With his trembling hands, Shadow squeezed both their fingers lightly as he spoke, "Don't cry... I'm l-leaving... with a h-happy heart..."
Tears were running down Emily's cheeks and she kept shaking her head. Every single cell in her body was protesting against the idea of letting her mate leave her like this. Her body, heart, soul, everything was in immense pain and she felt so weak and defeated in that moment.
"Please Shadow, please! Let me feed you. There's time-"
"There's none."
For once, his voice came strong as he stared at her with a serious look in his dull eyes that had barely any hint of crimson left in them at this point. "I... I was living on... borrowed t-time... Princess... and I'm v-very happy t-that... I got to a-ccompany you till n-now... I can... leave in peace now..."
This chapter was so hard to write. Shadow is one of my all time favorite character that I have written so far, killing him was the hardest decision I might have made in any of my stories.
Please bear with the pain and bid him a peaceful farewell.