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85% Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World / Chapter 306: Chapter 292: Buying The Debt and Easy Money

Chapter 306: Chapter 292: Buying The Debt and Easy Money

Chapter 292: Buying The Debt and Easy Money

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Thought Projection's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World, Present -

----After defeating Wiz in her Magic Item shop,

While walking together on the streets, Maple was looking on her system screen.


Gamer System Quest (2/3)

(6,345/30,000) Defeat 30,000 Goblins (On progress).

(1/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Veldia (Completed).

(1/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Wiz (On progress).

(0/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Vanir in Keele's Dungeon (On progress).

(0/1) Save Alcanretia and defeat the Demon King's General Hans (On progress).

(0/1) Defend the Crimson Demon Village and defeat the general of the Demon King's army named 'Sylvia'.(On progress).

Failure: Can't redo the quest.


Passive Skill: Immunity

100,000 Exp(Received)

Passive Skill: Longevity(Received)

60, 000/ Bonus Health points

20,000 Bonus Vitality points

Active Skill: Full Counter


"Sun-kun, I wonder what is this Longevity Skill?" Maple asked me.

"It's a skill that makes you live a longer life than any human. Also Master won't get old anymore and forever look younger just like this Sun God beside you." Ai answered.



Maple looks amazed.

"Maple, are you okay with this?"

"What's wrong, Sun-kun?"

"As someone who possesses the same ability, your lifespan is longer than normal human. It means, you'll be seeing all your friends perish before you as you continue to live."

Her eyes widened then she clung on my arm.

I can feel that she's trembling.

"Master..." Ai mumbled.

"Sun-kun... It's kind of scary but..."

She glanced at me with teary-eyes.

I felt like she's expecting me to say something to her.

"Will you stay by my side until then so I won't get lonely?"

I was surprised by what she said, then I smiled,

"Of course."

She smiled back at me adorably.

"Then I'm going to be fine."

*Whisper* *Whisper*

Hearing some people gossiping not far from behind us. When I turned around, I saw Aqua and Megumin still following us from behind.

I have this unpleasant feeling when they are around.

"How long do you girls on following us around? Instead of wasting your time, you girls should go on a quest to pay off your debts!"

"But... with Kazuma being like that, we couldn't go on a quest..." Megumin responded looking troubled by what's happening of their party.

"Kazuma won't even talk with us and hang out with that boy looking like a girl!" Aqua complained.

She talking about Astolfo.

Thinking of a way to solve their situation,


Glancing at the direction of the destroyed part of the outer wall then gazes to these two girls who's the cause of the damage and now being in debt.

"Okay, I thought of something. I can make you two and your party out of debt."

"Eh?! Is that true?" Aqua was surprised.

"How will you do it?" Megumin followed looking desperate.

"Bring me to Kazuma."

Arriving back to the adventurers guild, we went to the dining table where Kazuma sitting with Astolfo and the blonde pervert who always peeks on bath house. They are drinking together.

I noticed that Darkness is watching them from the distance together with her friend Chris.

"Huh? Aqua! Megumin?"

We just walked passed her approaching Kazuma from behind.

"Yoh! Kazuma!"

"Ah! My former Master!"

Astolfo waved at me.

I just smiled at him then glanced at Kazuma who looks cautious when he saw me.


I pointed at Megumin and Aqua who's standing behind me.

"Your party members are complaining to me that instead of you and the girls are going on a quest to pay off the debt, you are avoiding them."

Kazuma looked at Megumin and Aqua with squinted eyes.


"Hear this, Kazuma! Haru has solution to our debt!" Aqua excitedly said.


Kazuma was looking at me suspiciously.

"You can trust him Kazuma! I am sure that he can solve our problem!" Megumin followed.

"And how will he do that? The award we got from defeating the demon king general was 300 million Eris and the amount of compensation from damages we caused is 340 million Eris. We have to pay a debt of 40 million Eris, you know! Where he can get those large amount of money?!" Kazuma complained looking desperate.

I took out something from my pocket and placed it on the table in front of him. It was a gold coin worth 1000 Eris.

Kazuma was looking at me weirdly.

"What is this?"

"I'll buy your party's debt."

"Huh? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Nope. I'm serious. I will buy the debt worth of 40 million Eris for only 1000 Eris."

"Seriously? Sounds suspicious for me."

"If you don't want it, then don't! These two behind are always following us like a dog. I just don't want them keep begging me for food."

"Hey!" Aqua and Megumin complained.

I just took back the coin and turned around, leaving.


Kazuma stopped me, grabbing on my shoulder.

"What now?"

"There's nothing suspicious on this, right? You're not swindling me?"

"Huh? I'm the who's going to be in debt of 40 million Eris if the deal is made. Just give me the 300 million Eris award then I'll compensate myself for the 340 million Eris damage cost. We can talk this with Luna-san in the counter to make you rest assured with the deal."

"No, I really want to accept the deal! It just that... there is something... Ah!!"

Kazuma was hesitating, being confused.

"Kazuma! What are you waiting for?! This is once in the life time chance that someone will make this kind of deal! Selling our 40 million Eris debt for only 1000 Eris? You'll lost nothing here!" Aqua was trying to convince him.

"That's right, Kazuma! We don't have to think about the debt! We are just passing it to someone!" Megumin was doing the same thing too.

"Hey! What's going on here? Will someone explain?"

Darkness was confused of what's happening.

I noticed that Chris was intensely staring at me.


I immediately look away from her.


Kazuma was being pressured.

"Okay! Fine! I accept the deal! It's better than being in debt!"

I smiled,

"Then let's settle the deal with Luna-san as a witness."

On the counter table where Luna-san is standing,

As a deal, I payed Kazuma with a single coin in exchange of the 300 million Eris award together with 340 million Eris compensation damage cost.

Now the deal was done and Luna-san gave me the check for the compensation.

"Haru... Are you really serious of taking their debt? This is the worst deal I ever seen, buying someone's debt? I can't believe that someone will make this kind of deal."

"Don't worry, Luna-san. I have a way to earn from this deal. Where's the 300 million award?"

"Sorry, I can't give it to you since it will be used as initial deposit of the repairs for the damaged outer wall. Now, you have to pay for the 40 million Eris balance of compensation."

Looking at the check in my hand,

"Then if I can repair the damaged outer wall, I don't have to pay this, right?"

"Well... Yeah. But I think it's impossible. I'm seeing you now as someone foolish making this kind of deal already."

Luna-san was giving me a menacing smile.

"I want to see myself the damaged outer wall."


Few minutes later, we arrived at the scene of destruction outside Axel town. It was a damage caused by the flood of Aqua's ability during their fight against Veldia.

"I wonder what he's trying to do?"

"I don't know..."

Aqua and Megumin was gossiping from each other.

"Wow! That's a lot of damage!" I said looking around.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Kazuma mumbled.

Cracking my fist as I walked close to the destroyed wall. I touch the wall with palm,

"Crazy Diamond!"

"Haru, I don't know what are you gonna--Huh?"

All the pile of the crumbled debris suddenly moves, going back to its places on the wall.


Everyone was completely shock, seeing the destroyed wall restored back completely into its previous state with no damage and good as new.

Facing them with a grin while showing them the check for compensation.

"Luna-san! Since I already repaired all damages by myself, there's no need for me to compensate, right?"



She still in shock state but she was able to nod.

"Then the 300 million Eris award is good as mine."

I walked towards Luna-san then I grabbed her soft hand and place the check on her palm.

"I'll return this back."

Turning around,

"Maple, Ai! Let's go!"

"Ah, yes!"

The two of them followed after me.

"Eat all you can. It's going to be my treat!"

I raised my arm.


They did the same.

"Hahaha! Easy money."


"Damn it all!"

I heard Kazuma's loud scream from behind.


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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