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Chapter 45: Chapter 42.

They pulled me out at the most inopportune moment, but to hell with it. Now we urgently need to calm down our nerves and restore peace of mind. I need to put up another monument to Hamster for these books, wrote a couple of lines and twenty minutes later I have Hinata. Well, then I had fun. Hopefully Hinata won't get scolded for staying until dark, and for her hair. I got carried away a little, and now Hinata has knee-length hair, but it's okay, a haircut is a quick matter.

After resting a bit and returning to normal, he grabbed his head. I was completely fucked up, apparently the last time, when my brains were taken out, I somehow grew them incorrectly. Here what for was to leave a fragment of the heart, the lich certainly came out cool, but revenge will turn weak.

Well, he will begin to raise the background, saturating it with necros , the rise of the dead will begin. The first to rise will be those that are near the epicenter, so it will be easy to figure out where Kostyan sat down , and there they will just throw you vigorous loaves. And they will fight off a couple of tens of thousands of ghouls quickly and without heavy losses. So we can say we got off easy.

It was necessary to print Ratiel , activate the "Aura of the Unnamed" skill, copy and transfer, well, the same skills that left the lich to a pile, and just before leaving, give him a drink of the entire Tyrolean pathogen, and send him to carry LOVE and peace to everyone in this world, the main thing is to calculate the time correctly so as not to fall under the distribution yourself.

Eh, they say correctly - a good thought comes after. But a good plan needs to be written down, and if something like this happens, I will carry it out. This will definitely be a terrible revenge.

But despite everything, this campaign brought me quite a lot: several hundred bone knights, a bone dragon, it is a pity that only one, but also not bad, interesting materials, both on the technical side and on the magical one, I still need to study the second batch of tablets, well, tons of gold, platinum, and kilograms of precious stones also warm the soul, both mine and the Hamster, especially the Hamster, almost twenty thousand CD, but they drove me decently, and the characteristics rose very well.

But as for me, the most valuable thing that I learned from this trip is the realization that I relied too much on potions. No, it's stupid to refuse them, but there are situations when it will be difficult, if not impossible, to apply them, it is also quite possible that when I get into another world they will simply run out. I almost ran out of regeneration potions while I was sitting in places where vigorous loaves were detonated, and there was nothing to replenish the supply.

So I will master healing very strongly , in all directions and at all energies available to me, and I will not disdain the most common methods either. I was very lucky that Danzo gave me a complete collection of books and scrolls on irendzhitsu ranging from the basics of first aid ending personal development Tsunade about treating injuries Chakra -channels. I ordered all this literature for diversion and conspiracy, and I planned to give it to the kids in the valley.

Since I now have quite a lot of CD, I should buy literature on the magic of life, I will instruct LiLi , but healing techniques based on Reatsu will have to be bought at an auction.

You should also take up the education of girls in terms of medicine, potions are certainly good, but it is also worth having a backup option. You need to hone your skills too.

Unfortunately, I could not achieve the same success in self-healing. No, I heal wounds with a bang, I can even grow limbs in a few minutes, but growing organs from scratch is already very difficult. Then I succeeded because I was in a constant state of trance, and those talismans with which they stuck around me locked the energy, but not all. They acted very weakly on the chakra . But my energy was concentrated inside my body, and it was easier to direct it. I am still able to grow a heart for myself, it has been proven, but it takes a lot of attention to create an energy frame that temporarily fulfills the duties of a lost organ, and you still need to start regeneration and direct it where you need it. In general, if you sit quietly and not be distracted by anything, it is difficult, but possible. This is not applicable in battle yet.

The question of the girls' medical education did not postpone, and as soon as Yasuka returned from the mission, he gathered all three, and made them happy with the news of the beginning of training for Iryonin . But then a little surprise and a bummer awaited me. The surprise lay in the fact that Yasuko these courses have long visits, but the talent and instincts she has to this is no, so that its ceiling is a "C", first aid, she may well have to support the wounded to the hospital to have lasted.

Bummer came out with Hinata, the Hyuuga have a specific chakra , because of this, they cannot use elemental transformations. But their clan style with such a chakra is a deadly weapon, it's not just the byakugan , the approximate location of the tenketsu is known and it is quite possible to hit them, but it will not work to knock out the way the Hyuuga does it, and the same kaiten even if you understand the principle of its action it will be difficult to repeat, and the efficiency will be several times lower, and the costs are many times higher. Here is the same as that of Uzumaki with seals, the chakra of my clan is ideal for seals, but the ability for elemental techniques also suffers from this, and very bad with illusions. But in the case of Uzumaki, this is not elevated to the absolute , like in the Hyuuga , it is simply given harder and lower efficiency.

But this does not mean that Hyugam medicine is not available, they have Iryenins and they are very good, but if they start to practice Iryenjitsu , the combat component will suffer greatly. Just training methods there are very different and do both those and others, it is simply impossible.

So for Hinata, medicine is closed, because it is not proper for a hime to engage in healing , this is the prerogative of a side branch. And if she takes care of Irendzhitsu , it will be a direct ticket to the side branch.

And so it turned out that the only one left was Momo . She really did not burn with desire, and in every possible way resisted on the way to the hospital, but after I described the situation in paints, she was imbued with the situation and stopped breaking out, although her flutters were not particularly tense for me , she was connected securely, and the gag did not let her voice at all the district, well, carrying it with my stats is generally easier than ever.

I myself also wanted to enroll in these courses and get a rank. First, it's time to show that I am not a complete mediocrity. You can't pull too long here, especially if I'm going to claim my rights to the leadership of the Uzumaki clan . And here it will help me a lot that I am a very good Iriyonin . The likelihood that I will be given a chuunin after an exam, or a field patent is below zero, while an old baboon is wearing a hat, when a loser alcoholic wears it, it will be zero.

In the canon, Naruto drenched such monsters as Kakuzu , Pain in one snout , but no one scratched him to give him a promotion. After all, the chunin already has more rights, the chunin cannot be simply sent to some island to look under the tail like a beast. In peacetime, the chunin has the right to abandon the mission, although so few do, but the fact is, in general, the collection of laws, which I almost had to get in the library with a fight, contained a lot of interesting and useful information. If the canon Naruto honored him and raised a butchu, these old greedy fart would have to make him the head of the clan, and return what has long been considered their own. And so from the genin immediately in the Hokage , and he, according to the law, cannot be the head of the clan, which means that the quarter, although there are only ruins, but still land, shares in enterprises, the Uzumaki earned decently, and invested money, and some the equipment was also transferred to storage. As for the latter, I'm not interested, because Danzo has already given them all to me, and even threw something on top, and the fact that these are copies, so from this I personally neither cold nor hot.

And becoming an Iryonin will help me out of this , because an Iryonin of rank "B" is already a Chuunin . And when you consider that I can help reatsiya chakras channel-knit, and to grow new mixing chakra and reatsiya , so that's where I focus I can patch up, and it is drawn to the rank of «S».

And selling medicinal tinctures with the rank of irenin will be easier. I also slightly reconsidered my attitude towards the villagers, being in captivity made me look at this whole situation in a new way, and rethink a lot. Now I am not eager to kill them all, they will not get off so easily. I will poison their lives for years, as they did with me, and would do with the canon Naruto , and he is just a child, and even a person, not like me. So let them live long and not happily, although if I meet any of those who have done a lot of dirty tricks on me outside the village, and there are no witnesses, then there may be options, but I will not arrange accidents for sure.

Once again, my ingenious plan could not stand the collision with reality. At first everything went well, after the check, Momo was enrolled in courses, and they did not even take money from her. A man immediately took over her patronage. Well, yes, the check probably showed a very well-formed chakra-system , a stable focus, and a very decent reserve for her age, of course, how many potions to increase this very reserve I poured into her, and her control is good, lower than Hinata's, but quite high.

The man literally glowed with happiness, but such a promising student. Of course, now, having learned about her abilities, they can take her to the academy, but it seems to me that this one will fall on the bones, but Momo will not give it up to the academy, because another killer of average kind will not make much of the weather, but a potential Iryonin of rank " A " is another matter ...

Looking at the happy face of this clever guy, it becomes pleasant to my soul, because it is pleasant when your work is appreciated, and Momo can be called my masterpiece. Still, making a civilian girl, a kunoichi who, at the age of nine, can compete with a weak chunin , is an achievement. Of course she and Hinata achieved this by persistent, even masochistic training, and if it were not for the potions would have been disabled for a long time due to such a load. My trainings are based on the principle " die but do it, and then I will pick you up and continue."

When the hype around Momo subsided, I also went to record, but they did not even talk to me, let alone check. I had to go straight to the highest authority, that is, to the chief irenin .

The dialogue with him was intense.

- Take me to the courses of Iryo Ninov !

- NOT!!!

This concludes our dialogue, and I went home to this bad man. It's so easy to give up, no, it's not for me. Yes, and it's high time to show my teeth a little, otherwise if I continue to encrypt, I'll play the canon Narik until the very end. As a last resort, I have somewhere to escape, and as a final argument, a bone dragon and several hundred bone knights may well act, especially if they are released in the middle of the village.

In the house of this stubborn fossil, and what else to call a shinobi who is over eighty, he placed very simple seals, although it is rather an enchantment of objects, since everything is done on mana .

The plan was simple, starve the old man out, get him so that it would be easier for him to take me to the courses than to continue to endure. I placed spells all over the house, it was a dictaphone, you say a phrase, and then when activated, the spell plays it. It was stupid to set traps on him, he would suddenly collapse in one of them, and for the murder of the head of the hospital, I would fly in full. And to expect that they will not guess is stupid. You do not need to be a detective to find the culprit, building the simplest logical chain - Uzumaki comes to the head of the hospital, asks for courses, he sends him, and that evening the head dies at home, falling into a trap. And Uzumaki's entire apartment is stuck with traps, and he is a master in this matter, and now the question is - who is the culprit? I would bet on a gardener or a butler, but since my grandfather did not have either one , I will be the last one.

To make a spell that would be activated automatically when a certain person appears in a given radius from him, and in the absence of witnesses, I have not yet succeeded. I had to put the usual one, and put a dozen ghosts to the fossil, which, replacing each other, will be next to the old man under invisibility and immateriality, and activate spells when he is near.

On a dictaphone I recorded one short phrase "Take me to the Iryonin courses !" When he comes home after a hard day, he goes into the kitchen for a cup of tea, and then from the refrigerator you hear "Take me to the Iryonin courses !", He will open the refrigerator, but there is nothing there except that it should be there. As soon as the refrigerator is closed, a voice will come from the cupboard "Take me to the Iryonin courses !"

I enchanted a lot of things: wardrobes, bedside tables, a bed, and I put them in every dark corner. Well, one more place was not spared. Here the Dedok will stick his fifth point on the jolt , and from the toilet - "Take me to the courses of the Iryonins !"

The main thing is that the grandfather's heart does not rise, although it may be easier to negotiate with his successor .

A week after visiting the hospital, I was awakened with a loud knock on the door. Opening the door I saw the chief Iryonin on the threshold . He looked sickly - pale skin, general emaciation, and huge black circles under his eyes were no less than Gaara's .

- Why are you still here? Classes start in two hours! Lively on the courses! - And he gave me a folder with documents confirming my rights to attend these courses.

So I ran, home to my grandfather, I need to clean everything up, but I need to recall the ghosts before I forget again. And then I was very badly wrapped up in all the affairs and generally forgot about my grandfather. After all, I needed to hone my healing skills . And then treating yourself and someone else is two big differences. Yes, and you need to study in more detail and thoughtfully all the literature provided by Danzo .

When I got to practice, I decided to slightly change the training plan, and all because the books suggested to develop skills on fish. Now what for I need it, I will not work as a veterinarian. So he began to practice on creatures close to people, who live in abundance in the forests of the country of fire, and especially near trade routes.

Having typed the material, I began to practice. At first everything was wonderful, cuts, bruises, bruises, sprains, burns - the first and second degree, all of this was treated instantly. The patients really got caught a little violent, I had to fix it, otherwise it is inconvenient to apply cuts, bruises, bruises, sprains, burns.

Problems started with more severe injuries, but I coped. Only half a year of practice and I already fully correspond to the "B" rank. For this I am very grateful to my assistants, as a gratitude, I will not even take their souls, but I will make a laudatory inscription on the tombstone.

For further improvement, I needed patients with a well-developed chakra-system . But bandits chakrouzera are a rare beast, and nukenins are pretty well encrypted, catching them is quite problematic, and there is a chance of running into someone strong.

Another option is to track down some team of genin , preferably from Konoha . Despite everything, it is much more difficult for me to forgive the inhabitants of Konoha than even the same vivisectors and military men in that technogenic world, they at least considered me an enemy, and acted accordingly, just like me. But these people knew very well that I was holding back the fox, this actually saving their lives, but despite this there was no gratitude from them, but what, they hate me for it. So, following this logic, they hate me for not letting them die. So we need to find a team of those who actively hate me, and try out the methods of treatment on them.

But I was not allowed to do this, Isamu contacted me through a book, wrote that the matter is urgent and does not require delay, and my presence is needed to make a decision.

I was already preparing for the fact that the valley was surrounded, and they are going to storm it, but everything turned out to be much simpler and more commonplace. These shots, in the process of cutting out the criminal elements, managed to save the whole village, not hidden, but the most common one with peasants. And they prayed that they would be taken with them to the hidden village.

According to the law of the genre in this village, half of the inhabitants had to be purebred Uzumaki , and the second half-breed , aha, twice, there was not even anyone with the potential to become a shinobi . But I decided to take them all the same. Everything is very simple here, my slaves ... that is, the subordinates are stewing in their own juice, communicating only with each other, they simply have no one to show their coolness to anyone. And they need it, they really need it. After all, as soon as the villagers began to praise them, they immediately swam, and even pulled me out, knowing full well that I could conduct an unscheduled intensive training for this.

But I had to hunch back to make the move, seal all things, ferry animals and people through the shadow plane.

As soon as I finished with the transfer and arrangement of the settlers in a new place, and was about to rest, I was called to Isamu again . With a very guilty look, he informed me that another group had brought four orphans, and asked permission to settle them in the village. I had to deal with these too, but among these orphans there was at least one with a potential, not very high, but better than nothing.

Another group returned with a badly wounded, they were ambushed and nearly caught. They managed to leave only thanks to the potion for removing debuffs , it certainly won't remove the strong ones, but all sorts of paralysis effects or blocking of medium-level energy are completely. That's why they managed to escape. The enemy simply did not expect that the victims would be able to use the chakra after they were stuffed with senbonas with poison, with poison, which is expensive by the way, apparently someone was interested in the new shinobi .

There is nothing strange here, a rather large group of shinobi has appeared , one might say a whole small hidden village, which begins to cut out bandits, and for free. Thus, depriving the earnings of those who were engaged in this before them, but for money. And because of their actions, it has become calmer on the highways, and many merchants prefer to take risks than to hire shinobi . So they decided to catch and find out who they were, where they came from, and so on along the list.

I had to withdraw all groups from assignments and deal with the problem of information disclosure. I had no doubts that if caught, those caught would lay out everything . This is before the torture begins, the prisoners spit in the face of the executioner and say that you do what you want, I still won't say anything, but after several hours, especially in the hands of a person experienced in this matter, they will not be shut up.

In theory, it would be possible to put an analogue of the seal of silence, like that of the roots, but as Khomyak said, such a seal can be removed, and you can bypass the prohibitions, but you cannot cram too many prohibitions into it.

To solve this problem, a consultation was assembled from me, Khomyak and LiLi . Leaving the Hamster in the real world was not difficult, he just gave him control, he created one clone, and then returned control to me.

The result of the work of two great geniuses and one succubus, whose contribution was quite small, became a magical contract in the likeness of demonic ones, only it is tied to me. When signing the contract, I also set a soul trap. The contract itself put a stamp on the soul itself and, if the conditions were violated, it enforced the punishment, which was also spelled out in the contract. The only drawback of this method is that it imposes obligations on me too , but thanks to LiLi's lessons , I turned everything around so that I owed almost nothing, and the victim of responsibilities and restrictions had a lot of responsibilities.

There was also a reason for signing these contracts, a lot of new people appeared in the valley, suddenly there are spies among them, and the kids have passed the probation period. The contract was signed by everyone, they were even satisfied with its terms, because it said that I undertake to provide housing, work, pay for work, and also I will comply with the laws of the village. They also had the duty not to divulge secrets, to carry out orders if they did not contradict the laws, moreover, they were forbidden to die outside the village. Having violated any of these and several dozen more points, the offender gave his soul.

These naive kids did not even think that I was writing the laws, and I had already provided everything else for them. But now, if one of them is caught, then if the caught only opens his mouth in order to tell that either, the contract will instantly kill him, and I will receive a voluntarily surrendered soul. Which is very good, as LiLi explained , the difference between those that you take by force and those that you give voluntarily is huge. The efficiency of a voluntarily surrendered soul is much greater - it's like making a person work in the field completely free of charge, he will do the work to fuck off, but if he was paid and he himself agreed to this work, then the work will bring more profit.

The problem with the test subjects was also solved by itself, it was not even necessary to track down any team from Konoha . While walking around one town in the country of vegetables, buying these very vegetables for the valley. As soon as I left the busy streets into the alley, the road was blocked. A kunoichi with a protector of a village unknown to me appeared in front of me, she looked like she was eighteen or twenty years old, two guys with the same protectors blocked the passage from the back.

That she and the couple behind them were pretty confident and relaxed, and they looked at me with superiority. The kunoichi , who apparently was the main one, pushed the speech into which I did not really listen, instead actively preparing for the battle with at least three jоуnin . Because of this, I ignored her offer to surrender.

Respect to Sebastian for dressing me up in a yukata , the hem of which was a millimeter from the ground, and whose zombie rats I printed in their sleeves were able to very quickly slip to the ground, and then dig their way there, and then set up barriers. I stood still, covering the hole in the ground, and preparing to print the bone dragon. Only when the kunochi started the attack, I got a little stuck. She just grabbed a kunai and ran at me, her maneuver was repeated by those two, but their speed was not very good, to put it mildly, no, for a genin it was very good. But I decided not to risk it, what if it's such a trick. Therefore, he used a smoke bomb, and under the cover of smoke he created a clone, and he himself, under invisibility and immateriality, dumped in the direction of houses. After knocking out the inhabitants there, he proceeded to unpack the bone knights. But before I had time to unpack the first fifty, they came from the clone , remembering that he very quickly and easily knitted this trinity.

At this moment, I wanted to kill this trio with special cruelty and cynicism, because of these wretched ones, I spent the barrier kit, unsealed the bone knights, now seal it back, and lower the strength of the scrolls. This is how you prepare for an epic battle, and enemies are twisted by a clone left only for distraction.

But now it is on whom to practice skills to restore damage Chakra -system, but to begin with the most damage have to apply, and only then treated.

I didn't like the curator at the Iryonin courses at first sight, and judging by his sour face, these feelings are mutual. This bastard didn't try my papers, trying to prove that it's a fake. After this failed, since the chief confirmed the authenticity of the papers, and sent this to be trained further, and not to interfere with the management of sleeping in the workplace.

But this bastard did not stop there and drove me to check in every possible way trying to find a way to kick me out, but even the tests showed me sufficient and even good indicators, but this bastard did not stop, and the Hokage tapped on me .

The macaque summoned me to his place, and for three hours rinsed his brains, sniffing me that, you see , my chakra is special, and not suitable for treatment, if only briefly. But the monkey has a talent for three hours of procrastinating on this topic, flowing around such questions as why is this chakra I have ? That is, I don't know your parents, I have never even seen it, but why is the chakra poisonous, so Kami knows it, how did he know it himself? So I'm Hokage , I'm supposed to. Three hours later I gave him - I won't try, I won't know, maybe my chakra has returned to normal. The macaque smoked his pipe for another five minutes, gave me a condemning look, but let go.

And literally in the next lesson, my beloved curator delighted me with the news that such a "talent", on this word he spat poison so that any snake would die of envy, should not vegetate in the courses for beginners, and in an hour I will be certified for rank "B". But if I don't give up, then I can roll like a sausage from here, and then in general I don't go closer than a hundred meters to the hospital .

When I came to the certification, I was very surprised, it seemed to me that I was going to pass for an Iryonin of rank "B", and not for a necromancer master. The body that was my assignment was more dead than alive. Yes, the soul there kept on a word of honor, and almost left the body, kept the life in this corpse, which was fed by five people.

And after the words of the bastard - certification for the rank "B" at Uzumaki Naruto began, they stopped feeding the seal. That's the same bastards, this is a minimum goal for the rank of "A", and not alone, two shall during the operation this seal saturate supporting life in a patient, one assist and two feed chakra me. But everyone quickly disappeared, leaving only the commission.

In principle, the calculation is correct, as soon as I approach and start pouring in chakra, the patient will bend, they will kick me out, and the words of the Hokage will be confirmed, and then he will drip onto my brain that I killed a person with my egoism. Yeah, they can see very sorry for this enemy shinobi , who spent more than one day in the basements of Morino. The calculation was made on a child, though smart . But not to take such a chance is stupid, they themselves give me in hands what I have been preparing to knock out of them for more than one year.

First of all, I fixed my soul, hell, you darling, you will die on the table at the necromancer, well, and threw a trap of souls, just in case. And he began to return this unfortunate man to the world of the living. In the course of the operation, the eyes of the commission more and more crawled out of their orbits, and their jaws dropped to the floor, one of those present was a Hyuuga , and somewhere in the fifth minute he activated his eyes, and he stared at me, occasionally talking about the impossibility of what was happening, another even tried to dispel the genjitsu .

I was exhausted, but the patient was completely healthy. So that he jumped up and tried to attack, but was pushed back by the Hyuuga , who put him in the area of ​​the heart with a juken .

- Yes, I haven't been knocked down so brazenly in exams. - I gave out looking at the corpse.

- No, Uzumaki- san, you passed, congratulations. - Issued by another old man who looked disapprovingly at the whole floor from the circus when I first came.

- Oh, thanks.

- Come tomorrow to get all the necessary documents.

But even so they managed to screw me up, they didn't give me the title of chuunin , arguing that I'm still studying at the academy, and I can't finish early because of too many absenteeism, so when I become a full-fledged genin , I'll go through training, then yes. In short, macaques are playing for time again. But this was not the end of my misadventures, I naively believed that I would get a rank and continue to do my own thing , yeah, two times, they plowed me to work in a hospital. They were not yet allowed to approach the sick, but they did not force the ducks to wash either, already a plus, but yes, they were especially happy when they realized that I could transfer chakra , so the position of a regular battery was assigned to me. But gradually they were allowed to work according to the profile.

There were relationships with colleagues ... although they probably did not exist, they tried to ignore me and communicated only on business and then to a minimum. I was especially disliked by the head of the department to whom I was assigned, and it was not about the fox, this was Hyuuga , and as it turned out, the father of that asshole who worked as Hinata's bodyguard. He can see then it flew well for the fact that while he fertilized the bushes, the clan's hime was unattended for several hours in the company of a demon. Well, everything else he knew clearly who taught Hinata run down, and may become a victim himself, when Hinata tried to escape, or treating the victims of its technology 'heel in the balls-HO- Jitsu "and I even find it difficult to say which is worse, to receive, or then the mystical hand oh damage to heal from others.

I have a more or less equal relationship with the deputy head of the hospital, who is now performing his duties, since the head went on vacation. As I learned from my spy in the camp of the enemy, the head had never taken a vacation before, and in general was a terrible workaholic . But lately, he has lost a lot, apparently his age, and took a leave of absence for six months, and drove off on a tour of the temples of the country of fire. And why did he forget there, there are only monks who read prayers and all sorts of charlatans who, like, remove curses and drive out evil spirits, it would be better to hit the hot springs, but as they say, everyone has their own preferences.

I also learned a lot more, Momo, who now had the position of a spy, told me all the gossip she heard from the nurses. There is no need to wiretap the Hokage's office , you need to put it in the rest room in the hospital , and you will learn a lot more.

For example, there was one very interesting information, it turns out that in our village there is a cursed place, who got there, the spirits can throw, both into heaven and hell, for several hours. According to the stories, it turned out that one man accidentally wandered there and ended up in paradise, naturally after returning he told his friends, and they went to check. And they also ended up in heaven, they naturally repeated the actions of their friend, and the next day the crowd went there, only this time only part of them went to heaven, the rest were sent to hell. The victims of the spirits had to be treated, of course there were complaints, and even shinobi were sent to figure out what and how, but they also became victims of the spirits, although they did not suffer much. And as it became known from one nurse whose husband works in the administration, it was decided to put security there and not let any of the civilians in.

These are the things, there is a gap in space in the village or the spirits are really indulging, but I have neither hearing nor spirit about this, I will need to check it as soon as I get a little cleared up with things. And then there are so many things: in the valley you need to periodically visit and solve all sorts of problems, cook potions, make scrolls, raise undead, develop skills in healing , make traps at the training ground, and then recently the roots have been torn off the chain, climb and climb, even when all the caches are empty, and there is still a lot of time before the update, the tablets also do not interfere with looking at your work on curses, too, you cannot throw your work on curses, and you still need to devote time to the girls, and you also need to go to Sumira , give marble blocks for grabbing in the technogenic world , yes, and copy the tentacles , if I had tentacles , I could have freed myself earlier, or maybe not, but all the same it is necessary, and at least sometimes it is necessary to look into the academy.

And now it's even less time because of the practice in the hospital, and this shit doesn't give me a certificate for the academy. And I have exams soon, and there are holidays, and days are at hand, this year you need something so that people will remember, but not traumatic , otherwise I will treat them later. After all, the deputy chief promised that I would soon begin an independent practice, and it would depend on her whether they would leave me with the "B" rank or not.

Time flew by quickly, and if not for the barriers, then hell, I would have done everything. First of all, I studied the tablets. There was a description of another method of working with souls, this time a manual for rebirth, with the ability to preserve not only memory, but also part of your powers, and if you do everything right and get new ones.

The method was as follows - the soul is extracted from the recipient, to which he must consent, because without this further work is impossible, then it is placed in a crystal, after which this crystal is thrown into a potion, which is brewed using ritualism . This potion is a very interesting thing, because in addition to the base there is a list of ingredients that, if any, it is better to add so the effect will be higher, no, well, it will work without it. These additional ingredients were blood, bone, flesh of the recipient. And the main and obligatory component was the seed, again, the recipient is desirable, but it was quite possible to use others. After this, the woman drank this potion again, while the ritual was carried out. After that, she became pregnant and bore a child, who became reborn.

An increase in strength with this method could be obtained by using a strong sorceress as a surrogate mother with some special abilities or predispositions, which will be passed on to the reincarnated, the seed from a strong magician could also give abilities, but there the chance was rather less, and the likelihood of losing your the ability was greater. But even if this is an ordinary woman, then at least her level of strength will remain.

The question of why this method was not popular was simple. Few can take out the soul - these are necromancers, shamans, demonologists , and quite experienced, no less than a master, but what magician in his right mind would entrust his soul to one of these. Each of the above will find a better use for the magician's soul than for rebirth. Of course, there are still different entities capable of this, but there is even less confidence in them. You can, of course, conclude a magic contract, but it will be very expensive to pay for it. There is, of course, an option to do this if the same specialist is your favorite student or relative. But even here there is a danger, it is quite possible that his son will not want Dad to live yet, and did not allow money and power.

But then you still need to survive childhood, and the enemies will not wait until you come into power again. Yes, and while it is still small, all sorts of brainworms can dig deeper into the head, and leave a lot of unnecessary things there. In general, although the method makes it possible to live one more life and increase your strength, the risk is also quite high. After all, mental attitudes can be hung on a controlled soul, and memory can be corrected, and a lot more, if you can, but just sell to demons, or to someone else.

Such information may well be useful to me, such a method of rebirth may well interest Orych , this snake has enough devoted people. He seemed to have a girl who owned the element of the crystal, here is the future mother, well, he can squeeze out the seed from Sasuke , and with a high probability will receive a new gene and a sharingan .

So it is quite possible to demand some useful techniques from him, especially Edo Tensei interests me . And although it will not be possible to get hold of strong souls at its expense, the controlled dead who have preserved their knowledge are also very useful. Taking their souls is more dear to themselves, the gods can be very offended, because the souls of the dead already belong to them, there is even a warning about this in books on demonology and necromancy. In general, this technique is a ritual of sacrifice and an appeal to the higher, the soul of the victim serves as the payment there, it also serves as a source of energy for the resurrected.

My preparations for the day stalled a little due to the beginning of practice in the hospital. I was given my first jer ... ie patients in whom I recognized as my favorite people. Well, what are we going to treat.

- KU-KU -KU-KU !!!

After a week of practice, I was summoned by the chief executive officer .

- Uzumaki , there are problems with your patients, or rather with the method of treatment. For example, Tanada-san came to us with stomach pains. You gave him a bucket enema! Is that correct?

-Well yes.

- So we go further Sauri- san did the poisoning. You gave him a bucket enema! Is that correct?

- Yes.

- Katori- san was admitted with back pain. You gave him a bucket enema !! Is that correct?

- Yes.

"Next, Kojima-dono did with a sore throat. You put the bucket enema again ! Is that correct?

- Yes.

- It's okay, that's explain why you put an enema vedernuyu Murayama san, it is in fact dealt with a broken arm!

- But everyone was cured. So what's the problem?


- Hyuuga- san, calm down, all diseases are from nerves. But if anything, I have a proven remedy ...

- GET OUT !!!

- Okay, okay, but if you change your mind ... - I didn't have time to finish , because I had to dodge the kunai .

Well, why be so nervous, everyone is safe, if they were not healthy, I charged the water for the bucket enema with the mana of life, we can say that I poured a healing potion for them, but what is not through the place through which it is accepted is trifles. And of course, I have different nozzles, their size is directly proportional to the degree to which the patient got me.

A few weeks after the conversation with the chief , the nurses caught me in the corridor, and they very much asked MY method to heal one seriously ill person.

To my surprise, the person turned out to be very familiar to me, Kakashi , a local headache. Shinobi generally do not really like to be in the hospital, and it is very difficult to drive them to check and additional procedures, and no one observes the regime. But Kakashi broke all records, so it is not surprising that the girls decided to teach him a lesson, after all, professional pride was hurt.

And when I was already pulling my hands to the medium-sized nozzle, they intercepted it, and handed me THIS, but it is twice as large as the largest of my nozzles. Apparently I was mistaken, and this is clearly a personal insult. Okay, hold on Kakashi , for your "millennia of pain" are nothing compared to what awaits you now.

Kakashi left the hospital completely healthy, although his gait was a little strange, but nothing , in a few days it will pass.

For all the works quietly crept dnyuha . For the celebration, one artifact was pulled out of the bins and modified, a mug that turns any liquid into alcohol. Refinement was simple, the bottom of the cup has been seized, and she was encrusted Chakra crystals, from the pearls they differed much larger volume of the chakras , as it has been mounted in a casing which masked it from all types of search, even Neji did not even consider emphasis checked by Hinata.

This whole structure was inserted into the main water pipe of the village. The process was complicated, with the help of immateriality, I stuck my hand into the pipe and summoned a blank from the inventory, unfortunately I cut off the brush , but to grow a new trifle, but I'm not worried about the traces. I foresaw this, and a seal from necromancy was applied to the hand, the hand will be turned into dust by which you will not understand anything, and it will dissolve in water.

This completed the first part of the plan, and I proceeded to the second, which was much more difficult and took several months to prepare. Still, the massive curse of a hangover that cannot be removed is a difficult thing, it's a pity that it will last a little more than a day. But anyone who drank even a drop of alcohol will be tormented by a hangover as if he had been drinking for three days. And given that alcohol will flow from all the taps in the water, it will be difficult not to drink.

Well, have a merry holiday to everyone!

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