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36.84% Elder Scrolls True Daughter of Skyrim / Chapter 21: (Chapter 21) Battle of solitude 1

Chapter 21: (Chapter 21) Battle of solitude 1

POV: Arnovia

The city of Solitude writhed in agony, the once-proud walls now oozing with blood like a living beast. The deadric creatures' monstrous laughter echoed through the air as they tortured those who failed to find safety behind the second wall. Smoke and ash tainted the atmosphere, choking breaths, and blinding eyes within the desperate struggle for survival.

"Ellehish!" I screamed my voice barely a whisper above the cacophony of battle. My heart raced as I watched her fall, but a flicker of hope ignited when Sorus caught her limp body in his arms. Beside me, Alawion's face contorted with fury as she let loose arrow after arrow, her deer-like horns quivering with each shot.

I rushed down the steps of the ladder from the wall, following Sorus and Ellehish, my mind consumed by worry. the lives of those closest to me mattered more to me than that of a stranger. As I ran, I couldn't help but think about the bond I had formed with Ellehish. a bond far deeper than just friendship. It was the kind of connection that made me feel alive and fuzzy inside.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked breathlessly as I caught up with Sorus, my gaze fixed on Ellehish's unconscious form.

"Let's hope so," Sorus replied, his own fear thinly veiled behind a mask of determination. "She was still breathing when I caught her."

As I followed Sorus through the chaos, I couldn't help but notice the terror etched on the faces of the people we passed. They were all rushing to help at the gate, while others were being carried away leaving behind a trail of blood. My heart clenched at the sight, but I, for now, I had to focus on Ellehish.

"Over there!" I shouted, pointing towards the Rusty Anchor tavern. It was one of the places we had visited on our exploring outings. The building was a beacon of hope amidst the destruction, with injured people being carried inside in. Sorus nodded and kicked the door open, carrying Ellehish's limp body through the entrance while I followed closely behind.

"Watch it!" a man on the ground snapped, narrowly avoiding being trampled by Sorus's boots. He glared at us as he muttered something under his breath, but I was too focused on Ellehish to pay him any mind.

"Where can we lay her down?" I asked frantically, my eyes darting around the dimly lit room in search of an empty space. The voice of Sorus pulled me back to reality as he motioned towards one of the vacant rooms, a healer following close behind.

"Here," he said gruffly, placing Ellehish gently on an old, creaky bed. I walked beside him, my worried gaze never leaving her face. "She'll be alright" he added, trying to reassure me.

"Will she really? You saw what happened out there..." I murmured, unable to shake the images from my mind. In response, Sorus simply squeezed my shoulder before stepping aside to let the healer work.

As I watched the healer's hands glow with magic, I felt a mixture of hope and fear course through me. Hope that Ellehish would recover, but also the fear of losing her - of facing this terrifying world without her by my side.

"Please, Ellehish," I whispered to myself, clenching my fists at my side. "Don't leave me alone."

As if sensing my thoughts, Sorus reached over and placed a comforting hand on my arm. "she will get through this," he said softly, his eyes conveying both determination and understanding.

"Thank you, Sorus," I replied, offering him a weak smile. But deep down, I couldn't help but feel the weight of our situation bearing down on us, on all of us. And as I continued to watch the healer work her magic on Ellehish's wound, my mind was filled with one unshakable thought.

Crouching beside the unconscious form of Ellehish, I couldn't help but let out a shaky breath as I stared at the wound around her neck. The angry red gash was slowly closing, transforming into an ugly scar despite the healer's best efforts. The air seemed to crackle with magical energy as the healer poured every ounce of her ability into healing my friend.

"This is the best I can do," the healer admitted, sounding defeated. "She's lucky to still be alive. Whatever gave her that scar was enhanced with magic and poison. She really shouldn't be alive, considering how deep it was." Her eyes flickered with confusion as if she couldn't quite understand why Ellehish had managed to survive.

My gaze returned to the sleeping face of my friend, relief washing over me in waves. I didn't care how she managed to cling to life; all that mattered was that she was still breathing. "Thank you," I whispered, offering the healer a grateful smile.

"Rest now," the healer instructed, her voice softening. "I've done all I can, but she'll need time to recover." "But we should remain hopeful."

Nodding, I watched as the healer left the room, I glanced around the dimly lit chamber, taking note of the bloodied bandages and various healing potions scattered across the room. The heavy scent of herbs and candle wax filled my nostrils, doing little to mask the underlying smell of blood and sweat.

"Ellehish," I whispered, gently touching her hand. "Please don't leave me. We've come so far together, and there's still so much we need to do."

Silence greeted me, the only sound being the soft rise and fall of Ellehish's chest as she slept. Her once-vibrant white hair was matted with dirt and blood, framing her pale face like a halo. I couldn't help but admire her beauty, even in this state.

"Arnovia," a voice called out from outside the room, forcing me back to reality. It was Sorus. "We need you back at the front lines. The Daedra aren't letting up, and we're running low on fighters."

"Right," I nodded solemnly, knowing that he was right. As much as I wanted to stay by Ellehish's side, I also understood the importance of defending ourselves and our home.

"Arnovia, I know you're worried about Ellehish, but I know you're good with that bow. We need you out there," Sorus encouraged, recognizing my internal struggle.

"Okay," I agreed, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect everyone, especially Ellehish."

"Good," Sorus acknowledged with a small smile. "Now, let's see if we can find Alawion and the others. They might need our help too."

As we left the room, I cast a final glance at Ellehish, her beautiful white hair matted with dirt and blood. "Stay strong," I whispered, hoping she could hear me. "We'll get through this together."

With Ellehish's well-being weighing heavily on my mind, Sorus and I ventured back into the chaos, ready to face whatever horrors awaited us. And though fear gnawed at the edges of my thoughts, I held onto one unwavering belief: We would emerge from this nightmare stronger, and we would do it together.

"Everyone is doing their part," he insisted. "Besides I trust you more than those other guard archers, Arnovia. We need you."

Reluctantly, I squeezed Ellehish's hand one more time before standing up. "I'll be back soon," I promised. "Stay strong for me."

As I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me, I could feel the weight of responsibility settling onto my shoulders. I knew that I had a duty to protect those around me, but it didn't make leaving Ellehish any easier.

"Let's go," I told Sorus, determination steeling my voice. If there was anything I could do to ensure Ellehish's survival, it was to fight with everything I had.

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