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22.22% When the Leaves Stop Falling / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

"Do this with your lips." Serena puckered hers to illustrate. When Courtney imitated the gesture, Serena applied some lipstick the shade of pale pink rose petals and sat back. "Done."

Courtney walked into the small motel bathroom and studied herself in the mirror. "I've never worn make-up before."


"Yeah." She angled her face to get a better look. She didn't even recognize herself. She wore a black dress, one of Serena's that was too low in the chest for comfort and too high on the leg. It fit tight around her waist as she fidgeted.

Serena dug around in one of her bags she'd brought from the trunk and held out a pair of strappy sandals. "Here, these go with the dress."

Courtney took them and continued to stare at the stranger looking back at her. Serena came up behind her and laid her chin on her shoulder. There was love and understanding emanating from Serena. Friendly. Emotion swam in her brown eyes. It threw Courtney off. No one ever cared this much or even put up the effort to pretend to, and they'd just met. She'd question the validity if she wasn't certain Serena was genuine.

"You look great," Serena said with a smile. "I never filled out that dress right. It looks good on you." She reached in her purse and grabbed some gloss, applying it. "Tomorrow, before we leave, we'll stop at that drug store again to get you some more film and some makeup. Something that suits you, easy to apply." She smacked her lips and turned to Courtney. "You ready to go?"

Courtney skimmed her eyes up and down Serena's outfit. Her red dress clung to her small waist and down to her ankles. It was high-collared to hide her scar, and her massive amount of dark tresses fell to her shoulders in what appeared to be sexy, organized chaos. "No, but let's go anyway."

"What's the matter?"

She knew it sounded stupid even as she said it. "I don't know how to act in front of men."

Serena lifted her brows and pouted her lips in thought. "You never had a boyfriend?"

"No." She put her arms out helplessly and sighed. "Look at me."

"I am," she said with more pity than understanding. "You look damn good." She must've read the disbelief on her face because Serena took her hands and squeezed. "Courtney, you are beautiful. It doesn't matter if you have experience or not, it doesn't change the fact that you are. You just haven't been exposed to a lot before, and that's okay. I'll be right there the whole time, and we'll leave if you get real uncomfortable."

"Okay." Sincerity poured from Serena in waves, so Courtney nodded. All she could find looking back at herself was a scrawny girl with scars, hidden behind makeup, hairspray, and a nice dress. But Serena seemed sure otherwise.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Serena said very quietly, with such sadness it took Courtney by surprise, "No one's ever told you that before, have they? That you were beautiful?" She turned her by the shoulders and looked her square in the eyes. "You are beautiful. I don't care what anyone else has told you. You are." Nodding her head, Serena stepped back. "Let's go have fun."

The bar was directly next door to their motel, cloaked in cheap perfume and cigars. Smoke clung to the air and swirled around the people dancing near the back wall. The lights were low, with a red tint, and the music was ear-splitting. The front door was propped wide open, letting in little relief to the summer heat and humidity. People were packed in, laughing at private jokes and drinking without amble.

Courtney followed Serena to the bar along the right wall and sat on one of the only available stools. She tugged down her short dress, only to have it crawl back up her bare thighs. She eyed the bartender, a short, balding man of about forty, as he walked over to them with a hitch to his step. An ache shot up her leg as a visual bombarded her. His limp was the result of a motorcycle accident five years ago.

She closed her eyes and drew a slow breath until the foreign images of his wreck erased in her mind. She focused on the here and now to keep from drawing attention to herself.

His blue shirt was buttoned down almost to his waistline and he had sweat marks under his stocky arms. He impatiently pushed up his sleeves and cocked a grin out of one side of his mouth. "Welcome to Cajun South, ladies. What can I getcha?"

Serena leaned over the bar and yelled over the music. "Two Cokes. Thanks." She held up two fingers as if to demonstrate. She planted herself on the stool next to Courtney and smiled. "Not so bad, huh?"

Actually, it wasn't. A little loud and hot, but not as scary as she'd figured. Amused, she watched the people from across the room lean into each other and flirt, wondering if she'd be able to pull it off. "No, it's not bad." She grinned at Serena to prove it.

"Here you go," the bartender said, sliding over their drinks.

Serena slipped him two bills and swiveled her stool around to face the room. "Don't look now, but the guy at the end of the bar in the white T-shirt has been staring at you since we got here."

Serena caught the flutter of panic round Courtney's eyes and quickly patted her hand. "It's okay. It just means he's attracted to you. In a second, casually glance over there, pretend you didn't notice him looking at you before, and smile."

Courtney took a sip of her drink without really tasting it and set it on the bar. She did just what Serena said, and a young red haired man with wide shoulders smiled back. Her stomach flip-flopped. He grinned wider when heat infused her cheeks. He hopped off his stool with a bottle of beer in his hand. When she realized he was heading her way she gripped Serena's hand tighter.

"Okay, he'll probably ask you to dance, or just talk. Don't tell him your last name, but be friendly. Smile and just pretend he's someone you're comfortable with."

"Hey." The guy held out a rather large hand with a class ring on his third finger. "I'm Trevor."

Courtney smiled, hopefully not awkwardly, back at him and, after only a moment's hesitation, took his hand and shook it. "Um, I'm Courtney."

He nodded as if extremely satisfied with this knowledge. "Cute name. It suits you." He glanced over at Serena and held out his hand for her. "Another beautiful name," he commented when she told him hers. He focused back on Courtney and leaned close to her ear. "Wanna dance?"

She strained to keep a calm expression on her face when her stomach revolted. He smelled like beer and too much aftershave. "Sure." She slid from her stool. He took her hand and led her to the far back wall where others were crowded around dancing.

Serena kept an eye on Courtney from her stool until a sweaty hand touched her back. She looked up to find a tall man with dark hair and a hopeless smile.

"Can I sit here?"

She glanced at Courtney and back to him, infusing a polite smile of her own. "Sure."

He sat down and raised his hand to call the bartender. After ordering a club soda he focused her. "I'm Tom."

"Serena. Nice to meet you."

"Not from here, huh?"

Caution rang alarm bells in her head. "No. Why do you ask?"

His hands came up in a friendly gesture of surrender. "It's just your accent. It's not Louisiana type of southern."

"Oh." She sighed. "No, I'm from Georgia. We're heading back there now."

"Ah, okay then." She could still feel his eyes on her while she kept hers on Courtney. "You're watching her like a mom."

Serena offered an apologetic look. "Sorry. My friend doesn't get out much."

He dipped his head, causing a dark strand to fall over his forehead. "Can I give you some advice, then?"


He pointed to Courtney with his glass. "That guy your friend is with? He's a bar slut and is four beers in already. Keep an eye on him."

"Really?" She studied the dance floor where Trevor had his arm around Courtney's waist and was spinning her around. "Want to dance with me? So I can keep an eye on her?"

He set down his drink as the band set up a slow country song. "Never could turn down a pretty woman."

Courtney caught Serena approaching the dance floor and breathed a sigh of relief. When her companion kept his arm around her waist during the music change, she didn't fight it.

"You're cute," Trevor said, blowing the stench of sour beer into her face. "Wanna head next door with me? We can do some other kinds of dancing."

He hauled her closer before she realized his intent and held her in a vise. The pressure of his erection rubbed her abdomen and she thrashed to get away. Fear and dread crept up her skin when he didn't relax his hold. Damp sweat coated his shirt and the nausea rolled up from her stomach to her throat.

He planted his wet sloppy mouth against hers. Hard. His teeth gnashed her lower lip. It happened so fast she froze at first, until the metallic taste of blood coated her tongue. He took lack of response as an invitation and kissed harder.

She couldn't breathe. She attempted to pull away, but he had her arms trapped between their bodies. With everything spinning, she tried to yell no. He used that as leverage and forced his tongue between her lips and swirled it around.

Bile rose in her throat when she heard someone yell, "Get off her." And then she and Trevor were pulled apart. She fought to bring air into her lungs and grabbed her chest. There was shouting in the background, but she couldn't place what was being said.

Courtney sensed Serena there, even before she had her arms around her and talking to her in a calm voice. Someone questioned if she was all right. It was all so fast. Then a guy bent down in front of her, the man Serena was dancing with, and asked again, "Are you okay?" All she could do was nod her head.

Before she knew what was happening, she was weaving in and out of people and being guided to the parking lot. The humidity hadn't lessened from earlier, but it was significantly cooler outside than the bar.

She inhaled deeply and found Serena looking at her with concern. Guilt shifted in her belly. She'd ruined the evening. "I'm sorry."

Serena's head reared back. "What are you sorry for?" When she didn't answer she slipped her arm around Courtney's shoulders. "It's okay. It's not your fault."

"I didn't know what was going on. We were dancing and then"

"Shh," she said in a soothing voice and patting her hair. "It's all right now."

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