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27.27% Taiyou clan the enemy of the Otsutsuki clan / Chapter 4: 4- family separation and new family

Chapter 4: 4- family separation and new family

[Toukka's POV]

After being taken by the creep to their camp I was thrown to a room.

The room was simple and only had a bed, a small table with a chair and a candle on top of the table.

The room had no window and the only way to enter or get out was by the door.

As we came to this room, I saw that there were at least 10 more people in the camp.

Hoping that Sol-chan was still alive and that he would be able to come and rescue me, I tried to fight back against whatever this brute was trying to do to me.

Although I used all my strength to fight back he overpowered me and started to touch in weird places.

He kept touching me over the clothes while kissing, sniffing and licking my face, neck, legs and feet.

It was weird and disgusting but I couldn't stop my body from feeling good.

I was disgusted at myself for feeling like this and my mind went to my twin brother.

Sol is my everything and if it was him doing this to her instead of this brute, she would have loved it.

The man not having enough yet started undressing me bit by bit.

I was wearing a sweatshirt over my t-shirt, a skirt with stockings, and obviously I was wearing panties under the skirt.

The man took my sweatshirt and as he did so, he started kissing and licking my hands to my arms until he started licking my armpit.

I tried to fight but he just didn't give any space for me to move.

After being content enough with that he snaked his hands under my butt and started to take off my stockings while groping me at the same time.

A slight moan escaped my mouth making me feel even worse about myself.

I was being molested but I was feeling good at the same time.

I hated this so much. I hated myself so much for feeling this way when it is not my cute and innocent Sol-chan that is doing the touching.

The man started doing the same and started to kiss my legs all the way down until the tip of my toes.

He then started to grope my chest with one of his big hands while the other was massaging my vagina.

I started to feel an unknown and weird heat all over my lower half of the body and it was slowly but surely expanding to the rest of my body, clouding my thoughts and making my head go numb.

I tried to squirm a bit more but no matter how much I tried it was to no avail.

The worst part is that I was starting to lose any strength and will to even fight as it felt so good.

The man then took my t-shirt making me topless and started to kiss my neck.

He gave some light kisses on my neck and was slowly going down to my breasts.

I didn't have any sort of development in there yet but it still felt good nonetheless.

After kissing and sucking for a few seconds and went down a bit more and stopped on my belly button.

As he kissed me there he took off my skirt and continued to massage it.

I felt so good at that point that I was completely lost.

I was constantly thinking about my dear brother and how good this was feeling.

Feeling satisfied by the moans that I was giving he decided to go lower and give some love to my still virgin vagina.

He tucked the panties to the side and started to lick it slowly and carefully.

Feeling his tongue on my vagina I gasped and moaned a little louder.

The man kept licking me there as he started to take his clothes off.

After a minute of doing this I felt my vagina completely wet and the man in front of me was already completely naked with that monstrous thing in front of my face.

He lowered his body and bit and touched the tip of his big thing against my vagina as he said, "Well, well, well, for someone that was so against it earlier you are now so willing to have your world rocked by my cock. Welp I won't delay it then, here I go."

As he said that though he put some pressure on my vagina and in one thrust broke my hymen and penetrated me to my depths, or so it would have been.

Before the man could do what he was palningto do, he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine.

Having much experience identifying danger, the man quickly jumped from the bed and landed on the other side of the room, still completely naked and erect.

He looked at the door and there he saw the blind kid that should have been long dead.

[A/N: I hated doing this shit but I had to do it so that the story moves on. sigh I wanna bang my head against the wall and just kill myself for doing this. Fuck I will have to rest some after writing this.]

[Sol's POV]

Following the unique scent that the mark on nee-chan let out I found a camp.

Not wanting to enter another full fight because I still felt tired, I decided to scout it first.

After a quick round I found that there are a total of 10 people inside, well 11 if we count the boss.

There were 3 of them at the entrance that was directed to the north, 3 on the other side at south of the camp, 2 at west and another 2 at east of the camp.

Spying on them and seeing when I could infiltrate and kill them I camped and used the marks to teleport from position to position to see which side would give a slight breach in its defense that I could use to kill them swiftly and soundlessly.

It took some time but it finally happened.

One of the men that was guarding the east side of the camp talked with his companion and then started to walk in the direction of the forest.

I followed him and when he had his guard down I struck and killed him swiftly.

We were some distance away so the sound of him falling didn't reach the camp.

After killing him I took all his weapons and marked them with my teleportation mark.

The man had a total of 10 kunais, 10 shurikens and one wakizashi, which looked the same as a katana but smaller.

Happy with this loot I quickly went to work and waited for the other man to drop his guard just slightly so that I could exploit and kill him.

I didn't need to wait for long as he seemed to have said something and started walking in the direction of the forest.

Just as he reached the first tree, I jumped down on him and using the wakizashi I killed him swiftly.

After looting him and gaining 10 more kunais and shurikens I then made my way and entered the camp.

Instead of making my way directly to where the scent of nee-chan's mark was, I put the 20 shurikens and kunais in strategic places and then went on a silent killing rampage.

After dealing with all the guards I started to make my way to nee-chan's place.

As I was nearing a room I started to hear moans and pants.

I wouldn't have minded much if it was not coming from my nee-chan's mouth.

Feeling something awakened inside me I silently got closer and used my mantra to look inside and what greeted my senses broke something inside me.

I felt something primordial breaking its shackles and roar so loudly that it covered all my senses.

It's roar was filled with rage, killing intent and a desire for blood.

Opening the door and not really minding in hiding my presence, the man quickly jumped from the bed and landed on the other side of the room.

I looked at MY nee-chan and then at the pig that was about to violate her and I felt something snap.

[General POV]

With a loud explosion a huge quantity of chakra started to assault the surroundings.

The wild and uncontrollable, rage filled, blood thirsty chakra scared every animal in a radius of 1km and called to the attention of some people that were in the area on missions or otherwise just collecting things from nature or even resting.

The chakra was directed at only one person, but everyone that felt it couldn't help but shiver as the intensity and magnitude was so big that they couldn't even begin to understand what was going on.

They all felt scared and only wanted to be as far as possible from this chakra signature as possible.

Though some brave people started making their way towards the chakra signature.

The man that was bearing all this rage and uncontrollable blood thirsty chakra almost pissed himself off from how scared he was, but he was still in his pleasure high and being unhappy that he was interrupted, ignoring his fear he started to berate the kid.

Just as he was about to do so though, the kid disappeared and along with his disappearance his erect little brother also went missing.

The pain didn't register itself until the kid reappeared near his sister and the man could see his pp stuck in the wall with a kunai pinning it against the wall.

The man looked at it and then at his nether region and not finding his much prized dick started to scream in pain.

The boy dressed his sister, teleported to the camp and then teleported back to the room.

He closed the door, put a silencing mark on the walls and made his way to the screaming man.

He retrieved the man's dick and with disgust shoved it down its owner's mouth.

After that he tied him to the bed in a star possition and started to torture him very, very slowly.

He started by ripping out all the nails on his fingers and toes one by one.

Not wanting the man that almost violated his sister to rest, he only ripped on the nail after he started to feel less pain from the previous ripped nail.

After all the nails were ripped out, he started to cut the fingers in fine slashes.

When the man had no more fingers or toes, he started to rip off his teeth.

The man had long started screaming bloody screams, but no matter how much he screamed, no one would be able to hear him.

When the man was already out of teeth to rip off, Sol took the man's eyes and made him eat it.

After doing so, he also made the man eat his own balls that were still attached to his body.

Still not being satisfied he cut the body and dissected him alive.

The man didn't die even if he wanted because of the stupid mark that the boy had put on him in the start of the torture.

After touring the man for 5 long, short hours he finally felt calmed down and exited the room.

He teleported to where he left his sister and found that she had disappeared.

The boy wanted to scream and rage, but he didn't have any more strength to do so.

He just fell to his knees and gave in to his tiredness.

He was all bloody and tired after fighting for so long.

As he was about to pass out due to tiredness a man with long white hair and one red line coming down from both eyes appeared near him.

He looked at the man and in a tired voice he said, "I don't have any more strength to fight. If you want to kill me, then I would like to ask you to do it fast and painlessly."

The man looked at the young lad and had a worried look.

The overwhelming chakra he had felt, contrary to what he thought, was coming from a young child that looked no older than 5 years old.

He knelt down to his level and in a comforting voice he said, "Don't worry young child I am not here to kill you." after he said that he smiled at him and said, "Hey, I had an idea. Why don't I adopt you as my son? What do you say?"

The child looked up at the man and said, "I have parents, they went to Sunagakure to sell our food."

The man kept smiling and said, "Then why don't I just go with you to find your parents, they might still be there right?"

The child thought about it and said, "Yesterday they said they would take at most 4 days so they must be there still."

The man's smile widened as he said, "Then I will go with you to the Sunagakure and help you find your parents."

After he said that the man was enveloped in smoke and went away he had taken the form of another man.

Seeing this the child was slightly perplexed as it was the first time he had ever seen this jutsu being performed, but his tiredness stopped him from reacting as he fell asleep not long after.

The man stopped his fall and looked at the child worriedly and with sadness.

He picked the child up and started making his way to sunagakure to try and find his parents.

As they were moving they passed through a village that was completely raised to the ground and joining the dots he reached a conclusion that this kid belonged to this village.

He also saw a lot of dead bodies.

After looking over the battlefield for some minutes he came to the realization that this kid was the one that killed them all.

Not wanting to stay in this place for much longer he started walking out when he was stopped by an elderly voice, "Wait, young man please wait a minute."

Stopping and looking at the old villager he asked, "So there were some survivors huh? What do you need, old man?"

The old man looked at the child on his back and said, "That child belongs to this village. He single handedly fought around 20 people and saved around 10 villagers from certain death. I just wanted to thank him."

Looking surprised, the young man looked at the sleeping child and his eyes flashed with a light for a moment as he thought, 'Is this the boy of the prophecy that the old frog had talked about? If he is I must train him'

The man smiled at the old man, as the old man continued, "Sunagakure has shown interest in acquiring this village for raising food for their village so I don't know if his parents are still alive or not. Please just leave and don't bring the child to suna, he will just mental break down. He also had a sister but another person has already adopted her. She had come here, just some minutes before you did and much like you did and followed my instructions. Please, raise him like a son and protect him from any danger. That is a request from you, oh great shinobi-sama. If you want I can also pay for this mission."

The young man smiled and said, "There is no need for you to do that, I was already planning on adopting him if we couldn't find his parents."

The old man smiled and said, "Thank you young shinobi, thank you."

After talking a bit more about the child and his circumstances the young shinobi thanked the old man and went his way.

Back at the camp another man with snake-like features had just arrived and he was looking around with interest.

As he looked around he found something interesting, he found kunais and shurikens with a strange mark on them.

As he studied it and looked around the camp and the dead bodies he came to a conclusion, "So these marks have the same function as the seals of that jutsu lord second created huh? This is interesting, very interesting. To find something so similar yet to that absurd jutsu here in the middle of nothing."

He then kept exploring and the next interesting thing he found was inside one of the rooms.

He found a badly mutilated body in the bed.

As he studied the body, he came to understand three things.

First was that whoever did this was extremely pissed at this person and exacted revenge on him, the second was that the person was not trained, since a lot of these cuts were simply untrained and three was that it was a young, or small person.

Having discovered all this the snake-like man only grew more and more interested in this case.

After taking the kunais and shurikens that had the marks with him he went away and back to his laboratory to study them and try to replicate them.

The next day the mother came back to a deserted and destroyed village.

She looked at all the dead bodies and gore as if it was nothing and just focused on searching for her babies as they were the most important thing for her.

Not finding them anywhere she started to panic.

Going back to her house she first buried her husband in the small front courtyard and then went to search for her babies.

As she searched around the perimeter of the village she came to the campsite.

She entered and saw bodies littered everywhere again but she didn't care and just went in to find anything that belonged to her babies.

After searching for some time she discovered the badly mutilated body of a person.

She at first didn't pay too much attention to him but she did find something as she looked more closely at the man's head.

The man had a mark on his head.

The mark could be seen as if it was a birthmark for most, but the woman knew it wasn't.

After finding that she knew that at least they were here for some time and that they should be alive, now she must search for them and if they really are dead, at least recover their bodies.

Before she went away she looked at the man and thought, 'For my cute and innocent Sol to mutilate someone this badly… This man must have done something unforgivable and the only thing he really cares about is family. So that means that this fucker must have done something to my cute Toukka, unforgivable. Completely unforgivable.'

She then proceeded to summon her spider and this time it was a different one.

The spider she summoned had a skull on its body and its eyes were whitish.

Without taking her eyes from the mutilated body she said in voice that was as cold as the coldest place in the world and full of hate, "Devour his soul and torture it forever."

The spider complied with the order and did just that.

It approached the body and pierced it with its mouth before sucking the soul out of it and storing it in her big abdomen.

After that was done she unsommoned her spider and proceeded to burn the body and the whole camp to smithereens.

Feeling a wee bit better about all this ordeal she went away and started her search for her babies.

KuramaUchiha KuramaUchiha

another big one and I hope u dont hold a big grudge against me for what I did with Toukka-chan.

word count: 3284

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