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50% You May Know My Name But You Don't Know My Story / Chapter 4: 4 - stormstars- - Author's Note

Chapter 4: 4 - stormstars- - Author's Note





Hello! I am I am Dear_Reader890 and I would like to share my faith journey with you. I am very glad Chesster40 that asked me.

I am a writer at heart. I love words. And I hope that I can share God's love through my words. I have read and am a fan of Christian fiction but I understand that Christian books can get too preachy or cheesy or gooey sometimes which can turn atheists and some actual Christians off.

With my short story, Fallen Angels, I hope that I created something readers can really relate to. Depression, bullying, and yes, suicide is something that teens and young adults (my target demographic for my story) can relate to. I don't just want to write about how the protagonist's life falls neatly into place after they become a believer. I also didn't want to write about how automatically the main character believes in God. While this may be true for some Christians, my faith journey (and I think the majority of Christians) happen slowly. The story ends with Rachel being open to God, the start of her own faith journey.

I grew up living with my mother and father, two brothers and one sister, in a comfortable home. My mom is one reason that my faith grew. My mom has always been a strong believer. God has carried her through depression, anxiety, stress. One of the reasons I have written my story about depression is because I am familiar with it. I also am familiar with same and guilt and how it can eat away at someone.

Anyway, she would always talk about Jesus. Quoting Scriptures and teaching me to be a generally good person. I grew up with Christ kind of always being there. The rules to not covet or judge, to love one another was kind of always there along with rules about how to push my chair in and not to leave my books lying around. I didn't like Sunday School and I was pretty indifferent to God. It was one of the things that I took for granted. I don't think I ever even doubted his existence.

The change came when I grew up. Suddenly, something kind of just clicked. There was no other way to explain it. I know that's not helpful, but things just started making sense. I guess I started to go through some changes at school. God was there for me the whole time, and he helped me through some tough stuff. These times were where I started having my doubts, doubts that are normal for anyone embarking on their own faith journey. I had to figure out who I was. And yes, there were many nights when I cried into my pillow for shame about who I was. But those wakeful nights brought me closer to God. He was the only one who understood me for me and loved me for it.

I remember a time at bible camp where they showed us a video sermon about Barabbas. The video touched me so deeply that I started to sob right there in church. I couldn't stop crying. Later, we had a waterside sermon. The sun was setting on the lake and it was so beautiful, heart-wrenchingly so. I experienced the same feeling Rachel felt when she opened her heart. It isn't something I made up. It was an amazing feeling, a feeling of peace. Maybe that sounds cheesy, but it was a feeling that I was free. That I was okay. For me that's the best feeling in the entire world.

The video is the video that they showed me at bible camp. It's called 'Jesus is Loving Barabbas' by Judah Smith Sermon Jam.

I hope that you all grasp the true meaning of Christ. God sent His only son to die for us, even though we were undeserving. We were sinners. And only through love. The love that He has for each and every one of us. And for some, that kind of love is so hard to believe in. But it's true. He is true.

I hope my story has had an impact on you. I leave you with this verse.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world.

By stormstars-.

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