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50% Miracle in September / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Sky heard a lot of stories about guardian angels, especially now that he's a student at the academy. There are angels who guided politicians, war heroes, and even inventors. Basically, everyone has their own guardian angel. Some have more than others but what matters is that do their job: guide their human to the path that God made.

As Sky takes everything he is learning to heart, he knows that he can ace the task. In the academy, there are different stages before one can graduate. The first would be the endless discussions and reading of historical records of guardian angels.

Sky, despite not knowing who he really is, recently discovered that he likes reading books. After the discussion at the academy, Sky decided to go to the library. "Aren't you tired?" Isabelle asks. She looks like all the energy has been drained out of her which is weird because angels don't usually feel tired. Sky smiles, "I want to ace this" She lightly hits his arm and chuckles, "well good luck, Summa cum laude"


Lesle smiles upon hearing God's plan for Ellie. She'll be Valedictorian during high school and Summa cum laude in college. She'll take up arts and eventually become one a world-renowned painter. The head noticed how happy Lesle is. "Lesle" he calls her.

"Challenges will arise once she becomes a teenager. She will be curious about a lot of things and may do things that can harm her." Lesle nods, "I will make sure nothing bad happens to her." The head shakes his head. "Be sure that she will walk the right path. Mistakes and terrible events are essential for humans but as long as they are on the right path, everything will be okay."

Lesle nods in understanding but she knows in her heart that she will not let anything happen to her little girl.


There is no such thing as a perfect angel according to the books Sky read. Humans are meant to make mistakes. There was one time when an angel missed the moment he should intervene and the future of the human changed forever. The man was a reporter and his job is to cover an event. The angel should have delayed the speech of the mayor for the man to make it on time. But since the angel missed it, the man arrived at an empty venue and lose his job.

Angels who fail to do their tasks are sent back to heaven and stripped off their jobs. Although it should be important to note that the decision of the head still depends on the consequence that the human received. For instance, a woman failed an exam but was able to take another one the following year. Although the mistake will not be ignored, it will not banish the angel back to heaven.

Sky smiles as he writes down these important details. He can't wait to finish and become a guardian angel. He is excited to know who he is and what is his purpose before he left the world. He has this tingling feeling about his past and he is determined to find out what it is.


During her high school years, Ellie started to wonder about her purpose in life. She read about these wonderful and successful people in history books and makes her wonder, "why am I here?" Her friends talked about their plans for the future like it was so easy to achieve.

Theo, Ellie's bestfriend, proudly says that he will become a fashion designer. "How do you know?" Ellie asks him as they walk home. Their houses are two streets apart and they always wondered why they never met when they were kids. Theo is a six footer pale guy with curly black hair.

If Ellie is a boyish teenager who likes wearing crop tops and tight jeans, Theo is the opposite. Theo likes wearing loose colorful clothes that make him stand out. He turns to Ellie, "I don't know. I just know. It's like my heart tells me to design clothes. And you know I'm good with fashion."

Ellie nods in agreement. She sighs, she's been struggling to find what she truly wants especially since they will be in college soon. Theo notices her sad expression and pats her shoulder. "No need to rush. Some people don't even know what to do with their lives at the age of 40."

"But I don't want to be like them" Ellie would say in her mind. She wants to be sure of everything. She doesn't want to make a mistake.


The second stage is how a guardian angel can fix the mistakes he or she makes. The truth is, even if there is God's plan, humans also have free will. This means that they can choose or even act differently based on the situation they are in. It makes the humans feel that they have control over their lives, despite God having a plan for everyone.

In this stage, the guardian angel students are given scenarios wherein their humans will make mistakes like walking through a dark alley, making deals with dangerous people, and taking excessive drugs. "Aren't we supposed to stop them before they do it?" Sky asked the head during discussion. The head smiles, it's been a while since he had a student like this.

He turns to Sky, "what's your name, young angel?" Isabelle turns to Sky who proudly replies his name. The head nods, "You see, guardian angels like us are powerful. But sometimes, the free will of humans cannot be stopped. No matter how much you try to intervene, they can still end up making mistakes."

The head, before he started working in the academy, guided several humans. But he can never forget the human who he was not able to stop making the biggest mistake of his life: committing suicide. Christian was meant to be a principal.

The head knew this the moment Christian entered high school. The previous head told him that he will live a fulfilled life. "Eli, Christian will do a lot of great things. Keep up the good work." Eli was satisfied that his boy will be successful despite all the hardships he had to go through when he was young: alcoholic and abusive parents, judgmental classmates, toxic partners, and failed careers.

Eli knew Christian well. He was there the moment Christian came to Earth. He was confident that Christian will withstand everything and eventually have the life he dreamed of. But angels can't read the thoughts of humans. They can only act based on the human's movements.

The head knew that Christian is not taking his 3rd job loss properly. He became depressed and anti-social, which is very opposite to who he really is. But Eli kept his faith and continued to give Christian the opportunities he needs.

One day, while Eli is busy checking other opportunities, Christian decided it's time to let go of everything. He is sick of living in this world. He is tired of understanding all the bad things that kept happening even if he knows he never did anything wrong. He just wants all the pain to stop.

It was too late when Eli sensed what Christian is planning to do. Eli's boy already jumped from the building. It was a mistake that even angels cannot prevent. A free will made by a human who just wants a peaceful life.


"A peaceful life? I think anyone can have that" Theo says as he gets the bag of chips. He and Ellie decided to bond in the rooftop to watch the stars. Ellie laughs, "I don't know anymore, T. I'm tired of all this thinking and I'm supposed to fill out my college application forms by tomorrow."

Whatever Ellie feels, Lesle feels it too. Right now, her not-so-little girl is anxious about her future. If only she could give Ellie a hint, maybe she won't feel this way. Theo laughs and looks at her, "You're a smart girl. You're even a Summa cum laude. You can be basically anyone you want." Ellie sighs, "that's the thing, I don't know what I want."

She is about to grab a can of coke when her foot slipped, instantly sliding her whole body. Theo tried to hold her hand but her body falls too fast. Ellie tries to grab anything she can but unfortunately there isn't anything to hold onto.

Lesle immediately stands up and points the basket directly to where Ellie is, making her body stop from the fall. "what just happened?" Theo asks as he runs towards her. Ellie looks at the basket beneath her feet, she can't remember when she put it there. Theo grabs her arms to help her stand up.

"You okay?"

Ellie nods, her heart racing. What could have happened if she fell from the roof? Lesle knows the answer. Ellie would get sprain and she won't be able to attend the graduation. Good thing she has fast reflexes otherwise things might be difficult for her girl.


What made Sky different from the other angels is that he has fast reflexes. He can easily find a way to stop all the sudden events that the head would give him. During the second stage, angels are given real life situations and they would decide the best way to help their human.

They are divided into groups with three members each. Sky is teamed with Isabelle and that other angel who prefers to speak only when he is needed. Isabelle is a good teammate as she listens to the opinion of her fellow angel before deciding. She wants to analyze thoroughly the situation. Though her tactic might work most of the time, there are moments when they have a little time to discuss and that's when Sky will take in charge.

As Sky planned, he aced each and every scenario out there. It's like he's been a guardian angel before. He knows the right buttons to push and ends up saving the human every single time.

"Our goal is to help him meet the love of his life." Isabelle reads the instruction. Sky nods, he turns to the introvert angel, "so what's the routine of the woman and the man?" The angel will pause for a bit as if translating every word that Sky just said. "Uh, she takes bus 111 at 8 am while he takes the 110 bus at 8 am."

Sky nods and turns to Isabelle. She is holding the file while the three of them watch from a small TV. "Can we make him take the 111 bus?" Isabelle checks the instructions again. "I don't think there's nothing wrong with that." Sky snaps and the guy heads to the wrong bus as he was too engrossed in his phone to notice the wrong number.

However, just as he is about to ride the bus, a biker speeds up and hits the man, losing his chance to ride the bus. "Oh no" Isabelle mumbles. "Make her go out of the bus" Sky commands the other angel who snaps again. "I don't think she's going to make it" Isabelle says as the three of them watch the girl trying to go out of the moving bus.

Sky forehead frowns, he needs to think of something. "Aha! Stoplight!" In an instant, a stoplight appeared, making the bus stop and the woman go out. And just like magic, she saw the now injured man and helped him. The three angels were able to breathe after the successful task.

"He is ready" some of the higher-ranked angels told the head but he is not so sure. After his own experience, Eli knows that anything can happen when they arrive on Earth. He doesn't want Sky to make the same mistake as he did.

"Let's see how well he'll do on the third stage."

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