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47.36% Haikyuu: Untold Secrets [SakuAtsu] / Chapter 18: Upheaval

Chapter 18: Upheaval

8:34 AM February 1 Sakusa Mansion

"Get them in the car and wait for me there."

"Yes boss"

The orange haired guy was forcibly pulled inside the car while one of Sakusa's men was carrying the pale looking guy with blood flowing through his arms.

"Kageyama! W-wait... please let me go!"

He tried to punch and bite the hands of one of the men holding him down but was pulled by his hair hard and was smacked flat on the floor that made him lost his consciousness.

Sakusa's men taped Kageyama and Hinata's mouth and put sacks on their heads just to make sure they won't make any fuss once they wake up. Three cars escorted them and went to where Sakusa has given them the location.

Meanwhile, Sakusa was waiting in the front yard of the mansion, waiting for someone to come. The meeting time they've agreed with was 8:30 in the morning but it was almost nine and he haven't arrived yet.

Sakusa pulled out a cigarette and lighted it up to past time because he was feeling bored already.

"Damn, why is he so late." He said as he blew smoke out of his mouth.

After smoking two cigarettes, he decided to take his leave and just text him the direction to the person he was waiting for. He grabbed his ashtray pocket and put his cigarette butt inside, preparing to leave the mansion.

"Let's go!" He ordered.

One of his men opened the door for him and the other went to get inside the driver's seat. When the mansion's gate was slowly opening, Sakusa saw someone squatting, blocking the driveway. A blonde guy was there, panting and gripping his chest to catch his breath. Sakusa hurriedly opened the car's door and welcomed the blonde with a wide smile on his face.

"You came!" He said, almost shouting.

"There... were.... many...."

"Breath first" Sakusa chuckled.

Atsumu straightened up and breathed deeply to catch his breath.

"There were many customers in the flower shop because Valentines is coming so they were reserving for their orders." Atsumu explained.

"Oh... yeah. I... forgot about that."

Sakusa forced a smile and offered his hand to Atsumu.

"What?" Atsumu asked, not knowing why Sakusa is offering his hand to him.

"Uh... nothing. I... thought you need help because you were panting so bad." Sakusa shyly said while covering his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

Atsumu cringed upon what Sakusa said and almost choke when he tried to stop his self from laughing.

"Y-yes p-please..." Atsumu slowly reached out for Sakusa's hands while looking down on the pavement, trying to hide his face. Because if he didn't, he may not be able to suppress the laughter he is holding in if he sees Sakusa's face right now.

Sakusa opened the car door for him and held the top of his head, not wanting it to bump the car roof. He went inside after Atsumu and ordered his men to go to their next location. Both of them were silent for the past few minutes, trying to wait for each other's words to come out off of their mouth.

"What...." They said in unison.

"You can go first." Sakusa said while staring at Atsumu's sweat flowing down his neck.

"What do you mean about live execution earlier?" Atsumu asked.

"Remember the guy you wanted to meet last time?" Sakusa grabbed a tissue and slowly wiped off Atsumu's sweat.

Atsumu flinched because of the sudden action from Sakusa so he hurriedly covered his ear, not wanting to be touched. Sakusa was surprised so he pulled his hand away from Atsumu.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't know your neck all the way up your ears is s-sensitive." Sakusa stuttered.

Atsumu stared at Sakusa, suspicious of what this guy is trying to do.

"Are you okay? You're acting weird today." Atsumu blurted out without thinking.

Sakusa looked away at the other side, staring outside the window. It was silent again. No one talked after that question and Atsumu was so curious on what Sakusa was thinking of.

"Hey, I said you're acting weird today. Is everything fine?" Atsumu tried to look at Sakusa's face but he covered it with his hands again.

Atsumu gave up and didn't bother to ask anymore. He grabbed the tissue from the box where Sakusa got his and wiped off the sweat on his nape. He heard Sakusa breathing deeply and sighing after, gaining Atsumu's attention.

"Are you really ok---"

"I'm not. Would you feel okay when the person you love is sitting sexily inside a car?" Sakusa said, cutting him off.

He finally looked at Atsumu and pointed out his three undone buttons. Atsumu looked down and was shocked because he never made a mistake like this. He hurriedly fixed his shirt but Sakusa was still staring at his chest.

"W-what are you looking at?!" He faltered.

Sakusa chuckled as he place his fingertips on Atsumu's skin, circling the hickeys he made last night. Atsumu trembled and felt hot from where Sakusa is touching so he brushed off Sakusa's hand and covered his chest using his already wrinkled shirt.

"I k-knew you're a-acting weird t-today!" He shouted.

"If this is already weird for you, then prepare yourself cause I'll be like this whenever I'm with you."

Sakusa sat closer to Atsumu and helped him to button his shirt.

"Even weirder that this of course." Sakusa added as he stole a kiss from Atsumu.

The car suddenly stopped, arriving at their destination. It was a place that is not a neighborhood so you won't be seeing houses nor people passing by. The land is like a big lawn where there are no tall grass and other plants growing. It was properly maintained and the scenario is beautiful, as it was located near the mountains.

A tall, muscular man approached Sakusa and Atsumu after getting out of the car. The man has black swept-back hair with a narrow eyebrows and was wearing a black suit and teal colored shirt.

"Oiwake-san, sorry I'm late." Sakusa said as he bow his head in front of the mid 40s man.

"It's fine. Your father made me run errands before coming in here."

The man looked at Atsumu who was staring at him, from head to toe.

"Who is he?" Oiwake asked.

"He's Suzuki Atsumu. I'm planning to recruit him as the clan's hitman." Sakusa held Atsumu's arm and lightly pushed him in front of Oiwake to greet him properly.


Oiwake walked right in front of Atsumu, almost half a meter close to him.

"Have we met before?"


Oiwake placed his fingertips on Atsumu's hair, looking at it closely.

"It's just that your hair is different."

"I-I'm sorry b-but this is my f....first time meeting y-you." Atsumu stammered.

"And your face... I know I've met you before." Oiwake held Atsumu's chin and tilt it up for him to see clearly.

"O-Oiwake-san, I think you're just mistaken." Sakusa forced a laugh and took off Oiwake's hand away from Atsumu.

"I don't think I am. I'll figure it out if I'm mistaken sooner or later."

The man called out two of his men and whispered something to them. He went back to Sakusa and gave him a folder with documents inside.

"These are the files that need to be done for today. We'll be meeting with the Futakuchi family next week for the deal. Wrap everything up and don't you dare fail this one." He said as he hand the folder to Sakusa.

"You know what will happen, right?" Oiwake added as he lift his tux, showing the gun on his waist.

"Yes, I know." Sakusa nodded.

"Good. Then I'm counting on you." Oiwake hopped inside his car, leaving his two bodyguards that he talked to behind.

As soon as the car left, a heavy sigh escaped Sakusa's mouth.

"Who is he?" Atsumu asked while patting Sakusa's back to calm him down. He has been shaking non stop the moment they met the guy earlier.

"Oiwake Takurou. He's the right hand of my father and he has been my mentor since I was a kid. He's always been behind my back and with just one wrong move, he has my father's permission to kill me. That's why every order from him is absolute, whether it's foolish or not."

Sakusa smiled at Atsumu and patted his head.

"Don't worry. I'll do my best so that you won't be involved with him. Let's go, they're waiting already."

Both of them started walking, almost a kilometer away from the highway where they left off. They hiked up a small hill and there they saw two men tied in poles with sacks on their head.

"Can you please leave us alone for a moment?" Sakusa said to his men.

Ten of his men scattered around the hill, not too far from where Sakusa is. Sakusa walked in front of the taller guy tied in the pole and removed his sack off of his head, revealing a black haired guy with full of wounds and blood all over his body. Sakusa pressed his index finger and his middle finger to the side of the unconscious guy's neck, checking for his pulse.

"What are you doi----"

Atsumu was dumbfounded on what he saw. He expected for the worst and knew it all along but he didn't expect that it will be worse than he thought.

"I'm checking his pulse. He's been out for an hour and he hasn't woke up yet."


The guy next to him was struggling to remove the rope tied around him and based on his head's position, he was looking where the black haired guy is. Sakusa head in front of him, removed the sack off of his head and the tape on his mouth. The guy has orange hair and brown eyes with relatively thin build and short stature. It was Hinata.

As soon as he gets a better vision, he stared at Atsumu in disbelief of seeing him right in front of him.

"What? Do you know him, Atsumu?" Sakusa asked, noticing the exchanged looks of surprise from Hinata and Atsumu.

"I kn---"

"L-let him go!" Hinata shouted, cutting what Atsumu is about to say.

"Relax, I won't kill you."

The two of them were dumbfounded as if Sakusa has lost his mind.

"E-eh? Then what were you talking about live execution earlier?" Atsumu surprisingly asked.

"I also thought there will be live execution today. Remember the guy earlier, he told me to kill the both of them and then he went off, right? I thought he'll be here to witness the execution but now he's not here, I can set both of them free." Sakusa explained as he removed the rope tied to Kageyama.

"I-It doesn't make sense. Then why did you killed Kita, your bestfriend, and his lover inside the club before?"

"He was there. That club is one of the clan's turf and he's also assigned to monitor that place. He was also the one who found out that Suna was a spy. There are CCTVs everywhere, Atsumu. They even set up listening devices on the club, mansion, and even in my car. He planned everything from the start all the way to Kita's death. I made them suffer back then and it was all because of his orders."

"So you are just being controlled by your father and Oiwake-san?"

Sakusa forced a smile, dodging Atsumu's question. He then walked to Hinata and removed all of the ropes tied around him.

"When I pull the trigger twice, I need the both of you to lie down on the grass. And once were out of here, carry Kageyama, walk north and you'll spot a black car parked behind the tall grasses." Sakusa said, giving Hinata the key for the car.

"You'll find the closest village from here and there's also a small clinic there that can give him first aid to his wounds. Better drive as fast as you can to save Kageyama's life."

"S-sakusa-san, w-why d-did you beat the both of us.... when we w-were in the m-mansion and in the b-basement? W-was he.... also there?" Hinata asked, trembling all the way his spine as he recalls what happened to him and Kageyama.

"My fath-----"

Sakusa was cut off when two of Oiwake's men that was left behind earlier asked what's going on.

"Don't worry. With those injuries they won't make it. Leave the rest to me and wait for me with the others." Sakusa commanded.

"S-Sakusa wait... are you sure about this? Wouldn't Oiwake-san kill you if he'll know that you set them free? Two of his bodyguards are here too." Atsumu looked at Sakusa, worried what might happen to him if he'll disobey what they ordered him to do.

"Don't worry about them. Faking their death will not be a problem as long as they won't check their pulse and shoot them just to make sure."

Atsumu was shocked and dumbfounded from all the information that he found out and he doesn't even know what to feel towards Sakusa anymore. Freeing up Hinata and Kageyama shows that this isn't just an act of kindness. He was dedicated and sure of himself that he wants them to escape and be saved. What made him more surprised is, Sakusa knelt down on the ground and bowed his head all the way to the grass.

"I know this might not be enough but please don't ever report what happened to your seniors and forget everything that have happened in here. I'm begging you, I don't want you to get involved anymore. Both of you are still young and still have a chance to change your careers. I never wanted any of this to happen so please bear with me just once. I'm sorry for everything that I did to the both of you."

Sakusa's voice cracked many times in between the lines he have said to Hinata. Without looking at him, it's obvious that he was crying and was trying his best not to break down. He begged and apologized over and over until Hinata patted his shoulder signaling him to look up.

"I can but I don't think I can forgive you for doing all of that to the person I love." Hinata said, pointing at Kageyama.

"I'll be back to take my revenge and beat the shit out of you so you wait for our next meeting." Hinata said as he raise his sleeves all the way to his shoulder.

"I don't think us meeting twice would be a great idea." Sakusa then stood up and pulled out his gun from his waist and pointed it in between Kageyama and Hinata.

"Just to remind you, I'll hunt you down again once I knew that you betrayed me."

Hinata smiled, assuring Sakusa that everything will be alright. He placed his index finger on the trigger, preparing to shoot.

"I'm sorry and Goodby-----"

"Boss get down!!!!!"

Continuous gunshots was fired all over the hill, not knowing where it came from. Sakusa gripped Atsumu's arm and dragged him behind the trees, protecting him from getting hit.

"Where are the others?! Why it's just the two of you in here?" Sakusa shouted to Oiwake's men that were left behind.

"All dead"

The sound of the gunshots are different with the guns he have used and it was a too loud than the normal ones. It might not also be snipers because the gunshots were continually being fired out of nowhere. Sakusa instinctively looked up in the sky and saw a Bell CH-146 Griffon Helicopter with a door gunner using M60 Caliber 7.62mm Machine Gun.

"Was his name Sakusa again?!" The baldie shouted.

"Yeah, the guy with black, wavy hair and has two moles on the right side of his forehead." The guy with black wild hairstyle with tiny tuft falling over his forehead that appears to be bleached as dirty blonde said.

"You do know we are up in the sky so how can I see that tiny moles of his?" He protested.

"Tanaka, Nishinoya, stop that. We're here to rescue Hinata and Kageyama. Stop arguing and look for Sakusa."

A slightly thick eyebrows, light grey hair and hazel-brown eyes with a birthmark mole under his left eye butted in to stop the two from fighting. Meanwhile, a guy with short dark hair and dark brown eyes that has large build has been glaring at them ever since they've started shouting and fighting.

"We're sorry Daichi-san and Sugawara-san!" Both of them said in unison.

"Will the both of them be safe? Wouldn't Sakusa hold them as hostages and then flew away outta here?" Daichi asked.

"Nope. He won't and he can't. With this continuous gunshots raining under them, he won't have the guts to go out in an open space where Hinata and Kageyama are." Sugawara held out the Yaesu FTA 550 Handheld VHF Transceiver from his bag, trying to contact Atsumu to make his move.

"Call someone for help! We need back-up!" Sakusa shouted to Oiwake's men.

Sakusa was panicking so bad as he was looking at Hinata and Kageyama, worried that they might get shot.

"H-hey, Sakusa w-we n-need to g-get out of here." Atsumu tried to persuade Sakusa to escape because he know that he'll die in there. Knowing how he acted and all the information that he gave earlier, he doesn't want him to die. He wants to be sure if he was lying or not. He wants to be assure if he was just stuck in his father's matter. He wants to save him, a feeling new to him. He wants to save the son of the person who killed his twin brother.

He felt a sudden vibration on his waist, notifying him that Sugawara will call him. His phone has Teldio's RBX app that can allow him to receive and make a call with two way radios. This became handy for the agency because he will not be seen looking at his phone in this critical condition.

"Kill him now, Atsumu." Sugawara said, hearing it on Atsumu's in-ear.

Atsumu looked at Sakusa, breathed deeply and squeezed his hands saying,

"Let's get out of here."

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