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Chapter 2: Episode 1 - Martha Jones - Part 1

Information: Martha Jones was the companion of the 10th Doctor throughout Season and Season 4, she encountered villains such as The Daleks, The Sontarans and The Master. Training to be a doctor, she met The Doctor who promised her an adventure for saving his life, she later joined him on board as a full-time companion where she started to have feelings for him. When The Master arrived and caused havoc around the world, Martha was the one who helped save the world alongside Thomas Milligan. Once she saw the damage that had been caused she decided to step away from the Tardis. She later joined The Doctor along with Donna as she returned as part of UNIT. And then we saw her again during The Daleks' return in Season 4, we finally saw her when she was revealed to have married Mickey Smith, but Martha did more after that, she and Mickey also had a son called August.


Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones

Martha looks at The Master and she goes "don't you want to know what I was doing, travelling the world?" The Master sighs "tell me" Martha smiles at him "I told a story, that's all. No weapons, just words. I did just what the Doctor said. I went across the continents all on my own. And everywhere I went, I found the people, and I told them my story".

Inside the Slave Quarters, Martha sits with all the survivors and she goes "he has saved your lives so many times, and you never even knew he was there. I know him".

Back inside The Valiant, Martha stares at The Master "I told them about the Doctor".

Inside the Slave Quarters, Martha looks at the survivors and she smiles "I love him".

Back inside The Valiant, Martha smiles at The Master "and I told them to pass it on, to spread the word so that everyone would know about the Doctor" The Master laughs "faith and hope? Is that all?" Martha then stands up "no, because I gave them an instruction, just as the Doctor said".

Earlier in The Valiant, The Tenth Doctor goes "use the countdown".

In present time in The Valiant, Martha goes "I told them that if everyone thinks of one word, at one specific time-" The Master tries to interrupt her "nothing will happen. Is that your weapon? Prayer?" Martha continues "right across the world, in word, just one thought at one moment but with fifteen satellites" The Master then stares in shock "what?" Jack then smiles "The Archangel Network" Martha nods "a telepathic field binding the whole human race together, with all of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time. And that word is Doctor". The clock then hits zero, and The Doctor's cage starts to glow and The Master shakes his head "stop it. No, no, no, no, you don't!" Jack smiles and he closes his eyes "Doctor. Doctor". Francine closes her eyes and she goes "Doctor-" The Master shakes his head "DON'T!". On the monitor, The Master sees people around the world who are shouting "Doctor. Doctor. Doctor". The Master shakes his head again "stop this right now! Stop it!". Lucy closes her eyes "Doctor".

Jack goes again "Doctor". Martha then closes her eyes and she smiles "Doctor-".

Martha then wakes up in bed and she looks around her room and she sees a drawing of the Tardis and she gets out of bed, and she walks over to it and she looks at the picture, and smiles.

(Commercial Break)

Martha walks with a younger boy down the street. Martha looks at the boy "you've gotta be good for Grandma, alright? I've got work, and I really can't be doing with her phoning me every two-seconds" the boy nods "I know mama" Martha smiles at him and she then walks inside a house with the boy. Martha goes "mum?" Martha looks around the house until she sees Francine, who's sat in an armchair smiling "hey darling, and hello August" August smiles "hey Grandma". Martha watches August hug Francine. Francine looks at Martha "how long are you gonna be today?" Martha shakes her head "I dunno, it depends-" Francine goes "can't Mickey look after him?" Martha goes "he's off doing work with Jack and Gwen, he can't mum" Francine nods "well...just stay safe" Martha nods "I will". Martha walks towards the door, and she walks out.

As Martha walks outside, she looks at the sky and she smiles. Martha then walks over to her car.

Outside a massive building that says 'UNIT'. Martha pulls up in her car, in a parking space that says 'Martha Jones'. Martha gets out of her car, wearing her UNIT uniform and she then smiles.

Martha walks into the building and a UNIT soldier salutes at her "good morning Doctor Jones" Martha smiles "morning" Martha continues to walk through the building until she looks over at a door on the left and she stares at it. Martha then takes a deep breath and she walks over to it.

Martha opens the door where she sees Thomas Milligan. Martha smiles "morning Doctor Milligan" Thomas looks at her "Doctor Jones, good to see you" Martha nods at him "you too".

Martha enters the main base of the UNIT Head Quarters and she walks into an office and then salutes "Colonel Mace" Mace stands up and he nods at her "at ease" Martha drops her hand and she smiles "any news I need informing about?" Mace shakes his head and sits down "nothing, the last thing we had was on Kate Stewart, with The Doctor in London, facing the, well currently what they're being called are The Whisperers" Martha smiles "yeah, she mentioned he had another face?" Mace nods and he shows Martha a picture of The 14th Doctor. Martha smiles "but he's the same man, you'd never think it" Mace smiles at her "actually, Doctor Jones...we are concerned about something" Martha stares at him. Mace goes "follow me".

(Commercial Break)

Thomas sits with a man in his office and he shines a torch into the man's eyes. Thomas goes "how does that feel?" the man goes "like you're shining a torch into my eyes" Thomas laughs "listen, I'm just trying to check if you've been faced a Cyberman on your own, they're not exactly easy to defeat" the man goes "my entire squad were killed" Thomas nods "I read your file-" the man nods at him. Thomas sighs "listen, if you feel well, then I'll just write it up that everything's fine" the man nods "thank you" Thomas nods and the man walks out.

Thomas turns around to his computer, and he puts his torch down. Thomas starts to type onto the computer until all of a sudden, the torch lifts from the table and starts to float up. Thomas looks at the torch until he hears a smash coming from behind him, where he sees metal objects floating in the air. Thomas looks around in shock "what the hell is going on now?".

Inside the UNIT Head Quarter's, alert sounds start blaring. Mace and Martha run into the main quarters where loads of UNIT workers sit on computers. Mace looks around "what's going on?" a woman goes "it's like there's a massive magnet in the skies, and it's pulling all the metals towards it" Martha goes "can we disrupt it?" the woman looks at her and she nods "checking".

Inside Francine's house, August screams as object start to push onto the ceiling. Francine looks at August who is hiding underneath the table. Francine pulls her phone out, but it then lifts out of her hand and to the ceiling. Francine runs outside and she sees car's floating in the air.

All of a sudden, the car's then fall to the ground, smashing, and alarms start to blare off.

Inside the UNIT Headquarters, the alert sound stops. Martha runs over to a computer and she goes "it's gone" Mace looks at her "how can it just be gone? They didn't take anything" Martha presses a few buttons and she goes "wait a minute, running a few readings" Mace looks at her. Martha then nods "bingo! The magnet was coming from a ship, but whatever it is, it's still up there, but they're hiding" Mace goes "how can you know?" Martha goes "because the magnet wasn't at full power" a woman then goes "what happens when it's at full power?" Martha looks at them "wrong question, we need to know who it is, and why they want metal".

(Commercial Break)

Thomas tries walking into the Headquarters but a UNIT guard looks at him "sorry, you're not authorised" Thomas looks at them "I need to talk to Doctor Martha Jones, please!".

Mace looks at Martha "reckon we can make contact? See what they want?" Martha looks at him "I think so, let me-" Martha's phone then starts to ring and she goes "oh my god" Mace looks at her "Martha?" Martha goes "I've gotta answer it-" a woman goes "I'll make the contact".

Martha answers her phone "what mum? I'm busy!" Francine goes "Martha what the hell is going on!" Martha goes "is August alright?" Francine replies "he's fine but-" Martha goes "mum!".

Mace looks at the woman "well?" the woman nods "almost there, just trying to hack into their coms". Mace steps forward and he positions his hat in a formal way and he nods "just let me know when you've gotten into their coms, alright?" the woman nods "will do sir".

Thomas runs into his office and he picks up his phone. Thomas then looks out of the sky and he stares in shock. Thomas stares at a massive ship that is hovering over the sky.

Martha goes "just be quiet, I have to get back to work!" Martha then hangs up her phone.

At Francine's house, she puts her phone down and she sighs. August stands near the window and he goes "nana? What's that?" Francine walks over to the window and she stares in shock.

At UNIT Head Quarters, the woman then goes "3-" Martha looks at Mace who takes a deep breath. The woman goes "2-" Martha looks at her hands, which are starting to sweat. The woman then goes "1, now patching you through" Mace nods "I'm talking to the lifeforms that are currently onboard the spaceship above us, make yourselves know by species and whether or not you mean us threat". A voice is then heard "we mean your threat, it seems our clone versions tried to poison your planet once before, but they failed" Martha goes "wait a minute-" the voice goes "you want to know who we are?" Mace nods "I really do" Martha shakes her head.

Suddenly, The Original Sontarans appear on the screen, wearing their original black and silver armour. The Sontaran Leader goes "we are The Sontarans, the original! And we're gonna use the metal of Earth to destroy your planet-". The Sontaran's then start to cheer "SONTA-HA!".

Also Starring:

Adjoa Andoh - Francine Jones

Winston Elba as August Jones-Smith

Tom Ellis as Doctor Thomas Milligan

Rupert Holliday Evans as Colonel Alan Mace

Special Guest Stars:

David Tenant as The 10th Doctor

John Simm as The Master/Harold Saxon

John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness

Alexandra Moen as Lucy Saxon

Next Time - Martha Jones - Part 2 - With The Sontarans attacking all the UNIT bases, Martha discovers that The Sontarans are going after August and Francine. Martha rushes to their safety until an unlikely ally arrives to help Martha as the Earth is in serious danger.

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