One evening I walked up to my room after a long day of tests. The hallway was empty and dark. The others were almost always fast asleep once I was done for the day. However, this time something was odd. One person was missing. There were three people in the shared room.
Then I noticed a calm breathing coming from my room. One of them was in there. I pushed down the doorknob to open the door. One again a screeching sound was released upon doing so.
Now that I had fully opened the door, I could see Allenya sitting on the chair next to my bureau.
("What is she doing here?")
She sat there, upright staring right at me.
I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I could sense that Allenya was unconfutable by this action. Leaning against the door I hoped that she would just say why she was here so I wouldn't have to ask.
("Finally, she spoke.")
"Can I talk to you about something?"
I shrugged.
"go ahead."
She hesitated, maybe she didn't expect me to listen to her.
Then she seemingly made op her mind. A white hair fell Infront of her brown eyes, but she simply removed it whist a quick movement of her hand before she spoke.
"As you may have noticed, Yerald as not much longer to live."
I looked in her eyes with a light smirk on my face. I really hated that man, so I guess that's why I was smiling up on clarification from her.
"I know that."
I said without braking eye contact with her.
She was startled by this reaction. Her eyes grew wide upon seeing my sharp fangs. I could hear her breathing accelerate.
("I must have been the same back then.")
She swallowed her dry saliva. And then muttered in a hesitative soft voice.
"I was hoping that wen that crazy man finally died."
She hesitated once again. I raised an eyebrow but still waited for her to finish her request.
"I, I was hoping that you could help finding Yohan!" she nearly shouted.
"of course, I will help."
"W what?"
"I said that I will help."
She was dumbfounded by my answer.
"then what do you want in return?"
I once again shrugged.
"Nothing. I really hate Yerald. So, I just want to bother him as much as I can, even after death."
"Then why are you helping him?"
"Because it helps me to."
She smiled with tears running down her face. "thank you, Gustave."
I was happy to hear my own name and not the one that, that crazy person gave me.
Slowly I walked over to the bed, so I wouldn't scare her. I sat down facing her.
"Will you tell me why you were here to begin with?"
She dried her tears with her white sleeve.
"We were going to the stone city. But almost two years ago the weather suddenly got worse. It was so bad that we had to take shelter somewhere otherwise we would have frozen do death."
She sniffed. It was a strange sight to see her cry. Almost every time I saw her until now, she was the most confident of the group. Her usual confidence slightly reminded me of Allice, but it would seem that Allenya was easier to break and did more things on impulse.
"Eventually we found this house. We asked for a place to stay and Yerald agreed. But when we woke up the next morning, we noticed that someone was missing. Yerald said that if we wanted him back alive, we had to follow his commands." She sighed upon visiting her memories.
"As you probably know, Yerald is crazy. He couldn't leave the house by himself, so we had to do almost everything for him. Back then he had just recently lost is leg. I don't know why but I'm almost certain that it was for some sort of wicked sacrifice."
I nodded. ("That is definitely something Yerald would do.")
Allenya continued. "He would often ask us to try to summon demons for his recharge, you were the first we managed to summon."
"Just out of curiosity, but why do you think that Yohan is still alive?"
"I just want to believe. I know that there is a secret door next to the resurge room. I saw him open it sometimes. I think that, that is where he hides Yohan. I tried to open it when Yerald wasn't around, but I couldn't find it."
Tears ran down her face again and her soaked white sleeve as once again used to dry her tears.
"But how do we know if he really is alive? What if he isn't and we had been enduring his all for nothing.'
I wanted to reach out, to help her dry her tears. However, I was scared that I would just scratch her face open with my claws.
"It will be okay; I will see what I can do to find him. And if he really is dead, then ad least you know that he had not suffered for as long as you had."
She slightly chuckled. "you act nothing like the demons described in the books of Yerald."
She stood up and walked to the door. Her footsteps made almost no sound. It was as if she was walking on freshly fallen snow that was as white as her hair.
The shrieking sound of the door opening filed the night air.
One more time she looked in my direction.
"Thank you."
Then she stepped through and I was left alone in my room.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.