The morning after the grand reception, Emery gathered his friends to discuss his conversation with Tessa and the invitation from the Karat elders. Reactions were mixed.
Those who knew Tessa and had been working closely with the Karat family viewed it positively, while others were more suspicious, particularly due to Tessa's ambiguous responses and the fact that Emery was instructed to come alone.
Magus Rosia voiced her concern first. "I hear their faction conflict has escalated even worse. I think you need to reconsider."
Despite their concerns, Emery felt confident in his decision. With space magic and his Khaos Gate, he believes that he can escape any kind of danger. What they needed was to get the Karat family on their side. If they can't secure the Karat support, they might have to consider migrating the whole Terra faction away.
Thank you for reading