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22% Crash Into Hello / Chapter 11: CHAPTER 11

Chapter 11: CHAPTER 11

The day started from 10am to 5pm. The seniors hiked us around the campus, showed us many dormitories and athletic fields, the busy libraries and other recreational features, parking accommodation, unique ways of getting from one place to another, this and that and to be honest, at the third hour, I was sure I couldn't understand anything anymore and the sad part was we weren't even done yet. The rest of the orientation was scheduled throughout the next two days.

With Keegan mostly by my side, my day wasn't close to bad. He made me laugh so hard I almost cried. Telling me jokes and about the many stunts he pulled during his time in highschool. Especially how him and his friends dealth with the many teachers who were unfortunate enough to step on their toes. It was warming to know they had been very close then and even tighter now. He listened to the many gibberish I spewed every now and then and remembering some of the garbage I talked to him about, I cringed. Now, he must think me stupid.

Now back at my dorm, feeling incredibly tired. I had slept and woken up a few times only to be met by the constant laughter and shouts coming from the hall by students moving up and down the dorm.

I turned and roamed the bed, trying to close my eyes when something soft hit my face. Eyes shut open, I caught Lana swaying back to her closet.

                "Wear that." She ordered.

Brows tugging, "What?"

She peeked at me from her shoulders, giving me this incredulous look that screamed, 'are you for real?' while rummaging through her piles of make up. "Wear that. We are running late already. Erika would be pissed as it stands."

Shrouded in a shimmering sequin black dress that barely covered the back of her thighs nor her rear, sleeves gave up travelling from her elbow as dress hugged her body tightly accentuating her feminine features the more. She looked stunning in the little piece of clothing- straight out of the cover of a magazine but it was something mum would report me to our family pastor for if she ever caught me in it.

               "Where are you going?" I glanced at the sky through the only window in the room, the moon had already taken its permanent spot in the sky. "It's late."

She turned to look at me, giving me another incredulous pinned stare that screamed, 'are you stupid?'

               "To the party, duh and you're coming with me. Late or not."

I dropped back to the bed, stretching my muscles, "I can't come along. I'm so tired. Today had been a really long and hectic day for me."

               "Really? It didn't look like that to me. With the way you and my brother were looking at eachother Iike you two wanted to eat yourselves up and probably fuck till the sun went down. Long and hectic day? Nah. It sure looked like you two were on a date instead."

I shot up and hauled a pillow at her which she dodge laughing.

               "That's isn't true."

She doubled over, laughing, "Oh yeah?"

               "We were only talking."

               "Really? And what were you two talking about that was so interesting? How he's gonna put it in there and make you scream his name all night till you cum so hard on his dick and-"

I covered my ears with the next pillow I found, screeching, "Lana."

I could hear her laughter from across the room and it only amplified the intensity of my burning cheeks.

                 "But he fucks good. Really, I mean coming from the girls he's slept with. I heard my dear brother could go on for hours. Yuck, really disgusting. My brother's dick? Ew."

A slight twitch of jealously spun through me. Of course, he has slept with a lot of girls. Why would I even think any different? He was beautiful-too beautiful to be human and his looks alone was just a huge bonus.

Great, just great. I haven't even known him for a week and I already had a full blown crush. Or more? When he was around me, I couldn't ignore the way my heart beat faster, my skin tingled and my body wanted things it didn't even know.

              "That shouldn't be any of my business, Lana." I feigned a yawn.

              "Oh yeah? But you like him, don't you?"

              "Of course, he's my friend and he's really nice. To me."

She scoffed, "Cut the bullshit. You like him. I mean like-like him."

My heart thudded in my chest, "Lana, you said you were going to be late. Your friend would get mad. Why don't you get going?"

She chuckled, "While I know you are trying to divert from this, I'll let you, just for tonight but now, you're coming with me."

               "Uh-uh, I'm going nowhere."

               "Keegan would be there."

My stomach tightened, "Yes, I know."

                "And you are not going?"

I closed my eyes, stretching, "My back aches. I've never walked so much. I need to sleep it all out if at all I would be at the campus ground tomorrow."

The bedside suddenly sank heavily followed by the slight creaking of the wood. I spared a peek at her. Swaying her phone in the air, my eyebrows tugged as a mischievous grin which only spelt roguish smeared her face.


               "Come with me to the party where there would be free booze and hot sex with sexy guys in exchange for a phone call to your fam."

I gasped. "You're like blackmailing me?"

She shrugged, "The court is in your balls."

I sighed, "I know I have heard of the ball is your court but the court is in your balls? I'm pretty sure you just made it up and I don't know what you mean by balls."

              "I thought that's how it's said."

              "Well, it isn't. It's actually...."

              "Whatever." She left the centre of the bed in a haste move. "Dress the hell up. C'mon, I've never been late to a party before." 

               "There's a first time for everything. Infact, we could just lay in bed, watch some movies...."

               "Yeah right. Put it on." She jerked her head at the little piece of clothing sprawled out on the bed.

I tugged it up, accessing the material from side to side under the white blinding light casting down from the ceiling above illuminating the room entirety and realized something so astounding. The little piece of clothing wasn't even a dress at the slightest but some...

I cringed, "What's this thing?"

              "It's a fish net, Genesis. A fishnet. What? You haven't heard of it?"

              "No." I cringed. "Look, I'm not wearing this."

              "C'mon, Genesis. It's sexy. Look." She grabbed it from my hold and held it up, turning the sides for my own scrutiny. The body fish net had large holes without a coverage for my brasserie and underwear plus the most private parts of my body would be on full display to the entire world.

              "Isn't this hot? You're gonna kill it in this outfit with your big boobs and fat ass sticking out. Girl, you're so fucking hot with those yummy assets you're blessed and that melanin skin."She whistled. "I'm almost jealous of you. Sure thing though, if you weren't a girl, I would have fucked you the moment I saw you."

I gasped, "Lana."

                "What? I'm being honest here.  But really, if your down for the pussy licking and scissoring, girl, I don't mind. As much as I love big fat dicks that could hit it the way I want it, I'm also obsessed with beautiful pussies too. The clit and all. Women are fucking beautiful creatures, you know. I mean how does our pussies stretch...."

I slumped, "Oh Jesus."


Her laughter boomed across the room, "But- but seriously girl, those things on your chest and rear end are a killer. This dress would accentuate it more. Keegan would no doubt grovel at your feet."

It was barely even a dress. I shook my head in disagreement, "No. No way am I going to wear that. My mum is going to kill me if she sees me in that."

                "But she isn't here now, is she? Look, if you're not comfortable with it, you could complement it with this leather jacket."

                "No, I'm not going to do that."

She huffed and stormed toward her closet and pulled out a more scandalous outfit. I had already declined before she had the chance to twirl and swing it in my face.

More and more skimpy dresses dragged out to appease me but the only thing it ended up doing was srunching up my face.

                "You don't have something....more decent? Something long enough to cover my body?"

                 "Cover what? Girl, you're going to a party." Her eyes bulged out. "A freaking party. Where all the hot guys would be and you really want to cover all those places that would attract them to you? Really?"

Why was she looking at me like I had said something so wrong.

                "I don't really need anyone coming on to me." I hopped out of the bed and ate the distance to her closet, making a decision to look for something on my own.

                "Then how you gonna get a hot boyfriend?"

                "Good thing I don't need one. That isn't why I'm here Lana."

Her shoulders slumped, a sigh oozing frustration leaving her mouth. "You know what? Do what you want."

I smiled. My eyes fell on a shimmering blueish-green gown sagging from a hanger by the side of her closet. Isolated from the rest of her clothes with like a two centimetre distance, it was made of soft, satiny fabric. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials headed the ankle-length robe. Altogether, it was gorgeous and most importantly, nowhere near scandalous.

I tugged it out, eyes running over the glittering silk. I pressed it against my front. It wouldn't look so bad on me.

I twirled to face Lana, "Right?"


               "This. The dress. Would it look good on me?"

She turned. Instantly, she gasped, eyes stretching so wide and then almost sprinting in my direction. Once close enough, she grabbed the dress from me using force, scowling before stomping over to place it back on the rack.

Seething, "Don't touch this. Never touch this ever again."

My jaw slacked, eyes blinking furiously in an attempt to ascertain her behaviour.

                "What...What's wrong? I just...."

When she spun, I gasped sharply at the high rate of indignance and anger spinning furiously beneath her amber orbs.

A pool of saliva travelled down my throat, "Lana really, I didn't mean it. If you don't want me to....."

               "Oh please." She glared at me, marched toward her bed, grabbed her purse and went for the door. The moment she tugged at it, she paused, scowling at Amelia before storming out.

               "Wow." Amelia sauntered in, turning back to stare at the spot Lana just left. "What's wrong with her?."

I was temporarily incapacitated, my brain struggling to make sense of it all.

               "You good?" My eyes cut at Amelia.

Shaking my head vigourously, still out of it, I was only able to utter, "S-sure."

               "So you ready?" She grinned. "As for me, I'm ready to party." She sprinted, hurled herself up the floor and landed on my bed with a loud thud. The wood didn't crumble to pieces. I'm still shocked.

               "I don't know really. I've got nothing appropriate for a college party."

               "Worry no more, my friend. I've got you." Her brow sprung up and down and back. "Michael left without us. Can you imagine that?"

               As soon as the taxi paused in front of the gigiantic gates, I gasped sharply at the sight of the skyscraper in front of me. Splattered with a fashionable shade of white and unapologetically modern. Picturesque like some hot celebrity's castle, It galloped high into the clouds, almost taking the place of the stars above. The house looked like a cut out from Architects Today magazine. It was breathtaking and took more on the large side, constructed from steel and glass. 

I fidgetted when someone grasped me by the arm. Snapping my head in response, I relaxed to see it was only Amelia with the same incredulous expression plastered on her face.

              "Holy heck. Are we in heaven? Please, tell me we are not dead yet."

People moved all around us, thumping on our feets and squishing us against each other. Expensive cars lazily littered the park, overwhelmed with unfamiliar faces with tongues down their throats.

From outside, the music was so loud it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. The bass thumped in time with my heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music.

Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop. I roamed my eyes around the vicinity and froze at the group of people surrounding the lips of a swimming pool. Splashing and twirling, splattering and cackling, they drank and swam, engaging in an advanced category of public intimacy. I looked away immediately, almost feeling uncomfortable.

I didn't expect this. I didn't expect the party to be wild and unchaperoned. Probably because parties like this were a no-go zone for me. My parents wouldn't never allow that.

              "Where is Keegan?" I turned to Amelia. She was still in awe, her eyes twinkling like stars in the night sky.

              "Where is Michael?"

Inside was more jam-packed. Beneath the dry-ice smoke swirled an array of blues, acid greens, hot pinks and gold. The music played over the vast room as if it had fused with the bodies.

We slipped in among the crowd, trying to find our footing. I scanned the large room for one person in particular but instead, so many unfamiliar faces swarmed my line of sight. It was wall to wall people dancing to the loud music. They danced like it was jive, twisting, turning, holding hands and drinking from plain red cups.

Someone pushed me. I stumbled and began my journey to the ground but rather got startled as a ripped pair of hands wrapped around my waist firmly.

The hands pulled me in, my sides pressing against a stony chest. Tingles erupted down my spine as intruders surrounded my stomach. I closed my eyes at the sweet smell of his cologne, instantly discerning the owner.

His nose snuggled into my neck as I felt his lips graze the rim of my ears, spewing out his greeting meant for my ears only.

I turned with a smile on my face and a response on the tip of my tongue.

                 "Hi." Taking him in, he never failed to deliver. To appear so dashing and drool worthy. Short sleeved black shirt struggled with thick bulging biceps over black slacks. His midnight black hair stuck out everywhere. Only him could pull the look.

Hollow dimples indented his cheeks, he smiled, "Didn't think you would show up. Though I was banking on it." He yelled over the loud music.

              "I didn't plan to but I am here anyway."

              "You look beautiful."

Eyes dropping to the ground in everlasting nervousness, I replied, "Thank you."

               "C'mon. Let me introduce you to my gang."

I turned around for Amelia but a couple of seniors sucking faces took up the space Amelia once upon a time occupied. I scanned the room for her but gave it up knowing she had obviously gone to hunt for Michael.

His hands snaked over my waist while fingers intertwined in front. Pulse shooting up, stomach twisting into knots as we steered through the crowd of drunk college students still hyped over the deafening music before coming to stall in front of a group of seniors in rather compromising positions. A rectangular dark brown polished table harbouring bottles of alcohol, packets of cigarettes, wallets, phones and what not settled in front of them.

Some appeared somewhat familiar. Since they were at the orientation. I noticed Ian with a bottle of Jack Daniels grasped in his palms, Erika pressed up by his side, her tongue down a guy's throat. I didn't know who he was. I looked away, eyes scanning the faces of the others crowded.

Soft panic crawled its way into me as my eyes landed on Dario. Thighs spread out, hands fisted together, his head heavily rested on the head of the couch. The same appearance from the morning and yesterday shrouded his body. He appeared so still, so unmoving. If it hadn't been for the loud music, I would have assumed he was asleep. I noticed Lana sitting beside him. Taking small sips from a red cup and fiddling with her phone, at the same multi-tasking her attention on a guy I hadn't laid eyes on prior.

Keegan loud voice competed with the music thumping the walls of the room, catching their attention immediately excluding that of Dario's. He still sat still, eyes closed.

                "Guys, this is Genesis." I felt his arm tighten on my waist, my back pressed up against his chest. "Genny. She's a friend of mine. Genesis, that's Connor." He pointed to a guy two girls away from his best friend. He winked at me, a small smile twisting the corners of his lips.

                "That's Justin." He pointed at another. His head tipped towards me in a silent greeting. "And Ian. Nick. Keith, Claudia, Kimberly, I'm sure you know Lana...."

He called out their names one after the other, I nodded at everyone of them. While most ignored me, the rest acknowledged.

I didn't expect a thing from Dario. He barely opened his eyes or signified he was conscious of what was going on.

                "Erika." I felt his hand leave my waist to ruffle her hair. Remembering who she was, I smiled in her direction. In an instant, the smile evaporated from my lips. I fidgeted at the look she shot straight at me. Her aim was perfect. She had judged me already and in her eyes, I only saw cool hatred. An obvious disdain. Struck with dumbfoubdness, I looked away.

I felt a mild air brush over my ears from behind me. I flinched, my heart threatening to burst out from my chest.

               "What do you want?"

I turned to stare at Keegan. The tip of our noses grazed each other. I caught his striking blue orbs stuck on my face as nervousness caused me to avert my gaze. If I had kept still, hypnosis would have come knocking.

He repeated, "What do you want?" This time, his hot breath fanned the skin of my neck rendering me momentarily light-headed.

               "A-anything. May-maybe a coke would do?"

               "You sure?"

He was too close. Too close for any logical thinking to kick off in my brain.


               "Alright. I'll be back." Exerting more pressure on my hips, he left.

As soon as he was gone, the warmth his body emanated left with him. A cold chill ran down my spine. I felt all eyes on me, probing into me. Still excluding the one playing statue.

If his jaw hadn't clenched and unclenched so fast it would have missed the eyes, I would have actually believed he was asleep despite the loud music. I watched the muscle on his right eye tick, the huge knot on his inked throat swallow and freeze. The hood hanging low from his head casted a small shadow over his face magnifying obscurity. But his intimidating looks gave him away. He...

                 "So." I fidgeted, cutting my eyes at the girl by my right. "Genesis, right?"

I offered a slight nod in her direction.

                 "First year?"

                 "Yes. I just...."

                 "How did you know Keegan?" She hit the nail right on the head.

I blanched, glancing at Lana. "Uhm...he's my roommate's brother. He..."


                 "Yeah. I..."

                 "You don't say."

                 "No, I do say. He's..."

                 "Why are you here?"

I shot her a confused look. Why was I here?

                 "I was invited. Kee...."

                 "Why..." The tone of her voice rose. "Why are you here? Why are you in this college? Why the fuck are you here at all?" There was a lethal edge imprinted in her tone of voice. It was almost like she was casting me out. Her eyes raked up and down my body, her mouth contorting into what seemed like disgust.

I was confused as to her insinuation. Oh Lord, why was Keegan taking so long. My eyes fell on Lana.

              "I school here. Just like you."

              "Just like me?" She threw her head back in laughter. There was nothing friendly caked in it, just plain downright animosity. "Like me? She said like me. No way babe, you and I are so far apart. You're way out of my league. Now." She stood up, taking slow strides towards me. At the same time, Lana left the couch.

              "Erika, would you cut the bullshit?" She snapped. I closed my eyes, slightly shrinking away.

              "What?" She turned around. "She obviously can't afford the tuition. Now, let's talk about the books and all. "

              "And that's your business because? Why are you torturing the girl, huh?"

              "Oh please, she obviously doesn't look as innocent as she's putting herself out to be. Damn pretender."

               "Girl, if this is your flat ass conclusions then damn, you're downright shit at observations. How the hell did ace your science projects back in highschool?"

                "Oh, the same way you sucked off our principal's dick to graduate high school. I'm sure you remember the time you fucked..."

                "Really? You wanna do this right now? You really wanna start with the secrets. Okay, how about the time you...."

                "Damn. Ladies, chill."

                "What? No, I'm enjoying this."

                "Fuck off Ian. She wanna fuck with me, let her bring it on. How dare she?"

I needed to get out of here. The entire atmosphere was suffocating as it is. I can remember vividly I was once a human now turned science project. Great. And all of this dirty launderies? I told Amelia I wanted to stay back.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a slight movement. A vague stir. I saw him move. He turned. I saw him leave the couch. He was slipping away. I saw him stand up and leave. He did it through the back. Navigating through the crowd of students, he was various inches taller than the sweaty bodies moving their bodies to the beat of the music. Still stunned at his masculinity, I watched him hop the stairs in threes.

I quietly backtracked, leaving entirely, trailing up behind his intimidating physique. My feet got stomped upon, body squeezing through tons of sweaty bodies, strong alcohol splattering on me till my feet struck the first stair, I struggled to keep up with his pace but his long limbs weren't playing in my favour.

He cut the corner leading to the hallway. It was wide unlike other hallways I've come across. Bright bulbs shinning brightly above our heads as people leaned against the walls, making out, chattering.

He froze in the hallway medial. Breath leaked out of me in thoughts that he might turn around. Instantly, I hugged the wall, managing a safe distance from him.

However, a deep sigh basking in relief leaked out from me the moment his pace picked up again. His feet clicked swiftly against the hard ground, hard and fast. Hands by his side, muscle tensed and a stony expression I was positive would be carved onto his face, he sauntered forward before taking a quick swerve to the right.

Halting in front of a huge black door, I saw him pull out a card out from his rear pocket. Swiping it against the lock, a slight clicking sound emanated from his locus. He strolled in, leaving the door ajar.

I walked faster before he could lock it. Slipping inside as fast as I could, I was buried in darkness immediately the door banged closed behind me.

Out of the blue, my arm gave out, leaving my side, followed by the whole of me. I stumbled on my feet, my back roughly shoved hard against the door and my lips caught in a hard, punishing liplock.

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