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28.57% An Unwanted Demon and the Alpha Wolf / Chapter 2: Revenge or Retribution?

Chapter 2: Revenge or Retribution?

A few weeks had passed since the encounter of Sweet and Roth. And everything seemed to be fine that was when Roth was alone and had fallen asleep in his bed. There was the scent of something sweet and aphrodisiac. When Roth would awake he would find himself in some type of cavern with that had many animal skins lined up on the walls, with drying herbs. "Thanks for dropping in Mutt.."That familiar voice he hadn't heard from in a while. As the female he violated was standing in front of a table mixing something together. Her back was completely facing him, but her features were different. Showing a long spade like tail, bat-like wings, and curled horns on top of her red hair.

Roth's nose would lightly begin to twitch in as the sweet aroma slowly began to fill his nostrils, stirring the large wolf awake from his nap. Grumbling a bit as his eyes slowly opened up as he slowly took in the strange surroundings. When it clicked that he was no longer in his home, the wolf would grunt as his ears began to twitch upon hearing a familiar voice.

Roth would turn his head to see where the voice was, only to find that it was none other than the daemon that he had defiled and taken as a personal toy not to long ago. But she was different. She was in her true form as he spoke up in a bit of a half sleep stupor as he woke up. "You...nngh What the hell? Where am I?" He would grumble slightly as he would slowly begin to attempt to move himself off of the bed.

"Oh such a boring reaction, mutt. I'm sure you would have been a bit more loud or even a chuckle of me to swift you away from your homeland."Sweet said turning around to face him completely with a potion in hand and walked over to him. But didn't get close for him to touch her.

Instead of having the wolf features she was dressed in nothing but seductive 'clothing' fitting for a demon. Black curled horns on top of her head, bat-like wings that were folded against her back, and a long sharp spade tail. Some scales forming on certain parts of her back along with demonic markings. Her amber eyes glowing in the shadows as there was barely any light in the room.

"But if you must know. You are in my temporarily living space. Where I hide from others in their territory. Working out spells and potions to cause mischief.."She said mentioning as she swirled the blue substance in the potion bottle.

Roth would finally fully come too as he sat up while sweet talked about how boring the reaction he gave to her. But once his eyes locked with hers his memory soon jotted to action as he gave a small chuckle "Oh it's you, the little daemon slut who decided to try and steal from my lands. I nearly forgot who you were until I remembered how I coated that little face of yours in my seed." He would chuckle before he would attempt to lunge at her. Only to be stopped by the chains that bound him as he snarled. "So tell me then slut, why do you dare to imprison me like this? Couldn't live without a cock plowing your little whore cunt?" He would sneer as he stared down at the daemon, wondering just what was on her mind and her reason for this sudden capture.

"Tsk tsk tsk.. Did you really think I was going to allow you to pin me down again? After the humiliation you put me through on that day. You in pleasure while I was in pain.. But beasts like you wouldn't understand unless it happened to you.."She sighed before the chains pulled Roth back and onto his knees making him appear to her eye level. Upon hearing his chuckle made her slapped him across the face with her claws leaving several bleeding marks on his muzzle. "That wasn't as near satisfying.. But there's more to come upon torture.."She said with a smirk across her lips as she lifted the potion up and pricked her finger and dropped several droppings of her blood into the blue bottle and it turned a dark purple. "Now its ready...Say ah.."She said tilting the potion to his muzzle as she gripped his mouth open forcefully..

Roth would snarl in frustration as he suddenly felt himself being forced down to his knees by the magical chains until he fell before the daemon. Looking into those all to familiar eyes as she spoke about how she thought she'd let herself be pinned down again. Causing him to show his fangs as he growled "From your slutty moaning I'd say you-" He would be cut off as he snarled as his face recoiled in the direction of Sweet's hand as it came across and slapped him in the face. Causing him to grunt as the claws sank and tore through flesh causing a bit of blood to drop down his fur and onto the floor as he growled and looked to her as they spoke about it being dare from over. "Hnnngh you dam daemons are always all talk. I doubt you will break me with your little toys." He would huff. As Sweet moved in and grasped Roth by the mouth, the wolf would snarl as he tried to struggle against the grasp of the female daemon, but the chains made him feel weaker than he ever has been as he was forced to take the potion, feeling the liquid go down his throat as he tried to gag and cough to little avail.

Sweet happily stood there and watched as the potion went down his throat even when he tried to gag and cough the potion back up, it was no use. Every last bit went in and she pulled away from his mouth and licked the top of the bottle. Her eyes glowing.. "Now the fun is going to start..."She said as the chains pulled him back onto the bed that she had prepared for him. Standing in front as she crawled up towards him and sat between his legs. Her amber eyes staring down at him like she was the predator and he was the prey. "I don't need toys.. I can use my skills and your instincts to win you over.. Alpha.."She called him.Her voice sounding demonic yet seductive at the same time. At this point of time a hot and painful sensation surge through his body when she called him 'Alpha'. It was like his inner wolf was awakening. His body would tense and pulsate the more she looked at him and called him Alpha. "Don't you want to play with your Luna...?"She asked him as the trick was to make his body go against what he was thinking. Basically controlling him like a puppet.

Roth would gasp for air for a moment as he glared at Sweet before being suddenly pulled back onto the bed. His hands going up and over his head as he looked down and watched the daemon slowly began to crawl up towards him. Resting just in front of his crotch where his large sheath and firm balls laid. He would growl in annoyance as he attempted to demand what she was about to do. However, his voice would stop quickly and she spoke and said the word Alpha, causing the wolf to grunt and tense up as his head went back as the surge of heat and pain surged through his body, causing him to snarl and growl as he stared in anger and growled "Nnngh what...are you..hnnngh!" He would grunt out in a bit of pain as he felt his body was indeed turning against his mind.

Her lips turned into a more sickly sweet smirk as she watched him in agony.. "You like that? Of course not.. You damn bastard.. This is what you get for forcing yourself on a woman who was in pain.. Instead of me choosing a body part for you to suffer with. I conjured up to mess with your whole body!"She said stroking his covered sheath in a teasing way. "I may not be able to best you in combat as you are technically the leader of a clan.. So your skills are a bit higher. But no matter how higher you are in skills or combative ability. Once I get a hold of your DNA, you might as well have sent your soul to the depths of hell! But it's not I can't meet you there!"She laughed. "Hey how about I keep calling you Alpha so your whole body just explodes with euphoria. Wanting so badly to touch what it think is his loving mate? Wouldn't that be fun"She asked him but then calmed down. "Sadly I didn't put that in the potion as I want to have some 'fun' as well.. Before I send you back home.." She muttered and looked at him as she got close to his neck and bit it drawing a few gulps of his blood and swallowed it and pulled back. "My Alpha..Give your Luna a kiss.."She ordered in a soft tender voice that was different than before as she pointed to her lips that had some of his left over blood on it.

Roth would groan out as he fought to resist the stinging sensation that was pulsating through his body with each passing second. One of his eyes were practically slammed shut while the other stared at sweet as they caressed his sheath and spoke the word again, causing more pain to surge as his body was betraying him and his sheath quickly soon retracted to allow that all to familiar massive bitch breaker of his cock to throb outside of his sheath before the daemon. However the pain becoming even more unbearable. Roth would snarl as he was practically defenseless against the daemon. But he knew that he had to hold out and so with what little strength he had, he began to chuckle.

"You know slut, nngh if you were born a member of my tribe I...aaagh..could have seen you be a powerful shaman with your skill..nngh to bad your just a...fucking demonic whoraaagh!" He would stop as he felt her fangs sink right into his neck as she began to drink his blood. Causing him to tense up in excruciating pain before falling her get off of his neck and demand him to kiss her. His body would hear the key word as it lifted upward in its attempt to lock his lips with hers.

Sweet rolled her eyes as she was growing tired of him saying the same thing over and over again. She placed her fingers against his lips to stop him for a moment as she glared at him. "I swear nothing comes out of this shit hole you call a mouth. Spitting the same bull over and over again. Guess you really are like a mutt. All bark and no bite.."She said not interested in anything he had to say. "And again with that tribe mentioning.. Does it look like I give a fuck. What's so great about leading a tribe full of entitled people. The strong gets to do whatever to the weak. And by the tone and how you treated me since we've met. I say the females are nothing more than sex slaves to the males..You guys are behind on the times. But you are considered savages from the other clans of the world..Similar to the worthless humans that once ruled.."She said and straddled his legs and placed his claws on her waist as he couldn't really do anything unless she said so. "let's put that hole of yours to go use..."She said licking her lips and kissed him deeply closing her eyes. Her lips were soft compared to any other female he probably kiss and the taste of her sweetness filled his mouth. It was a combination of fruit, sugary sweets, and more. She was like the Sugar Queen that blessed anyone with just the grace of her flavor..

Roth would let out a growl of annoyance as he listened to the daemon insult his people and his clan. Her opinion was far from the truth as he snapped at her while his body was helpless and unable to do anything as he snarled. "Our isolation is what prevents you outsiders form knowing what we are capable of. Our people are very civilized in comparison to your people. Our women are just as strong and capable as our males, they choose their mates and hold some of the most respected roles of our clan. It you outsi-" His words were completely cut off guard as sweet leaned down and planted her lips right onto his own. Kissing him with a deep almost passionate kiss that soon filled him with her sweet taste. Making his body started to heat up even further.

Once again Sweet had listen to him mad spat his culture and that his people were of course decent and so on. She only said things to piss him off more. Seeing his eyes and facial expression flare up with rage when she insulted his people, brought joy to her. After a few more minutes she pulled away from his lips and bit them a bit. "You really are more fun to mess with when you are mad, horny, and in pain.."She giggled evilly as her eyes glowed even more as her tail tightly wrapped around his neck. "What should I try next? Maybe leave bite marks over your body. Or perhaps maybe putting you in some cold water that it'll make your body burn for warmth.. And then maybe I'll reward you by giving your breeding maker some actual physical attention.. What do you say Alpha.?"She asked him as her eyes showed that she was capable of creating the most horrid activities for him. "And we have until 4 to do everything...I'm quite excited."

The Wolf would tense up and snarl in pain as he felt his body reacting to the keyword of Alpha being said, his eyes would squint in annoyance as he snarled in annoyance as he felt her tail wrap around his neck and she rambled on about the wide variety of ideas that she could do. His teeth would grit and it was clear that he was fighting back the burning sensation going through his body as he snarled. "Nnnaaagh...Try your worst daemon..I'm not going to g..give in and be your little toy the way you wish. If you think i will show you the emotions that you wish, then you are poorly mistaken."

His words and determination only made her smile grow even more evil. "Challenge accepted..I'll show you one of my great specialties..Hope you enjoy it til the end.."She said and that was when everything went black with him. "Chie.....Chief? Chief Roth"A voice called out to him as he awoke to find the Head Shamaness holding his head in a tender way. Her eyes looking down in complete concerned. "Oh you're awake. I'm glad I made it in time.."She said and handed him a bottle that looked like an antidote. "Here drink this to cancel that daemon's spell.."She said and stood up and this was where Roth could see the demoness Sweet was now chained and screaming in pain as it seemed like the Shamaness had captured her while he was asleep.

The wolf would glare with pure hatred as he listened to her act like his promise of not breaking would be that of a challenge. Hearing say that she Hope's he enjoys it until the end would ring out in his head as the wold around him grew dark, and soon he lost consciousness. Soon a familiar voice would ring in his ear, calling to him as it had started to awaken him as it grew more clear. His eyes would open to a blurry picture until they began to focus and reveal the familiar and loving person that was Kjellfrid, the high shamaness as she handed him the bottle. His ears would soon stop ringing as he came too to hear the screams of Sweet. Looking upward and seeing her in chains and in pain as he clenched onto the bottle and grunted. " did I, how are can't be real..what are you doing to the daemon?" He would grunt as he struggled a bit to attempt to get up onto his feet.

Norse the shamaness turned to Roth and sighed. "You really must have been under the influence of the daemon. It can't be help as she used her blood to force you into her bidding. Which is very dangerous as it would take months before it would have gotten out of your system to be ward off of her spell."She spoke to him and help him sit up and rested him against the head of the bed. "This is real Chief and I came to visit you to discuss somethings. But saw you were not in your bed and notice the lingering presence of magic. So I used some concoctions and followed it here to rescue you. I apologize for not noticing sooner.."She said looking at him in regret. "She is being held back by the holy item of chains. As daemons of her kind cannot escape its grasp and will admit pain to the person's body until the owner says so. This is the least I could do..Now drink the antidote so you can recover your strength" She said in a tender way. Sweet glared at both of them with hatred. "You damn wench! Once I get out of here. I'll kill you and your damn leader too!"Sweet yelled out in rage as her fun had ended.

Roth had sighed as he looked to the bottle before looking back to Kjellfrid as she explained the situation that had transpired while he was out cold. Be wild then tilt his head back as he knocked the bottle back and let the liquid run down his throat before finishing it with a sigh. Roth would wave his hand as he spoke to the shamaness, "stop the device from hurting her. I do not wish to have this one be punished. " he would remark in a low grumble as if he was recovering from a hangover.

Kjellfrid looked at her leader a bit confused but did what he had asked and the pain that Sweet had felt had stopped. Now Sweet sat there panting heavily as he body was recovering but she couldn't really move as the item was still wrapped around her body. "What do you supposed you are going to do with her?" Kjellfrid asked looking to her Chief and went over to help him up as he was still recovering. Sweet felt sick to her stomach the longer the item on her body stayed onto her. Daemons could not stand holy items or relics.

The large wolf would stagger to his feet with the aid of the head shamaness as he looked down to give her a small nod of thanks before turning his attention to Sweet as he listened to Kjellfrid had to ask about her. Roth would ponder for only a moment before walking his way over to Sweet and kneeling down on one knee to be at eye level with her. As he looked her over for a moment before speaking. "You know daemon, you did make me curious as to what your plans were. And by your kiss I can tell you were enjoying being the one calling the shots for once. Perhaps there is more to you than you let on. There for we will not kill you, quite the contrary, I wish to have you join me at my longhouse so that you may learn from your errors. Our people do not senselessly murder those they do not like as your kind do or so I have to believe. But our people instead seek to release you from your debt to nature and the natural order. And for the time being, you shall be bound to my village with your powers suppressed. And you will learn what our people truly are."

Sweet watched as Roth got down in front of her. She was ready for him to do the worst. But what he said made her looked at him in confusion. He wasn't going to hurt her? But after what she did to him. But he said that in order to repay her debt she would be bound by his village. He couldn't do that.. She struggled in the chains. "No..I don't believe you.. You sick twisted mutt!! You fucking raped me and think I'm going to fall for that. You really are sick.."She muttered out remembering that he was the one that started it, when she was only hunting for food to survive.. So this was double punishment.

The wolf would sigh as he shook his head and simply spoke up. "That was the punishment for your trespassing onto our land. If you had surrendered yourself to us instead of running then I would have not been like that. But I will tell you that you shall not be harmed while you are here. And no man shall lay a hand upon you unless you wish it." He would pause as he stood back up a bit, his legs a bit wobbly as he then held out a hand to sweet with a look of assurance. You are an outsider to your clan, a group that disowned and sentenced you to death no doubt. In the forest the lost come and are either claimed or offer to be claimed by the tribe. But those who truly wish to find a place of refuge may find it here. But only if they submit and know that their debts must be paid before they truly can leave. Think all you wish and call me what you may, but I am no liar, and I only follow the teachings of the Goddess."

His words filled Sweet's mind as she looked at him. That was when the chains and the Shamaness had disappeared. Sweet stood up as her eyes glowed. "This isn't fun anymore..."She said and the room morphed and they were placed in a different part of the room. Everything was an illusion/dream. As Roth was back sitting on the bed with Sweet sitting between his legs. A tear had ran down her face as looking into her glowing eyes were the emotions of fear and loneliness. "You don't know a damn thing about me. And you are offering me such a deal..You damn hypocrite!"She screamed as the chains that held him in place disappeared. "Go away! Go away!"She screamed over and over again hiding her face behind her hands as she floated away from him. A summoning circle forming around him, most likely to send him back home.

Roth would watch as reality quickly reemerged from the false one that sweet had made as an attempt to possibly trick him into giving her what she wanted from him. His eyes would not show any anger or resentment, but sympathy as he watched her become very aggravated and turn away to float off of him and away. At that point Roth would have tried to sit up and reach out for her in an attempt to grab her arm as he spoke up. "Sweet...I may not know who you are, but I can tell what you've been through just by your reaction to the things that happen. You want to strike back at those who you feel wronged you and you do it in ways you believe are just as bad as what they did to you. Instead of cowering or submitting after I had done what I did in those woods that day, you instead sought to have vengeance upon me and wanted to punish me for the crimes that you believe in as I did to you. It takes strength and a warrior's heart to not admit defeat. That is why I knew as soon as I awoke that it would be too good to be true that my head shamaness had freed me from your imprisonment. You wanted to prove me wrong and yet you didn't. But don't think that offer was false, for it was far from it. The goddess tells us that while we may rape those who have strayed from her path. I'd they did not seek our deaths, then redemption can still be offered. And you only wished to survive, so I am giving you a chance sweet. Come with me, live among my people and see our culture for what it truly is. You may even take on a form to hide your true self if you wish. But daemon or wolf, once under the protection of the goddess... no harm will come to you, and you will no longer have to be alone and in hiding. "

"Noo...shut up..."She muttered as his words seemed to be slipping into her mind. Sweet was drowning in her emotions of hatred, sadness, and fear. Making it very hard for her to focus on everything he was saying. But her heart skipped a beat upon hearing the words of him telling her to come with him. That she would be protected and she wouldn't have to keep hiding and running.

Those very words made her look towards him as if he was her last and only hope. Maybe...Just maybe she could really she stayed in the air and began reaching her hand out towards him, showing that she would take that chance.."P-promise.."She stuttered out and just when things seemed to be getting well is when their was an explosion that caused Sweet to fall from the air and hit the floor.

Now standing in the mix of smoke and debris was a minotaur with his comrades.. "Ah so this is where you've been hiding you little bitch"He said coming over and pulling Sweet up by her horn and slammed her into the wall, making her lose breath. "You have a lot of nerve coming into my territory and taking camp here. Might as well take what I believe is a fair trade.."He said looking her over and smirking as he grabbed her of her wings. "Don't think you'll be needing these..And then maybe we'll take turns having fun with you.." He smiled and licked her breasts.

"Hey boss.Looks like she managed to captured the leader of that wolf tribe.."His comrade said as he was near Roth and the magic circle but they couldn't get inside..And Roth couldn't get out..Sweet didn't have enough energy nor strength left to take them on. She had just enough to send Roth home..She smiled a sad smile as she looked to Roth..Tears rolling down her face as that chance she was hoping to get wouldn't come.. 'S-sorry...Guess I won't be given a second chance...Alpha.."As she telepathically sent to his mind and after she said that he was right back in his den and bed.

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