HUGE black wolf steps up and sniffs my neck and then rubs his head along my neck and the side of my head while whining. I had to chuckle because this big wolf was acting like a little puppy. I grabbed a steak from the stack and held it out to the black wolf who gently took it from my hand. This process continued until they all got their snacks and then they seemed to want to play.

The wolves kept running up to me and pushing me over trying to get me to chase them obviously. I caught a beautiful white wolf that Aden said was a female and gave her a kiss on the snout which she returned with a slobbery lick attack after she pushed me down. I laughed hysterically while saying "Ok, ok beautiful, I know you like me, I like you too." She yipped and they all started running around in circles around me nipping at each others tails playfully, it was like they were big kids rather than fully grown wild wolves. This was the most incredible experience of my life actually playing and touching real live wolves. Aden just sat smiling and laughing at me while I played with all of the wolves.

After a couple of hours the wolves started wandering off so I lay down on the blanket with my head resting in Aden's lap while I calmed down. I was staring up at him with a smile on my face as I caught my breath and he was smiling down at me. Aden started running his fingers through my hair gently and I felt those same sparks as I always do when he touches me. I finally said "You know, when I woke up this morning I didn't think you would pull it off but you're pretty amazing Aden. You really blew all of my assumptions about you out of the water and I'm honestly happy that you did. I have no idea why you worked so hard to win me over when any guy or girl in the school would have jumped on you if you even looked their direction." His smile was so warm and full of warmth and kindness when Aden said "Babe, you're the only one I want and nobody compares to you. I love that you gave me hell and I even love that you were willing to try to kick my ass when you thought we might hurt Jodie, it shows what kind of person you are. You're mine, now and forever so get used to it beautiful." I blushed again and said "I swear I have blushed more since meeting you than I have in my entire life leading up to that day." Aden smirked and said "I love it and it shows just how much I affect you babe and I like that a lot." I replied with a playful glare "Don't get cocky or you'll lose yours mister!"

Aden flinched as I laughed and then finally said "Babe, I have something I need to tell you and I'm not sure how you're going to take it but I hope you won't run off screaming into the night because I care very deeply about you and would NEVER hurt you in a million years." That statement caught my attention completely as I sat up and turned to face him. I grabbed his hand and looked into his nervous eyes while waiting patiently for him to continue. Aden then said "You'll probably think I'm crazy or lying to you but what I'm about to tell you is the truth." I nodded yes and continued waiting. Aden took a deep breath and said "I'm a werewolf and those wolves you just saw were my family and friends. The black one was Russ, the white one was my mom and the big gray one was my dad." I started to laugh but watched his face and he really believed what he said.

Aden then said "If you want, I can prove it to you or one of the others can come back and shift into their human form in front of you." I said "Ok, umm, have Russ come back then." A few minutes later th big black wolf trotted up in front of me and nodded at me before turning away and moving about 10 feet away with his back turned to me and the wolf slowly morphed into a very naked Russ whose naked ass was aimed my way. My jaw dropped and I just managed to say "No…way…what…the…fuck?!" Russ laughed and looked over his shoulder before shifting back to his wolf and running off. I watched Russ until he disappeared into the forest and then turned to Aden and asked "What does your wolf form look like?" I was still in shock and trying to process what I just saw but my curiosity got the better of me. Aden smiled weakly and said "He's gray like my dad's wolf. Would you like to see and meet my wolf?" I asked "Your wolf is separate from you?" He replied "He has his own personality but he and I see all that the other does."

Aden turned his back to me and stripped naked but told me what he was going to do before and why. I couldn't help but check him out and saw pretty much everything and I must say he has a beautiful body. He must have noticed me checking him out and just turned around with a smirk and put his hands on his hips before asking "See anything you like?" I smiled innocently and said "Why whatever do you mean?" He chuckled and said "You can see this any time you want, you just say the word but for now…here goes." Aden shifted into a beautiful gray wolf and walked over to me rubbing his huge head all over me, my neck, my face, he even knocked me down on my back and rubbed all over my torso, chest, legs and I tried to stop him on the private area but his wolf actually growled at me. When he growled at me I said "Listen here wolf! You growl at me again and I'll neuter you and sew them onto your forehead!" Adens wolf tucked his tail between his legs and backed away slowly while bowing his head down to me. You would think this would totally freak me out but for some reason all I could think of was that it was REALLY cool. I rubbed him down for a while and then finally asked him to shift back so we could talk and he did.

Aden slowly got dressed while smirking at me seductively but finally finished getting dressed and came back over to sit with me. I said "So, I'm about to hit you with a million questions. Are you ok with that?" He replied "Of course. You're my mate and you should know everything especially if you're going to possibly choose to be one of us in time." My eyes opened in shock and I said "Say what?" He chuckled and replied "Well, we can turn our mates into wolves as well if they choose so that they will live as long as we do and the sooner the better because we don't age the same as humans." I asked "How long do you live then?" Aden says "Around age 18 our aging slows down drastically and from 18 until death is usually around 700 additional years. Nobody knows why but we suspect our incredible healing and regenerative abilities fight off disease and deterioration and the damage caused by old age. My parents are around 400 years old and I would have had a much older sibling but my mother had a miscarriage so it took them both a long time to decide to try again and that's when they got me."

"If you stay human which you can, I would never force or influence you in that decision, you'll live the typical human life up to maybe 100 years. Once you die then I will most likely die as well. If we have children it is possible I could fight to stay alive for them but I'm not sure you could become pregnant as a human or not. As a werewolf you can carry my pups and we would live to see our great grandchildren if we're lucky even our great great grandchildren and so on." I reply "So werewolf males can get pregnant?" Aden smirked and said "SUBMISSIVE werewolf male MATES can become pregnant, yes. I scoffed "I'm not submissive." Aden said "Compared to me, in this relationship I'm the dominant one." I rolled my eyes and then asked "So, what's a mate again?" He simply replied "A soul mate who completes you in every way." I said "And you say WE are soul mates correct?" Aden says "Yep."

I then ask "Ok, now what is involved in this change if I decide to do it?" Aden says "A simple bite anywhere but your neck that I will lick after to heal it with no scar left behind. You'll feel pretty nasty for several days and during that time you'll hear your wolf speak to you for the first time. At the end, you'll shift for your first time which is kinda rough so if we were going to do it, I would suggest a Friday morning so by the end of Monday you felt better and wouldn't have to miss school or work. I can get Russ those days and the two of us help you in the kitchen by doing everything while you direct us around.

Once you shift for the first time we'll be able to see what rank your wolf is, not that it matters now because now you're my Luna." Next I asked "What do you mean rank?" Suddenly Russ, the white wolf, the largest gray wolf, all lined up in front of me. Aden pointed to the gray one and said "This is my father and he is the current Alpha of the pack, the white wolf is my mother and she is the current Luna of the pack, the black wolf is Russ, the current beta since his father passed away early." He went down the line to the smallest wolf that was no bigger than a beagle and said "This is Robert and he is an Omega, they are the lowest ranked in the pack and usually do most of the everyday maintenance of the pack house and grounds along with cooking. They keep everyone fed, clean and make sure the house is perfectly clean but don't worry, they get paid well for it and none are abused or anything. See, they are too weak to fight so we keep them safe and in exchange they keep us comfortable. Does that make sense?" I smiled and said "Of course but don't expect me to clean up after your messy self mister because you'll wake up under a pile of dirty socks and underwear in your face."

He laughed and said "You'll be the Luna, you won't be doing all that. You're responsible to keeping up the pack morale and help with paperwork and you make sure the children are all getting proper care and a proper education. You are basically the heart and soul of the pack while I'm the strength. You as the Luna will be the mother of the pack and I as the Alpha will be father of the pack." I asked "Wait, what about going to college or becoming a singer or dancer? Does this mean the life I had laid out before this is just…gone?" Aden sighed and said "We can't be away from each other for too long because it will literally kill us both.

As for becoming famous, you could for a few years and then fade out of the spotlight and hope people slowly forget about you or you could always wear a mask that hides your face so they can't see that you aren't aging the way they expect if you decide to become one of us and the mask will be your signature in a way. That actually sounds like a great idea so I know that path isn't completely out of my grasp even if college is aside from the small community college about 45 minutes away from home. I've got some tough decisions in the near future regardless of what path I take or if I take both it will be a lot of work to juggle everything. I ran my hands over my face already feeling the stress and frustration of how complicated my life has just become. Aden knows and slides up behind me, wraps his arms around me while resting his chin on my shoulder. He says "It will all work out baby, don't worry you'll still live your dreams and make a great Luna, it will just take a lot of hard work on both of our parts and we will have to get you a staff to help keep things running while you have to be away for whatever."

We spoke for another hour about everything and by the end of the conversation he had me feeling comfortable with the thought of becoming one of them and being his mate and not just his boyfriend. He wants to get married after high school but I'd honestly like to give it more time especially finding out I could get pregnant if we have sex. I asked finally "So, if we completed the mating and I became pregnant, I'm assuming it would be delivered by cesarean." Aden nodded yes so I continued "Will I have a big ugly scar?" He said "No, werewolves only have lasting scars from werewolf bites after being turned, silver and wolfsbane. Nothing else leaves a scar. I sighed in relief and said "Thank God' because I am sooo not trying to have that ugly scar while trying to be sexy with a mask covering my face. Haha" Aden growled and said "Mine" in my ear while squeezing me tighter to him. I chuckled and said "Baby, look at any artist who sells major records these days. Every single one shows skin because they all know that sex sells which means people will see some of my body but the most private parts will always be reserved for you." He smirked and said "They better be or I'll have to kill the man who sees them."

So, we decided since time was of the essence and I was getting older and older than Aden by the second that he would bite me early Friday morning to begin the transformation. Aden drove me home and on the drive we chatted more about wolves and other mythological beings that are out there. I had no idea that werewolves, vampires and other things were real. My mind was officially blown. When we got back to my house, Aden walked me to my front door after opening the car door for me. I said "I had a really great time tonight baby. Thank you for trusting me with your secrets, it means a lot that you trust me that much already." He smiled so warmly that my heart melted into a puddle on the ground. Aden then replied "You're my mate, the other half of my soul, I will always trust you with my life and I hope you can in time as well my love." He leaned in then and gave me the sweetest kiss ever that felt like it barely began before it ended but felt amazing. Aden took my hand and lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand before saying "Goodnight babe, see you in school tomorrow." I smiled back and simply said "Ok."

I stepped inside as Aden pulled away and was greeted by Jodie and my mom. Jodies mom went home because she was just too tired. I leaned back against the door and had a goofy grin on my face while Jodie and my mom kept trying to ask me questions but I wasn't hearing them until Jodie pinched me. I said "OUCH WOMAN! WHAT'S YOUR MALFUNCTION?!" She huffed and said "Well, you were just standing there grinning like an idiot without responding to anything we said so I had to get your attention somehow." I sighed and said "Fine, fire away you two." I spent the next hour telling them all about the date but leaving the werewolf parts out. They were amazed by the wolves I said that I got to play with. I showed them some pictures I had Aden snap with my phone and they were amazed. I told them how we discussed our future and I also told her Aden was coming by Friday morning very early to make us a big breakfast. I quickly text Aden to tell him what I said and he agreed that was a smart way to have an excuse as to why he might be at my house so early in the morning.

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