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Chapter 47: Chapter 43.

The inhabitants of the village hidden in the foliage were in suspense, today was the same day. Day of victory over the nine-tailed demon fox, a day of mourning, as well as for some time now, and a day that brings great problems.

On the morning of that day, many with great suspicion and apprehension turned on the taps, and their fears were justified. It wasn't water that came from the taps, it was sake, and, as the most desperate claimed, excellent sake.

Also, this day became the blackest day for all traders of alcoholic beverages, because everyone drank what poured from the taps. The holiday was gaining momentum, even the ANBU fighters took a sip on a bowl, because one bowl will not harm you. In the hospital, too, realizing that the arrival of crowds of patients was not expected, only those who were heavily guilty on duty remained, the rest also went to celebrate.

And only one person was tormented by several questions: "where did he hide so much sake?" and "how he poured it into the water supply system, that no one has not noticed, and they cannot find any traces." The question is where it was not, because reports that Uzumaki has a plant for the production of this drink have been received for a long time.

The next morning, Konoha looked more like a zombie apocalypse movie. Hundreds of brokenly moving bodies crawled out onto the streets, many in the literal sense of the word, while emitting inarticulate sounds, mixed with the groans of the dying. Attempts to improve health from the taps without crawling out of the houses failed, because, as a punishment, ordinary water ran out of them.

Those who managed to get to the places where the life-giving drink was sold quickly realized that the proven method had failed this time. And the crowds of bodies sent their feet to the hospital, hoping to get rid of the torment. But in the hospital they met the same bodies, only dressed in the clothes of the Iryonins . From them we learned the terrible, as it turned out, this is not treated.

The martyrs had no choice but to return home on the way cursing everyone they could, the majority even guessed with the guilty in their torment, but he didn't care about the hokage from the cliff .

And only a small group of people were healthy no matter what. Anko Mitarashi, out of the kindness of her heart, visited all her colleagues and good friends in order to inquire about their state of health.

Shimura Danz , well, to disgust in a cheerful and loud voice (according to the Hokage ), he reported that the investigation of the sabotage was in full swing, and the perpetrators would be found (rather appointed) and eliminated, but for this he would need some new powers.

The Hokage at that moment would not hesitate to give up his hat, just to get the means that Shimura used . But he denied, they say I don't know about any remedy, and you Hokage need to drink less.


The day was celebrated to glory, the people walked, and rejoiced at the freebie, forgetting the folk wisdom about free cheese. But I was only in joy, though it did not work out without overlays. The curse turned out to be still possible to remove, since it was removed only by my anti-hangover . It can be seen because of the kinship of energies, but this was also a positive phenomenon, otherwise when he sent the curse I did not think a little that the roots and the mummy of the local spill would fall under it, well, Anko , there is no point in worrying about the rest, they will arrange me a fun life is not capable of. And to be honest, I feared Anko much more than Danzo . He will just beat him up or let him experiment, but Anko 's perverted fantasy scares me a lot.

But everything worked out, and all I had to do was to make the face like a brick, and make it look like it was intended.

In the hospital, I had useful contacts, with the deputy head, and since the head has not yet returned, we can say with the head of the hospital. And it was like this: a rather serious patient entered, with multiple wounds. The main problem was that he managed to get four fatal wounds, and still not die, and now he needs to be treated comprehensively, otherwise while you heal one wound, others will kill him.

I didn't bother with my all- healing enema, people would not appreciate the joke now. But I was habitually plowed to work with a battery. And I do not mind, because as the lowest in rank I get the most difficult job, that is, transporting the patient on me, and during this time I manage to set a soul trap on him. And if the operation ends unsuccessfully, then I get a soul, removing the crystal is also not a problem, because transporting the body to the morgue is also on me. In general, everyone who came to me for treatment received a soul trap, and what, before the attack on the village, there was nothing left, the more people I process, the more profit will be after the attack.

In connection with this extremely difficult case, for the first time I was allowed to see one of the most difficult seals in the hospital.

While the treatment was going on, I was forced to listen to Hamster's swear words on these ass-handed vandals, who, in an attempt to patch up the seal, screwed up the seal so that she worked only on the authority of Uzumaki . I myself was jarred from looking at the press, after all, I developed this direction, and I talked a lot with Khomyak, so I make sense of something.

When the operation was over, I gave out an evaluative version of what I heard from Hamster, but even so many learned a lot about the pedigree of those who patched the seal.

At the end of my outpouring, the deputy asked "but you yourself can do better?" To my affirmative answer, he dragged me to another room, where there was the same seal, the only difference was that this one had already been broken.

I had to do everything myself, otherwise the Hamster was trying to completely restore the seal, but I planned to bring it only to the same level of performance as the one that was used during the last operation.

Yes, and for its restoration, specific materials were needed, of course I had them, but give it away for free, not.

The face of the deputy who saw a working seal added to my collection. To his mute question, he answered that everything else needed materials. And quickly wiped his muzzle is just beginning to appear contented lybu , addition, about how it is necessary also the official order through the administration, because of the infinite charge does not intend to run.

This conversation was followed by a call to the Hokage . The macaque started rinsing my brain again, but the main question is "how?" asked almost immediately. To this, I replied briefly and clearly, " Well , I am Uzumaki , I am supposed to," and in support of this I put a prepared book on the table, which contained a description of the clans, including the Uzumaki . The baboon tried to twist that Uzumaki had red hair, and I was blond, and most likely just a namesake. To this I told him that he didn't know my parents, so most likely I'm just Uzumaki . After all, there is a large reserve, there is, there is a capacity for seals, there is a surname Uzumaki - Uzumaki , so what claims, and their hair can be dyed. Maybe all the Uzumaki were blond, they were just shy, and dyed their hair red. At my ingenious conclusions, the macaques choked on smoke, and the ANBU almost welled up from the ceiling.

I never received an official order. The Hokage fought back from this with all his might, because such an order would automatically make me a recognized master of seals, and as a result a chuunin . But it even made me a little happy, since the deputy came to me every day about the seals in the hospital, which turned out to be surprisingly many, and almost everyone was breathing hard, or worked half-heartedly. But every time I sent him ... to the Hokage , and he went to take out the brains of a monkey, and our deputy knows how, he has no less experience than the baboon himself. I even feel sorry for the ANBU, who have to listen to all this.

At the academy, things were as usual, Iruka yelled at me, I ignored him . In sparring, I also continued to surrender to the girls and Sasuke , I wonder when everyone will notice this fact, I think soon, because Umino has stopped pairing me with someone I fought at all.

We managed to establish a little contact with Ino . The worst thing is that I got involved in a conversation about hairstyles and outfits, and chatted for a couple of hours about these topics, but my disguise began to influence me badly, or is it Sebastian's pernicious influence, he can also tap about it for hours, but I have to listen, myself to do a hairstyle in a bastard, and pick up clothes. So in addition to this, this soup set teaches me all this, because suddenly the hairstyle will be disheveled, and I myself will not be able to fix it, or the makeup will float, this is generally a disaster.

Shikamaru and Chоji, who witnessed this conversation, then went thoughtful for a couple of days, and threw some strange and incomprehensible glances at me .


POV Shikamaru Nara.

With Uzumaki, there was always a lot of incomprehensibility. Since the first day of our acquaintance, this his ability to stuff things many times larger than the volume of the bag itself into the bag, drove me crazy for a long time. Later my father told me about the sealing scrolls, and I calmed down for a while, but when I checked his bag and did not find any scrolls or seals on it, I again earned myself a headache from trying to understand HOW does he do it? That is why he cannot behave like the others, or at least like Sasuke or Kiba , it's very easy to calculate them and understand what motivates them and what to expect from them.

But with Uzumaki it doesn't work from the word at all. And when he gave me that pillow, my father also became interested in him. Putting together the ability to shove things in who knows where and how, and to make things like my gift, he came to the conclusion that Uzumaki was studying fuinjitsu , and judging by the pillow, he was quite advanced for his age.

To my reasonable question - from whom he can study this, my father thought for a very long time. And then he asked me to invite Naruto to visit. How much I have suffered with this seemingly simple assignment. Every time Uzumaki found reasons to politely decline the invitation, or even evaporated altogether, as soon as he lost sight of him for a second. He seems to be standing next to a tree, blinked, and that's it, he's gone. This raised even more questions.

But I managed to drag him to my place for dinner using blackmail. But as soon as he promised that he would come, I calmed down, one of the few things that I managed to understand in him was that he kept his word, but turning what was said inside out, or conveniently interpreting the words for himself , did not bother him at all. So I had to clarify the hour, day, month, and year when he would come to visit me, otherwise he would say that he did, but you didn't specify the year.

After dinner, he did it again, but this time it was easier for me, because he destroyed the brain not only for me, but also for my father. After that, my father walked around for several days with an absent air, and ultimately gave out that there was too little information to draw conclusions. Then I even somehow felt better, if my father did not manage to calculate the Uzumaki , then everything is not so bad for me.

An attempt to collect information on Naruto failed, as his father said, all that nonsense is unrealistic to take sensibly. Well, there will not argue, a statement of the fact that Naruto terrible evil sends a curse on the villagers, and that he was almost worse than the Nine, and not ate and generally lively mud as something not perceived.

And it wasn't enough for me to have a headache, so Chоji added in his own words. That is why he blurted out, when we had already been listening for an hour, how Naruto and Ino were discussing what dresses would be fashionable this winter, and what hairstyles would be better for each of them, what could Naruto really be a girl, and even summed up the conclusions for this - He cooks deliciously, mostly talks to girls, talks about clothes and hairstyles for hours, Sasuke doesn't hit. And you won't find fault, but my brain additionally recalled several oddities in support of this crazy idea. Naruto never changed clothes with everyone ( he didn't want to shine tattoos on his whole body), and his gait sometimes changed when he thought, and he can endure brains just like a mother.

Should I tell my father, even if not only me have a headache. If only Chоji was mistaken, otherwise they might even drive me down the aisle, although there Akimichi will be the first in line, they are for her .. ugh you, his cookies will step over anyone's corpse just to get the recipe.

Marrying Naruto to some clan girl is not an option. As I learned from the overheard conversation between his father and the heads of the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans , Naruto is the heir to the Uzumaki clan , and in fact the future head, so his wife automatically goes to his clan. Of course, it is also not bad to become related, but you still cannot see the clan secrets, traditions.

But if Naruto is a girl, then the alignment changes very much. And with the latest information on how that Uzumaki was ironina grade "B", the clans for a kunoichi claw.

Okay, I'll tell my father, let him suffer, all the same, Chжиji will blab out his findings to his father, and he to mine. Here the running around will begin if everything is confirmed . How stressful it is .


We can say life began to improve and ustakanivaetsya , but what happened is that I kind of expected, and even a little prepared, but believes that this will not happen.

When I was giving an enema to another victim, Momo flew to me and told me that Yasuka and one of her team had entered , physical condition is satisfactory.

As we later found out, Yasuka was on a C-rank mission to escort the caravan, although they were rather just leading a herd of cattle, and they were hired to drive away the animals. They took on this mission only because it was necessary to deliver correspondence and a couple of parcels in the same direction, nothing particularly important and secret. Even an attack by robbers was unlikely.

But then they were simply unlucky, a fellow traveler came to the caravan at an overnight stay. A group of liquidators came for him. And they decided that Konoha shinobi were guarding their target. As a result, the guy who was on patrol lost his head right away, Yasuka and the second guy received very nasty fatal wounds, the mentor died, well, here it is clear that a chuunin , albeit an experienced one, can be against a jounin and a trio of chunin .

Yasuka survived only because the opponents turned out to be those bastards , and did not finish off, but left to slowly die of wounds. Yasuka was treated with potions, and she managed to pump out her partner. They ended up in the hospital only because they rushed back without making out the road, and without stopping to rest.

And it seems that it's okay Yasuka is alive, but the fact that he is depressed is normal. But that's where the guarantee is that this will not happen again, or that you really have to protect someone. My potions are certainly good, but they still need to be drunk, and in battle it is problematic to do this, especially if the enemy is superior to you in strength and speed. Well, after the fight it might be too late.

Unfortunately, it will not work to make her even stronger, at the beginning I gave her potions for control, strength, dexterity, and intelligence, so if I pour more into her, the indicators will fall, and stupidly increasing the reserve while lowering control is generally stupid. I already brought her to the level of a weak chunin , although she was not even threatened to become a genin , and unlike the same Momo, dormant genes did not awaken in her, which gave her enormous potential.

But just leaving everything as it is is also not an option, with the next mission Yasuka may not return. To resign is also not an option, she is an orphan, and they are signing contracts, it's me who avoided this honor, this piece of paper, in principle, is not necessary to sign, and it's not necessary, but which of the children aged six to seven will carefully read the documents when entering the academy ... But I read, they tried to put pressure on me, but I just turned around and went to the exit, of course they returned me, and dragged me to the Hokage , where the macaques were rinsing their brains, but it didn't help. But I can't retire so easily until I get a chuunin , and even then fuck me who will give me such a trick.

But something must be done with Yasuka . We'll have to highlight one more of my trump cards, but Danzo already assumes that I have a call, now he will just know for sure. Poersya to Yasuka , and then as she was discharged from the hospital, and settled in her apartment, and even scored on her duties of cleaning, washing and cooking, disorder. If the issuance of the appeal does not help, then nothing, I have a miracle remedy, it heals everything, even depression, the main thing is to choose a suitable nozzle .

- So, get ready, and follow me.

- Uzumaki- sama?

- RUN!

Here, and they say the girls get together for a long time, thirty-eight seconds, and she not only got dressed, but also combed her hair, and even put together a set of shinobi . As the ensign said, you need not only say a magic word, you need to say it correctly.

We got to the test site in silence, I was just pondering how best to do it, and Yasuka was just afraid to say anything. After two hours she endured an acupuncture session while I tattooed her entire left arm, the main part of which were three pentagrams with abbreviated names "Tuzik", "Bobik", and "Sharik". I filled the pentagrams themselves in half an hour, the rest of the time was spent on intricate patterns that I filled for beauty, well, and in order to confuse those who will explore this drawing after.

When I finished, I began instructing.

- So, look carefully, and remember. You smear the tattoo with blood and put some chakra into it . Got it?

- Yes! Uzumaki is sama.

A moment after Yasuka applied chakra to the summoning circles, three cute affectionate wolf cubs appeared in front of us. And the fact that they were larger than adult ninken Inuzuka , with glowing red eyes, enveloped in a light haze of darkness, so nothing, it made them even nicer.

- Yasuka , this is Tuzik, Bobik, and Sharik, they are your call. Tuzik, Bobik, Sharik, meet Yasuka , you can't eat her, otherwise I'll quickly rename all of you to a barbecue. "Watching three huge demon wolves try to hide from me behind Yasuki's back was ridiculous. - So, we stop clowning, better remember the smell, the aura, and in general everything that then there were no accidents.

While these three were actively sniffing Yasuka , she stood pale, and seemed not to breathe, and collapsed as soon as I called the dogs back.

- Yasuka ...

- YES!!! Uzumaki -sama !!! - She instantly jumped on her feet and stretched out to attention.

- Yes, calm down. Do you generally know what a call is?

- Well, I just heard something from the mentor that there are shinobi who have a call, they can call animals to help, and something like that never shines for us.

"In general, your mentor was right, except for the last one. But you do not have a full-fledged contract, and you can only summon these three. It is advisable to learn to call not all three at a time, but as needed. And most importantly, don't just call me that, if there are dangerous opponents, then yes, but just ironing or bringing slippers is not worth it. At my last words, she giggled nervously.

Well, who would ever think to summon demonic wolves so that they would bring slippers, well, more precisely, to whom other than me. Well, what, the morning was cold then, and the heating was cut off, I had to call, but the fact that two at once, so I have two slippers, for each one a demon.

After Yasuka practiced summoning dogs, one by two. Wolves did not protest, because every time got away from me at Zhmenya Chakra -zhemchuga, they swallowed were ready to run all day so just come on.

Yasuko after the fourth call is no longer shy away from the wolves, and after the sixth even stroked Tuzik. She went home with the look of a soldier who had previously gone into battle with a front sight , and then he was handed a machine gun.

Arriving home, as expected, I did not find Yasuka there, apparently they had already dragged him off to the report. Well, I decided to visit Sumira after all , otherwise I have been postponing this matter so much.

Sumire showed up in the same place as our last meeting. I handed him marble blocks, and roughly outlined what I wanted. Well, then he dragged me through the shadow into one secluded cave outside the country of fire.

Copying tentacles turned out to be not so easy. After I copied them from Sumire , tentacles appeared all over my body, one even protruded from my forehead. I had to merge a bunch of glasses into the structure of the body in order to move the tentacles and place them more compactly. Ultimately, he placed them in pockets along the spine, there were twelve such pockets, three tentacles in each. From the side, they looked like small bumps along the spine, six on each side. After the systems and gave me a message.

Param pam pam .

Congratulations !!!

The special skill " tentacle " has been obtained , progress is 12%.

As it turned out, I didn't put the tentacles in you, I took it out and so repeat a certain number of times. This is a multifunctional organ ... perhaps ? The tentacles had the ability to partially programmed metamorphism. There is a form of a tentacle, designed to attack and hold the victim, there is a form of a phallus, for which it does not need to be explained, but in this form, the tentacle conveys all sensations, as if from a native. There are several more forms, for example, the tip of the tentacle opens into many small tentacles, there are also suckers. Also tentacles secrete special substances with different properties.

In short, I had to ditch almost two dozen spheres to copy one hundred percent of the tentacle's potential . The system immediately issued a new message.

Param pam pam .

Congratulations !!!

The special skill " Tentacle " is obtained , progress is 100%.


Received the skill "Disenfranchisement, until the end of the act" level MAX. - Applicable only to classic sorceress girls. After they are no longer GIRL sorceresses, they receive the buff : Damage against tentacle monsters, and other ga will give x100,000 for five minutes.

Reputation with faction of the sorceress girl: - 3500.

Chaos Affinity + 5%.

Shadow Affinity + 5%.

Life Affinity + 5%.

Affinity with Water + 5%.

That's how it is, and I wondered why in all hentai girls of sorceresses first of all, and then they endure everyone at once. In the end, it all cost me five points of characteristics, and thirty-six points of skills, thank the system, they could also be invested in the structure of the body, and they acted even much more efficiently than points of characteristics. So make yourself at the carcass twelve pockets with tentacles , held in tentacles Chakra -channels, do tenketsu .

Then I summoned a succubus and Sumire gave me a master class on handling tentacles . Then I called the incubus, and not for practice, but for copying skills. And then I copied too many skills from the succubus , it seems to have affected, and look, I'll start running around the village shouting " Sasuke-kkkuuunnnn , you are so cool !!!", of course I can not break off this, but purely to joke , and not in your world.

In general, I have long thought of copying some skills, the succubus has their charm, which they can influence on men, and there are enough other abilities. Incubi should definitely have an analogue and.

The summoned incubus was very happy, well, of course, I'm not copying skills for free, I can of course, because they are mine with giblets, but they also need to develop at the expense of something, and if the succubi have enough work, then the kunoichi almost do not go to the landfill ... But just giving them CD will be too bold, and so it seems for the cause.

I copied several skills from him, which for some reason were not reflected in the system again, but to hell with them, the main thing is working. The first step is the ability to receive energy from sex. As it turned out, succubi and incubi not only pump out the reserve, but rather it goes additional, although it is also not true. In general, everyone knows that in moments of emotional peaks, a person can gain more strength. Here is a similar principle, victims deriving pleasure generate energy, then succubi and incubi get it. Other demons also do something similar, only by their nature they receive energy from the pain and suffering of the victim.

I also copied several abilities of the incubus to influence the body and energy of the victim, with one of these techniques I can induce an orgasm in a girl by kissing the cheek, of course it will consume a lot of energy, because the incubus do not use this, but the very fact of having such a skill warms. The transmission, transformation, and retention of energy was also copied. The last special ability that makes succubi and incubus not interesting to each other in terms of sex. After all, you won't get anything from such a partner. But it will come in handy for me, now without my desire not a drop of energy will be drawn out of me, at least opponents of equal strength. On all this he lowered fourteen more skill points. I also called the second incubus and copied the same skill from him, and put it in reserve.

After I figured out all the cases, I took four days off at the hospital, although I could just not come, they don't pay me there, but they can also deprive me of my title, even though I already have it somehow suspended, it seems to be, but it seems like and no.

I went to the same cave, after all, you need to test tentacles in practice, otherwise theory is theory, but practice is needed, and it's stupid to have a dozen succubus subordinate and not have them.

The two succubus who came, among whom was LiLi, clearly did not expect that they were being called precisely for what others were calling them for.

What can I say, tentacles are EVERYTHING, how I lived without them before I can't put my mind to it, and also looking at the succubus lying in a cut, I can say that five hundred years of abstinence does not lead to good.

It all started out pretty well, with only two succubi, after which I called in the rest. But when I brought them to the state of not standing , a system message came out.

Param pam pam .

Congratulations !!!

You have started a hidden quest: The Great Demon Orgy. 12/100 .

Exhaust hundred succubus or other e emonits to the state is not standing.

Reward: Demonic Sex Giant achievement .

There is no refusal / failure penalty.


Well no

Demonic Sex Giant:

Endurance: + 200.

Regeneration of all types of available energies: + 20.

At that moment I was clearly not thinking with my head. After all, drink the "Tyrolean pathogen XXXXXX", and wash it down with the Tyrolean pathogen from x1000 to x10,000, pulling out all the reserves of the chakra restoration potion from your inventory , and start summoning a succubus.

They let me go only on the third day. As a result of this, I don't even know what to call it, I got the maximum level for shadow clones. It turned out that the tentacles it is also available, in principle, well, they are part of the body and the chakras -channels with tenketsu in them, so there is nothing surprising. And then, this skill evolved into multiple shadow cloning, and after a while it also got the maximum level. But that's not all, I got the achievement "Demonic Sex Giant", but since the Tyrolean pathogen had not yet disappeared, I continued.

In the end, I got the achievement "Demonic Sexual GIANT", well, a thousand succubus is really too much. My appearance is much worse than after captivity in the technogenic world. Chakra , mana, reatsu showed minus values, HP was around two hundred units, and a whole bunch of debuffs for the next thirty days.

I had to call the incubi to help me get to the nearest low-level barrier, simultaneously soldering me with the remaining potions so I wouldn't be bent over. And after that he spent a month in the barrier until he came to a relative order.

The achievement "Demonic Sexual GIANT" already gave five hundred stamina and fifty regeneration each, kind of cool, but what's cool there. But I won't touch the succubi, if I could vampire energy from them, everything would be a bundle, and so, being under potions, I turned off the hold skill, although what potions these twinkling tails talked about . If not for tentacles , and not shadow clones, I would have died there.

I looked into the inner world, the fox also had a hard time, he didn't even swear at me. And he wondered how to hang himself on his own tails. I did not distract him from such an important matter, and went to the Hamster. Here he was, and told me everything that he thinks of me. From what I heard, I realized that the Hamster surpassed the fox in this art. The hamster did not share my joy on this occasion, and attached me with another concrete bend as high as Everest, and went to calm my nerves, by destroying all the contents of the cellar.

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