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2.5% What Lies Under the Mask / Chapter 1: Chapter 15- Witness the evil
What Lies Under the Mask What Lies Under the Mask original

What Lies Under the Mask

Author: Kimberly_Rambaran

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 15- Witness the evil

The day was so long and tiring and finally, it's night. I get ready for bed then lie down in my spot and tell Kate goodnight. Just as my eyes close they open not too long after.

I hear a noise coming from outside and it isn't so loud but it's not quiet. No, no, I'm not going out there, not only did he tell me not be but also because I don't want to. I'm terrified of this forest I shouldn't be walking around in here all hours of the night, I have to stay in here. The noise doesn't stop and even though I said I wasn't gonna go I find myself walking outside in my PJs and flip flops with my flashlight in my hand.

The noise is coming from a bush, it sounds like something is trying to get out of a bush or something. I finally reach the shrub and the noise has moved it's no further away from me, I move to the other shrub and the noise is coming from another shrub that's like 5 feet away from me. It seems to be running from me so I know that it can't be the masked men because they run to me instead of away.

The noise is getting softer and softer but I can still hear it, it keeps moving further and further away from me and I decide to keep following it. Wait, what if it's a trap? What if this is part of their plan to get to lead me somewhere so that they can torture me or something? Maybe he wants to take upon his threat last night.

The noise finally stops and I decide to head back, I hear it again. I flash the light upon the shrub that I hear the noise, it's now on a shrub that's on a concrete cliff, the cliff is gigantic and I have no idea how to get up there, but the noise gets louder. Curiosity gets the best of me and I find myself climbing the cliff, I throw my flashlight on top of the cliff as well as my flip flops and I jump and hold on with both of my hands, I pull myself up and grab my flashlight and put my flip flops on, the flip flops would've made it much harder for me to climb the cliff so it's a good thing I took them off. I put on my flip flops and slowly and carefully make my way to the shrub that's about 3 feet away from the edge of the cliff. I flash my light on the shrub and slowly part it open only to find a rabbit, a big one too but it's a rabbit.

So let me get it clear, I came out of my tent by myself because I heard a noise coming from a shrub outside, the noise kept moving away from me and I followed it out here and here I am on top on a cliff in the middle of the night in a scary forest in my pajamas trying to find out what was the noise only to find out that I've been chasing a rabbit this whole time who was running from me because it was scared.

Oh my gosh, I should've just stayed in my tent and ignore the noise as my subconscious told me to but no I had to get up and investigate the noise which was a rabbit. Okay seriously, I'm really looking for something to kill me out here, I mean come on who comes out here in the middle of the night alone. This forest has so many stories and legends and it's said to be haunted by many spirits and here I am on a cliff by myself in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night.

I remove my hands from the shrub and apologize to the rabbit for chasing it and invading it's home. The rabbit jumps out from the shrub causing me to jump and my flashlight falls to the floor, the rabbit runs away quickly and accidentally kicks my flashlight off the cliff and it rolls behind the cliff near some trees. Oh great! just great.

I make my way down the cliff throwing my flip flops on the ground as I descend. I walk behind the cliff to get my flashlight and the trees look even taller over here. Behind the cliff, there is open ground with short grass and only goes on for a couple of feet until it disappears and only tall trees can be found. I instantly grab my flashlight from the ground and just as I turn around to make my way back the sound of pieces of woods being hit together followed by murmuring makes me stop in my tracks. If only if I had known what I was about to witness before my eyes I wouldn't have come out here.

The murmuring is coming from in front of the trees, the trees are huge and it's surrounded by long grass and large shrubs. I stand behind a tree and take off the flashlight, oh god, maybe that was a bad idea, now I can barely see anything, it's just total darkness. I stand with my feet firmly planted on the ground and gently put the flashlight on the ground and place both my hands on the tree and peek from behind the tree, I can barely see anything but a black case or something in the circle because the shrub in front of me is taller than me and is blocking my view. I move from my place by the tree to behind the shrub, and the view is much better, everything now is in full sight. My mouth falls open at the sight in front of me but I keep quiet and stay in my place behind the shrub.

The trees and shrubs end here and reveal a huge ground of hard dirt. There is a gigantic circle in the middle with some symbols carved into the ground in the circle that I've never seen before. Followed by what looks like 7 figures all dressed in black around the circle. Four of the figures step out of the circle and three remain inside. Just as the four figures step out of the circle there is something else in the middle of the circle, it's coffins and they're all open. All of their hands are to their sides and they are all murmuring something that I can't make out. Wait they're not murmuring something they're chanting something.

Their chanting becomes louder and louder and it's not English it's some other foreign language that I have no clue about. They are chanting their language over and over and I can't understand a thing but just as they say the words 'malum in anima' which hits me like a ton of bricks, it means evil in the soul in Latin. They're chanting in Latin which means they're summoning something.

I remembered similar words to these from this paranormal investigation book that I was reading, the worshippers of evil chanted 'malum in anima' along with some other Latin words that I can't remember but the only few I remembered was malum in anima, that's the only thing I can understand but nothing else. Their chanting becomes heavier and heavier and it echoes throughout the forest, the four men that stepped out of the circle now step back in and they all say one word before a circular ring of fire shoots up from the ground making me jump and step back a bit and hold back my gasp. The fire surrounds the figures whom I still can't see their faces and the open coffins and their chants become even more powerful and deafening throughout the forest.

The fire shoots back down from wherever it came from and a black presence appears from the coffins and begins to screech before immediately heading back in. As I look closer I notice that something is written in the circle, SEP is the letters I see. They chant again for about a minute or so and then 5 of the figures leave the circle and walk behind some enormous boulders and each of them brings out a white plastic bag with some red liquid leaking out that leaves a trail as they walk back to the circle. What is that?

They are followed by three other persons, girls, they are wearing long black hooded cloaks and their mask is just plain white. Their long red hair with black ends and the way they walk give away their feminity. The two men come out of the circle and join the others outside of it. They all bend down toward the bags and shock overtakes me as one of the figures masks slides up a bit revealing a snake's head on his neck.

I can't see the full snake but it's enough for me to realize that I've seen that snake tattoo before, it's the same snake the masked man had on his neck when he pinned me against the tree. It now hits me like a truck, it's the masked men, but wait a second isn't it just two of them? that's what Mr. Miller said and so did that Mr. Augustine the paranormal investigator who passed away, he said that there are only two of them but no it's seven of them, I'm seeing it right now and they are all wearing the same mask.

This is way worse before I thought it was just two of them that were following me but no it's not two of them it's seven, I feel a shudder throughout my body as I think about the seven of them plus the three girls, that's ten of them and I begin to wonder if there's any more.

It's him, the one who keeps coming around me who pinned me against the tree and who touched me like that last night but he's wearing a different mask this time, it's a black square chinned mask with large silver spikes covering it so much that you can barely see if he has eyes or a mouth and the nose is definitely not visible with that mask, it's even more terrifying than the sheep mask, which scares the hell out of me but this one is a million times worse, it looks like a mask in those horror movies what those serial killers wear, I never thought I would actually see one in real. Even though he's not wearing the mask I know it's him, I can feel it.

Do all of them have a venomous snake tattoo on their neck? Or is it just him? Even if all of them has the same snake tattoo on their neck I know that the one I'm staring at right now is him, it's him alright. He picks up one of the bags from the floor and walks to the circle and empties it into the middle of the circle, it's animal's heads.

My hand instantly goes to my mouth and I silently cry in horror. They all empty the bags into the circle and it's animals' lifeless bodies along with their heads cut off from their bodies with blood leaking out. They throw their bodies in the coffins and their heads in the circle leaving the bloody bags on the ground as they step back into the circle.

They all step back into the circle including the girls except him, he picks up the bloody bags and throws them into my direction without noticing me, he just throws them and walks away with no remorse whatsoever. I silently scream and jump back as he throws the bags in my direction and walks back to his spot in the circle, thank god he didn't see me. Blood leaks out from the bags and flies are still buzzing inside, the bag is less than 2 feet away from me and I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

How can these people be so evil? I can't even bear to see it.

They are all so heartless and evil and disgusting. I try to keep my focus on their evil actions and not on the bloody bags in front of me. He steps back into the circle and they start chanting again they say 'malum in anima' quite a few times which is all I can understand before mumbling, loud cries and ear-splitting screeching is heard. The animals' bodies start to decay turning all black with steam coming out of them and the fire shoots up from the ground again and burns the animals' bodies alive followed by loud cries mimicking the sound each animal makes when they are in danger.

More blood spills from the bags and it's getting closer and closer to me and this is my cue to leave, it has been my cue to leave this forest ever since the first time I saw that masked man staring into my soul at the cabin but yet I'm still here. The fire rises even higher than the first time almost above the men's height and the mimicking cries of each animal in danger are deafening and too tragic to hear.

My feet take off and I run and run, I could barely see anything through my red swollen tearful eyes and the darkness of the forest. I keep on running and this time I remember the direction I came from and a few landmarks I memorized on my way over here.

Why is it so dark? it wasn't as dark as this when I left. Oh no! I forgot my flashlight, I left it behind the tree close to the shrub that I was standing behind. I can't run back for that now, I am almost to the tent and if I go back for it now they will definitely find me, catch me and kill me maybe even torture me before they do like they did with those animals. After running for 10 minutes and passing some pebbles I lined up as a landmark to indicate that I'm close to the tent, I finally spot the tents. I sigh in relief and quickly run inside my tent. Kate is still asleep and so is everyone else, which I'm grateful for. I couldn't bear the thought of having Kate or Easton or anyone else that I care about even witness what I just witnessed.

I hurriedly zip up the tent and drown myself under the covers and silently cry my eyes out. I have never witnessed anything so heartless and evil like that before, my hate grows even more for those masked men especially the one who seems to follow me around a lot.

I cry for 3 hours straight and I finally decided that I'm not gonna mention anything that I witnessed tonight to anyone and I'm not gonna be a coward and back out of this, I'm gonna stay here for the next three and a half months and do my best at this internship and those masked men can try how hard they want but I'm not backing out and if I ever see them again and they try to hurt me I swear I will hurt them and if they keep coming around me I will tell the leaders everything I know and we will all try our best to take them down.

I hate them even more for what they did tonight and what they probably do every night, how can they kill all those animals and have no remorse? how can they be so heartless? they are cold-blooded predators waiting to attack and I'm not gonna be their prey.

(*Author's note: Hey guys! Woah did you guys hear what she just witnessed? what would you all do if you witnessed that? Hmm... I would've probably done the same thing she did and run lol. This was so traumatic for her for anyone to witness actually, poor Sia, she'll be okay, she's a strong girl. I love to hear what you guys think, please comment, vote and follow me and stay tuned, more chapters coming very soon. I love you guys so much. See you in the next chapter, bye for now.)*

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