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8.33% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 11: Merlin the Magus of Flowers Make His Entrance

Chapter 11: Merlin the Magus of Flowers Make His Entrance

After waving their hands as their daughter left to enjoy her rare holiday, both of her parents' faces suddenly turned serious as they went back inside their house. It's not like something that might threaten or harm their beloved and only daughter, but what they do is just do their best for Eleonora; all of it will be for her sake.

Theodore then spoke.

"Yuuka, we must drag that flower mage. The key to unlocking the rights of Arthuria Pendragon's treasures is only can be done by him. Simply unlock magic isn't able to fully open it."

His wife nodded her head and responded with seriousness.

"Yes, dear. Then we have no choice but to do Servant Summoning with his catalyst to make sure the success rate increased. Don't worry, I already have it and place that in the safe place, only you and me who knew that place and its code."

"That's reassuring. Although that guy might be summoned as Servant, as Heroic Spirit, he can still perform the ritual to summon the key and unlock it. What a pain in the ass. After thousand years, Pendragon family finally have the true successor of Arthuria Pendragon."

As they had already arrived at the place they mentioned, they could see a wall with the same color and pattern as in their house, but it suddenly changed color and pattern when Theo's right hand was placed on it. The walls reveal a door gold-like door with white lining across it.

Nodding their heads, both parents open the door as they get inside and reveal many things there. It's full of artifacts, fossils, etc. But their objective right now is to take something, a particular item that would bring someone they really want to right now. Someone's important to Pendragon's family, although they're not that close as Theo pissed off with him.

When they got the item in their hands, Yuuka drew the magic circle as her husband prepared the ritual. He already got the catalyst to summon the strongest mage in the history of mankind, a magus that helped Arthuria Pendragon to be the king of Britain. However, it's not an expected outcome that he might predict as he already knew this.

He shook his head as he let out a tired sigh.

'Goddamn, Merlin. You really love to make this harder. If it not for Elly, I don't want to do this.'

He then stretches out his arms as he pours his magic onto it. That is even enough to make him cough a bit of blood, making his wife have a worried face. But Theo, who already knew it, just shrugged it off to his wife and tried to continue the summoning ritual.

The magic circle shone. A dim of light appears.

He then began to start the chant when he noticed that. He hesitated a bit but shook off and tried to gather the focus onto this and let the problem be solved later.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let gold be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

The light in the magic circle began to grow. It slowly became bright. But Theo kept his chant; he focused on his current objective and focused, so the ritual isn't failed. He can't be distracted and failed in to do so.

"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again. Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling."

It's coming. The Magus is coming. The one who referred to as The Magus of Flowers. Finest and strongest Magus, the one who helps the reign of King Arthur. The one who also accompanied him in the journey, but alas—he holds one of King Arthur's biggest secrets; a secret must be hidden, must be unknown from ordinary people, from outside of trusted ones.

A bright light shone. It's bright enough to cover the entire body of a person. A non-human mage made his entry into Arthurian Legends, a prophet also advisor of King Arthur. The court magus who at times guide the young king-to-be of Great Britain in his journey.

A legendary magus.

Then— it's appeared. A figure of a man. He wore a robe woven with the finest fabrics, though he still looks modest, his long hair appearing with the colors of the rainbow under sunlight. He held an odd-looking black staff as his left hand while a subtle yet fine smile flashed onto his lips.

Like that, his lips then move and speak.

"Greetings, Master. I am Merlin. People call me the Magus—"

It got cut off before he finished his line by the hard and hurt feeling in the magus' right cheeks. It's a hard and strong-filled punch that makes the Magus of Flowers' body collapse and hit the floor and delivered by the man who hates him so much and is a bit protective of his daughter.

Yuuka, the former onmyouji, just sweatdrops seeing her husband's behavior towards the Magus. But she also can't do anything about this since it would be bad for her husband's mind if it was delayed and if he can't deliver a single punch to the rainbow-colored hair magus.

"Heh. I always wanna do it. You dick-bastard mage."

His wife just shook her head and sighed.

"…Dear. Don't you think it's too… harsh?"

"Harsh? Huh. I doubt it. He will not die because of this, as he's an incubus. Well, half-incubus because his blood is mixed with humans, but my point stands. He will be fine."

"Alright then. But your punch successfully knocked out his conscious, dear. We must wake him up and settle our business with him."

Theo scratches his head reluctantly.

"I know, I know. Just hope this guy will give the key and perform the ritual. If not, then I have to beat the crap out of his ass."

"Please don't."


Tokyo Station – Entrance

Several minutes have passed since Eleonora left her house and went to the place that will become her first stop to reach Nanbu-chou, Yamanashi. She then got out of the limousine and bid farewell to her driver, allowing herself to walk toward the station deeper than she should have been.

Of course, she already purchased the ticket online, so she doesn't have to wait long to get the ticket. Although she has to wait for the train for a while, she doesn't have any problem as Eleonora uses this chance to check and chat in the chat group. She has something to tell to some of them, after all.

Queen of Sweets: "@Hajime True Soulmate-san, I already learned all of the spells in the file you gave me a few days ago, and it's turns out very wonderful. Although I don't have the chance to test the destructive power of it."

Hajime True Soulmate: "…Are you demi-human or sort? I believe that my spells aren't suitable for humans to learn. But wait, you're human, right? If that's true, then how come…?"

Pudding Lover: "Weeeeell… of course she is human. She has the almighty aura of the protagonist and all kinds of bullshit thrown to her! What can you expect from a heroine like her, duh?"

Hajime True Soulmate: "@Queen of Sweets Seriously, you're human or not? Also, that spell isn't something that easy to learn, and you… manage to learn all of it within a few days? How's that possible?"

Queen of Sweets: "I'm 100% sure human, but maybe because of the influence of my talent. I mean, one of many talents I possess. Maybe because I'm a quick learner, I can learn it quicker than anyone. From the moment I was born, it's a fact that I'm different from others."

The Florist Succubus: "Whoah! You're genius, @Queen of Sweets-san! Maybe you're like big sis, that genius in inventing or making something too? And how many talents do you possess?"

Queen of Sweets: "Enough to make me gain a title of [Super Woman] and something like the youngest genius. I'm blessed with many talents, and it's useful to me, so it's wrong if I do not use them to their fullest potential."

Queen of Sweets: "And yes, @The Florist Succubus-san. I also sometimes invent. Currently, I built a lab to let my ideas become real. One of them is… should I say it? It's kind of embarrassing."

Pudding Lover:" Say it! Say it! I'm curious about it!"

The Florist Succubus: "Yeah! Me too! I'm curious about what kind of invention you want to make."

The Nightmare: "Oh my. Don't force yourself to tell us, @Queen of Sweets-san. Anyone has secrets, and some don't want it to be known by many, especially people close to them."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That's right. Don't push her, @Pudding Lover-san, @The Florist Succubus-san. It's rude and will bother her."

Pudding Lover: "Nepu-nepu! That's not fair and lame. But well, maybe I can get it when we meet each other. Hehe."

The Florist Succubus: "Ooooh. You're so sly, @Pudding Lover-san. Fufu, I'll do that too when we meet each other, @Queen of Sweets-san. Please wait patiently for me, okay?"

Sword Princess: "Don't worry, @Queen of Sweets. When @Pudding Lover and I meet, I'll bonk her head."

Pudding Lover: "Nepu! That's cruel, @Sword Princess!"

Eleonora just chuckled happily when she read the chat and saw the group's people. Life surely becomes more interesting and fun for her right now, although she didn't mean that her life before is bad or sort of, but it's just not that exciting. She just wants this kind of thing.

"Maybe all the recent events are partially my fault…."

She mumbles it with a sad face but immediately shakes her head and banish that kind of thought. She doesn't want to think about bad things too much as she was always trying to think on the bright side and positive, or it will be bad for her mental.

For now, she has to enjoy her holiday, a week of holiday. Fill her holiday with good memories and much fun so it will not be filled with many bad things in the current situation the world has right now. Since humanity's spirit may erode slowly if the problem isn't handled correctly.

Human is fragile being. They're weak compared to supernatural beings; they sit in the lowest food chain. Their body is weak—so is their mental, their minds. Although they are called perfect beings that the god has created and loved so much, they will perish in times, especially with how frightening and messed up their history is.

A history that is full of blood. Bloodshed everywhere. Blood and kill are necessary to reach their goals and achieve something they need and want. But such thinking isn't the main concern of Eleonora Pendragon since she does not care that much about humanity except her and the people she cares about. Or maybe someone that was causing her trouble, even if they're basically strangers to each other.

As soon as she finishes her thought, the sounds of the train coming can be heard. A few minutes later, the train came and stopped at the train line. Crowds of people rushing their way to go inside the train, one by one, already filled again with many passengers, including Eleonora; she chose a women-only train since it's safer than the mixed train.

She can breathe a sigh of relief when she successfully gets inside the train and does not miss it. She doesn't want it to happen or wait for another stop. It would interrupt her date with her girlfriend if that happened, and no one who has a girlfriend/boyfriend who loves each other wants that.

But now she can fulfill it, the promised date with her girlfriend. She just smiled when looking out the window.


A few minutes have passed after the summoning ritual. Currently, the Magus of Flowers, called by Theodore, the father of Eleonora Pendragon, is already awake from his unconscious state because of the blow delivered by his summoner.

Instead of being angry, the Magus just let out a playful laugh while he sweats when seeing his summoner's face right now. He knows that his fate right now might be doomed, and if he said anything wrong, he might not be saved anymore and would be thrown back whenever he comes. He's not dead since he is half-incubus and thus makes him Living Servant instead of Heroic Spirit, but he still needs a catalyst to be summoned by someone, and that's why Theodore Pendragon uses that.

Theodore just crossed his arms and looked at Merlin with an annoyed expression. But the Magus tried to be positive and kept his smiling face, as well Yuuka tried to keep her awkward smile as she felt the awful atmosphere between the two. She can't do anything when her husband becomes this, or it will be bad since Theodore always holds how he feels towards that Magus.

He really hates him. It's obvious from how his face looks right now.

But just keeping quiet will not solve the problem; that's why Merlin the Magus of Flowers decided to speak first as he let out a cough to gain their attention to him and its success; even Theodore right now pay attention to him.

"Ahem. Greetings, the descendant of Pendragon and someone who has the tie with Abe no Seimei. I heed your call and respond to it. I was sure that there's no Holy Grail or anything, yet I'm summoned as Servant—a Living Servant—not Heroic Spirit. So, what is the purpose of my summoning, my Master?"

He gives them a friendly and gentle smile, trying to be professional and cast aside his personal feelings. As Theodore noticed that, he did the same, cast away his feeling for a while, and locked his eyes to the Magus with a serious look.

"Since you already know who I am, then it won't take a long time, but I explain it."

"There's nothing that my eyes miss."

"Then, I'll explain it for you the reason."

And then, Theodore began to explain the reason behind Merlin the Magus of Flowers. The Magus understood and accepted the summoning. He clearly hears their explanation of why he has been summoned, and using Servant Summoning is the quickest way for them to reach Merlin. Since his location is currently out of this universe, and Servant Summoning itself can still be used even from different universes, dimensions, or worlds.

He nods his head several times and speaks up.

"Okay, I already know your reason, and it's partially my fault as I don't know it became like that."

"Finally… it's hard to find your catalyst, the real one, damnit. Since Pendragon family is considered fiction tale in this world, I can't use that advantage even if I use it as my actual name instead of a fake name."

"Ah. But it also comes up with some benefits. Like some people don't have to watch your back or anything, like they're not suspicious of you, right?"

"…I hate how you are right."

But Merlin just chuckled, seeing Theodore grumbling at that. Yuuka, who was watching their interaction, then spoke.

"Um, Merlin-sama…"

"Ah. Child, you don't have to call me with an honorific. I am just a mere Servant right now. Although it's undeniable that I'm the Magus of Flowers, there's no need to be that tense and formal with me. Just act normally. Okay?"

Yuuka nods her head as she understands.

"Uhum, yes. Merlin-san, if possible… could you also train our daughter since you're the strongest mage of humanity? I mean, it's a good opportunity since she already unlocks her magic power and self-taught herself as I have seen it."

"Train the direct descendant of Arthuria, huh. Are you sure about that, Master?"

His gaze changed toward Theodore, making the man nod his head acknowledging. This made the smile of the Magus slightly widen as he felt a bit happy knowing that. It will be like the old time when he accompanied King Arthur as his prophet and advisor; the nostalgic feeling.

He would never forget about that, even if anyone around him forgot it, but he never.

"Then, I will happily take the job as her magic instructor when I am still here. But Master, your magic…."

Theodore shook his head to Merlin.

"I know that. My time is almost up, and there's nothing I can do unless some miracle happens."

"I'm sorry, Master. Even my magecraft or magic can't do something about it. Even if I was referred to as the most powerful mage ever in mankind's history. It would take some miracle to make it happen."

"It's inevitable. After King Arthur turned to pseudo-male by you for a while to produce an heir, Mordred was born because of some incest play. A homunculus and unwanted child of Arthuria Pendragon. The result of your magic later evolved and became some kind of curse for males; their magic will be slowly eroded, and their life. Their soul slowly eroded and became weak, but their health still looks fine outside."

Merlin adopts a sympathetic look right now when he hears Theodore's explanation. Yuuka just gives her husband a one-arm hug and tries to comfort him in the best way when he sees his husband's pained expression when told it.

"So… is that what the cause of what I do, huh. I've never thought about it too far. What on my mind that time is for the sake of King Arthur. For the sake of her, but alas… my prophet title seems can't even predict that kind of outcome."

"I hate you when learning it, but now…? After knowing that you didn't expect it, I don't know what I should do with it. Huh, what a funny joke."

He laughed weakly when he said that.


"Dear passenger, we'll reach our final stop, Yamanashi Station, momentarily. Please check your belongings before leaving the train. We repeat. Dear passenger, we'll reach our final stop, Yamanashi Station, momentarily. Please check your belongings before leaving the train."

After hearing the announcement, Eleonora rechecked her belongings before departing and leaving the station. To make sure her belonging isn't left behind. Although some important things are already stored inside her [Inventory], her suitcase only contains something she can purchase from anywhere. It means anything inside the suitcase isn't that important.

After a few minutes of the announcement, it's announced again.

"Dear passenger, we'll reach our final stop, Yamanashi Station, momentarily. Please check your belongings before leaving the train. We repeat. Dear passenger, we'll reach our final stop, Yamanashi Station, momentarily. Please check your belongings before leaving the train."

When hearing that, Eleonora prepares herself as the train slowly decreases its speed the moment they are closer and about to reach the final stop of the train destination. The train door opened slowly yet quickly, and people immediately out from the train and Eleonora who saw that.

When she leaves the train, her next destination is to reach Kagamihara Sakura's house or Kagamihara's family home. She then slowly and steadily walked towards the exit gate of Yamanashi Station, which is also the same as the entrance gate.

A few minutes walked, she then finally out from the station area and was greeted by someone she knew. She noticed it when the sound of a car horn can be heard by her and a beautiful pale-skinned young woman with waist-length violet hair tied back with two hair strands hanging on both sides and dark blue eyes where she wears black square-rimmed glasses waving her hand to her.

The woman wears a violet parka that matches her hair and her usual brown winter jacket that keeps her body always warm in the current season in japan right now. She smiled at Eleonora as the young chairman walked closer to the woman and gave her a hug which was be responded with a light kiss on her cheeks by the violet-haired woman.

"Hey, Leo. How are you been these days?"

Eleonora just flashed a smile to the woman.

"I'm fine and always be. Instead of that, how about we go to your home first? I wanted to put my belonging there, and after that, we headed out. I also want to greet your family."

"Alright. Then without wasting our time, better we go now."


Both then walked together to the car and headed out to that woman, Kagamihara Sakura, house as Eleonora wants to put her belongings first before they have their promised date and maybe change their outfits to fit the date atmosphere mood later.

"Ah right. How about Nadeshiko-chan and others? Is there anything wrong? Especially those pets you told me a few days ago."

As she started the engine, Sakura just sighed and used her seat belt as Eleonora already did the same when she put her belongings onto the trunk.

"That idiot sister of mine still treats it like some kind of pet. Luckily, nothing serious has happened so far to us and everything around. It's peaceful; nothing dangerous happened."

"I see. But it still intrigues me that slime would appear in there."

"I know, right? We even made a pet house for her pet. How ridiculous is it."

Eleonora just sweatdrops as she laughed awkwardly when she heard what Sakura said about it. Her girlfriend just shakes her head when thinking again about what her sister's ridiculous things always do. Sometimes it's really giving Sakura a headache and wanting to stop her little sister's childish behavior.

"Well, to put it up with, how ridiculous is it? I think it will be normal soon with this world condition. Maybe we should get used to it and treat it as normal, and I know it would take you a long time to get used to it."

"…Really, what an observant girlfriend you are, Leo. You really knew me so well."

"Of course, I'm your girlfriend after all, and we already knew each other for so long. It would be weird if I don't know a thing or two about you when we were getting to know each other for that long."

"You really are sharp. If only Nadeshiko liked you too, I wouldn't be worried about her many times. She really always worry me. Not to mention when she carelessly slept in front of the restroom after recklessly going from Utsubuna to just see Mount Fuji and ended up around in Lake Motosu."

"Haha… hahaha. Your sister is really amazing."

She just couldn't call Nadeshiko weird since it was a bit impolite when she said that, but Sakura snorted and responded to her girlfriend's unsure answer.

"It's okay, you can call her weird or anything because she is like that. I bet she won't even care about that and just behave like usual."

"…Alright, maybe later, but Nadeshiko-chan is really amazing. She went from Utsubuna to Lake Motosu with only a bike, even the scooter speed limit is 18mph, yet she can do more than that with just a bike. Her desire to see Mount Fuji in close is really admirable."

"Maybe that's just her being weird."

Sakura just sighed when remembering how ridiculous it was but decided to ignore it and think about her date later with Eleonora. In contrast, she thinks about changing her usual parka with something more that has a dating theme in it.

She felt really happy inside, yet she couldn't show it very well on her face. It's difficult for her, but she was trying so hard for it.

TetekGede TetekGede


If you want to know about the appearance of some characters, you may go to the ******* page and don't worry, it's free! Or if you want, just google it. Also your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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