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42.85% From Dusk Til Dawn By Rosie_Batman_04 / Chapter 3: ~Chapter Two~ The Meeting

Chapter 3: ~Chapter Two~ The Meeting

I woke up the next morning with the sun hitting my eyelids. I quickly stood up realizing my brother was still asleep. I quickly turned to the clock right beside the couch. It was 5:30am. I quickly jumped up to my feet and sprinted up stairs to take a quick shower. I ran into my room grabbing my red towel and my outfit of the day. I went into the bathroom and locked it. I Undressed, throwing all my pieces of clothing onto the tiled floor and jumped into the shower. I turned on the water and jolted backwards when the water shot out cold. I then quickly turned the hot knob and it quickly turned hot. I grabbed the soap, dropping some clear liquid on my hand. I then placed the bottle down Scrubbing my body with the liquid. After I finished I quickly rinsed myself off and turned off the water. I then toweled myself dry and put on my school outfit I had planned out the day before. I threw my worn pjs into the hamper and put the towel to dry. I then did my make up real quick. It only took 5 minutes to put on foundation eyeshadow, highlights, red lipstick and black eyeliner. I decided to have my hair down since I wasn't sure what to do with it. I grabbed a black ponytail holder just in case and put it on my wrist. I then went downstairs and walked towards Kyle who was halfway sitting up on the couch. "Hurry up and get dressed or we'll be late." I said as I ran to the kitchen and started making sandwiches for everyone. I grabbed the bread and tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, and some turkey. I made two sandwiches for me, mom, and Kyle. after I had put them in a plastic bag and put them inside our lunch boxes I then ran to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice. I placed it on the counter beside the lunch boxes. I then grabbed the cabinet handle above and pulled it towards me to grab three metal/plastic bottles. each one was a different color. One was blue, the other was red and one was purple which was for mom. I then heard footsteps run down stairs as I turned around and saw mom already in her business uniform. She wore a white buttoned down blouse, a black pencil skirt, black high heels, and her hair in a ponytail. She had neutral makeup on which made her outfit pop. "Did you sleep okay?" I asked. "Yes, how did you two sleep downstairs?" Mom asked kissing my cheek grabbing her lunch box and walking towards the kitchen table. "The couch was comfy and me and Kyle went to sleep easy." Mom smiled grabbing her black Louis Vutton bag. "Your going to be our driver from now on until my car gets here." Mom said as I nodded. " My work is on your way to your school so it will be an easy drive back and forth. If I get off early I'll ask a colleague to drop me off at home." Mom informed me. I heard running down the stairs and saw Kyle with blue skinny jeans, a long blue neck buttoned sweater, with some waterproof light brown boots. He had my red backpack and his Blue bag carried on his back, but he was holding it over his right shoulder. "Here sis." He said as he handed me my backpack and I took it from him starring at him. "What?" He asked me confused. "Te ves quapo mijo!" I said as I looked at him from head to toe smiling mom did the same. She went up to him to fix a part of his hair and put it back into place. She stepped back beside me and we looked at him. "You guys are acting weird. What is up with you two?" Kyle said as we laughed mom checked her watch. I quickly finished pouring orange juice into my bottle and handed Kyle his, mom had already grabbed hers. "Alright Niños, its time to move out! go go go!" Mom shouted as we all grabbed our things and ran outside. Mom locked the door and threw me the keys. I caught them, pressing the unlock button and getting in the driver's seat. Kyle went in the back, closing the door, and mom hurried into the passenger side. She opened the door and sat down closing the door with her bag in her lap. I locked the doors and then started the engine. I slowly reversed turning he car around and facing towards out of the driveway, I then pulled the lever forward so I could drive.

I set the destination for mom's work. She is a business woman and also sells houses along side with multi-tasking other jobs. Once I parked near the side-walk in front of mom's work she quickly kissed us good-bye and then opened the door and quickly closed it behind her as she left jogging into the building. " Alright bro, you ready?" I asked Kyle looking into the rear-view mirror."Ready as I'll ever be." He said as I then reversed, then pulling out of the parking space making our way to the school. Once we were near the schools entrance I pulled into to the closest  parking space that was closest to the front office. I stopped the engine and grabbed my backpack I had put back with Kyle. Kyle helped handing it over to me. "Thanks papo."I said with a smile looking up at him as he smiled, then laughing, and then opened the door closing it behind him. I did the same and locked the doors. Me and him walked towards the entrance as eyes turned to look at us and whispers started. I grabbed Kyle's hand and walked him to the front of the school. I saw two groups far away from each other. One was full of native americans and the others were full of pale males and  females. Each on opposite sides of the school entrance. They were apart of some of the people glancing at me and my brother. We were about to walk through the school entrance when one of the native looking boys walked up to us. "You two new around here?" The husky voice of the male asked. "Yea." I managed to say. I looked over to see a pale/tanned guy walk up to us. "I'm Seth This is Jacob. Do you two need help finding the office?" Seth said with a new Zealand accent. I nodded. "We would appreciate the help." I said as Kyle was quiet. Jacob gave me a smirk and guided us along side with Seth into the Building. Seth and Jacob led us to a room in the far right of the building. "This is the office. If you have any questions ask us. We'll wait out here for you guys to show you where your classes will be." Jacob said with a wide-smile showing his white teeth. I looked at Seth. "The office attending will give you your schedule." He said as he smiled. I nodded and softly smiled at them as Kyle literally had to drag me inside the office. We made it to the Counter. "Hello, how may I help you today?" The lady at the counter said picking up her head from the computer to look at me and my brother. "We're new and we enrolled at this school.We need our schedules." I said as the Lady quickly typed something in the computer. "Names?" "Avinna Quinn Quintaña and Kyle Quinn Quintaña ." I said as the lady searched our names up and clicked twice with the mouse. I looked back to see if Seth and Jacob were outside waiting as they said before. And they were. I saw them talking with one another and Seth and Jacob would exchange glances at me every few seconds. Kyle tugged my arm grabbing my attention. "Alright, I printed out your schedules I'll be right back." The lady said standing up and walking to a far off corner. "You need to stop." I hear Kyle say. "Stop what?" I asked him laughing. "That! when you see a handsome guy or boy you always do that!" Kyle said in a low tone irritated. " Do not." I said looking off to the side.

"Do to. You've done it before when watching Korean dramas and looking at hot guys!" Kyle said I chuckled. " I can't believe I have a very observant brother." I said smiling as he looked at me with a serious face. "I just don't want them to hurt you." Kyle said as I stared at him. "I know how to take care of myself Kyle. I'll be fine. You should be worried about yourself." "Me? Why?" He asked confused. "You still haven't gotten in your first fight and I'm scared that in this school someone will provoke you." I said as Kyle looked at me. "You've said that to me to at every school I've gone to and nothing has happened. How do you know in this school I will?" Kyle asked I looked towards Seth and Jacob they were now fully attentive and looking straight at us awaiting our return with our schedules. I then turned back to face my brother. "I just have a feeling." I told Kyle as he then turned to look at the lady from the counter. "Here you go dearies." The lady says as she hands us our schedules. " Oh by the way,  I'm Ms.Burgess, Have a great first day!" She says as we wave bye at her and thank her as we walk out the door. We meet up with Seth and Jacob. "May I?" Jacob asked me gesturing to my Schedule. I handed it to him. His eyes were so farrowed he looked like a model sorta. An edgy, rough, type of model. I looked up and saw that Seth was looking at my Brother's schedule. "Your sibilings?" Seth asked looking up from the paper. I nodded. Jacob looked at us and smirked. "I thought you two were a couple." He said chuckling. Me and my brother looked at him weirdly. "We have last period and 5th right before we got lunch together." Jacob said handing me back my schedule. He looked at me with a wide smile. "I know where your classes are now. Since your a freshmen they expect you to be early so. I hope you don't mind me taking Kyle to his first class?" Seth asked looking towards me. "No, problem." I said. "I didn't get your name." Seth said as he extended his hand. "Avinna. My friends call me Ave." I said with a smile shaking his hand briefly. "Nice to meet you. Jacob will take you to your first class." Seth said as He then tapped Kyle on the shoulder and motioned him to follow. Me and Jacob were left alone. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. I followed Jacob, through long halls, until we turned a corner where there were classes. "That last room there is Chemistry class" He said pointing to it looking at me. I looked at the class. "Not that far from the school entrance." I said as I looked at him. "Why did you really ask to help me? When knowing it was this close?" I asked him with a questionable expression. He smiled looking off to the side, then looking back at me. with a wide smile. "Because, the building is huge. People can get lost in this labyrinth. Even newbies like you." He said leaning in towards my face. Our faces were inches away. I smiled. "I don't get lost that easy when it comes to knowing my way around." I said looking into his narrowed brown eyes. He cracked up a smirk. leaning away from my face. "I'll see you in 5th Jacob." I said as I walked to my class, waving from behind a hand good-bye to Jacob. I could hear him chuckle in the distance. As I went into class I saw the teacher and a few students in class. I saw two of the paler kids from earlier in class.

One of the paler boys was blonde with blue eyes. The other was dark brown hair with blue eyes. They sat the back but they both stared at me for some reason. I walked into the class straight to the teacher. "Excuse me." I said as the teacher turned around. "Oh you must be the new student! I'm Ms.Kirk Welcome! What is your name?" She said as she asked me in the end. "Avinna Quin Quintaña " I said as she grabbed her clipboard and signed my name off. "Do you go by a nickname?" "Yes, Ave." I

responded she smiled. "Very beautiful name." She said as she looked around the room. "You can sit by Mr.Edwards." She said pointing off to the side where a young boy raised his hand. He was pale. His hair light brown. His features were round. He was cute no doubt. I walked over to sit next to him. I walked through the tables and sat down next to the boy. I put my backpack down beside my feet and grabbed my notebook and pen, placing them on the table in front of me. "I'm Jeremiah." The boy quickly stated as he extended his hand. I took is hand and shook it. "Ave." I said as he smiled. "Nice to meet you Ave." We couldn't talk too much because Ms.Kirk started class right away. As she gave us Tasks I made sure me and Jeremiah finished early with each task completed. He seemed amazed at the rate we finished each experiment. By the time we finished I always glanced at the pale boys. They were always staring at me, giving me glances while talking to one another or even just writing on paper and glancing from their paper up to look up at me. I would find myself staring at the brown haired boy with blue eyes for long periods of time and he would do the same, but hen looking away. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Jeremiah. "Hey who are those boys over there?" I asked tilting my head in their direction, instead of pointing or glaring. "Those are the Cullen boys. They don't talk with people very much and they always keep to themselves. Don't waste your time on them. Their bad luck." As he finished off the sentence he then went back to writing. I glanced back at the brown haired boy. I also saw the Blonde haired boy stare at me longer than the brown haired boy. "What are their names?" I ask Jeremiah as He responded without looking up. "Blonde one is  Christopher and The brunette is Adam." I stared at them and then began to slide the other papers I had finished towards Jeremiah so he could copy. "Wow, nice hand writing." He said as I smiled looking at him. After we all had finished our assignments the bell rang. I glanced to see if the Cullen boys were still there. They had vanished with no trace. I found their seats empty. I felt my stomach drop. This is so weird. I never felt this way before. Why would I feel this way when I haven't even met the person? I questioned myself until I heard Jeremiah's voice. "Ave!" He shouted I hadn't realized he was waving his hand in front of my face. I looked at him. "What class do you have next?" He asked I grabbed my notebook and pen putting it in my backpack as I pulled up my schedule. "Ugh...Math." I responded with irritation. I hated math with my heart and soul. Jeremiah laughed. "You'll have to suffer alone in Mr.Reed's class then." Jeremiah said sadly. "Sit next to you at lunch?" I nodded as he waved good-bye. I quickly grabbed my backpack placing it over my shoulder. I have a few more periods until My 5th where I hopefully get to see Jacob. Maybe his useless flirting and dorky smiling will cheer me up. I went to my 2nd period which was math. Nothing new same old same old. I finished all my assignments quickly. I managed to befriend some girls. Samantha and Abby.

They were sisters. We all hit it off. We actually related with one another. So many things we had in common. Hating math and all school subjects all together. Math went by fast because we talked together. we found out we had 2nd, 3rd and 4th together. The bell rung and we went to Literature. When I walked through the door I was shocked to see Adam was there. Sitting alone at the back of the class. I managed talked to the teacher and tell him I was new and all that. He appointed to towards Adam. I nodded accepting the fact I'd be seating with the guy everyone seems to hate. But, I won't judge since everyone seems to judge before actually getting to know someone. I walked through the aisles of the tables and then took my seat next to Adam. I looked to see Abby and Samantha Eyeing me from behind their seats. The teacher announced we would be spending the rest of the year in the same seats and we would watch a movie from. You guessed it Twilight. I then quietly got my Twilight book from my backpack. As the teacher turned off the lights, I placed the book in front of me. Opening it to the mid section. I was on the first book but I was finishing it anyway. I heard from the corner of my hearing range Adam turning around to look off to the side.

He also managed to scoot a few inches away from me. I could see through my hair that he was tense. His hands were so tense. I saw him glance at me 3-4 times. I then quickly decided I wouldn't say a word to him until he began to talk to me. Through the whole class I managed to finish the book I read and the teacher paused the movie within 20 minutes. He turned on the lights. "Prepare for exit." He said as I grabbed my backpack placing it on the table un-zipping it and putting my book in. I then felt eyes on me and turned to see Adam staring blankly at me. I looked at him but he turned away. He looked straight forward. I turned to look at what Abby and Sami were doing and they were staring at me. Then the bell rang. I swear, when I turned around I saw  Adam's seat empty. I was surprised to see he left that quickly. I went to yank my backpack over my shoulder. I went straight out the door to my next period which was Medical. I joined up with Abby and Samantha as on our way over to the medical building Abby started to say how lucky I was to sit next to her dream man and that she was jealous. I sighed in annoyance. I really didn't want to date and do school. We finally made it to medical and once again I found myself seating next to 2 other boys. This time they were both from the native group Jacob was in. I then went to sit by them since the student were paired in threes and they were the odd ones out. I went by aisles of tables and went straight towards theirs.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked softly. They both smiled. "Nope, not at all." The boy with a soft look said. He looked innocent enough. "Name's Felix this is Diego." Felix said pointing to Diego.

Who was slouching on the chair next to him giving me a two finger salute from the side of his temple. I smiled putting down my backpack near my feet. As class began the Ms.Valentina gave us tasks left and right. I managed to finish all tasks within the minute. I looked at Felix and Diego and they looked towards me with widened eyes. "How did you finish so quickly?" Diego asked shocked as Felix looked at me with soft eyes. I didn't know if he was staring at me for awhile but he then looked down. I noticed he had a paper made rose in his hands. " Here." I said as I gave them both my sheets of paper. "Look off of these. I don't want you two to fail this class." I said with a smile.

I then turned my attention towards the front of the class with the palm of my hand supporting my chin. I could feel a set of eyes from the corner of my eyes and then hear a ouch. I turned over to see Felix rubbing the back of his neck staring at Diego. He looked at me and I responded with short laugh and a smile. As time went on Class was almost over. I looked up to see what Abby and Sami were up to and saw they were looking at me staring at the boys beside me. I smiled at them and they looked back with a glare of jealousy. I smiled and they chuckled in response. It was all fun in game. The bell rung and I bent down to the side to grab my backpack. I noticed my schedule fell out. I quickly placed my backpack on top of the table. I swiftly grabbed the schedule and looked up to see the paper flower Felix had in his hands on my backpack. When I looked up to search for him he was already gone. I quickly pulled my backpack over my shoulder ready for 5th. I was ready to see Jacob and see what would happen with him around. I quickly followed the map that was handed to me along with the schedule that I hadn't realized up til now. Stupid me. I then went straight, across halls and up some stairs.

I had made it to my classroom. I walked through the door and saw Jacob leaning against a table with his hands in his pocket. He was staring up, straight at me with a smirk. The bell rung again meaning it was time to be in class if not you were gonna be late. I ended up going straight to Jacob. "Getting used to the school yet?" Jacob asked with his husky voice looking down at me. I had to look up at him. I smiled. " I'm getting there." He chuckled as he took his seat next to me. I sat on the right and he sat to the left of the table but he was on my right hand side when I sat down. As class began Jacob leaned over towards me and whispered. "I heard Felix left you a little something in Med." Jacob said a low playful manner. I looked at him surprised he knew. "Who told you?" I asked. "Diego, told me." Jacob said, he gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Nothing ever gets past you, does it?" I asked him jokingly. "Nope." He responded, He then sent me a charming smile. I rolled my eyes again. "You dork." I said he laughed. Throughout the classes Jacob would joke around with me here and there. I was surprised when I heard the teacher say lunch time.

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