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100% Miracle in September / Chapter 4: Chapter Four

Chapter 4: Chapter Four

Lesle can't believe this is happening. Her baby girl is going on a date. Even if Ellie grew up, she will always be a little girl in Lesle's eyes. Now, she is witnessing Ellie's first date. To be honest, she approves of Lance. He is nice, a gentleman, and he makes Ellie happy.

"Hi" Lesle looks to the direction and sees 3 angels. "We're Lance's guardian angels." A blond tall guy introduced himself and pointed 2 other angels watching Lance and Ellie enter the salad bar. Lesle smiles, "hi! I'm Ellie's guardian. It's my first time encountering 3 angels for one human" Lesle already met the guardian angels of Ellie's family and friends but this is the first time to encounter a situation like this.

The blonde angel chuckles. "Well, it differs per person. But I guess it's fun too. We get to discuss what's the best for Lance." Lesle nods and they both turn back to the couple. Ellie and Lance both are having fun as they talk about art.

Lesle should be concentrating on the date but her mind is on what the angel said. Is she really making the right decisions for Ellie? Is she really headed to the right path? She then remembered what the head told her before she left heaven a few years back. "I can assign interns for you. They won't stay long, just help you for a couple of Earth months. Tell me when you're interested."

She sighs as she watch Ellie spilled iced tea on her dress, making her shy. But Lance smiles and helps her. Lesle was so deep in thought she didn't notice it. "Are you okay?" The blonde angel asks. Lesle knows what she needs to do.


Sky is more than ready. He was called at the academy as Lesle is now ready to take interns. What surprised Sky is that he saw familiar faces beside the head: Josh and Jesh. "Josh!" Sky called and rushed to his friend. The two angels fist bumped while Sky just nods to Jesh who isn't pleased to see him.

"Wait, they're the two angels?" Sky asks the head who nods. "But I haven't seen them in the academy" Josh chuckles while Jesh scoffs, "we had a different training since we're twins but we know everything you know." Sky can't believe this is happening: he is finally going to heaven and he's with his long-time friend.

The head leads the way to the huge door. "Are you guys ready?" The three angels nod. The head takes one last look at Sky and opens the door. Good luck.


There are stages in a relationship: attraction/romance stage, crisis stage, working stage, commitment stage, and real love. Everyone loves the romance stage. The couple are in euphoria and everything seems to be perfect. After that first date, Ellie and Lance started building their own world together.

Everything is in place. He understands her completely, he supports her, he keeps her safe, and he makes her extremely happy. Even her family loves him and vice versa. Ellie never thought that those love stories she read and heard were real. Now, she feels like she is living in her own fairytale.

But what couples do not know is that the crisis stage comes in after a few months. This is when the couple starts seeing the differences between them. Ellie never had a relationship before so she doesn't know what to expect but she can't explain Lance's personality.

There are days when he is good to her, while there are days when he acts as if she doesn't exist. He likes to spend time alone which was not wrong since Ellie understands. She has her own issues to solve like her deadlines and thesis. But their problems didn't stop there. She started noticing that he has a lot of close girl friends. He would rather spend time with them or ask them to join their date when it's supposed to be a date.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, El. I spend time with you too." He would say every time she would ask. Ellie, being a first timer, just let everything pass until she didn't notice that she is no longer happy in the relationship.

Her mom would hug her tight and convince her that maybe it's time to let go but Ellie never listened. "He's not doing anything wrong" she would mumble in between tears.


When the door opened, Sky and the others saw a huge train. An old man wearing white waves at them. "Let's go!" The three of them nodded and rode the train. What's weird is that they are the only ones there. "I always thought we'd like be zapped to the Earth" Jesh comments as she watches through the window. Josh chuckles, "with this kind of speed, we might arrive when Ellie is already old." Sky didn't comment. He is too engrossed to what's happening around him. He never knew that there's a huge train that can take angels to heaven.

And he is excited to be on Earth again.


Ellie's professor thought she'd be excited upon hearing the news. She just won another competition. Ever since Ellie dated Lance, she had been joining several contests and she won every single one of them. In fact, companies have started contacting Ellie for her works. She is finally making her name known. But instead of being happy, Ellie's mind is somewhere else.

Real relationships go through all the five stages. Couples should stay in their relationship and work on their differences. There should be a lot of forgiveness and acceptance. Ellie, though hurt, is willing to accept all of Lance's differences. She just needs him to explain what's happening instead of ignoring her.

She tried to talk to him but he never communicated with her. He just leaves her hanging. It's been months since they went out and every day, she could feel her heart break every time she sees him at school, happily bonding with his "friends". Those girls who would chat him endlessly and he would reply even if they are together.

Those girls who have photos in his contacts but his own family do not have. Those girls who he would rather take their recommendations and suggestions on his works but never Ellie's. Those girls who he would wonder why they won't respond but he rarely responded to her messages. Those girls who he would change schools for just because they "work well together" and leave Ellie. He is not the Lance that I know. Ellie would think every time she's with him but she never had the guts to leave him.

Lesle felt everything. The pain, the sadness, the loneliness, the doubts. She wanted to remove Lance from Ellie's life but she knows she can't. She knows she'll break Ellie even more.


Once you become an angel, all your memories of being a human is erased. But somehow, on the day that Sky, Josh, and Jesh arrived on Earth, a familiar feeling came over them. A feeling that they missed. The smell of the air is different. After being used to seeing everything white, the colorful world surprised their eyes. The feeling of the soil beneath their feet is new as well.

It was 3 pm when Sky looked at the time. The huge train was missing the moment he felt he was back on Earth. They are in a place full of trees, benches, kids playing, dogs running, and adults busy with their phones. In front of them is a clock that made Sky realize that it's 3 pm on Earth.

Time. Minutes. Seconds. Everything on Earth is passing and everyone seems to be in a rush, very different from heaven. Sky kept admiring the world in front of him that he almost forgot he has a mission.

"So, Lesle should be in the university by now. We need to get to her for our assignments. Today is a special day for Ellie." Jesh reads the instructions from the folder. Josh nods. "The head said we should act like humans, right? Ride those vehicles to get to where we are." Jesh closes the folder, "or zip zap to the university."

Sky looks at them. Zip zap? He can't remember anything about that in the academy. Josh sighs, "we can't. It will take too much of our energy. We're on Earth now." Jesh rolls her eyes and follows her brother as he led the way. Sky wasn't able to speak. He still can't believe he is back.


Lesle sighs. According to the plan, Ellie must break up with Lance today then go to the ceremony. But Lesle knows she can't do it and obviously Ellie can't. The guardian angel has been thinking of various ways to convince Ellie that Lance is not good enough but humans in love are the most stubborn of all. They will convince their minds that there is hope or chance for their partner to change or realize their worth. But guess what? That never happens.

She watched as her human walk outside her classroom. Ellie is about to tell her mom about the good news, maybe hearing her mom's proud voice will make her cheer up. "Hello?" her mom answers almost immediately. "Hi mom…"

Iris knows that tone and as much as she wants to hit that stupid boyfriend of hers, she knows she can't do it. "What's the matter, baby?" Ellie smiles as she continues to walk. "Well, I won." She can imagine her mom smiling. "Wow! Congratulations! When's the ceremony?"

Ellie looks at her feet as she walks. It reminds her of when she is still young. "Tonight. I want you all to come, okay?" Iris chuckles, "of course. Are you on your way home?" Ellie shakes her head. "I need to go to Lance. I'll text you the location."

Iris does not feel good about this. But what she learned about being a good parent is that they need to trust their kids too. "Okay. See you" Ellie stops in front of the university gate. She is looking at the huge clock. "I love you, mom." "I love you too."


"We're sorry. It's our first time here so we got lost" Josh says upon seeing an irritated Lesle by the university. It took them 3 hours just to get there when the distance is just a 30-minute ride. Lesle sighs, "you better not give that excuse when you are a full-fledge guardian angel. Who knows what could've happened to your human for 3 hours?"

"Well, we're sure that our first meeting would be peaceful since the human would be a baby---" Jesh was cut off by Sky. "We're sorry. We'll make it up to you just tell us what you need." Lesle raised an eyebrow, at least someone's interested in work. She then turns to the bench, where Ellie is seated. "Ellie needs to break up with her boyfriend. I tried everything I could think of to change her mind but she's stubborn. Free will is over taking her."

The angels in training watched as Ellie is busy thinking deeply. She doesn't know what to do. A part of her wants to let go, but she knows she can't because she loves Lance. They've been together for almost a year. She doesn't want to be single again and be jealous of her happy friends.

"We can make her friends convince her?" Jesh asks. "Already did that" Lesle answers. "How about her family?" Josh tries but Lesle replies, "already did that." Sky, based on the books he read, thought of a good plan.


Ellie takes a deep breath. She doesn't know what happened but she has decided that she needs to see Lance then she'll decide what to with their relationship. Maybe if she told him her issues, for the nth time, maybe he would listen and change.

She presses the doorbell to his apartment. But there was no response. She checks his phone, he was online 2 hours ago. She lightly frowns, trying to remember his schedule because she is sure that he has no classes today.

She tries to call him and is surprised when she heard the ring from the door. So he is home. Maybe he's sleeping. She thought. When Lance and Ellie started dating, he gave her a key to his apartment. It made her feel as if they are living on the same roof.

Since things were okay before, she never used it. But somehow, right now, she just have this urge to use the key. She opens her wallet where she saw a happy picture of them taken a few months back. They were in an amusement park and they were wearing cute matching headbands. Ellie smiles. She gets the key from the small pocket from the wallet.

Her hand starts to tremble and her heart starts to beat fast. Ellie doesn't understand what's happening but she opened the door and she wished she didn't.

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