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54.83% Ultimate Cypher (Marvel) / Chapter 67: The Savage Lands

Chapter 67: The Savage Lands

(A/N) " Thank you all for voting! I read through every comment, and took all of your suggestions into consideration.

Most of you advocated for a combination of A/B or C/D, some even for all 4 choices.

I now have a solid plan for what I should do for the Avengers and post Avengers arc.

I hope you'll enjoy today's chapter, and don't forget to tell me what you guys think in the comments.

(P. S) The Author is a masochist, so don't forget to stone him to death with your power stones. "


" For 10+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

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Enjoy ;)


Belasco's library was colorful to say the least. Curse magic, soul magic, blood magic and much more.

I found that although most of this stuff was considered 'evil' it didn't take away from the fact, that from one perspective it could also be considered brilliant in its own way.

The magical tomes contained within, the library were partly a result of Belasco's own research and efforts.

His plan hinged on corrupting pure souls and then using those corrupted souls to turn them into Bloodstones.

Those Bloodstones would then be used to open a portal to the human world, where demons and interdemensional being could freely invade and conquer earth.

It was just your run of the mill, world domination plan. Completely unoriginal. Frankly I'd give it, a 5 out of 10.

The crux of the matter though was the fact that he couldn't simply use any soul.

The soul being pure wasn't the only criteria, he could have easily kidnapped a few newborns and his plan would've succeeded long ago.

He needed souls with a high aptitude for magic.

I understand now, that Illyana's aptitude for magic was incredibly high, it wouldn't be too out of the question if she were to become the next Sorcerer Supreme.

After going through most of the books, I happened to find an interesting piece of information pertaining to what could be considered Limbo's core.

Belasco has been here for centuries, so it wasn't surprising that he had information on Promethiuem.

According to what was written in the book I found. Promethieum could be found in one of limbo's deepest caverns. Coincidentally the only way, to access this deep cavern was through a portal located in the castle's dungeons.

It was heavily warded and could only be accessed by Belasco himself.

I decided to take a look at it later, and headed back home, I was in limbo for a week which translated to only a few hours on earth.

Although, Kitty's and Illyana's conditions were stable, reversing what Belasco did to them would definitely take time and effort.

As soon as I got back, I got a phone call from Jean, it seems that they had found something.

" I'll meet you there. Yes, I'm taking the quinjet." I said over the phone.

Jean and The Professor managed to get a lead on Storm and Rogue's whereabouts.

Using Cerebro Jean's telepathic range was increased a hundred fold. Scouring the globe for their telepathic signature was the best way to quickly locate them. Unless they're dead, or on another planet, finding them was only a matter of time.

Jean had just informed me that the rest of the X-men and her were a few miles away from Antarctica.

I decided to take the quinjet, I 'acquired' from Shield. It was the fastest vehicle I had on hand, at least until I built a better one.

( 3rd POV)

Jean and the X-men were heading towards where she last felt Orroro and Rogue's location. Even though they were on their way to rescue their friends, she still felt quite anxious, she was still worried about Kitty and Piotr.

Kitty her friend was turned into a cat like demon, like it was some kind of cruel joke.

Piotr was still missing and no matter how many times she looked for him using Cerebro, she couldn't find him or even Logan for that matter.

It meant one of two things, either they were dead or they were millions of light years away with no way to get back home.

Piotr's sister Illyana was in no better condition, judging by what Doug and the Ancient One said, she wasn't doing much better than Kitty.

Her physical appearance was still the same, and she only looked to be sleeping, but Jean could somehow sense something was wrong with her.

She was reluctant to admit it, but ever since she started using more of the Phoenix's powers, things which have previously seemed impossible were now possible.

She didn't tell Doug about it, but back in Limbo she was injured in her fight against N'astrih.

She was distracted for only a second, and let her guard down. N'astrih didn't let the chance go and managed to injure her left arm using his claws.

She blasted him away with a Psychic blast and before she could check the damage, her wounds suddenly caught fire. And before she could react her wounds were already healed.

While Jean was lost in thought the plane began to violently shake.

"We're loosing power!" Cyclops shouted as he tried to pull the plane out of its impending nose dive.

The plane balanced out skimming across the tree tops crashing into a swamp 6 seats ejecting in different directions and the plane began to sink into a swamp.

Before Jean realized it, she had already enveloped her friends in psychic shields and prevented them from blasting away too far from each other.

She slowly descended to the ground and placed the professor as well the rest of the team next to her.

" Thank you Jean, you saved us back there." Cyclops said.

" Yeah, thank god it vould have been bad, if ve vere separated." Night crawler said.

" It's quitel unfortunate, that we didn't manage to save the plane though. Getting back home, will be difficult. " The Professor said.

" We can figure it out, after we rescue Rogue and Storm, we're wasting our time just standing here. " Angel said.

" Guyz are you sure, ve're still in Antarctica. Vhat za hell is zis place? " Night Crawler suddenly interrupted.

The X-men looked around and they could only stare in shock, as the realization set in.

" How fascinating, to think such a place existed." Beast said.

His eyes then fell on some plants beside his feet.

" Amazing! Most of these fauna have been extinct for millions of years. " Beast exclaimed.

" I'll try and get a better vantage point." Jean declared, while Beast was geeking out over plants.

She flew into the air and realized how big this place truly was.

The view was simply spectacular almost something like you would find in an art museum, but the areal view also gave Jean a reason to worry... this Island was filled with different creatures, and she could even sense intelligent lifeforms closing in on their location.

It seems the plane crash, notified the locals of their whereabouts.

The Tribal hunters all began swarming and attacking the X-men, but one by one Jean who was still in the air, beat them down breaking their spears, shattering their clubs and snapping their bows before proceeding to knock them out using her telepathy.

This wasn't the time to show restraint. Jean could feel the hostility coming off them, as an empath she could easily tell that these people planned on killing them.

( POV End)

A few hours later I could see a snow white desert, completely covered by an ice sheet. At its thickest, the ice was over 4 km deep.

Beneath the ice sheet a hidden landscape of mountains, valleys and plains.

It made me think of Superman's fortress of solitude, a fortress made out of ice and crystals protected by the elements, situated away from prying eyes.

I was taken away from my thoughts by Jean's voice. It looks like I was in range for her to establish a telepathic connection.

"Doug where are you? Are you close by?"

' I think so, I'm getting a faint signal though.'

"We crashed landed right after we arrived, Beast thinks something interfered with the plane's electronics."

" Are you guys safe?" I said.

"We' re fine, but the plane is done for. I managed to shield us, before we hit the ground." She said.

" Don't worry the quinjet can carry us all back, and if that doesn't work. I could just open a portal back home." I said.

"We also ran into a problem, some of the locals were unhappy with our arrival. They tried attacking us, but I took care of them."

'Did you manage to get Rogue and Orroro's location. " I asked.

" Yes, we're heading towards them right now, but the wildlife here is slightly problematic. The plane crash attracted a lot of attention, I can feel several groups heading towards us. " She said.

After Jean was done telling me, about everything that happened from the time they crashed landed, to everything that happened afterwards.

I found my thoughts going towards, something I read about in my previous life.

" Sophie, find me any mention of the Savage lands or any mention of a tropical haven located in Antarctica." I said.

It only took a few minutes for Sophie to get back to me.

" The Savage Land, set in Antarctica at the base of the Palmer Peninsula, is a tropical prehistoric land surrounded by volcanoes deep.It is located at approximately 69º 30' S, 68º 30' W. The Savage Land was discovered by Lord Robert Plunder, who took back a sample of the metal known as "anti-metal" or "Antarctic vibranium" with him. This mysterious metal had the ability to produce vibrations which would liquefy all other metals. Fleeing from those who sought to steal this discovery, Lord Plunder took his eldest son Kevin with him for a second trip into the Savage Land. There was no mention of him, after his escape. " Sophie said.

' Huh, so it really does exist in this universe.' I thought.

The Savage Land was a hidden prehistoric land appearing hidden in Antarctica. It has appeared in many story arcs like Uncanny X-men as well as related books.

I didn't know much about it, just that it existed. There was no mention of the savage lands in the MCU, but then again there was no mention of mutants either.

All I knew about it, was the fact it was filled with different mutated tribes both human and non-human. It was filled with inhabitants like the Golden People, the Lizard Men, the Reptile Men, the Tubantis, and others.

" Sophie where did you find this information? " I asked.

I found it in some historic databases as well as some nefarious organizations and corporations including Roxxon, S.H.I.E.L.D, etc...

" What? Shield knows about it?" I asked surprised.

" Affirmative. It seems there were several attempts of mining vibranium in the region, but everytime they would send an expedition team, they would disappear never to be heard from again. Eventually the project was scrapped and was considered a hoax. Since, the one who was said to have discovered it, has disappeared never to be seen again. " She said.

' Huh, I bet even Fury doesn't know about it. ' I thought.

An hour later, I arrived near the location where Jean and the X-men landed.

" Sophie, take the plane back to headquarters. I'm flying the rest of the way. " I said.

I let Sophie take over the plane's controls and jumped off the plane.

As I was falling to the ground, I could see the landscape approaching me at an increasing speed.

I closed my eyes and quieted my thoughts. I could feel the incredible amount of life force contained within these lands, it was filled with so much vitality that if one was to train in using Chi in this place.

Their progress speed would be almost tripled than anywhere else on earth.

I took a deep breath and suddenly opened my eyes. I slowed down my descent, so that I could safely land, but it was still fast enough that I created a small crater when I landed.

I turned my head towards the sky, and my eyes focused on a mountain located a few miles from my location.

The sky started to darken, a storm raged around the mountain, and lightning was raining down on the mountain.

It was absolute mayhem, and I had a feeling what or rather 'who' was causing it.

A loud crack of thunder brought me back to attention.

" Damn, I wouldn't want to be the bastard that made her this angry."

I offered a silent prayer to the poor bastard's soul and immediately blasted off towards the eye of the storm. It seems things were about to get interesting.

( Chapter End)


"Madness Is The Emergency Exit. You Can Just Step Outside, And Close The Door On All Those Dreadful Things That Happened. You Can Lock Them Away... Forever." -- Joker


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