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Chapter 12

After he checked his status he said to himself "Times up" and used a Tier 9 spell to merge all continents. All demons in the world suddenly felt as if the entire world was shaking and they found it as if the very earth they stood on moved. This lasted for a day until all continents merged. All demons who were on the shore were crushed. This event will later be called the great change.

When this happened all leaders started to explore what new land had merged with theirs and found out that there existed other demons outside of their continent. Everyone wanted to start taking over the land. This caused there to be extreme chaos.

While the rest of the world was in chaos Lukas was casting more and more spells. First, he cast a Tier 9 nature spell that he named rapid evolution which caused every single plant in its radius to evolve rapidly. This spell might not be the strongest spell but its radius and effect would last forever. This spell caused all plants to evolve which now meant that they evolved to use mana. He then cast a Tier 9 earth spell making mountains larger all over the world. He then used death magic, advance magic could also be called law magic because they could create and manipulate world laws. This might sound powerful but you need to have trained this magic to Tier 7 before being able to permanently affect laws and this would take hundreds of years for normal creatures. But not for him first because he had a system second he had super high affinities for magic.

The spell he used was a mix in between necromancy and death magic that created a law that one day after a creature dies it will revive as mindless undead. This law also applies to already dead creatures. This means that these demons will have to fight against billions of undead demons the only good point is that the undead doesn't know how to use mana... Yet. The bad things are that the demons will have to fight 150 undead demon lords. The continent is now giant so all the demon lords will be spread out. Some undead will be able to acquire intelligence and be able to start using mana to strengthen themselves including about 15 strongest demon kings. The only way to stop an undead from being born is burning the bodies.

He then cast another Tier 9 earth spell + Tier 8 enhancement magic that made all materials in the world more resistant.

The world became extremely chaotic and the only places that we're able to survive the change are the capitals that have Living Demon kings or mages in them. The fastest to adapt was the Demon King of death who made all his undead create giant walls around his territory making his kingdom a safe haven. The second-fastest was the Archmage and his students who used earth magic to make their capital city start flying by making a giant magic crystal that has a levitation spell in it. Making their capital a floating island where all the strongest mages live.

The third fastest was the Demon King of frost who created giant ice walls and had his soldier kill any being that got too close. The Demon King of nature didn't need to do anything because he already built his capital thousands of meters up in the air upon a giant tree. The Demon King of liquid flames didn't do anything because be believed that people have to survive by themselves.

While all this was happening the 150 Undead Demon kings started taking over the two continents that had been annihilated and the former territory of the Demon King of nature. You might say that the area would not be big enough for 150 Undead demon kings but keep in mind that this planet is x5 the size of Earth. While the unintelligent Demon kings were building up hordes the 15 Intelligent Demon kings learned how to use mana and took over cities that they used as bases. After a month the demons began to rank the undead depending on how strong they were.

Normal undead we're called normal undead and we're normal demons who had average strength. Then came the High-undead that used to be soldiers and still had the muscle memory to use weapons. Then came undead that used to be titans or had titan blood these demons could be from 10-100m and were called Undead titans. Then came mages that had died within recent times that could still use magic and were called liches. Then came the High ranking mages that died recently and became Elder Liches their mana got more corrupted and their spells became highly dangerous.

Then came the 135 undead that used to be demon kings were now called

Undead lords. The elder liches and undead lords had about the same strength but the Elder liches and normal liches had intelligence. Now the strongest undead was called The 15 Undead Kings and used to be demon kings that got intelligence. They were feared because they had the highest rank of the undead and controlled all other undead and learned magic from the liches and elder liches. Due to them becoming undead their affinities for necromancy became much higher and they quickly unblocked their mana making them extremely powerful.

While this was happening Lukas was hidden underground and was training his mana and watched how the demons and undead developed. He had done this because he was getting doing nothing while training his magic so he decided to change the world while he was training to relieve his boredom. You see he needed to be able to use Tier 9 space/void magic before he created a portal to another world because he wanted to be able to influence which planet he went to. This would take at least another ten years so he decided that he could maybe make the demons stronger then create a portal making the demons able to invade other planets. He created the undead to both make the demons stronger and to create another superpower.

Two months after the great change the Demon King of death allied with the undead kings making them stop attacking him and him giving knowledge about necromancy to them. This caused him to become hated by demonkind and he changed his title to Undead King. The other Undead Kings started creating massive castles and walls with the help of their forever working undead.

A year after the great change the mages on the sky islands started creating more islands and cities in the sky always hidden by clouds by using magic. The city in the sky was massive and had giant bridges from between islands and every demon in the city researched magic. The Demon King of nature had now started making the tree he was on taller and taller until it reached the sky. The only problem with living on top of a giant tree was that the demons almost only ate fruit and all buildings were made of wood creating a giant city made out of purely wood. This made it so that more and more people learned nature magic.

The demon king of frost had started to move his empire underground hidden from any undead creating a majestic city. He had most of his enhanced citizens help with creating this underground empire. The demon king of molten flames however started living under a giant volcano along with his hundred former bandit members and started training magic.

Five years after the great change all undead kings could now use Tier 5 magic and were now even more powerful. They had created a massive city that was just as big underground as it was above because they had mined out extremely large amounts of materials and creating a giant city. More and more undead were gaining intelligence and were learning magic and creating more undead. You must understand that there were billions of undead because the demons bred fast and lived on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This made it so that the undead cities needed to be massive.

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