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97.7% Responsibility or corruption - Marvel / Chapter 85: Hi Eternity

Chapter 85: Hi Eternity

David M, Sol System, 100 Million years ago:

I shift the two planets into a dimensional space I create that is a copy of Sol (not my own dimension as it is not mine yet in this time), then recreate the mars of my time, and the asteroid belt. Okay, so that at least keeps Sol's timeline safe.

Entering into the dimension I created I see both races still at war, it seems they are so focused on each other they have not noticed the momentary change in their Reality. All the better for me really.

I find their religious focal points, seems they both worship the sun and creation, it is not an overwhelming belief, but it is a start. It seems both races have religious leaders, but their power within politics is not much as all the focus is on the war.

I chuckle to myself as I scan both worlds, most of the war is taking place in space but as you would expect due to their close proximity the lands suffer as well.

On Mars a young girl, no more than twelve is within her home with her parents, her name is Delphia and she is scared, not so much scared for herself but her family. They are all currently huddled up close as parts of the battle within space fall around their home. It seems some ships have made it past the defense of Mars and are attacking.

I guide a few projectiles and let the roof of her home get blown off, then gently whisper within her mind, 'This is not the time for fear, but faith. Genesis, the creator, will protect those you love if only you believe in him and ask.'

Kinda corny but she is young and scared, so I am going for the direct approach.

Within moments Delphia tightly closes her eyes and begins to ask the creator to help protect those she loves. Okay, I really was not expecting her to start listing them one by one, she seems to be taking this seriously since I can see the dull light of faith begin to glow within her.

I need this to be something others will notice, so I go for the typical hero awakening routine. As I grant her the power of telekinesis I then give her the knowledge on how to use it, raising her up into the sky through the broken roof I make it look like wings of light appear on her back as I shield her town. I feed her the knowledge that she is currently able to do this as I am aiding her, that her power is a gift for her faith.

It does not take long for people to come out of their homes as they realize their homes are no longer suffering damage and the sounds of war seem to have dulled, only to see Delphia hovering in the air, a shield of light covering their town and the girl swatting away the attackers with a flick of her wrist.

For the moment, this should do. Now I will just wait and see. While my avatar goes back even further to find something else.


David A, Sol System, 13.7 Billion years ago (Right before the destruction of the previous Universe): [Universe containing Earth TRN566 for the comic fans]

Well it was fun to deal with SHIELD but right now I move myself to above the M'kraan Crystal to see when I am, you might be curious about what it is, well it is the reason the old Universe was destroyed, cool huh? It is whole so I am earlier than I thought, moving through time, before the seventh Universe was created, is not an exact science.

You might not know this, but there has actually been Seven Cosmos's, the sixth one was destroyed by demons who manipulated the M'Kraan, it started to enlarge to the point it could engulf all reality. Eventually, the tampering caused the primal matter of the universe to alter, unleashing plagues upon the inhabited worlds. The Dweller-in-Darkness did this as he feeds on fear and wanted to become all-powerful from the fear this would generate.

The reason it failed to gain power from this was that the Phoenix (Jean Grey) was able to purge the crystal of its impurities using the combined lifeforce of the universe, only for the crystal to quickly explode right after anyway.

Five beings survived this, but only four stayed in the new universe after it's creation, well in a way only two did but I will get to that soon enough.

Galan, the last survivor of his race merged with Eternity (Yes, THE Eternity from the sixth Cosmos) to ensure they would survive the destruction of the universe, the fused beings' new name was Galactus.

The Living Tribunal is a vastly powerful humanoid cosmic entity that has existed as long as the universe itself. Its function is to safeguard the Multiverse (the total sum of all universes) from an imbalance of mystical forces. It held within its hands two beings it had helped create with the aid of the Spectre (Yes, the DC one) to ensure they survived. (Multiverse version) (They do not mention the Spectre surviving, but if the Tribunal did you would assume, he did, I left him out though as I have nothing to back it up)

The two beings were called The Brothers, they were guardians of the Marvel and DC Megaverses. (Those who do not know, this was a Marvel vs DC story arc that mirrored real life in them fighting for the market then decided to get along at the end of it.)

You might wonder why I am here, well I am here to watch The Brothers fight after the universe is recreated, you see they do not like the idea that the other exists, the problem is they are really powerful.

They encompassed everything except each other. They could not accept this and fought each other. They unleashed forces that ended the whole of creation and then restarted it. In this explosion of death and rebirth, The Brothers were blasted apart. Their shattered essence fractured the new-born universe into a Multiverse. Fragments of their essence blew in all directions.

I knew a fragment of each will enable me to create a complete Amalgam Universe, with heroes and villains in it that are merged parts from both. And if I am careful I might get more, they are from a Megaverse after all, not a Multiverse.

I skip forward a little as this timeline is very irregular and I cannot just appear after the fight as I would want to.

Eventually, I get to the time I want and watch them both act like babies, wantonly destroying everything around them. I skip forward in time to see them destroy each other and grin to myself. I open a dimension to trap a small fragment of each inside and move into this new dimension.

I then slowly merge the two fragments, learning a lot about the Megaverses formation, creation, and destruction as I do and allow them to create the dimension in accordance with their laws, under my control, this should be interesting. I then move forward in time within this dimension until it reaches 100 million years before the present and merge the two dimensions I created, with my main body to watch over them I head off to do other work.


David A, Centre of the Universe, Moments after the Cosmic Egg exploded: (Approx. 13 Billion years before present)

Moments after the "Big Bang" cosmic energies spread out into the universe, at the moment I am doing what the Elders of the Universe did, but I am doing it on purpose and a lot sooner than they did (So direct absorption from the source, not passive latent energy). This is also the time when Eternity and Death are reborn, just to give you an idea of the power I am playing with. The shards have taught me a lot and with the necessary power, I can move forward.

Basically, The Elders were the last survivors of the first new races after the "Bang" and they gained power by absorbing the energy from the "Big Bang", but they mostly never realized they were and so slowly gained power that was within the universe.

I am pulling vast amounts of the cosmic power into myself; this is not going to give me any new powers, but it will make me much more powerful overall, I can feel my power over all aspects grow to levels beyond mortal and immortal understanding it is then I feel myself change profoundly, I was always part divinity, now I am a mix of divinity and cosmic energy, I am literally the building blocks of this multiverse. I chuckle as I nudge myself outside Eternity and see his shocked look as I further nudge myself out of the Multiverse. (Please keep in mind the MC studied the Verse outside his own (The Beyonders through the pinhole), this is why to him, there is a reality outside Eternity and the multiverse.)

~What are you? How do you exist before Myself and Death have fully been reborn?~

"Hi, my name is David. Nice to meet you, Eternity, right?" Yes, I am being cheeky on purpose, I have reached an apex. I have a lot more work to ensure the people, Eternity, Death, and the Tribunal are not killed, but I feel I have the power to do this now.

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