POV shift: 1st person
Soon after I was reincarnated, I awoke to darkness once more and assumed that I was still in the void. It would make sense considering the wishes I made probably used up a lot of energy, but then I noticed a difference. In this darkness, there was warmth and an inaudible sound in the distance. From these clues and my vast knowledge of reincarnation from many novels and anime, I figured out that I was in the womb of my new mother. When I made my wishes I assumed I would just be transported into this world as an adult as shown on the display, but I guess I'll have to grow into that.
After a few minutes of just immersing myself in this feeling of warmth that I hadn't experience during my stay in the void, I started to feel a slight twinge of discomfort in the back of my head and it soon spread to the rest while increasing in intensity. While I was preoccupied with the pain I was experienced, I started to noticed new information being transferred into my mind. It was vast expanse of knowledge that I could never have dreamed of having. This was knowledge on all things Star Wars, from coordinates of planets and the culture of its inhabitants to knowledge on all different kinds of tech that I always wanted to make in my past life. It even contained knowledge of the Jedi and Sith and all of their abilities and teachings. With this I wont need to find a master to train me, and I also have knowledge of the Nightsisters' magic. That, I would have to train secretly otherwise it could very well lead to my death for going against their rules, considering that I'm essentially being born a slave to them and that only their fellow Nightsisters should be taught in the ways of their magic.
There's so much I could do with this knowledge, but the biggest surprise is that I received knowledge that didn't pertain to Star Wars. It was knowledge about the Yautja. How they train from young to be one of the most feared hunters, how they built and made the advance technology and weapons and troves of knowledge on their advance medicine and procedures that allows them to take the positive trait of other races and apply it to themselves, making them even better predators.
I couldn't wait to be born so I can start using all of my new found knowledge. On the topic of birth, I wonder how much longer I had until I was due? Also how would my face turn out? I was so focused of the evil looking ogre on my back that I forgot to look.
'System? you there?'
"Yes, sir. I am always here."
'Good. I have a question about my body once it's born. Will my face be more like a Dathomirian's or a Yautja?'
"It should be a mixture of both with your features leaning more towards the Yautja."
'Yikes! Can you change it?'
"Yes, sir. AS you're still in the fetal stage of growth and possess the malleability of the Klyntars then it should pose no problem to do it now. How would you like to change your form, sir?"
'Make my appearance look more on the Dathomirian side, take away the mandibles and just elongate the top and bottom set of canine teeth. Make my hair similar to the pred-locks but make it act and grow like regular hair, as in let it grow from all the normal areas on my head without it looking like I was born with male patterned baldness. Keep the talons and the tough leather like skin of the Yautja and the bone spikes that the the male Dathomirians tend to grow.'
"Very well, sir.... It is done, sir. Will their be anything else?"
'Yeah, just one more thing. Lose the non gender specific machine voice. Switch it to female and from now on your name with be Katelyn.'
"Already done, sir."
'Great! Now how much longer will I be in this womb?'
"6 months, 26 days, 7 hours and 12 seconds from now."
'Okay, then I guess I'll just sleep then.'
After a few months, which only felt like hours while I alternated between sleep and being awake, I finally felt the push and pull that signaled my upcoming birth. I could feel the walls tightening to push me out and I could hear my mother's scream in pain that got louder the closer I got to the exit. After the final push, I was finally free to take in my new surroundings. Sadly my eyes couldn't open yet, so I could only go off of the smell and feel of the air. I then heard My mother and the midwife talking and luckily I could already understand them, thanks to all the knowledge I obtained with my wish. The movies really downplayed the whole diversity of language in Star Wars. I mean to us viewers it was in English, but the actual common language everyone uses to breach the barrier between worlds is a lot more complicated.
When my mother and the midwife looked at me the were first surprised that I was silent, but as I was healthy looking and breathing normally, they followed normal procedure and gave me a like light smack on my bottom, but with my tough body it didn't a bit, but to give them a signal that I was aware I gave a few kicks and move around and even catching the midwife off guard with my strength which she commented on to my mother. Then, they started to give my body the once over and noticed the differences from other Dathomirians, from my four arms to my weird muscle build that while not prominent still left the ogre face on my back and the predlocks that made my hair.
"My god, this child is a monster. My lady, it seems your son achieved some sort of mutation or maybe an evolution of our species. With his build and strength already present, he'll probably be one of the strongest Nightbrothers we possess. I'm sure there'll be many Nightsisters trying to claim him as their champion in the arena."(Midwife)
"But he'll still be a slave nonetheless. I'll raise him till he can stand on his own then send him to the Nightbrother colony to receive training, as is our custom. After that, whether he lives or dies, will all be up to him."(Mother)
"Are you sure? I heard there was a Nightsister about to be born in a month. If you offer him up as a champion to their child then you could form a connection with a senior Sister and try to raise your status in the coven."(Midwife)
"Yes, but they'll want results as proof before they accept any deal and it'll take years to get those results. He'll need to be trained, fight in the arena and win and perform great feats by hunting strong creatures before they even consider taking him as a champion. Not to mention that, depending on how they raise the new Nightsister, how she acts in the future or her demeanor may make things even more difficult if she doesn't like him, other from his appearance or attitude, who knows what will happen. I might even get suppressed by them later."(Mother)
"But it's worth a shot. Just summon a strong Nightbrother to train him later and he still fails your expectation or the senior sister disapproves of your actions then you can still send him away then."(Midwife)
"Hm, alright, we'll go with that. I'll have to ask my mother on what she thinks about it and how to improve the plan before we proceed with a definite process."(Mother)
I couldn't believe what was happening,but upon thinking of the fact I was born a male meant I was meant to be a slave, it made sense I guess, but to hear my own mother talk about it like she didn't just carry and give birth to me, for her to go through all that and still treat me as such, it was shock to say the least. I mean hearing about it and it happening to you are two different things. To be honest though it would save me some problems later in life, like when I decide to leave or when the Nightsisters get annihilated by Count Dooku. As I was pondering this I felt the midwife hand me over to my new mother and I was finally able to open my eyes to take a look at her. To say she was beautiful was an understatement, but I didn't know if this was an objective fact or just my body putting her through a filter because of the genetic bond we have as mother and child.
"Hello my child. From this day forth, you'll have to face much hardship and a lot of injustice just because you were born male and born on this planet, but as long as you are strong and make a name for yourself, you'll be hailed as a champion and be loved by the people, so grow strong, my child. In hopes that you'll be able to live a great life and achieve amazing feats, I'll name you Adramelech, in prayer that your enemies be bathe in in the flames of your might."(Mother)
So maybe she wasn't all bad. I'll give her a chance later on and try to help as many Nightsisters as possible survive the upcoming massacre. After she finished her speech, my mother put my face towards her chest to feed me, so I just latched on and drank what was offered. I needed this to survive anyway so while there's some discomfort, it wasn't enough to make me refuse, especially since I doubt that they have any formula on this almost inhospitable world. Heck, most things on this planet are poisonous and trying to kill you, I needed this to grow strong enough to survive this world later.
I fell asleep soon after and once I woke up I noticed I was somewhere new in what looked like a crib made of what looks to be some kind of chitin and animal hide. While looking at this, I couldn't help but think that this world was a more prehistoric kind of planet than most others in the universe, but it wasn't alone. I'll go visit the other wild planets when I'm older and go off on my adventure through the cosmos. Then, I thought that my life would somewhat resemble that of the Native Americans, Mayan and Aztec people, without the whole sacrificing to some supernatural entity, although there were still blood sports like man vs man or man vs beast(s) in the arena and the wild hunts. I honestly couldn't wait to grow big enough to participate in these events, especially in the wild hunts, they'll allow me to work on the skills I got from my Yautja heritage and give me an unfair advantage against my rivals and competitors.
My mother soon came into the room to see me after hearing the noises I was making while I was absorbed in my inner monologue. As she picked me up, I began to notice her features and admitted that her beauty may not just be a baby filter. She was a tall woman, or I assume so, cause she looks that way to me since I'm a baby and all, with graying white skin with the common Dathomirian markings and white hair that flowed down past her shoulders. The thing that surprised me the most were her eyes. I thought she would have a normal color like brown, black, green, or even blue, but here eyes were purple. I've never even seen anyone with such an eye color that wasn't wearing contacts. Well at least it wasn't silver or gold, those colors have been played out to death by too many fanfics. Speaking of which, I wonder if I got her eye color, cause it'd be a real shame if my mother had those eyes and I only ended up with black or brown.
"Don't worry, sir. You have indeed inherited your eye color from your mother, but even if you didn't, it would still be an easily fixed issue."(Katelyn)
That was good to know. So it seems I can still make slight alterations to my body if needed. That would indeed come in handy later on down the line in I end up in a precarious situation that required me to make an escape or needed me to improve my body later on down the line.
Alright, MC finally started his new life and got a new name. If y'all want me to add to prevent something from happening let me know, but just for clarification. I have not established any sort of timeline just in case I decide I want him to change the timeline by preventing the deaths of the jedi or incase I want he to proceed through space after the fact, but since I have not made up my mind yet, I haven't made any comment or effort in that part. So, let me know in the comment section on what y'all would like to see. Also, just to clarify, there is no levels or stats because I felt it would be unecessary, especially if he has major increases in stats because he assimilated some op dna, I ain't trying to deal with that headache. So, ID Create is just there to gain materials, for the mc to train secretely and to gather energy for the system to use in order to help out the mc later.
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