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Chapter 17: ch.17

I have nothing much to say, so without further ado, chapter 17!


Looking at the estate belonging to the Earth Tortoise gang in front of me, I pause.

Sensing some fluctuations in the space next to me, I turn my head just in time to see Kai appear out of thin air.

That is new...I didn't expect to be capable of sensing teleportation.

Taking over two gangs with tens of members each and making all those members sign away, 50 percent of their soul-energy in exchange for their lives had left me flush with souls.

I had used those souls to upgrade most of my existing abilities and to give myself some new ones while I was at it. Having been caught by surprise in the middle of a fight before, I thought it prudent to get a sensing ability as my first new ability.

I gave myself the ability to passively perceive everything happening around me within a radius of 100 feet. I was aware of every little detail within my range, from the dust floating in the air to the ants crawling on the ground. And if I concentrated on actively using it, I could increase my sensing radius to a whopping 3000 feet.

Most of the things I noticed were categorized by how important or potentially dangerous they were to me before getting bumped to the back of my mind. So that I don't go insane from information overload. Or have to think about all the disgusted shit people do when they think no one is watching.

What I didn't expect, however, was that it could even be used to sense the change in space when someone teleported within my sensing range. I guess it was to be expected that it would be this strong, with me upgrading most of my abilities to use 4 souls instead of just one.

Kai jumps back in surprise after getting his bearings and noticing that I was already looking at him.

"How did yo..." Kai starts to say before stopping himself when he sees my smirk, "you know, never mind. Nina sent me to inform you that we are done taking over the White Tiger gang. Bai Hu is unconscious and waiting for you to do your 'thing'."

"Good, I will go there when I'm finished here. Meanwhile, tell Nina to have one of the White Tigers members recall everyone to the base so that I can have them all sign a contract when I arrive."

Kai nodded that he understood.

"Also, have Rui take a few people to the Heavenly Phoenix base. I already had someone call all the members back." Which was a task on its own. Unlike the other gangs, the Heavenly Phoenix gang was divided into several smaller sub gangs with their own overseers, "Everyone left alive in the base has already signed a contract and is loyal to me. He can use them to restrain the other members. Tell him to start by showing the new arrivals the boss's head. That will take the wind out of their sails and have them surrender without too much of a struggle."

"Remember to double-check the members with the accountant!" I reminded him.

Yesterday was a complete disaster. Who knew that running a gang with more than 10 members would be this difficult. We had to figure out who all the goons working for Faizul were, who was currently missing, and how to recall all of them back to the base, all that in the span of a few hours before the word that Faizul was dead and we had taken over could get out.

Sadly, real-life wasn't a game where if you defeat an opponent and conquer their base you automatically get all their possessions, let alone the goons. Nope, if you don't rein all of the goons in before the news gets out that you killed their boss, there was a very big possibility that they will defect to one of the other gangs.

Having absolutely no experience with running gangs, I did the responsible thing and dumped all of it on Nina's lap the first chance I got.

It was almost 1 in the morning when Nina came up with the brilliant idea to get the accountant who paid everyone. They may be goons, but they still had to be paid, and who knew who had to be paid better than the one doing the paying.

When I finally caught up with the accountant, he was halfway to the airport, trying to flee with half of Faizul's funds.

Having learned my lesson, I had kidnapped each of the gang's accountants before we raided their bases, except for the Heavenly Phoenix gang's accountant, that is. The Heavenly Phoenix's boss liked to keep his accountant close at hand, and grabbing him ahead of time would have tipped them off.

Kai looks a little queasy by my casual mention of displaying someone's head but shakes it off after a moment.


Rui, Nina, and I had agreed that we had to toughen up the Hellions a little if they were going to play a central role in the organization I was currently building.

"I will pass it on to Rui," Kai glanced at the huge ass estate, I was about to raid by myself, "do you need any help?"


Shrugging, Kai searched around for a landmark he might recognize and tell him where the hell he was, sadly he had no such luck. It was going to take him forever to get back.

"You don't happen to have another of those orbs that will send me back, do you?" Kai asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Only if you never do that again," I shuddered in revulsion, "that was disgusting!"

Holding my hand out, I conjured another orb for him, this one without location-finding abilities. I had enough souls now to help make my henchmen's lives a little easier once in a while.

Kai gave me one last grin before breaking the orb and teleporting away.

Cheeky bastard.

Turning my attention back to the two terrified guards frozen in place in front of the estate gate, I felt a menacing grin form on my face.

"Knock, Knock!"


I would like to tell you that it was a hard-won fight, with me coming out on top as a storybook conquering hero or something equally as epic, but it wasn't. It was boring.

They had nothing that could hurt me or keep up with me before my upgrades, let alone after. I waltzed in the estate and right up to where my powers were saying the Earth Tortoise boss was located, not even pausing to knock the guards attacking me unconscious.

There was no rush. I would notice anything that could threaten my health the moment it comes within 100 feet of me. And take measures against it before the person using it could so much as twitch a finger.

After a while, one of the guards just gave up on attacking me and started following behind me when he noticed that he was doing even less than nothing to me. When I arrived at the boss's location, none of the guards were attacking me anymore, and I had a little following trailing behind me.

I kind of felt bad for the boss when I just strolled into his dining room, where he was eating with some blond bombshell, stole his knowledge, and killed him without any of his men trying to so much as lift a finger to stop me.

The first guard who had stopped attacking and started following me let out a roaring cheer. The rest of the guards followed his lead not long after and started cheering also.

The only person in the room that wasn't pleased over the Earth Tortoise boss's death was his dinner date and even she was more worried that I was about to kill her too rather than being sad or at the very least upset that he was dead.

It seems like someone wasn't treating his people properly.

What a dumbass.

Everyone knows that you don't piss off your underlings, especially if it's their job to protect you. Not that it would have helped him even if his guards had tried to stop me with every fiber in their bodies, but it is the principle that counts.

After that, I gave a boring speech that Nina wrote up for me, about there being no more - insert your gang name here - only the Hellions gang, and they could either join or die. According to Nina, it helped the goons realize that their boss was dead, that their gang was destroyed, and that the Hellions were their only lifeline.

You would think that having just saved them from their dick of a boss, they would be grateful and agree immediately, but nope.

As I mentioned before, there is always that one jackass in any group that will try to test the boundaries even if it is clear that you could kill him with your pinky finger.

Which is exactly what I did.

Well, not my pinky finger per se, but I did flick him to death. And like always, when shown how worthless and easy to take their lives were, everyone who had been agreeing with the now dead example a second ago went quiet and signed the contract without making any more fuss.

What a disappointment. I expected at least one of the gangs to have a Super of their own, but it seems that it wasn't as easy to get one as I thought. Bao Lan, Pandora's box former boss, had paid an absolutely ridiculous price for Hei Jiang at the first auction ever, three weeks ago.

A price that he certainly wasn't worth in everyone else's view. Hei Jiang was still a kid, after all. And a kid that could die by a well-placed bullet to the head, at that. Hell, he didn't even have the ability to go into shadows when Bao Lan first bought him.

It would be cheaper to just buy more advanced weapons and train an elite team rather than buying Hei Jiang, so they let Bao Lan have him.

The auction was only held once a month, and the next one is in a week. It was supposed to be the auction where the four big gangs would fight over the rights of being the first with a Super of their own, before I came along and took them all out, that is.

I pause after the last Earth Tortoise member currently present in the estate finishes signing the soul contract I had handed out.

"Looks like someone is finally awake," I mumbled as an alarm started ringing in my head.

"What is your name," I asked the first guard who had followed me.

"My name is Lu Wen, Sir!" Lu Wen answered promptly, an image of the guard who made a ruckus flying through the air with a broken neck because of a simple flick from the kid standing in front of him replaying over and over in his mind.

"Lu Wen is in charge until I return," I told the other guards in a voice that left no doubt, what would happen to them if they didn't comply, "if someone who hasn't signed the contract yet arrives, restrain them and wait for me."

Lu Wen opened his mouth to reply but closed it with an audible snap when another Alexander appeared in front of the first.

Watching myself, watch me was a strange experience. I lifted the right hand of both my bodies at the same time and nodded when I had no problems controlling both bodies at the same time.

Having seen and read enough fiction in my previous life, I was rightly a little cautious of clones with their own minds even if that mind was a copy of my own. So I gave myself the next best thing, the ability to create clones that I could puppeteer like my own body.

With a thought, both of my bodies were gone in a flash of red light. One to the White tiger gang base to meet up with Nina and the other to greet sleeping beauty.

>>>>(Cassandra Cain)<<<<

Cassandra woke up with a start. That is to say, one of her legs jerked minutely before she could get it back under control.

Her eyes opened in a small glare as she tried to figure out what was going on. From what she could observe, which wasn't a lot with how she was lying, she was in a strange room and was sleeping on a bed bigger and softer than anything she had ever slept on before in her life.

Not hearing anyone breathing in the room with her, Cassandra sat up and got out of the bed. She walked around the room, inspecting the room she was in with more detail.

After a minute of inspecting the room, she came to the same conclusion as before. She had absolutely no idea where she was.

She fidgeted for a moment not sure what she should do now.

'Was this another one of her father's games, like the time he left her inside the jungle alone without any supplies?'

The thought of her father immediately brought up the memories of the day before to the forefront of her mind. Memories, she had subconsciously been trying to suppress ever since waking up.

Cassandra remembered being happy when her father told her that she was ready to play their game with someone other than him, something she had never done before. She had only ever played with her father and he never let her win.

However, unlike her father, the man she had been told to play against didn't know how to fight back as she expected.

She whimpered quietly as she recalled the look on the man's face and eyes as he desperately tried to breathe through his broken windpipe while choking on his own blood before his body went entirely still and stopped talking to her.

Cassandra wasn't stupid, she knew what it meant when a body stopped moving. It was at that moment that she realized what she had done, what her father had made her do.

Violent sobs racked her whole body as guilt filled her small body. She had killed that man, his body would never talk again.

Before she could completely fall into despair over what she had done, her senses that had been trained since her birth cried out to her, someone that wasn't there a second ago had just appeared behind her.

Having been trained in dozens of fighting styles since she walked her first step, Cassandra's body moved in response to the threat before she could consider doing otherwise. She turns around to face the threat, her right hand already in the form of an eagle claw, reflexes her father had beat into her firing off by themselves.

Dead, blank eyes staring into nothingness flashes before Cassandra's eyes, making her freeze in place, her claw inches away from hitting the person that suddenly appeared behind her.

'What if he can't fight back either, and I kill him as well.'

A hand touches her face and wipes her tears away, making her realize that she was crying.

Cassandra followed the hand wiping her tears away up into the eyes belonging to the boy that had somehow made her fall asleep with his words.

The boy's hands encompass her form and he slowly pulls her into a hug, something she had seen other people do before but had never experienced for herself. She felt warm and peaceful like nothing could hurt her as long as she was here. She always wondered if it felt as good as it looked, and now she knew.

She cried silently into the warm cocoon that had enveloped her, letting out everything she was feeling. The guilt she felt from killing someone, the anger and betrayal she felt when she thought about her father. She let it all out.

"Shh, everything is going to be alright," he comforted her, slowly running his hands through her hair.

She nuzzled her face deeper in the boy's chest and closed herself off from the rest of the world except for his hands running through her hair and his scent. With every passing second, Cassandra felt more and more of her guilt and grief leave her until there was nothing left in her small world other than his scent and the wonderful feeling of his hands running through her hair.

She doesn't know how long they stood there, with him trying to comfort her, and she off into her own little world. But all good things must come to an end, and hers came to an end when her stomach chose that moment to growl to remind her to feed it.

The boy slowly released her from his warm embrace, much to her dismay, and looked into her eyes. Cassandra felt her cheeks redden slightly but she didn't look away from his green eyes.

"Let's go get something to eat, shall we," he said gently, "I am Alexander by the way, nice to meet you, Cassandra."

Cassandra nodded and followed him to the only door in the room, still clinging to his arm. For a moment she wondered how Alexander knew her name before remembering that her father had called her by her name the day before.

'Where is her father?'

Two people were standing outside at each side of the door when they walked out. Seeing Alexander, both of them stood up straight, "What the fuck?" One of the men said, confused.

"We didn't know you were in there, Sir," the other man interrupted quickly before hitting his partner to shut him up.

Their bodies were tense and afraid, waiting for punishment. Like how her body would be when her father punished her when she didn't fight to his satisfaction.

Pulling at the arm she was still clinging to, she waited till Alexander looked at her before shaking her head, no.

Confused, Alexander looked at the men and then back to her. There is a tingle in her head and she feels her ki stir in response but before her ki could move the tingle was already gone.

'Did Alexander do that?' she wondered, 'that feeling was just like when he made me fall asleep.'

"Don't worry I wasn't going to hurt them." He reassured her before turning to the men, "it's not your fault, there is no way you could have known I was in there. I don't go around punishing my men for nothing, as long as you do your job you have nothing to fear from me."

Cassandra let out the breath she didn't know she was holding when Alexander's body told her he was telling the truth. She didn't like people who hurt others for no reason like her father did. She was glad Alexander wasn't such a person.

"Yes, sir!" Both men said at the same time, their bodies relaxing their tense stance before standing up even straighter. As she followed Alexander to the elevator, the men both gave her a nod, it didn't seem much but their bodies told her how grateful they truly were.

Cassandra felt something she never felt before in her stomach, it felt like the complete opposite of the guilt she felt before. It didn't take her long to figure out what it was.

She liked helping people.

>>>>(Alexander's clone)<<<<

While my real body was off with Cassandra, my clone(myself) had finished making the former White Tiger gang members sign a soul contract. After that, I gave everyone their orders and left to do one last mission before I could become the undisputed owner of Macau's underworld.

What I was about to do was going to piss off and no doubt make me an enemy of The Light. I just hoped that Vandal Savage hadn't made contact with Klarion yet, all the other members I could handle with some difficulties but a serious unrestricted Klarion would annihilate me as effortlessly as I was currently killing normal humans.

The moment I learned that someone was experimenting on people and making them Metahumans, and that is exactly what Hei Jiang was, a Metahuman, I instantly knew who was behind it.

If it was just 'normal' experimentation to give people superpowers, it could be any number of organizations. But so far as I know, The Light was the only one playing around with the metagene. And I just happened to stumble onto one of their earlier experiments.

Which was fucked up, because even the experiments in the future with the technology of the Reach had a big chance of failure and killing the subjects. I don't even want to imagine how many kids had to die for each 'success', and that is precisely who they were using it on, kids.

Kids, being as adaptable as they were, had a bigger chance of surviving the stress, awakening the metagene puts on the body. They were also easier to brainwash and control.

If I was going to be the ruler of Macau, I couldn't have someone going around abducting and killing hundreds of kids while making an army of Metahumans under my very nose.

"Are you ready?" I asked Hei Jiang.

We were currently standing in an unused room in Pandora's Box.

I had promised to take him with me when I was going to take out the organization that killed his parents and experimented on him, and I kept my promises.

Hei Jiang simply nodded, his face set in stone.

Finding their base, however, was easier said than done. None of the gang bosses even knew who the people selling them Metahumans were, let alone where their base was located. Not even Hei Jiang knew where it was, even though they were planning to brainwash and remove his memories of the experiments, which I reversed, they still didn't let him see where he was being held. Paranoid bastards.

Which left locating them using magic. Already knowing that I will be in more situations like this, I splurged a little on soul-energy and made a physical compass that guides me to the thing I wanted most at the moment.

Yes, I stole Jack's compass from Pirates of the Caribbean except a hundred times more advanced, sue me.

"Let's go," taking hold of Hei Jiang's shoulder, I let the compass guide my teleportation to the thing I wanted most(which is easily manipulated if you had magic).

We arrived outside the city on what looked like abandoned farmland. There was nothing around for miles at all sides, we were in the middle of nowhere.

Hei Jiang stared at me, a question on his face.

I shrugged back and looked at my compass, it was pointing down into the ground, "they are underground."

"I don't see a way in," Hei Jiang commented after we searching around for a while.

"We will make our own entrance then," taking hold of Hei Jiang, I jumped straight up. Taking aim I fire a red ball of energy, the size of a tennis ball, out my right hand, straight at where the compass was pointing.

The ball makes contact with the ground and explodes in a brilliant fireball. Concentrating, I will the explosion downwards in the ground instead of upwards.

Landing softly, I use some strength and wave the dust the explosion had uprooted away.

There was a hole in the ground where my attack had landed, revealing a metal stairway leading into the deep bowels of the earth.

I felt a pinprick in the back of my mind, indicating that Sera had established our mental link. She sent me a few images and intentions that when put in words chided me for not asking her to just open the entrance for me. Completely disregarding the fact that she was miles away on my other hand.

It seems like she was bored of being cooped in my ring all the time. Feeling guilty, I let her out and introduced her to Cassandra, I even made a mental connection between the two of them so that they could communicate with each other.

Talking turned out to be easy for both of them, with how similar their thought process was. Having never learned to talk or read, Cassandra didn't think in words like normal people, she thought in intent, concepts, and images like Sera.

"Are you crazy," Hei Jiang yelled, interrupting my train of thought, "they will know that we are here now!"

"That is what I am counting on, let's go," I told him as I started my descent into the unknown.

Hei Jiang hesitated for a moment before following the madman in front of him into an extremely well-protected facility, that now knew they were here.

At the end of the staircase was a hallway leading to a thick steel door, banning anyone that didn't belong from entering. Sensing movement, I turned my attention away from the door and watched as two turrets with machine guns on them swung out of the hallway walls.

Two magic arrows blink into existence and destroy the turrets before they can open fire on me. I wink at the hidden camera observing my every move before destroying that too.

"I will go in guns blazing and make as much noise as I can. When everyone is focused on me, find whoever the leader is and capture him before he can escape," I ordered my shadow.

Strolling up to the sealed doors, I slammed my hands in the seams of the door and pried them wide open. Looking around, I found myself in a long corridor with more steel walls. Alarms were blaring and flashing throughout the whole facility illuminating everything in red.

I sensed my shadow move for a second before going back to normal.

Time to do my part.

I ran through the facility hallways destroying every turret and door I came across. I made sure to keep my speed at the very edge of a normal athletic human, to buy Hei Jiang some time.

"Holy Fuck, they are not playing around!"

A team of 6 soldiers just came around the corner from the corridor I was in. The three in the front were holding ballistic shields while the three behind them had honest to god modified rocket launchers.

Unfortunately for them, I had sensed them long before they turned the corner, and thus they were met with a magic arrow in all three of their barrels making their rockets explode prematurely. The explosion that rocked the facility was spectacular, it felt like an earthquake just went off.

"Those rockets were definitely modified." All that was left of the soldiers were little pieces of gore and a big red smear that drenched half of the corridor.

I turned around and chose another hallway, I wasn't about to wade in that mess.

Once in a while, some soldiers would find me and 'force' me to engage them. Suffice to say every soldier here was worth tens of gang members on the outside, every single one of them was an elite. Which made it even more shameful how easy I was whooping their asses.

However, unlike with the gangsters, I wasn't keeping these soldiers alive. If you are guarding a place that experiments on and kills hundreds of kids, I don't want you near me, let alone work for me.

I have standards, after all. Not a lot but I do have them.

I still haven't found any Metahumans. And if what my senses are telling me is true, I'm almost at the end of the facility. I very much doubt that the leader of the facility sold all the Metahumans without keeping at least one or two around for protection.

The end I was sensing turned out to be a door leading into a big ass room with 4 people in it, one of them being Hei Jiang. Opening the unlocked door, I walked into what looked like an underground stadium.

Hei Jiang was fighting an 8 feet tall man that looked more beast than man. He had hair everywhere and shiny claws that looked sharp enough to cut steel. Hei Jiang seems to have difficulties hitting the beast with his whips and the few times he did hit, he did almost no damage.

Observing from a safe distance stood a woman and a man. The woman was nothing much to look at, just another Chinese woman in her mid-twenties that you can find everywhere, except her eyes were blank. The man on the other hand was exactly what I imagined a mad scientist would look like, glasses, crazy eyes, disheveled hair, and a white doctor's coat to finish the ensemble.

If I was a gambling man, I would put everything on him being the one in charge.

"Ah, the man of the hour has arrived," the scientist said looking up from the tablet in his hand, "I have been following your drunken charge through my base with great delight."

"You are pretty cheerful for a guy that is about to die."

"I don't know about dying but I'm thrilled to get the chance to dissects you, to figure out what makes you tick," the scientist said letting out a mad laugh.

Great, we have a crazy scientist on our hands.

"Do you have any other powers, other than those arrows, your enhanced strength, and enhanced durability?" Something must have shown on my face, "So you do have enhanced durability. Makes sense, most Supers who have enhanced strength also have enhanced durability."

Instead of answering, I made a magic arrow and shot it at the woman guarding him. A red arrow blinked in existence in front of me and shot me right in the face, blowing me off my feet and into the steel wall.

What the fuck?!

Standing up, I glared at the woman. She somehow made my magic arrow attack me, instead of its intended target, her. Was it a passive ability or did she somehow sense me attacking her even before my magic arrow was visible and activate her ability?

Testing my theory, I activated my super speed and took off in a blur. Observing the woman closely I noted that her eyes were still on my previous location and there was no indication that she was keeping up with my speed. My viewpoint changed and I found myself face to face with the wall, luckily I was able to stop myself in the nick of time.

A passive ability it is. It doesn't matter if she can react to an attack or not it still gets directed away from her.

Turning back to face the duo, I saw that the scientist was taking notes on his tablet and muttering to himself about me also having enhanced speed. The woman was still in the same spot looking like she hadn't done anything, which she really hasn't.

"The passive ability to change the direction from any attack away from yourself, pretty impressive," I remarked.

"Oh Bravo, you figured it out so fast. It is a simple but quite unbeatable ability," the scientist answered voice filled with excitement.

"But, what happens if an attack doesn't have a direction?" The scientist's eyes widened in surprise as he caught my meaning.

I snapped my fingers and the woman's heart exploded in a bloody mess. It was kind of a shame to kill her but I already tried to get in her mind and even that got redirected, I am sure I could have thought of a way to remove her brainwashing and get her on my side but honestly it was just too much trouble.

The woman's eyes widened in shock before coughing up blood filled with little pieces of her heart and falling over, dead.

Seeing all this happening before him, the scientist started trembling, not from fear or horror but excitement.

"That shouldn't have worked. Even though it looks like the attack had no direction, her heart exploding is an attack with a direction in itself, but it did work." He trailed off and locked eyes with me, "You, you made it work somehow," his eyes were bloodshot and bulging.

I took a step back from his unhinged gaze before I even realized I was doing so.

A scream of pain pulled me away from the scientist and to Hei Jiang's fight. Looking over I saw that Hei Jiang had also finished his fight, it took a while but he finally managed to restrain his opponent in the air before impaling his dense skin with a compressed spike made out of multiple shadows.

Hei Jiang was panting in exhaustion but you wouldn't have known it with the way he stalked up to the scientist, his eyes filled with murderous intent for the man that had ordered his parents killed and tortured him for weeks on end before selling him like an animal.

The scientist didn't even notice when the shadows around him started acting erratically. He was still mumbling to himself about what my power could be and how it worked. He, however, did notice them slowly and painfully stabbing him to death.

His screams of pain were therapeutic in distracting me from all the filth I extracted from his mind.

Good riddance.

"Feel better?" I asked Hei Jiang.

"Yes," he answered after taking some time to really think about it.

"Good, because we have 37 children to save before I blow this godforsaken place to kingdom come."

>>>>Alexander(Penthouse - Red Dragon Hotel and Casino)<<<<

Nina, Cass, Sera, and I were watching Aladdin on the 110-inch tv in the living room. Cass was snuggled in my side with Sera sitting on her shoulder and Nina sitting on my other side.

Once in a while, one of them or both would stand up and start dancing along with the songs.

Seraphina had already declared herself a princess, like Jasmine. How she saw it, I was the ruler of Macau and thus its king and she was my daughter and thus a princess. And no one was going to tell her otherwise, not even me when I tried to explain that if I was anyone it was the genie.

"Hei Jiang and I just saved 37 children. I am taking them here for now but I need you to find out if they have any family other than their parents, if not a place to stay," I explained to Nina.

Nina thought about it for a minute before answering, "I have been looking into the process of starting an orphanage so that our younger members could have a legal identity and go to school. I guess I can speed the process up by greasing the right hands."

"Alright, let me know if you have any problems."

"There are studies that show that going to school is good for a child's development," Nina commented casually, giving Cass and me pointed looks.

"My powers makes going to school redundant," I scoffed, no way in hell, am I going to school again, "and Cass isn't really public school material but it is her choice whether she wants to go or not," I added, giving the said girl a sideways look as she and Sera danced to a whole new world.

Nina thought about it before shrugging. She wasn't their mother if they didn't want to go to school then she won't force them, not that she could even if she wanted to.

I walked up to the big glass wall overlooking the whole city.

"What now, King of Macau," Nina joked from behind me.

She may be joking about the whole king thing, but we both knew she wasn't entirely wrong either. I was the undisputed ruler of Macau right now, I could do anything I wanted and there would be no one who could stop me.

"Now I am going to enjoy life to its fullest."


That marks the end of the first arc of DC Warlock.

Canon will begin next week!

Ps, for those who don't know yet, I have a new fic. Try it out if you have time :)

Heavens_Monarch Heavens_Monarch

I also have a Pat-reon, so if you want to read an extra chapter or two faster than the public release or just want to support me by leaving a dollar in the tip jar, you can do so at www - Pat-reon - com - heavensMonarch

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