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Chapter 93: "Hubby it's so good to have you.",

"I feel bored please let me go through a few documents.", Adi begged as she stared at the man whose busy on his laptop.

"I've done all your work. So take some rest if you want me to take you to fashion week the day after.", Anan spoke as he closed his laptop.

"You mean I can go there...?", Adi was surprised.

"Not there but a distant place where you can see all the drama.", He spoke as a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Why are you acting mysteriously...?", She spoke as he entered the arms of the man who just sat on her bed.

"Wendy and Bailey are going to make someone hit the headlines very soon.", He mysteriously spoke as he patted her hair.

"I hope they won't get hurt.", Adi sighed and entered deeper into his arms.

"They won't. Wendy has Karan and I asked Kelvin to look after Bailey.", He spoke as he adjust her injured hand and hugged her properly.

"Hubby it's so good to have you.", First time she felt it isn't bad to be dependable on someone.

"Glad you realized.", He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"I'm hungry.", She pouted.

"Food will be here in a minute. Rishi is coming upstairs.", He smiled at the hungry cat in his arms.

Vastav's Mansion.

"Why is Anan not coming the day after...?", Lilly felt bad. She liked Anan unlike the men in the Vastav family.

"He has some business to take care of, anyway how are the preparations going...?", Suhani spoke as she sipped her herbal tea.

"It's a that Anan is back I could befriend that young man.", Lilly smiled bitterly.

Just then...

"Grandma...Mom asked me to pass this box to you.", Linda entered the garden making Suhani stare at her.

"Grandma Suhani.", Linda calmly greeted.

"Hello Anvi...come and have a seat.", Suhani warmly smiled and spoke.

Linda walked towards them and took a seat.

"Aarav is going to participate the day after I can't help but feel a little excited.", Lilly smiled and spoke.

"That little brat is like energy sucker...he always attracts everyone.", Suhani smiled too.

"Good to see that Karan and his wife are also becoming close...Now all I have to do is find a good husband for my Anvi.", Lilly smiled as Linda forced her smile.

Linda's fists were tightened. How could she agree to the truth that Karan is now someone's man? She couldn't and she didna want to believe it.

"Grandma I will be back.", Linda spoke as she left them both.

Suhani scoffed and sipped her tea. Suhani was in the entertainment industry for too long...she knew something is wrong with this fake one when Karan was mentioned. She didn't expose but took a decision to speak with Adi.

"Lilly what are going to do with Kyra...? She seem to act out of line the other day.", Suhani spoke seriously.

"Kyra used to be a good child...but she seems to be a different person after she returned.", Lilly couldn't help but feel sad.

"What if this is truly her and she was pretending before...?", Suhani's question made Lilly's eyes widen.

"Then I can't continue to put a snake in the family...I gave her the shelter and name...she will face the demon in me if the betrayal happens.", Lilly spoke as she sipped her coffee with a smile.

Both friends knew each other.


"Boss there's a call for you from Mr.Jason.", Ram's asst. spoke.

"Pass it.", He coldly spoke.

The phone was connected.

"Let's meet.", Jason's voice broke out from another side.

"I'm busy.", He tried to avoid.

"There is a special guest too. I believe you'll be here. I assume you know where I stay.", Jason spoke as he hung up the call.

Ram held his anger and rubbed his brows.

Music works.

"Now what...?", Rohit's voice was clear enough to make Jay shiver.

"The staff said Ms.Aditi is on leave.", Jay tried to explain.

"Get out...and let them know I will only meet Aditi.", Rohit firmly made his decision clear.

"Alright boss.", He spoke as he walked out.

A sudden phone call made his anger subsidize.

"Let's meet.", Jason's voice came through the phone.

"Sure.", The call ended just like that.

In a high-end bar.

"Diya what happened...?", Priya who just got there was shocked to see Diya in a drunken state.

"Why...? Why did that Anvi come back...? Why...?", Diya's emotions were out of control.

"Cool down...isn't it good that cousin is back...?", Priya started to provoke in disguise of comforting.

"Now that she's back...the princess is getting all the love and care. What about me...? Does anyone care about me...? My Anan...My Anan...My dreams to become his...will this ever become a reality...?", Diya was beyond control.

Priya scoffed at her question. she wanted to shout on top of her lungs that Anan only belonged to her and no one has a right to him.

She thought no one is eligible to stand beside him unless it's her. She felt only qualifications deserve a great man like Anan. So she scoffed when she heard Diya's words.

"It shall all pass...finally they will realize you are the princess.", Priya comforted Diya.

"Do you really think they will...?", Diya spoke in her drunken voice.

" let me take you home.", Priya dragged Diya to her apartment.

She knew it was important for her to have this friend for many things.

Author's special:

Author: Hello Mr.Karan.

Mr.K: Hello, Haru.

A: Do you think your parents will agree to the relationship between Anan and Anvi...?

Mr.K: Wanna hear the truth...?

A: That would be the main reason I interview people.

Mr.K: The fact the women in my house be pleased while the men will burn with jealousy. After seeing Anvi cry for quite a time...I don't think the men in my family will easily agree to their relationship.

A: So are you fine...?

Mr.K: To be honest, I'm not sure...if you've asked me this before I met Anan then my answer would have been No...but now even when I feel jealous I think they both deserve each other.

A: What are you planning to do with the slip Anan showed you...?

Mr.K: At the moment I guess I have no choice but to reveal it to my uncle.

A: What if your decision creates chaos...?

Mr.K: I hope to find the culprits and my kin...I'm not a child anymore...I can't ignore the present in front of me, don't want to leave the past back and sit still and wait for the future to unfold.

A: Thank you. It was nice speaking with you.

Mr.K: Likewise.

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