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28.57% From Dusk Til Dawn By Rosie_Batman_04 / Chapter 2: ~Chapter One~ The Arrival

Chapter 2: ~Chapter One~ The Arrival

I dreamt about how my life would change the day I would meet my other half. I thought about how my life would change with him around. I looked out the rolled down car window coming back to reality. I looked at the trees as we drove by. I noticed they were a nice shade of light green. The trunks were a light color. The sun beaming down my face was a bright shade of light yellow mixed with orange and red. The sun was warm beaming down on my face. I closed my eyes letting the soft rays hit my eyelids and my cheeks. The drive was long coming into Montana. The trees over took all the land, turning them into deep forests. The roads would curve and turn like a slithering snake, around the groups of large trees. It was a long drive coming from Maine To Montana. It was 38 hours to be exact. 38 hours of being on the road, Stopping at gas stations, and sleeping inside the car. Once we arrived at our destination. Which was The Great Falls of Montana near Flathead National Park and near the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Me, My mom and my Lil brother Kyle were about to hit our destination. We were four hours away from our house with the U-Haul trailer in the back with our stuff. "Mom, how much longer?" Kyle asked with an exhausted voice."4 hours." Mom replied looking at Kyle through the rear view mirror. "What cha doin back there?" I asked curiously, wondering what my little brother was up to. I noticed he had his sketch book out, stroking the wooden pencil on the paper. "I'm drawing." He responded going back to stroking the pencil lightly across the paper. "What cha drawing?" I asked him as he looked up and turned the sketch book towards me. It was a little bird standing on a branch. " Wow! Bro, that's amazing! You should totally join a drawing club when we enroll in school!" I encouraged. He slightly was embarrassed and shrugged. "I highly doubt it." He said in a doubtful voice. "Oh come on Kyle!" I whined. I gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please, at least try out for art or something!" I encouraged as he stared at me with cringe. "Okay fine! But only because your puppy dog eyes are cringey!" He exclaimed as he looked at me with disgust. "Then it was worth the cringe" I said winking at him. He sighed in annoyance. I loved my brother. But, he always doubted himself. It had been 4 hours and we finally made it to our destination.

It was the home away from home that mom always wanted. Away from the noise. The neighborhood was quiet. It was our own little escape from civilization. Mom parked in the driveway and turned off the engine. She twisted the key off, taking her seat-belt off and opening the door, and exiting. Me and Kyle did the same and followed her to the back of the U-haul truck. Mom took off the lock and pulled up the metal hinge and opened the back. of the U-haul. "Kyle take the keys and open the door. It's the silver one." Mom said handing the keys over to Kyle grabbing some boxes and handing me some. Kyle ran towards the door unlocked it and opened it wide for us to come in. Mom followed me in first and we put down the boxes in the front of a staircase. The house was so lively and roomy. I forgot to breathe. "Come on Avi. We'll be able to look around once everything is put away." Mom said as she walked outside. We repeated this several times as Kyle also helped lighten the load of boxes.Once the U-haul was empty. We decided to grab out our moving bags. We went out to the trunk of the car. It was a black Model X Tesla. Very roomy. Mom opened it with her phone and the truck opened by itself.Each one of us grabbed their own bag. I grabbed a rolling bag and yanked the hinge up so I could roll it inside the house. I grabbed a red duffle bag and pulled it over my shoulder along side a red backpack. I pulled that one on my other shoulder. Kyle had the same except the bags were blue and mom's were purple. She closed the trunk and locked the car and we made it inside the house safe and sound. "Alrighty, you two. Go up to your rooms and put your stuff away. The movers did their job already so their should be boxes of your room stuff in there." Mom said as she placed down the bags in the living room.There were two living rooms this one and another one. I looked over quickly to see how big it was.It was more bigger than expected. It has more space. A fire place on one side of the wall. A couch, two tables on the side with lamps and a wall in front, with a tv in the middle and shelves to put decor in. I was truly amazed. Me and Kyle quickly went up the stairs and looked at the doors to our rooms.

As soon as you walked up the stairs you saw two rooms in the opposite sides of the staircase. The left one was Kyle's and the one on the right was mine. "I'll see you in a bit for go time?" Kyle asked. "Oh yeah." I said as we quickly went into our rooms and started unpacking. I went into mine. I got a perfect view of the trees surrounding me and all the green. My room was grey and I had a door slide closet. It was great. I place my duffle bag and backpack on the bed and on my rectangular chair I placed my roller suitcase horizontally to match it's figure. I placed my hand on the zipper on the back and glided my hand around the back un-zipping it. I then took out clothes, under garments and all my makeup. I had place the clothes on the bed and decided to start matching clothes and have an outfit for each day that way I wouldn't waste time picking out what I wanted to wear. Once I had all my outfits hanged. Which only took me 15 minutes since I had put them in order before we left Maine.For tomorrow, I decided to wear a red long sleeved sweater, black leggings, and black high heeled boots. I placed it on the outside of my closet. It was hanging on the opened closet door in front of all my other outfits hanging in there already. I sighed in relief. I had put all my under garments in the drawers inside the closet beside my hanging space and my duffle bag, backpack and suit case already empty. Except for my makeup in the roller suitcase. I grabbed that and I decided until my vanity didn't come I would put my makeup in the bathroom out in the hall. I grabbed my plastic organized boxes and walked out into the hallway.

The bathroom was huge. I decided to place my plastic makeup organized boxes on the far right side of the counter that way if Kyle wants to use the restroom he isn't gonna be bothered by it. Once I placed them down. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. I put the duffle bag on the mattress part of my windowsill and my roller case next to my bed.As for my backpack, I left it on the far left, So I could get my boxes that were in front of my bed against the wall that had all my belongings. I quickly searched and organized and then put all the school stuff inside my backpack. Once that was done. I put my backpack on the windowsill of the opposite side of my bright red duffle bag. I went towards my closet to grab some pjs. I grabbed some red shorts and a red tank top followed by a bright red jacket. If you couldn't tell by now. My favorite color is red. I quickly ran to close my door and started to change. Once finished I put my worn clothes into the hamper in the restroom and walked towards my brother's room barefoot. At the door way of my brother's room. It was the same design as mine but more of a boy feeling towards it he had a mirror and a dress off to the side. It matched the wood that famed to windows and the ceiling fan. "Hey bro. You ready to play yet?" I asked as Kyle stood up from fixing a sketch painting he had made in his room. He sighed. He then walked towards me." Your goin down!" He said with a look of competition in his eyes. I stuck out my tongue. "You wish!" I said as we both raced down towards the living room. We saw mom had already unpacked all the boxes fairly quickly and we went towards the front of the tv to plug in cables to connect our consoles. We had an Xbox One and a PS4. We decided we would play on our PS4."What game should we play?" Kyle asked looking at me with 3 games in each hand not sure what to pick."Ooooo! A horror game!" I looked at Kyle and we both had an evil smile. "You guys better sleep tonight! Because if I hear you two feel asleep in school I'm taking away your consoles!!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. Me and Kyle looked at each other in silence and laughed. "Let's go!" We decided to turn off the living room lights. We sat on the couch ready to play Friday The 13th. We stayed up til 10pm and decided we wanted to sleep on the couch. It was already 10:20pm. "Alrighty, let's call it a night." I said as Kyle nodded. We had played like 15 rounds of Friday The 13th. I had won multiple times. We had to bring blankets and pillows down to the living room just because we were too into the game. Kyle grabbed his pillow and blanket. Me and him were on opposite sides of the couch. I was going to sleep on the right and he was going to sleep on the left. We had turned off the tv and consoles before going to sleep and saying night to mom and giving her good night kisses. Once we laid down and snuggled into our covers. Kyle spoke."Hey, sis?" "Yea, bro?" I asked him."What is high-school gonna be like?" He asked. He was only 15 but acted like a 18 year old. He was taller than me. He was 5"11 and I was 4"11. I was pretty small compared to my mom. Which she was 5"1. My dad on the other hand was 5"10.  Its weird how height works."Drama, Gossip, New friends." I finished. I looked towards him and he looked up to the ceiling."What if I don't have any friends??" He asked blankly. I sat up and stared at him. "You'll have friends. You'll make new ones. You just gotta know what crowd to be with." I said reassuring him. He smiled."Thanks sis." He said as he turns to the side looking out towards the tv. I laid down again. To my side facing out towards the tv. I pulled the covers over my shoulders."Night bro." "Night sis."

We both laid our heads on our soft pillows and we drifted off to fell asleep.

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