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25% Miracle in September / Chapter 1: Chapter One
Miracle in September Miracle in September original

Miracle in September

Author: sunshineafterrain

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Although ranked lowest in the angel hierarchy, guardian angels have huge responsibilities in their shoulders. They are in charge of guiding humans and giving them opportunities in order to follow God's main plan. They keep humans good and closer to God.

Sky, the moment he woke up from a long dream years ago, wanted to be a guardian angel. He believes that being a guardian angel is his calling. But what does his fellow angels did not know is that there is a bigger reason why Sky wanted to be a guardian angel: to know his past.


Ever since Ellie was a child, her mother talked about angels and God. She was so amazed by the stories her mother told her and would sometimes dream about meeting her own guardian angel. The one in charge of Ellie is Lesle. She was there when Ellie was born and swore to be there for her until she dies.

So far, Lesle did not have any problems with guiding Ellie. Since her family is religious, Lesle can easily lead Ellie to God and even join Ellie and her family whenever they pray. Their whole family prayed together before eating and before going to bed. They also go to church every Sunday.

Lesle can remember the day she chose Ellie. She finally graduated from the Angel Academy and the head of the guardian angels asked them to choose the human they will guide. Lesle looked around the room full of babies. Some babies were crying while some are sound asleep.

All come in different sizes, skin tones, and hair colors. Lesle looked around the room. She remembered what their teacher told them. "How will I know who is the right one?" Lesle asked the night before the ceremony. She was nervous and scared.

Their teacher, who was a beautiful angel, looked at her as if thinking of the right answer. She points Lesle's chest. "Your heart will be the one to decide." Now, looking at these wonderful babies, Lesle can't decide which baby human to choose.

"Come on, just choose one already" One of the angels behind Lesle called. Lesle took a big gulp and looked around. And for some reason, a smile formed her lips when she saw Ellie.


One of the benefits of being a guardian angel is knowing your past. Sky, for some reason, wanted to know about who he was before. He immediately gets the application form for guardian angels and brings it home.

"Are you sure you can handle that?" Josh asks upon seeing Sky answer the form in their little white room. Sky looks at his friend, "guardian angels are as important as any angel" The taller and older angel laughs, "I know. But that's not my point. Becoming a guardian angel means handling humans and we both know you're not good with socializing."

Sky scoffs and continues writing, "Angels are different from humans. Besides, all I need to do is guide them right? I think this is my calling Josh. I can feel it" The other angel shakes his head and started preparing his clothes.

Knowing that his friend will never believe him, Sky stops writing and turns to Josh. "Then what are you applying for?" Josh, while folding his clothes, answered, "same as yours"

It wasn't a surprise. Ever since they were assigned to be in the same room, Josh told Sky that he wanted to go back to Earth. He longed for the day that he can see people and experience what it's like to be alive. Sky would always tell him that Josh's time as a human is already done.

"Being a guardian angel would mean I can go back and forth here and there. And I've always wanted to help people so I guess this is the perfect job for me." Josh would say as they both lay in their beds. Their ceiling is white, just like everything around them.

All the furniture and house are in white. The only ones in color are the plants, animals, and of course, them. People wore long white gowns but with different colors in their belts, depending on their angel hierarchy. Seraphim angels are the highest order and wore gold belts. Cherubim angels wore red belts, Throne angels, despite having four faces, wore yellow belts, Dominion angels wore green belts, Virtues wore orange belts, Power angels wore violet belts, Principalities angels wore pink belts, Archangels have black belts, and Guardian angels wore blue belts. For those who have not chosen their hierarchy, they were not given belts.

Since heaven does not have a sense of time, Sky doesn't know how long he has been in heaven. But one thing is for sure, his main goal to remember who he was before, is something that never escaped his mind.

And if the only thing that can make him remember is to be a guardian angel, so be it. He will make sure that he becomes one, no matter how long it takes.


As Ellie grew, Lesle noticed something about her: she never gives up. She gives her all whenever she does something, be it coloring or drawing. Ellie was a fan of butterflies and dogs. She likes drawing these whenever she sees a blank paper.

Lesle is amazed at how wonderful she grew up. Every time Ellie would do great in school, she would say, "that's my girl" hoping that one day, Ellie can hear her. For Lesle, her human is perfect. She doesn't fight other kids, instead helps when someone is in need.

Everyone in the day care center loves her, especially when her hair is in curls. Ellie's mom loves trying different hairstyles and all matched her cute chubby cheeks and pale skin tone. Lesle is thankful that her baby is loved and well-taken care of. Even if Ellie's dad is not in the picture, Ellie has enough love from her mom, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. With this, Lesle is not surprised that her baby girl is always positive.

Recently, Ellie is interested in catching a butterfly. "Well, if you really are interested in catching one, you need a net" her mom told her the night Ellie confessed she wanted to have a butterfly. Ellie looked at her mom in confusion. "A net?" she asked as she tilted her head. She usually does this when her mom or teacher would use a foreign word.

Ellie's mom nodded. "Why don't you ask your grandfather to help you make one? In an instant, Ellie smiles and rushes to her grandpa who is busy watching TV. She tugs his shirt, surprising him. "Yes, sweetie?" Ellie smiles, showing her small baby teeth. "Grandpa, make me a net!"

Ellie is Arthur and Jolie's first granddaughter. Since she was the first, she was a spoiled even if they don't admit it. They would give anything she asked, sometimes even the things she doesn't ask. Jolie would cook Ellie's favorite dishes while Arthur would accompany her whenever she plays. He would always bring his camera to capture little moments.

"What do you need the net for, kiddo?" Arthur asks as he gets the hanger, dowel, net, electric tape, and needle. Ellie watches as her grandfather prepared the materials while she sits in her favorite blue chair beside him. He led her to the basement where all his items, ranging from car tools to house tools, are stored.

Ellie smiles widely, "I want to catch a butterfly!" The old man smiles as he bends the wire hanger to form a circle. ��What are you planning to do with the butterfly?" Ellie thinks about it for a moment and responds, "keep it in my room!" He turns to her, "you will need a box for that"

She nods, "we'll make one, right grandpa?"

Arthur, Jolie, and Ellie's mom watched Ellie as she ran around the backyard, catching the blue butterfly. She ran for hours and hours, not minding if she is full of sweat. The adults thought that eventually Ellie will grow tired of catching it, but they were wrong.

Lesle looks at the time. It's been 3 hours since Ellie started catching the butterfly. She did not even notice that she is following a different one. Lesle knew she was at fault. It was easy to just remove all the butterflies in the backyard but she insisted to bring one to keep Ellie company. "Ellie, let's go. It's almost dark" her mom called but Ellie didn't listen. She continued running after the yellow butterfly.

Iris never saw her daughter this determined. She wanted to support her, but she knew it's late and they need to go back inside. She walks closer to her daughter who is now panting and wiping her sweat. "we can just catch one tomorrow?" Ellie smiles and agreed.

It took 3 days before Ellie finally caught one with the help of Lesle of course.


Guardian angels have, what humans call, magical powers. They have the ability to stop time and intervene in one's life. They can do anything as long as it will guide their human and lead them to the right path.

The application process is easy. Sky just answered simple questions like why be a guardian angel and how do you think you can guide your human. The results did not take long to arrive as well. After he submitted his paper, Sky immediately knew if he can go to the Angel Academy or not. Luckily, he will start attending classes once he receives a letter.

Once Sky arrives home after the application process, he gets the letter from the academy. He immediately packs his things and waited a bit for Josh to tell him the good news. However, his friend did not come home. Sky thinks that Josh might went to his twin sister, Jesh, who lives next door. Jesh and Sky do not get along. He can't understand how her mind works and they would end up arguing every time they are together. So to keep his mind and heart at peace, even if it already is, he decided to leave a note for Josh and heads to the academy.

Angels who go the academy move to a new area. The academy is one massive white building. Huge trees surround the area and different types of flowers can be found. This is the first time Sky has been here. He didn't know that he's been staring at the building for too long until he feels a tap on his shoulder.

He jumped in surprise, making the other angel laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" He smiles, this is the first time he saw her. "Hi" She offers her hand, "I'm Isabelle." He accepts his hand, "Sky." Isabelle is also a guardian angel student. Sky laughs hearing the term, something about students made him at ease.


By the time Ellie reached elementary school, she showed her passion for arts. Though Iris and her parents believed that it could be just a simple hobby, Lesle knew it was for something else. With this new information in mind, she decided to go to heaven.

One of the many rules that guardian angels need to follow is that once they discover the calling of their human, they need to report it to their head. That's what exactly Lesle did. She made sure to leave when Ellie is sleeping to make sure she doesn't miss anything important.

It's been a while since Lesle went back to heaven. She rarely visits because she is so focused on Ellie and she wants to be do a good job. But the truth is, she just wants to see every bit of Ellie. Part of becoming a guardian angel means loving your human, and Lesle loves Ellie.

She feels as if Ellie was her little sister. The sister she lost when she was alive. Just like Sky, Lesle wanted to know about her past, and the moment she arrived on Earth, everything came flashing back like a movie.

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