Tania Slowly opened eyes as the sunlighy falls on her face from the glass window. She blinked her eyes before opening her eyes and tried to get up from the bed but as she moved her hand she feels something heavy on her hand. She looked at the the hevay thing that is on her head and saw Jason sleeping by keeping his head on the bed and him on the floor.
"Huh?" Tania asked herself.
"Am I dreaming?" Tania asked as she rubbed her eyes.
"No? I am not dreaming... What happened last night though? Gosh... My head is Aching a lot..." Tania said as she kept her hand on her forehead as her forhead aches so badly.
"Ahhhh..." Tania yelled a little loud with the pain that made Jason wake up from the sleep.
"Who the hell is that in the early morning trying to wake me up in my home?" Jason asked as he turned his head and tried to sleep again.
Tania frowned with his yelling and saw around the room she is in.
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