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66% Crash Into Hello / Chapter 33: CHAPTER 33

Chapter 33: CHAPTER 33

Genesis's POV


           Lana hastily shoved me into the passenger seat and slammed the door with a loud bang. Instantly thrown into a wild state of confusion, I twirled around in my seat to catch her running over to the wheel in a questioning haste that got me wrinkling my eyebrows in perplexity.

She pulled the door open and climbed in, starting the ignition almost immediately. Her impenetrable eyes and inscrutable fizzog gave little away. Hardly keeping up with the rush of questions speedily flooding into my mind, they came tumbling through my lips instead.

             "What are you doing? Where are we going?"

She turned to glance at me and then threw her eyes back to the road, unspoken.

             "Lana!" I screeched when she wildly swerved to the the opposite lane, narrowly missing a black vehicle coming at us.

My heart beat spiked up. "Lana, what's happening? Where are we going? Why-why are you driving like that? Wait, is this your car? Where..."

             "Hey, calm down with the questions." She chuckled deeply but I couldn't help but feel like it was forced. "Alright, cool. Which should I answer first?" She squizzed at me and averted her eyes to the road.

Willing the tension in my muscles to relax, I shrugged a shoulder. "I-I don't know. Where are we going?"

             "To the doctor's office." She bluntly replied.


              "Genesis, relax. I made an appointment with my family doctor and he agreed to see you in..." She took a little peep at her watch. " twenty minutes."

              "You're joking right? April 1st was last week. You missed your chance."

She turned and smiled.  "Your next question. C'mon. Shoot."

              "Wait, are you serious?"


              "Hold on. I'm trying to grasp this. You fixed an appointment with a doctor in my name?"

              "Yeah, that's what I said. And also, I..."

Christ!  "Why would you do that?"

She hunched her shoulders and crunched her brow. Mouth agape, her gaze innocently set on mine.

             "You told me you were suffering from irregular periods."

Oh my God!  "I don't suffer from it. I just have it. They aren't even a problem." I argued, upset she would do something like this and without consenting me.

               "Are you serious? Do you even know the consequences of not getting it checked out sooner?"

               "I'm not an idiot, Lana. Of course, I know these things but you should have told me first."

              "Why are you yelling at me? Is it so bad that I wanted to help out a friend?"

              "Oh my God! Lana! Really? I told you my periods aren't regular and the next thing you go to do is find me a doctor? Without having any care in the world if I was okay with it? Who does that? What if I don't even want to go, huh? What next?"

The car screeched. I hunched forward, fortunately restrained by the seatbelt that crossed my chest.

Eyes rounded, mind and body in a state of shock. "Lana! What's your problem?"

              "Can you just shut up and stop being ungrateful?" Is she serious? "I'm trying to help you out here as my friend and you are acting like a cynnical bitch. What the fuck has gotten into you?"

               "Hey! I'm not a bitch. Don't call me that."

               "Well right now, you sure are acting like one."

I gasped.

               "Look, do you trust me?"

I frowned and looked away, still upset she had insulted me. She nudged my arm. I turned my head to see a small smile crooking the edges of her mouth. The anger I felt began to ease.

               "Do you trust me Genesis?"

I breathed out and squeezed my eyes before responding. "I do."

               "Then let's get to the doctor's office okay? And thank me later."

               "Fine but just so you know, I'm still not comfortable with this so you don't go and think I am."

She scoffed and hit the road again, "Either way, you're still coming with me and by the way, the car ain't mine."

My head whisked instantly to my left just in time to hear say,

               "It's Dario's."


               "Shh, I sto....took it." She confessed before amending, " get back at him."

My interest piqued. "For what?"

She keeked in my direction. "Just some silly stuffs we used to do while we were younger."

               "You two are...close?"

               "Sort of."

A mild bit of jealousy struck me. I threw my eyes out the window and folded my arms. Trying to avoid coming across all agog, I lazily commented, "I thought he uses a bike."

              "My dad got the car for him as soon as he turned eighteen and besides he doesn't use it."

                "How he?"

She turned a corner and drove straight up, cutting at an intersection. "Twenty-one."

                "In his finals?"

                "I know right. I'm jealous too." She cackled. "Everyone is older than Dario. Erika, Ian, Keegan. Hey, I am older than his ass with exactly three months. The thing is at seventeen he got out of highschool and gained a scholarship here. Psychology is a four year course in Oklahoma. You do the maths cause motherfucker, I hate maths."

               "Seriously? A scholarship?"

               "Yup. Just like you. All you brainy humans, you make the rest of us look like complete dummies. We are here." She cheered, turning off the ignition. "Get down. I'm not Keegan so we don't have to use a red carpet, right?" I rolled my eyes at her statement and climbed out of the car.

Stainless steel, sleek floors and the art on the walls were all natural images in colours as bright as glacier melt-water or spring flowers. The air drafted a pleasant smell, not sterile, just clean. The ceiling, clear and high arched. In the background played music at just the right level to give the patients and staff an emotional lift.

We reached the front desk and Lana told the receptionist why we were here. We were told to take a seat. The waiting room was packed with a lot of people. The chairs were occupied. The number of people on their feet superceded the ones with their bottoms plastered on soft surfaces. Several people complaining why it was taking forever to be attended to, babies wailing, children running around the places while screaming, some guys trying to break the queue while saying they were some kind of big shots in the government.

I thought they were going to make us wait more than necessary but a doctor in a long white coat and a stethoscope around his neck strolled out alongside a nurse dressed in white. His head twisted to the left and right seemingly looking for someone. Lana nudged my shoulder and rose up, advancing towards him. I followed behind her, watching as they shook hands and turned towards the hallway, going north.

             "Set the room." Said he to the nurse. She nodded and hurried in the opposite direction.

             "Is she ready?" He turned to Lana.

She grinned and glanced at me before nodding her head in confirmation. I was confused as to what I should be ready for but went along. I didn't accompany them to his office as I was led to a room by another nurse.

She sat me down and pulled out a needle. I reared back at the sight of it. If she noticed my complete distaste for them, she made no comment. After a bit of contemplation, I let her inject the needle into my vein and draw out blood. She walked out right after and I went back to the waiting room, hoping to see Lana but she wasn't there. A lot of women and girls sat waiting for one thing or the other, watching brainless movies.

An hour later, I heard my name above me. I jolted, realizing I had fallen asleep. The same nurse signalled me to follow her and we came back to the room I had left sixty minutes ago. I was given five pills to swallow. I inquired from her the name and purpose of each drug. She spared me just a glance and left the room instead for the second time and without a word. Surprised at her unprofessionalism, I shook it off and popped the drug into my mouth. Right after, a medical assistant came into the room and drew out more blood from my arm.

            "You'll be fine." She blandished when I asked her what she was doing. Just like the nurse, she left the room and I returned to the waiting room.

Thirty minutes later, I was called in again. This time, it was in a different room with the same medical assistant who prepped me up and only smiled and coaxed when I asked her why I was to lay my back on the bed and spread my thighs in wait for the doctor. The doctor I had met earlier walked in soon after and introduced himself. He began talking to me and asking me questions about school and myself while he used something akin to a wand in between my legs. I was on my back, chin tipped and eyes on the ceiling.

             "So how long has your period been non-uniform?"

             "Few years ago." My voice trembled. I wouldn't deny the fact that I was unsettled, nervous about all of this. I soon felt a tiny prick. "Uh...what is the name for this?"

             "Oh, I'm just performing a pelvic ultrasound. It would be over sooner than you think." I nodded. He smiled and returned his eyes to the screen.

Ten minutes later and just like he said he was through. A nurse came in immediately and directed me into a different room just opposite and gave me a pad to put on. She left me to myself. I yanked down my underwear and inserted the pad in between my thighs. Then, I walked back to the waiting room. I was called back in an hour later to his office. I strolled in and met Lana already seated, the doctor at the opposite. I took the seat beside her and nervously faced the doctor.

Then, he addressed me.

            "How are you feeling, Miss Reeds?"

I peeped at my friend before answering. "Perfect."

            "Very well then. So after the examination I conducted, I should let you know that you are fine. There's nothing wrong with you. I had to conduct a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure the cause of your irregular menstruation wasn't a major problem."

I adjusted in my chair and swallowed a gulp of saliva down my throat. "What is the cause? Why don't I see my menses every month like I should doctor?"

             "It is nothing to worry about. You see, these things are common in most women. An irregular period is defined as a menstrual cycle that is consistently shorter than 21 days or consistently longer than 36 days. You can also be considered "irregular" if your cycle length varies significantly from cycle to cycle, sometimes lasting 28 days, then 40 days, then 32 days.

A number of factors can cause this problem, such as eating disorders, significant weight loss or gain, anemia, menopause, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalance, liver disease, tuberculosis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, recent birth or miscarriage, polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine abnormalities, and other health conditions. Lifestyle triggers like increased exercise, smoking, alcohol abuse, caffeine, travel, stress, and certain medications and birth control pills can also contribute to this problem."

            "Is hers a minor issue?" I glanced at Lana and back to the doctor.

            "Thankfully, it is." I released a breath I didn't know I had been suppressing. "I will suggest you lay off the stress of your school work a bit and eat healthy. Having a balanced diet would do you some good. Avoid taking all manner of sugary, salty and oily foods. Eat lots of pineapples. Regular exercise and a lot of yoga will help. Have a proper routine of sleeping and waking up. Do all of these and your periods are sure to get regular with time."

Something else blinked in my mind. I thought to ask him to perform a test but fought against it. Fear took over every part of me. What if it came back positive?

Then, what next?

What would I do?

Not now.

I pushed it back into the deepest parts of mind and decided to check it out in the confines of my privacy before I make any decision.

              "Okay. Thank you doc." Lana pushed herself up. I followed suit.

He nodded. We turned to leave his office when he called out to Lana.

Silence took over before he asked. "How is your family Lana?"

             "Perfect doc."

             "And your parents?"

             "All good."

             "Good to know. Send my regards to your father, will you?"

             "Will do."

We left the hospital soon enough and Lana started the car back to campus. The air was brittle. Not a word was exchanged between us and in that moment, I appreciated it. I had a lot of things springing up and down in my mind. Worry etched my features as an uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

I needed to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible to be sure of what I was doing but what if it returned positive. What would I do? What exactly would I do with a baby at this time of my life?

Oh God!

I'm so not ready for this. I'm not ready in the slightest bit. And Dario? Would he even want the baby? Christ! I thought he used a condom that night. Lord, no. He didn't. He ejaculated on top of me. But why didn't he? And I didn't even think of it either. God! I'm so stupid. So so stupid.

And careless.

A light-headed sensation started in my head.

             "Stop here please."

Lana turned to face me. "You don't want me to take you all the way to the dorm?"

             "No, I...I just want to get something first."

             "Okay." I came down from the car.

            "Should I wait for you or...."

            "No, I'll...I'll walk back myself."

I waited for her to leave entirely before going into one of the various pharmacy stores on campus. Once in, I quickly searched for the pregnancy test section and chose three same ones out of the varieties neatly arranged. I paid and left, walking in the direction of my room with my heart in my throat.

I was glad Lana wasn't in the room when I came back. I was cherishing my privacy a bit more than usual and that was when I felt it. A dull pain in my abdomen which made me twitch a little and some stomach cramps that got me woozy for a bit. I trudged to the restroom and pulled down my underwear. The pad I was given was plain white. I had no clue why they had asked me to put it on in the first place so I took it out.

The essay I was to write sat in my bag, untouched. I was so tired to even begin. The moment I sank onto the bed, my phone beeped.


            "Genesis love, how are you doing over there?"

            "Great." I replied, gritting my teeth in response.

            "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

            "Yes yes. Just...really tired. You know, school and all. It's been a long day. How's dad....and Jace?"

            "We are doing okay here. We are really missing you honey. Especially me. When is your first semester exams coming up?"

            "In two months time."

            "Are you reading ahead of time? Remember why you are there and how you fought to be there. Don't get distracted. I want to see you at the top."

             "I know. I'm trying my best."

             "Your best? I taught you better than that."

I amended. "I will do more than my best mum."

             "That's my girl. That's good. I don't want to take too much of your time. You would have spoken to your father but he isn't at home now. I only wanted to hear your voice. Jace is at his new work place. The paint shop."

I had forgotten all about that. "Oh, how is that going for him?"

            "Well, he loves what he's doing but your father is still not okay with it."

I sighed. "I'll talk to him."

            "No. You should concentrate on your studies. I have to go now. The deaconess at the church ordered a cake for her daughter's wedding and the oven just beeped. I think it's ready. Bye. I love you my baby girl."

I smiled. "I love you too mum."

The line went dead.

And I hope I haven't disappointed you yet.


Hey guys so I had to make a lotta researches for this chapter. I actually learnt more on irregular periods and updated myself on surgical abortions and just to be clear, Lana just made her roommate have an abortion without her consent and knowledge (In the disguise of getting her irregular periods checked out). This actually happened to a girl I know though not in the same instance😣 Can you guess why?

Let me know what you think in the comment section.

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