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100% Heaven's Wish Apon the Earth / Chapter 1: A legend and the boy
Heaven's Wish Apon the Earth Heaven's Wish Apon the Earth original

Heaven's Wish Apon the Earth

Author: Anime_Satan

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A legend and the boy

"Once along time ago, 3000 years ago, the earth was full of hope and joy, and the humans living peacefuly and happily. they say the humans were normal beings of light, however they came in darkness too, very evil darkness. the dark humans polluted the earth and hunted animals to extinction, and the heavens shook. the underworld took advantage of the chaos and sent 8 monsters of distruction known as Wakka. The continent's crashed with eachother forming a giant land mass, and 8 countries known as Relames. the Wakka's killed and destroyed many people and major cities in their quest for domination. however the heavens had a plan to save the earth and the humans of earth, they would send angel souls to earth. Angels are beings of pure light, and that light can be passed on through bloodlines of humans. with a flash of light, the angels granted their powers to the humans in hope they can defeat all 8 Wakka's. the Wakka's had long red body's with very long leg's, tail's and neck's to scare of anyone. they wear a skull on their head's to conceil their real face, however it doesnt make them less terrifying, and their teeth are always bloody. they are bloodthirsty predators with red eyes that hunt humans, not as food, but for fun, and huge orange spikes running down their back. despite the angels giving their powers to the humans, the humans haven't killed any of the Wakka's in 3000 years. but a glimmer of hope still remains as guardians try and defeat these monsters from hell, and restore humanity's hope and glory" a mother says ans she closes her book, seeing her childs eyes light up. "i want to help humanity too!" the little boy says jumping on his bed. "your father would be proud, but its too dangerous" the mother says as she tucks her son in bed. "i will defeat the Wakka's and restore the world!" the son says as he smiles. "you have lots of spirit, i just hope they will dissapear soon, so you can live a free life" the mother says as she pats her son's head. the mother gets up and walk out of a small cabin as she looks apon the village of Amek. suddenly a rummbling sound and a creacking sound can be heard. the son walks outside and so does all the civilians in the camp. the creaking sound gets closer and closer, until it went quiet, and they cant see because a thick fog surrounds the camp. they hear a scream and they see a guy running into the camp, only to me stabbed right through his entire body by a giant claw. everyone screams as they look up and see the face of The Amek Wakka. "i thought they couldnt find camp!" a man screamed as he ran away. the mother picks up his terrified son and starts running away from Amek Wakka. "mama, why is it here?!" the son cries as they run away from the huge beast, wich was as big as a 5 story house. as the civilians run away and get killed by the Wakka the mother gets pushed out of the way dropping her son. "mama!" the boy cried as he looked back to see his mum on the ground. "Run Kory!" the mother yells as the Wakka spots her. the son starts running as the Wakka reaches its neck down to the mother, picking her up with its mouth. the Wakka choms the mother in half and her upper half falls to the ground in a bloody mess, dead. the Wakka lets out a terrifying screetch as it continues to eat away at the civilians, until the Amek Wakka left the camp and a trail of blood and lifeless corpses in its wake, all but one, the lone survivor, the boy. Kory cried his heart out after the Wakka left, holding his mother's lifeless upper body in his arms. "mama!" Kory cried as tears spilled out of his eyes and onto the bloodfilled ground. "Hey! anyone alive!" a voice called out from the fog, "Help me!" Kory cried out as he still sobbed. the people rushed over and say the body in a devastated state. the people were from a relame called Zonar, the most powerful relame. a man picked up the boy, "search the area, and be careful. the Amek Wakka could return" the man says as the othets ran off. "whats your name little boy?" the man asks Kory. "its Kory Halo" Kory answered trying to stop the tears. "its ok Kory, your in safe hands, im general Yoku" the man says with a smile. Yoku has bright green eyes and chocolate brown hair, and was a little bit smaller than the others. the men that Yoku sent came back with soeeow in their eyes, "there were no other survivors, only the child" one of the men said, Yoku frowned and looked at the boy who was still crying. "ill take him home with us" Yoku says as he holds Kory close. "but sir, your the general, are you sure you can handle a child?" one of the men says. Yoku smiles, "he needs a new home, so i shall take him in" Yoku says as Kory fell asleep on him. Will Kory grow to be a fighter, or live in fear like everyone else?

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