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2- 5 years old

Eight years have passed since the first shinobi war was over and the world was recovering from this, although only one year of war, bloody and brutal with more than a thousand shinobi's dying in it.

Many young and promising shinobi died, but those that survived, have grown to become stronger and more battle hardened.

While the war had ended eight years prior, the consequences were still felt in every village, be it small or big, they all suffered losses, though the small villages were the ones that suffered the most as they were used as the battlefield by the big and powerful villages.

In one of these small villages a baby was born to a poor farmer family.

The father was a normal human who graduated in the academy in the farming area as he wanted to feed as many people as he could, since his village and people were passing from a huge famine.

The man could have gone and been a ninja as he was well qualified to be one.

The man had a strong physique that was not too buff nor too slim, in other words the perfect physique for a fight.

The man didn't belong to any clan but he did have a big compatibility with ninjutsus, so much so that during the war he protected the small village from all the bandits that tried to raid their village, alone.

He was also able to learn some jutsus after just seeing it once and even was able to create some for himself after that.

The man would be hailed as a genius had he gone to the ninja course.

His wife didn't lag behind her husband and she could be said to be leagues above her man in terms of being a ninja.

The woman had long blonde hair with some locks that were sun-red in color, fair tan skin, beautiful blue colored eyes, small and adorable mouth and nose.

Her body was well developed with perfect size breasts that were not too big but not too small, slim waist and moderate hips sporting a round and bounce ass.

She didn't have much muscle that could be seen but nonetheless she was able to, with only one hand, crush the bark of a tree that was double her width with ease.

The woman never talked about her origins to her husband but he didn't really care as he loved her just as much.

She demonstrated being able to create spider webs, create spider legs out of her back, have a sixth sense that warned her of any close danger and speak to animals, mainly spiders, along with also being constantly leaking chakra, to her husband multiple times over the years, but he didn't think much of it.

The product of their love came only a year after they married each other in the form of one small and adorable baby boy and one small and adorable little girl.

Yes they had twins, and they were ecstatic about it as they have been trying to get kids since before marrying but were never able to conceive one.

The baby boy was named Sol and the baby girl was named Toukka.

The father named his son while the mother her daughter.

Sol was just another name for the big ball of flames that gave them warmth and good crops, while Toukka meant rising sun.

The mother thought of naming her daughter like that because she believed that even though they were twins she would be the one that would be the most responsible and so the one to raise her son when they are away, as they sometimes would have to go to a big village to sell what the farm gave them.

Time passed and both the kids grew smoothly and strongly.

They both demonstrated the characteristics of their mother clan, while at the same time they both also demonstrated being geniuses when it comes to manipulating chakra.

This caused some red flags to appear in their parents minds since they could be sought after to be trained to be a war machine during wars.

The parents guarded this secret the best they could as the mother sealed their kids' chakra and also put another seal to prevent them from talking about chakra until they entered the academy.

Both children showed interest in being ninjas and so she had to put those restrictions.

The seal over their chakra had 10 layers and it was designed to also grow as they grew not only in age but also in chakra quantity and quality.

The seal would put to a stop the chakra that was leaking, and would then seal the chakra that they had in their chakra reserves by the 10 layers.

As they would break the layers they would be able to access some quantity of their chakra.

Luckily the community was all very friendly and there were no infiltrators since there was no need to infiltrate in a small and insignificant farming village.

The village was situated in the river country, more properly near the border with the Wind country where the Sunagakure was established.

Suna was the major client that this poor family had and although it had shown more than once that it could and most probably would attack that village since it couldn't keep buying food from another country, it never did. At least not yet.

The children were around 5 years old and they were now strong enough to fight normal adults and even some genin and win if it was only in taijutsu.

Although the chakra was sealed, some of the chakra would still course their system making it strong and more durable.

The family also noted something during this year.

Their son was blind but for some reason he seemed to be able to move around and know where everything was without his eyes.

Call them what you will, but they have tried moving objects to his path while he was walking to see if he would go against them but he would always stop and look at them with question marks on his expression as if to ask why they did that.

They have also noticed that everytime he hurt himself, the wounds would heal faster than normal people.

And just recently they all saw strange marks on their bodies and in their daughter too.

When they were talking about it between themselves, Sol must have heard them as he said, "I was the one that put those marks on you and they tell me where you are and also put a shield around you in case you are in danger." while he was playing with Toukka.

The parents looked at each other for a few seconds and then at their son and smiled.

Their son really loved their little family and he had shown during the years that he really would do anything for them.

Once a small feral cat appeared in their little front yard and attacked little Toukka only for Sol to appear and take the attack for his sister and fight it back.

The cat won but he was not really fighting to win but to stall for time for his parents to arrive and scare it away.

During the whole process and even after, even though he was hurt, he never cried.

When they asked why later, he simply answered with, "If I had cried, Toukka-nee chan would have cried too, and I don't want her to cry."

They were super happy to hear this as not many kids that grow under these conditions think about the others first and then themselves, but their little 3 year old son was already sacrificing himself heroically to save his nee-chan.

Back to the present.

The family was in the front yard as the parents were about to make their way to Sunagakure to sell their food there.

They haven't gone to the village even once until now because of their children and would always ask a neighbor to go there and do that for them.

Of course the neighbor was to receive a percentage of the sales after he came back.

This year though, they decided to go and sell their products themselves since their children were already strong enough to protect themselves and if they needed help for something they could always ask for help from the neighbors.

Maika, the mother, turned to their kids that were by the frame of the door with small tears on their cute little chubby faces and said, "You don't have to cry, mom and dad will be home again in a jiffy." as she cleaned their tears and caressed their faces.

Adiran, the man of the family nodded and said, "Yes your mother is right. We will only be out for 4 days so you don't need to worry." as he laughed boisterously.

The children were a bit happy that it would only be 4 days and nodded with a slight smile after hearing their father laugh.

Maika also smiled as she said, "Sol you will be the only man in the house so you will have to protect your onee-chan ok? And Toukka, you will have to look after your otouto and see if he doesn't get too hurt ok?"

Getting noods from both children and a proud and raised chest from her son, Maki giggled, kissed their little foreheads and then hugged them tightly.

After a second or two she let go of them and gave space for her husband.

Adrian patted their heads and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, so just wait for us and behave well ok?"

Getting nods and two big smiles that gave him even more energy and determination to get home earlier he looked at her wife and nodded.

Understanding everything that went through his head, Maki giggled again and nodded back.

Finishing saying their goodbyes, the parents went away and started their journey to Sunagakure, while their children were by the village entrance looking at them going away.

When their parents were so far away that they could no longer see, or at least, Toukka could no longer see, they went back to their house and started to play and just spend time together.

[Sol's POV]

After seeing our parents go outside the village I felt a bit lonely and so I tried to spend as much time as I possibly could with Toukka-nee chan.

We would always be seen together holding hands, or just really close.

We were the only children of our age in the village so we could only play between ourselves really.

As we grew up we couldn't help but just grow closer and closer to each other, almost to a point of depending on each other for everything we did, and the attack of the wild cat when we were three only made things worse or better, I don't really know.

Ever since that attack I have also been working on this ability that I had to feel everything around me in a radius of 10 meters, that I have named mantra, and I have made progress so during these two years.

I now could feel everything around me in a radius of about 100 meters and could coat my body in a transparent layer of the same energy for protection.

I have also asked my father to train me and he has been teaching me some martial arts and how to use kunais and shurikens.

I have been training very hard in everything since I didn't want my nee-chan to ever worry about me again.


We went home and started to play ninja with some wooden kunais that kaa-san had made for us.

We spent the whole day playing it until we grew too tired, hungry and sweaty and decided to go and have a wash.

We have a bathroom with a big bathtub but nee-chan and me prefered to use the river since we loved the open air bath and also to play with the water there.

So we took what we needed and made our way to the nearby river to bathe.

As we got there we took all our clothes off and jumped towards the water and started playing.

After playing for some time we started to wash each other in turns and then went to catch some fish and hunt some small animals.

We have learned some basic hunting tactics from kaa-shan and tou-san just last year and so we started to put everything to practice.

Nee-chan was really good at fishing while I was really good at hunting so we both prepared and then entered our hunter mode.

After some minutes of hunting and fishing we had 2 fishes and one rabbit to eat for dinner.

Nee-chan skinned and deboned the rabbit while I started cooking the fishes and pieces of meat that she would give me as she did so.

After around an hour we were already eating, talking and laughing.

I then turned to nee-chan and said, "Ne, nee-chan, why don't we come to the forest to eat and bathe every day until kaa-san and tou-san come home? We could also come here to train and grow stronger. What do you say?"

Nee-chan put on a thinking face that was super cute with her blue eyes, the same as kaa-san and sun-red hair.

I was slightly lost by her cuteness as I stared at her cute face dazedly until she talked and brought me back to reality, as she said, "Umu, I don't see why not. Also why don;t we camp here during the four days then? We haven't camped for some time so we could do it during these four days." as she looked at me with her eyes shining and sparkling.

Blushing furiously after coming back from my daze and then giggling at what she said I just nodded and said, "That is a great idea nee-chan, let's do that."

After deciding that we stayed there for the whole duration of four days and during that time we trained, played, bathed and ate to our hearts content.

KuramaUchiha KuramaUchiha

just cause I can here u have another chapter.

I will take more time to update from now on since I will start having presencial classes for the next 2 weeks.

I will still try to at least post one or 2 chapters per week, but i dont promise anything.

have a nice day and week.

peace out

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