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87.5% the temple / Chapter 7: preparations

Chapter 7: preparations

As it feels like I'm panicking I run though the dark hallway I can tell something is chasing me as it feels I have to run a weight on my back and on the left side of my head I leap into a small light space I dash into the blinding light as I enter it.

It fell as if I don't have to run anymore as I lean over I notice that I'm in a different outfit I'm wearing a white dress it looked like as it looked covered in blood I look up as I see a bird bath I hurry to it only to see something horrifying I have cuts all over me and that's not the worst of it I have a spiral ram horn on my head and a bat like wing with a talon on my left also a tattered feathered wing on my right for some reason I look to where I entered as I hear a child's voice "I made her like that do Not alter Ta-sheen dang you" I hear a struggle then a giant roar "RUN TA-SHEEN NOW !!!" the child's voice yells as I dash almost uncontrollably down a hallway only to find a dead end as I turn to face my persuader I see a giant dragon jaws open wide as it starts to breath fire I scream loudly, like instant my surroundings change I'm in a silver like cage no wounds this time as I look around I see a child with dark red bourbon hair she smiles at me as I hear vaguely "Remember to keep your vow to me Ta-sheen Shinocha protect-"the voice fades as its drowned out by a loud screeching sound. My eyes fly open as I sit up quickly almost head butting the goddess, panicked still from the dream I feel my head relived to find out that I didn't have a horn there and feeling my shoulder blades to find no wings of any sort I breath heavily as the goddess asks me if I'm all right I barley heard her as I look around and I see the snowy barn owl more clearly its screeching must have woke me as I sigh I nearly fall asleep again as I shake my head awake.

I sit up and nod to the goddess that I'm ok wow that was a scary dream but it so didn't feel like it I take many more deep breathes as if I were actually running before I could actually speak "I'm ok I'm -" I cut myself off as I see Retra she freezes as I look at her why?. Unknown to Ta-sheen apparently, her left eye is a demons eye as she is looking at Retra , Retra has stopped as I if I ordered her to stand completely still her demonic eye seems to dim as she says 'why have you stop- oving' she then passes out landing on my lap the other maidens are awake now thanks to that owl but I don't know what Ta-sheen has seen in her dream but she's starting to wake up unsure if I should move or not I tell Retra to go get herself ready for a long trip Retra exits the room with no questions I place a gentile hand on Ta-sheen's shoulder as I do I feel a small bulge fear and shock seem to overwhelm me as I peek down the back of her shirt to see a set of black wings barely noticeable I lean back "yes finally" I say on the quiet side as Sanka approaches me "we would like to get some sleep now" giving her a sly smile she raises her eyebrow "what is it has something major happened that we don't know about besides that she's part demon" Sanka asks me deadpanned "she has wings she starting to wake up not too sure why she has a demonic eye once she tames a demon it should go away "

"that's great news do you know who she is yet?" Sanka sounded a little more happy as her question left me with a stupid look on my face as most to next to all of the maidens chuckled softly as I just blushed Ta-sheen repositioned herself as I could slide out from her she curled up into a ball like formation as he counted to sleep peacefully sighing I turned toward Sanka as she raised her hand before I could speak Jira joined in as they both said "if she has another remembrance dream we shall inform you personally " I smile as I then nod to them and leave the room and grab some extra sheep's wool and start sewing it into a cloak suit for a long travel coating it with a thick adhesive layer Sanka comes in as I look at her expectedly "nothing yet" she says as I drop one of my shoulders and continue layering the fur "so are you both going to go traveling soon?" she asks as I reply teasing "no I'm just doing this for no reason at all " she gives me a cold look "ouch ok yes we are I was trying to tease you a little bit " she smiles "I know how soon will you be leaving so we can prepare?"

"ahh- it sounds like you're in a rush to get me out of here" 'I' she tries to protest tacking a step toward me as I finish layering the fur I say "don't fret I know you're not when Ta-sheen wakes up I'll let her now and I have to see that she isn't a demon that would not be good but even though she had a demonic eye I sensed no demonic presence from her but only the aura of a unawakened god perhaps she's waking up to fast and if that's the case this trip should slow it down some anyway Sanka go get some rest you need it for your preparations for tomorrow don't you "

Sanka just smiled and did as I suggested as I sat at my workbench grabbed a blank scroll and started to write my events of the day. It's been about a month since I last saw that fox demon the half owl demon still hangs around me though Retra did try to scare it off the other day as I've been told that I'm taking a journey with the goddess I can't help it I'm excited as well as worried but not just for myself this time but ever since I had that strange dream about me running a blacked burse has appeared on both of my shoulders there in the shape of wings but Sanka has been more stressed lately I've been trying to help but there is only so much I'm able to do I haven't touched that box in the library since I woke up from that nightmare but to be most honest I haven't seen too much of the goddess lately with worries me a little bit I can't explain why it just does I ponder more on my thoughts as I unconsciously walk right into Sanka causing me to fall backwards and make Sanka drop a cup of tea man I know feel bad I hear a child's giggle the same tone of voice that was in my dream as I look up I see a mirror for the last bit of my nightmare alive her dark red bourbon hair tied back as she smiled at me as the color seemed to drain from me as I slowly start to remember every detail of what I dreamt about. "Sorry to keep you waiting Ki'da" the girl stood up "no problem I'm looking forward to talking with you Favor" she finishes as I look to see the goddess lead the child Ki'da out of the room. I sigh as I say walking down the hallway "so Lady Ki'da what is I owe you the honor of this visit" Ki'da just smiled and skipped in front of me and walked backwards clearly agknollaging her surroundings "I was wondering Favor if you could get Ta-sheen to her destination and leave her there for me to locate I have plans of my own." Stunned I remain speechless for several minutes I then sigh and give a relaxed look "and why would I do that when I don't even know who she is quite yet."

"Oh come on now I thought we could make a deal on that offer" her entire being gave off a terrifying appearance I stopped dead in my tracks "ok like what?" I barley say as Ki'da smiles menacingly as her eye's glint with a glow of gold Retra stops behind me. Trying to hold my composure I close my eyes and listen to my own breathing her glare seems to lift from me as I open them I see her grin is erased as she is looking to one side clearly awaiting my response "very well Lady Ki'da I will accept your offer as the leader of the gatekeepers dragons but unknowing witch direction to head really buffers your deal doesn't it"

"watch yourself Favor" her voice warned "but your right northwest but how about waiting a little bit longer" wait she wants me to what ? Sanka has already expressed that she wants me to go on this journey but since Sanka is a gatekeeper herself and Lady Ki'da is her boss I guess I can override Sanka's word this time … I hope.

"Goddess" Retha came in as she saw Ki'da "I'm so sorry but I have an update of news that I think is most valuable." I gaze over to Ki'da as she jestered 'go ahead' "what is it Retha we were just about finished here anyway" I finished as I received a glare from behind me as Retha spoke ""the merchants wagons just rolled into town there asking to open the market place for a week" the market? Was that what lady Ki'da was talking about? "umm hello you still haven't answered me YET FAVOR" Lady Ki'da seemed to snarl as I look at her and speak "yes of course sorry for my hesitation Ki'da but we have a deal I will fulfill your deal to the most extent of my abilities and we shall wait to leave until the market is almost over I intend to introduce Ta-sheen to the market and all of its many wares to get me an idea on who she could be" I sigh as Ki'da just smiles "deal and here" she places a brown satchel of coins in my hands stunned she countes before I could ask" this money is Ta-sheen's and hers alone ok " as I look up from the bag she starts to head back down the hallway "hope that helps I'll see you in the near future most probably bye now" she finished as she sprinted out of my temple and disappeared into the near exited crowd doing a low sigh of relief I look at Retha who has been standing to the side out of the way awaiting my answer

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