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96.55% Where The Night Flowers Bloom (BL) / Chapter 28: Into the Cold, The Snowfield Ba Sect.

Chapter 28: Into the Cold, The Snowfield Ba Sect.

*** Two days earlier

In the Sacred Sect of Mount Grace, Hai Yin made his way toward his Father's office where clan leader Hai was already speaking with another disciple.

"Take this to clan leader Kang and be sure to put it in his hand, should anyone else try and open the letter it will burn up and wither away.", said clan leader Hai.

"Mn.", the disciple bowed, cupping his fist, and nodding to the young master that had entered the room.

"Wait, you are leaving for The Unholy Sect?", Hai Yin questioned, and the disciple stopped, respectfully nodding to Hai Yin.

"What is it A-Yin?", clan leader Hai wondered.

"He is departing for The Unholy Sect, allow me to accompany him.", the young master offered.

"He does not need your company to simply deliver a letter A-Yin, besides I have something else of equal importance for you to do." said clan leader Hai. "Off you go.", he continued to the disciple and he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

"A-Yin, for what reason do you have to visit The Unholy Sect, is it something of importance?", said clan leader Hai taking a seat at his desk.

"It is nothing, I have just never had the chance to visit.", said young master Hai, lowering his head and letting out a barely audible sigh.

"There will be plenty of time to visit The Unholy Sect in this life-time, but now is not the time. This is for you.", said clan leader Hai handing Hai Yin a closed envelope, with their clan's seal on the opening.

Taking the letter, Hai Yin raised a brow as he was confused, was he not just given the same task? "Father..", he began to say, but clan leader Hai spoke over him.

"You are my son, my heir, haven't you ended up in too much danger lately A-Yin?" clan leader Hai raised his brows. "Deliver this to clan leader Ba and come straight home A-Yin."

"…", lowering his head again, Hai Yin said nothing, his Father was simply being overprotective again, no one ever went to the Snowfield Sect of Ba starting trouble, it was too cold!

"I will send Hai Li Shan to accompany you, do not forget to dress warm A-Yin.", said clan leader Hai as he proceeded to reading scrolls and young master Hai rolled his eyes, bowing and exiting the room.

*** Four days later

"Young master I thank you two for coming all the way out here on your Father's behalf, I know the journey in the cold was not easy.", said clan leader Ba as he and his son walked in front with young master Hai and disciple Hai Li Shan following behind with their thick white fur hooded cloaks dragging behind them onto the snowy ground.

"There is no need clan leader Ba.", Hai Yin responded.

"Hai-ge, when will you come back? You do not visit like you use to.", asked young master Chen.

"I am not sure, I will return as soon as I am able to.", Hai Yin responded, narrowing his brown eyes, annoyed with his Father and feeling as though he had been kept on a tightened leash lately.

"Yes young master, please come and keep my son company and train with him like you did when you two were just children. It seems the more time he spends with you, the more he advances. Have you heard? My son brought me the head of the monster of strain, I could not believe it! Perhaps he will become a strong cultivator yet!", clan leader Ba explained, excitement in his tone. Glancing behind him with his furry hood covering half of his face, young master Chen anxiously stared at Hai Yin, nervous about what he would say.

"Impressive indeed, it would seem that I am rubbing off on him after all.", said Hai Yin with a smirk on his handsome face as he winked at Ba Chen who nodded and turned back around.

"I still have much to learn!", Ba Chen chuckled loudly, feeling awkward as he was underserving of all this praise when it was actually young master Kang who had slayed the beast.

"Nonsense, you are my child, of course it is in you!", clan leader Ba boasted with a wide grin as they neared the gate to the entrance of the Snowfield of Ba Sect.

As they arrived at the gate, the Ba clan disciples nodded, respectfully addressing their clan leader and his company.

"Take care young mas..", clan leader Ba began to say, but he was soon distracted as he heard laughter and cheer's. Turning around, the four saw two people, hooded in dark cloaks at the foot of the path toward the gate. One of them stood still with his arms crossed while the other laughed spinning around with his arms out wide.

"Clan leader Ba!", one of the disciples spoke as he saw how confused his clan leader was. "Young master Kang and disciple Kang Yixing from The Unholy Sect have just arrived, disciple Kang Yixing said they would come in, in a few. Apparently, snow does not fall in The Unholy Sect." the disciple finished explaining.

Letting out a low snort, young master Hai tried his best to hold back his laughter, as he watched Kang Lei spin around like a giggling child experiencing snow for the first time.

"Ha, ha!", clan leader Ba chuckled, "Being a clan leader's child can age one too quickly, trust me when I say I have experienced it myself. It warms my heart to see you heirs allowed to be the children that you still are.". Glancing at clan leader Ba for a minute, Hai Yin's grin widened, clan leader Ba may be the softest clan leader of the four, but he was most certainly the wisest.

"Kang-ge!", Ba Chen called out, waving his arm like a mad man to get the young master's attention. Hearing his name, young master Kang suddenly stopped spinning around as he and Kang Yixing made their way up to the gate.

"Kang-ge!", young master Chen yelled with excitement as they approached the gate.

"Clan leader Ba.", Kang Yixing and the young master, bowed cupping their fist and clan leader Ba nodded with a smile.

"It is good to see you Ba Chen.", said Kang Lei as he glanced at the four people standing across from he and Kang Yixing. Adjusting his hood further back so that his face was more visible, with a smirk, young master Hai nodded to Kang Lei.

"Hai Yin!", Kang Lei's smile widened, it had been quite a while since they had last saw each other.

"I am glad that you have arrived safely. Shall we go back young master, your face is red, I know you are not use to the cold.", clan leader Ba chuckled, and Kang Lei nodded. "Well young master Hai and disciple Hai, take care.", clan leader Ba nodded, but Hai Yin only stared at Kang Lei who was already looking in his direction, those light blue pools of blue shinning brilliantly.

Nodding to everyone, Hai Yin and his disciple cupped their fist, making their way through the gate, and Kang Lei followed.

"It is a shame that you are leaving so soon after I have just arrived.", said Kang Lei as he walked beside Hai Yin.

"Unfortunately, what brings you here?", Hai Yin responded, resting an arm on his lower back as he walked.

"Clan leader Ba has asked the Kang to join in on their night-hunt.", Kang Lei smirked

"A night hunt?", said Hai Yin, suddenly stopping as did Kang Lei and the two locked eyes.

"Mn.", Kang Lei responded. Glancing away and turning his attention back to clan leader Ba, Hai Yin turned back to Kang Lei without saying anything as the two stared at each other and disciple Hai Li Shan glanced back and forth with his brows raised as he watched the two.

"Well, I will not keep you, until next time Hai Yin.", Kang Lei said with an eye squinting grin before he turned around to go back inside the gate.

For a second, young master Hai watched Kang Lei walk away, for some reason his feet became stuck where he stood.

"Shall we go young master?", said Hai Li Shan, the young disciple curious as to why they were still standing there.

Averting his gaze, Hai Yin turned to Hai Li Shan, his company disciple, older than him by just a year, "I wish to stay a little longer.", said Hai Yin before he started walking back toward the gate.

"Young master, your Father has requested that we drop off the letter and return back home.", said Hai Li Shan, quickening his steps to catch up with Hai Yin.

"Do you always do what you are told Hai Li Shan? Let us accompany our friends on this night hunt and I promise we will leave.", said Hai Yin as he began walking back into the gate.

"…", not saying anything and nonplused, Hai Li Shan followed. This young master and heir to the Hai clan who was usually so obedient was completely willing to ignore his Father's orders, how bold!

"Young master Hai, have you forgotten something?", said clan leader Ba as the two had made their way back inside the gate, all eyes surprised to see they had returned so soon after saying their farewells.

Before speaking, Hai Yin glanced at Kang Lei for a moment, his face quite red and those light blue eyes quite curious. Momentarily smirking, Hai Yin directed his attention back to clan leader Ba before bowing. "Clan leader Ba, please allow me to stay a little longer, I can be of assistance.", said the young master with a straight face.

"Certainly! Let us go back first.", said clan leader Ba with a smile. Nodding, Hai Yin and everyone made their way toward the manor.

"Hai Yin, I thought you were leaving, why have you decided to stay?", said Kang Lei slowing his steps so that he could walk beside Hai Yin.

"I am interested in seeing what the Ba clan needs your assistance to defeat.", said Hai Yin.

"I see.", said Kang Lei as he took a glance at the young master beside him with a smirk although Hai Yin's face could not be seen as most of his hood covered the side profile.

After the group of five had returned to the manor, clan leader Ba instructed his servants to prepare some tea and snacks for his guest, settling the young master's in his office while he went off to show Kang Yixing and Hai Li Shan where they could relieve their bladders.

With their wet cloaks hanging to dry, the three young master's relaxed, warming themselves up. Kang Lei sat by the fireplace, warming his hands with young master Ba at his side. "Kang-ge, you are shivering, I will go get us a blanket!", the young master hurried out of the office before Kang Lei could respond.

"I guess a blanket is fine.", Kang Lei chuckled.

"Is this really the first time you have seen snow?", said young master Hai, making his way over, sitting down in the lotus position beside Kang Lei.

"Is it that obvious?", Kang Lei chuckled, pulling his hands away from the fire and crossing his arms.

"You looked like a child dancing in the snow if I have ever seen one.", Hai Yin smirked.

"Young master Hai, it is impolite to poke fun at me so soon after being apart for a while.", Kang Lei narrowed his eyes at the young master, a smirk on his face as well. "How have you been these three months?"

"Four.", Hai Yin responded quickly.

"Huh?", said Kang Lei confused.

"It has been four months and I have been well. What about you?", said Hai Yin, turning toward Kang Lei with that same warm smile.

Quickly turning away, Kang Lei's smirk slowly disappeared as he brought one corner of his mouth tight. With his gaze now fixated on the fire, the young master swallowed hard before speaking. "Ah! Right, right it has been that long, and I have been well."

"Kang-ge, I only found one blanket, but we can share.", said Ba Chen bursting back into the room. Sitting on the floor quite close to Kang Lei, Ba Chen threw the blanket around both of them, leaning his head on the young master's shoulder. "How is that Kang-ge, are you warm now?", Ba Chen asked.

"Thanks, I am.", Kang Lei couldn't help, but to giggle, he had never experienced what it was like to have a little brother before.

On the other side of Kang Lei, Ba Chen noticed Hai Yin glaring at the two of them, and he sat up quickly. "Hh..Hai-ge, are you cold? Would you like some of the blanket too?" Ba Chen stuttered unsure why young master Hai was staring at him so hard.

"I am fine.", Hai Yin rolled his eyes and directed his attention toward the fire, but just as he did, the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Surprised, Hai Yin looked up to see Kang Lei already staring at him.

"Of course, he is cold Ba Chen. Do not mind him, he is probably just hungry. Are you hungry Hai Yin? Is that why you are suddenly annoyed?", Kang Lei teased with a grin on his handsome face.

Seeing the two grinning like idiots, young master Hai couldn't help but to smile, "You are the one with an insatiable appetite for sweets, now give me more!", said Hai Yin pulling the blanket so that Ba Chen barely had enough to wrap around his right shoulder.

"Hai-ge, I am willing to share, but you must be fair!" Ba Chen whined, aggressively pulling the blanket back to his side, but Hai Yin would not budge.

"Kang Lei and I are your guest!", Hai Yin teased, with a smirk, pulling it back his way and Kang Lei simply spectated in between the two with a belly aching laugh as he held his abdomen to keep his sides from splitting.

"Shall I read the children a tale while they eat their snacks and sip their tea?", said a giggling voice coming into the room. Clearing his throat Hai Yin, let go of the blanket and stood causing Ba Chen to fall over as he had still been pulling on the blanket. Still giggling, Kang Lei and Ba Chen stood up as well to see Kang Yixing and Hai Li Shan had entered the room as well as the servants placing snacks on the table.

"Ahh! Perfect timing, shall we enjoy our snacks before supper young master's?", said clan leader Ba entering into the room and everyone made their way over to the table, helping themselves.

As everyone had taken what they wanted and began eating, clan leader Ba cleared his throat, instantly getting everyone's attention. "I suppose we should really get down to the reason we are here, although leisure is nice every now and again.", said clan leader.

"Then please began.", said Kang Yixing.

Nodding clan leader Ba, continued. "Young master, please do not be offended, but when I sent for disciples of the Kang, I did not expect for the clan leader to send his own heir."

"Clan leader Ba, I assure you young master Kang is very capable, not to mention the heir of the Hai clan and his disciple have joined us as well. There is also young master Ba, I am sure we will be just fine.", Kang Yixing explained with a smile and Ba Chen placed a hand behind his head, chuckling nervously.

"This is true, however as I've said, I did not say that to offend anyone here, we are dealing with quite the formidable foe and I am unsure it is wise to send our children.", said the clan leader furrowing his thick brows.

"Clan leader Ba, please tell us about the one you want us to hunt.", Hai Yin interjected.

"Very well. Over fifty years ago when my Father was clan leader, there was a cultivator by the name of Ba Mei Ya. The woman was gifted beyond the likes of anything our people had ever seen. Ba Mei Ya was the strongest cultivator in our Sect next to the clan leader himself, she could manipulate snow and turn water into ice, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. Seen as though she was a gift given from another world, other's looked up to Ba Mei Ya as a demigod, so my Father made her his right hand, naming her 'The Ice Goddess'.", said clan leader Ba momentarily stopping his tale to sip his tea.

"During a hunt, the ice Goddess saved a disciple from being attacked and was cursed herself with some sort of menacing disease that attacked her spiritual essence, by the day she grew weaker and no healer could fix her."

"It is called core suppression, it is meant to bind one's core smaller and smaller until it is no more.", said Kang Yixing, all eyes on him for a moment.

"Mn.", clan leader Ba nodded. "Sickened by her weakened state, the ice Goddess ran to the only place she knew someone would be able to help her."

"The Kang clan.", said Kang Lei with his brows furrowed, all eyes on him for a moment.

"You are correct young master; the ice Goddess did seek out the help of your former clan leader."

"But they were enemies back then.", said Hai Yin.

"That is also true young master Hai. The previous clan leader of the Kang did indeed help the ice Goddess, but it came at a price.", said clan leader Ba, everyone at the table now tense. "With a short cut to immortality and a way to continue living as the ice Goddess, Ba Mei Ya became a secret disciple to the Kang, sharing sensitive information about the Ba clan, kidnapping and disabling our disciples to steal their spiritual essence for herself. When my Father found out that Ba Mei Ya had committed treason against the clan, he and the disciples fought with her, injuring her. Fatally wounded, Ba Mei Ya was not able to get far, but she managed to escape to the mountains where she was found dead in a cave days later. When my Father and our disciples found her, the cave was fuming with vengeful energy, so a seal was placed to keep her at bay. When the job was finished, some of our disciples made it their job to tarnish the name of the ice Goddess, as she was newly declared as 'The Ice Witch Cultivator of the Kang'.", clan leader Ba finished his story, leaving a dark cloud hovering above the table.

"Clan leader Ba, do you realize what you have done?", Hai Yin asked, being as respectful as he knew how to be as he glared across the table.

"I understand that this is a sensitive topic, I do, but a week ago menacing wails echoed from the mountains and a few curious disciples of mine dared each other to explore that cave and they have not returned. I sent out more disciples to bring them back, but they have yet to return as well, so I hope you can understand my reasoning. I do not hold the Kang accountable for the way things have turned out, but I do expect them to help pacify the situation. Suppress the ice witch and bring her to your clan leader, that was the deal.", said clan leader Ba as kindly as he could, hoping to calm the tension in the room.

"Hai Yin, it is fine, a deal is a deal.", said Kang Lei with a small smile, hoping that Hai Yin would leave it alone.

"…", nodding, Hai Yin lowered his head, glaring at his plate instead. Letting out a small sigh, Kang Lei also lowered his head, Clan leader Kang had stressed the importance of bringing the dark spirit back, however he failed to mention that they had played a part in this dreadful story.

Ghostmane1991 Ghostmane1991

Sorry I have not been uploading in a timely manner lately, this has been quite a week. As always, thanks for reading, I appreciate you and stayed tuned, more to come! ^_^

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