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30.76% DxD Reincarnation / Chapter 8: Cita (PT:2)

Chapter 8: Cita (PT:2)

Author Note: Hola amigos, honestly I don't know how you guys are going to take this chapter haha. Anyway, I just wanted to tell everyone to check my other story out, I've started a few days ago yet I've only had a few readers reading it. Cya guys around :-)


Raynare looked at him curiously "Where are we going now?"

This time he was the one to wink at her "It's a secret hehe."

He stopped a cab and gave the address, once they were near he brought out Hanzo in an alleyway. They arrived in front of a nightclub where he and Raynare lined up, she looked at the sign with the name and then at Alex.

"Hey Trey we are still minors so we won't be able to get in, you know you have to be 21 or older to enter these places."

He turned to look at her and smiled "This club allows 18-year-olds in so they won't be able to tell the difference just trust me okay."

As he was talking to her a man walked up towards him and tapped on his shoulder "Excuse me, young man, do you think that I could go in front of you?"

Alex nodded and stood back, Raynare looked at him with a dissatisfied expression but he simply gave her a wide smile. When the couple in front of the man was about to enter after getting their IDs checked they heard a big SMACK. The woman yelled and her partner turned around and tried to hit the man but he was knocked out cold.

The security guards got closer to see what was going on but they were also attacked and knocked out. Alex smiled and ran inside dragging Raynare behind him, once they were surrounded by people partying they stopped to get there breathing back to normal.

She laughed and looked at him like he was crazy "Did you plan all that?"

He gave her a mischievous smile and shrugged "Maybe or I'm just lucky."

Once a minute was up he called Hanzo back and began focusing on Raynare again. He could see her looking at the bar but he touched her chin and made her look at him shaking his head "You can forget about that, we might have been able to enter, but getting drunk was never a part of my plan and that won't change. What kind of dude would I be if I get you drunk on our first date?"

She gave him a small pout but nodded. He laughed and led her to the main dancing floor where they began dancing to the song Turn Up The Love by Far East Movement. He had to admit that he was impressed by Raynare's moves, after they danced a few other songs they went off the floor and into an empty table.

He laughed and looked at her "Looks like someone likes to dance haha, do you do it often?"

She nodded and pointed at him "I have to say the same about you, I can see that you also spend quite some time dancing while you look at the mirror huh."

He nodded and sighed "I used to, it feels like really long ago but seems like I still got it huh? Well, I'll be back, I just have to go to the bathroom real quick."

"Yeah don't worry, I'll be here waiting."

Alex gave her a short nod and went to the bathroom, after a few minutes he came back and found two guys next to Raynare offering her a drink. She seemed to be ignoring most of what they said so he walked up to them and lightly pushed them aside. "She's with me, I'm not okay with you guys trying to keep her company and it doesn't seem like she does either so both of you can scram."

They turned around to look at him and raised their hands "Take it easy man, we just saw that she was alone, and didn't have a drink and well we just wanted to treat her to some."

Alex grabbed her around the waist and began walking away he turned his head around and smiled "That's because I don't need to intoxicate a girl to make sure that she's having fun."

As they were walking back to the dancing floor he saw that there were people that had formed around someone. They waded through to see what was going on and found a dude dancing to the song Bad Guy.

He began clapping with the rest of the crowd since he enjoyed the performance. It brought him memories of when he and his friends used to dance during his past life. Suddenly as soon as the song was over someone pushed him inside the circle of people. When he turned around he saw Raynare sticking her tongue out at him.

He smiled and shook his head but as he was about to walk back to her, 2 lights pointed at him and the guy who had just danced.

DJ: "Hey would you look at that, Riko buddy looks like you have some competition haha, who here wants to see what he's got."


DJ: "Alright let's start with a classic. Let's see each one of you will be alternating every 30 seconds starting with our man Riko. Ready in 3,2,1."

As soon as the countdown hit one, the music from Smooth Criminal started playing. Riko began dancing and after about 30 seconds a buzzer rang which made Alex hesitate a few seconds before he started dancing.

The crowd seemed to like the way he was dancing which allowed his moves to ease up a bit and they flowed more naturally. After doing the same process again the song finished and he started walking back to Raynare until he heard the crowd.


DJ: "Alright not bad, not bad at all. Riko better watch out there seems to be a new beast that has broken out of the cage haha. Let's spice things up a bit more, this time let's have our new buddy strat us out, in 3, 2, 1.

The music started playing and Alex couldn't help but laugh as he imagined himself dancing it. The song that was playing was none other than Sexy And I Know It, before he started dancing he looked at Raynare and gave her a look that said it all "I'll get you back for this."

He danced and after his turn was over it was up to Riko to continue. During his performance, the dancer took off his shirt and when the attention was back at him he had to do what the people wanted.

Crowd (especially women): "TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF."

During his dance he took off his shirt and Riko seemed to have a look of defeat since the reaction of the crowd was louder. The song was done and this time Alex was in the mood so he just stood there waiting for what was next.

DJ: "Damn is it just me or is it getting hot in here"


DJ: "Then I guess we will have to take the risk and heat up things a bit more. Y'all ready?"


DJ: "Riko in 3,2,1"

The song started playing and once again he released a sigh of relief since he recognized it after 5 seconds. It was a song that he and his group used to dance as a warm-up, it was Que Calor.

After both their turns the crowd had flung an unknown amount of alcohol on them since the song was about being too hot.

DJ: "Alright then let's have one last song before we all make our decisions 1, 2, 3."

The music of Talk Dirty To Me began playing and he started dancing. The thing that he didn't expect was that when it was Riko's turn a woman joined him and started dancing. When his turn began a brown-haired woman with a yellow skirt got up beside him but seconds later she was pushed away by Raynare who took her spot.

DJ: "Oh snap the lioness is here and she won't let anyone take her catch haha."

Alex smiled and together they began dancing, what surprised him was how sensual Raynare was dancing. He felt himself falling for her moves but he shook his head to clear his mind 'Don't be stupid Alex get yourself straight and stick with the plan.'

After the dance was done he took her to his side and they waited for the results.

DJ: "Can we hear it for Riko"

Crowd: wwwoooooo

DJ: "How about our mystery friends?"


DJ:" Well pretty clear haha, congrats on our new champion. Now that everyone is in the dancing mood let's fill this stage with couples dancing."


Alex smiled and shook Rikos's hand "Nice dancing man."

Riko nodded and began to walk away with his girl towards the bar. Alex, on the other hand, looked at Raynare and smiled "Well my lioness how about we call it a day. I don't like the fact that we're covered with alcohol hehe."

She nodded and together they began walking towards the exit. When they were in the streets he glanced behind him and found two figures that he had seen earlier. He grabbed Raynare by the waist and whispered "we are being followed by the two that we're offering you alcohol earlier. For now, let's walk to that alley and get everything sorted out."

She hesitated at first but then nodded "Alright I trust you."

They walked into an alley and waited for the two men to walk in, when they were seen the two men laughed evilly and pointed at Raynare. "We are only here for her, if you leave her with us then you are free to go."

Alex shook his head and laughed "You are seriously stupid if you think there is any way in hell that I would do something like that."

One of them began walking towards him and Raynare "Kid you should have listened, don't blame us for whatever happens to you."

The man started getting himself into a fighting position but as soon as he was in range Alex faked a right kick before hitting the man with the high left kick. The blow connected right at the side of the man's throat and after doing a swirly dance for a minute the man hit the ground, completely knocked cold.

The other one looked at his fainted comrade and began digging in his pockets. Max quickly prepared to bring out Hanzo but he let out a relieved breath when he saw that what the guy was bringing out was a knife. "Alright kid, you might know some moves but I doubt that you can beat an armed man. Now I'm going to teach you a lesson before I kill you."

Alex sighed and then turned around to look at the fallen man, after smacking the unconscious man around he warped his hands around the man's throat. "Stab yourself in the leg with the knife or I will break your friend's windpipe."

The man with the knife looked at him and began laughing "You think that this is some sort of game? If that bastard dies then too bad for him all it means is that I get to have more fun hehe."

Alex smiled and pointed at the phone that Raynare was holding "Fine then let's change up the game, she just caught the whole thing on tape, and well if you don't do what I say then she will post what just happened online and that's going to suck for you. Trust me stabbing yourself is the best thing that you could do since my original plan was to use that very knife that you have to mark a big X on your faces."

The man looked at Alex to see if he was lying but what he saw was that the kid was dead serious and that his expression hadn't changed throughout the whole encounter. In the end, after some thinking and a big breath, he stabbed himself with the 6-inch knife. Once Alex saw that the whole thing went in he nodded and turned to look at the man he had knocked out.

"Looks like the only one that is left is your friend here."

Alex took the man's leg and broke it, then he took Yuma by the hand, and together they began walking out of the alley but not before looking at the men "If any charges are placed against me everyone on the internet will see what you did. Oh, and it's best that you don't try to get back at us or you will regret it, you got that?"

When the man nodded, he and Raynare began walking away towards the bridge where he had asked her out. When they arrived he held her hands and looked into her eyes "Look I bet that after what you just saw, you probably won't want to talk to me so I just want to tell you this. What I did just now might have been too much but that's what I'm like when someone tries to do something against me or someone that I care about.No matter what if you ever need someone to hear you out, all you have to do is find me. Also, make sure to stay safe, I would offer to take you home but I doubt that you would trust me enough to show me where your house is."

She just looked at him as he was walking away and since she didn't say anything he didn't look back. That still didn't mean that he was not paying close attention to what was going on since the last thing he wanted was to be impaled by a spear of light from behind.

He took the long way home and while he was walking he brought Hanzo back out "While I go home I want you to stay a certain distance from me and make sure that no one tries to follow."

The grandmaster kneeled and nodded as he disappeared in a small ball of smoke. Alex sighed and began walking back home as he thought "Well on the plus side I didn't get killed. She also seemed to have a good time so maybe just maybe with a little bit more temptation, she might fall.

When he got home his father and mother were watching TV but they quickly turned around and looked at him with shocked faces.

John looked at his son with anger "Trey what the hell have you done? Why do you reek with the smell of alcohol?"

Alex shook his head and began heading to his room "I went to a party and the idiots there went wild throwing alcohol all over the place. Don't worry though I didn't have a single drop other than the bits that got in my mouth but it's barely anything. I'll take a bath and watch the movie with you just give me about 15 minutes."

After he ate and watched the movie he went to his room and brought out Hanzo "Hey I've been told that fallen angels have the ability to wipe everyone's memories from their existence. I want you to remind me every day about her okay."

The ninja nodded and Alex called him back. Then he yawned and began planning the next phases of his plans.

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