Emily sat under the huge pavilion built at the shore of a pond. Her eyes keenly took in the beautiful surrounding. There was a stone bridge built over the pond and a huge old willow tree was standing right next to the other end of the bridge.
As far as her eyes could see, there was only the dense forest surrounding the little clearing where she was currently waiting to meet her new mentor, the Fae King.
Shadow had already left after dropping her at the clearing which was supposed to be her new training ground and it looked just as out of place in the middle of the forest as she probably looked sitting under the pavilion.
She looked at her watch and realized that barely five minutes had passed since she appeared in the Fae Kingdom but that wasnt even the right term to use for the place where she was currently at. From what she learned through Shadow, the clearing was located at the border of the wards surrounding the Fae Kingdom.
Any idea which brother is the one?