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60% Codex of the Universe / Chapter 3: Experimenting....Again...!!!

Chapter 3: Experimenting....Again...!!!

Class, like always was a drag, and like any student I just wanted it to be over, I didn't exactly want to try out my powers in the middle of classes, that's a calamity just waiting to happen, I didn't want anyone showing up in school just because of an unidentified EMP going off or something like that, I don't wanna know how many mutants or just superpowered people were discovered due to their ignorance. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Fury in his paranoia didn't have every citizen's phone bugged or something, I always thought it was a huge plothole that fury's insane levels of paranoia couldn't flush out hydra sooner, or maybe he did find out but he couldn't act? maybe the opportunity wasn't perfect? ...too many variables...he sure was not surprised when it was revealed that pierce was a hydra mole...hmm..more to think about later... and after hours and hours of waiting, I was given sweet release, of finally being released from the mind-numbing prison...

it was now time to do what I've been yearning to do since today morning...late was time to test out my powers...*sigh*....goddamn that was childish...

Anyway, I couldn't conduct my experiments at home...again unexplained energy surges could be a factor on getting discovered...then again if this was a mutation hiding would be futile with baldy with his brain search amplifier, whoever named him Professor.X had the right idea, him being the biggest voyeur and all adds up...

So I set off to find myself an old abandoned warehouse, now take notes if you ever stumble upon any kind of superpower or any extraterrestrial thing never and I mean ever....ever take it home ...ever, why? radiation from a glowy rock? powers are radioactive...ends up killing the whole neighborhood? the rock is secretly a spying device that the aliens will use to see you masturbating at night?...your powers accidentally activate while your sleeping and by some coincidence a passerby takes a video and posts it and government officials will appear and dissect you in the name of SCIENCE!!!....the rock is actually a signalling device that a recently landed alien or robot from the future needs for whatever reason and it ends up killing you for it...or...yougetthe idea right?...

so what have we learned got a space rock? hide it..preferably in the room of your high school bully...(temporarily)no judgment, just make sure he doesn't accidentally find it, what you're too nice for that? well wave it in front of his face, I am sure that as an outstanding individual of moral character would happily sacrifice himself by safekeeping it in his house for the night, they're dumb like that...morale is never keep rocks close to you...or plants...or unidentified animals unless they're in observation in a lead-lined box...and maybe tin-foil?

My musings were broken as I reached my destination...a very cliched, and abandoned,boarded-up warehouse, this was my home away from home, my secret hideout, my man-cave to batman's needs a bit of tweaking, yeah, it had been a STARK weapon storage warehouse, but ever since Tony got back from his kidnapping in Afghanistan, and since shut down his weapons manufacturing division, (like there was any other division...)about 3 years ago this warehouse had been cleaned of any tech, stripped to the barebones and handed over to the state and it's been gathering dust ever since.I, of course, grabbed the opportunity to secure this as my temporary base, I wasn't sure whether any secret organization had claimed itas their own or not so I organized a treasure hunt for all the neighborhood kids at the warehouse, never did tell them what to look for and let them loose, some came back with old surveillance cameras, others spare weapon parts, others found dead rats,useless junk,but one lucky sucker found a hidden panel in the roof that hadnt seemedto be used at all,an architectural flaw,that not even the previous residents knew about,i gave the kid some candy that id found in my pocket and told him to keep looking,and when evening came i told them that nobody won,and sent them home,aaah...the gullibility of children,they get some candy and free labour for me,its a win -win situation.

Once I reached my so-called hideout, I started taking notes in my head, Archive?no idea, Console? the only console I did recognize was the console commands from Skyrim or the fallout series. Now if it works as it should, I thought of pressing the 'tilde' key and in front of me appeared a blinking cursor. huh... bending the laws of reality, nice. the only command that I distinctly remember was [tgm], quickly think-typing it which from now on will be referred to as typing for convenience sake and pressing enter,

*God mode enabled*

the system message appeared under the command , grinning from ear to ear as if I had won the lottery, which I might as well have, I scrounged up the knife that I had stowed away , I slowly so very carefully started applying pressure on the tip of my left hand while holding the knife with my right? what I need my righty more than my lefty? don't judge.

I did start to feel the pressure being applied but no matter how much pressure I applied it didn't even break the skin, I'm pretty sure that with the power I'm putting into the knife could cleave through my fingers easily, still, I'm not convinced, if this doesn't work, it's gonna hurt like a bi**h.

raising the knife up I quickly brought it down to my left hand, the distinct thud of metal against flesh was heard, and I did feel the stabbing pain from my hand, fearing the worst I opened my eyes which I had closed during the' procedure?.. let's go with the experiment, I felt the knife on my hand, a quick fleeting pain which was not supposed to be normal, but the most bizarre thing was that there was not a stab wound or anything of the sort, just the knife on my hand, well I'm glad that it worked out, so god mode on ...oooohhh the possibilities.which is none, great cant get hurt or killed, Luke cage has super-strength and cant get hurt...,so..I'm unkillable, great. next...

the HUD which is what I'm calling the command space had disappeared during the test. I willed it into existence(yes stroke my ego), so whats next? spawning items?

[spawn money]

*compiled data not saved*

right, what was the code?

[player.additem money "1000"]

*compiled data not saved*

dammit, I'm missing something it's been years since I played Skyrim, given the fact that it doesn't exist here...trying to remember what I was missing took me about another 10 min which was when I figured out that you should use reference ids, not the name...aagghh was help followed by the name right?


*compiled data not saved*

hmmm?dollars then?


*compiled data not saved*

dammit...maybe its like fallout NV help doesn't work? but then what was that message about Archive compiledor something?



....hdhdjn....ovigwer3rtqfa......pojdpvbdbospoxbomolbmdpmnpodmnd........buogvgc.....nnnhdh..njfjjm.:-2-626-.......fa.....sbjkbndbdbdb...bddbddb.....m;lkn....6;_;.............vgvuvjgvc.....+_;--•`÷✓¥.......dff..............lbljblj ,mb,.......db......................gggugiug.....d....bgs.............ojupihjohjbkjb.....nkbk;l;..............blkjb..................iklbnbd..d...............................lihknlk..............opi....db..........................bjnl;l...........}

what followed was a hugelist of gibberish consisting of letters and numbers and symbols,that i didnt understand at all,

ok so that wasn't a good idea, moving on...

...30min later...

Damn shouldn't have missed the class on how to spawn things 101...

let's do a quick recap shall we, the help command doesn't seem to work, and I would need a reference id for it to work, hmmm? maybe selecting things might work? at some point of time, I had taken out my notebook and started noting down things .I concentrated on my notebook and lo and behold in bright letters a series of numbers appeared in the edge of my vision with a heavily scribbled notebook as the title, huh...quickly taking out a dollar bill from my wallet I concentrated on it and there it was on top of it *a dollar bill(34567890098)*...

calling up the HUD I quickly typed in

[player.additem 34567890098 "1"]

and in my hand appeared an identical dollar bill with the same serial number and all well there goes my idea of being rich.

now that I know that I can make things from nothing, I could maybe pursue a career as a magician, now you see one elephant, abracadabra and now you see two.

ok, what's next I'm gonna need an inventory. now I know for a fact that there wasn't a code for this because why would there be we already did have an easy to access one on the character itself but this isn't a game now is it? now let's see,add a 'player. 'always has those

[player. access inventory]

*showing inventory*

well, how about that! I'm a natural.

now how to put stuff in?

selecting the notebook, I typed in


*compiled data not saved*

no? how about shortening it?

[009090900 pit]

*notebook added to inventory*

'pit' is short for put in inventory, nice... I wonder if I can shorten show inventory, hmmm?


*showing inventory


like I said ,I'm a natural.

So,....invulnerability, conjuring/spawning, storing

now whats next?

teleportation? yes.....!now what was the command? I tried to guess the command for teleporting, it was then I noticed that it had gotten dark out, I should have been home hours ago,sh*t, grandma is gonna kill me. well now might as well be a good time as any to try and teleport, just once, if it doesn't work it will just show compiled data not saved or something, I mean what's the worst that could happen? I just jinxed myself, didn't I?

lets see here...

my address is ....xxxxstreet 42 xxxxxx

now comparing that to the reference id of here which is {09909911ff}

this was in fact 11 street so I just copy the same id and instead of 11i put 42,

and the teleport command wouldn't be so obvious so, teleporting is like fast travel, so 'travel to location' which would be ttl? so..,

[ttl 09909942]

and then i promptly blacked out...

MrxGrey MrxGrey

Been playing Fallout NV finally, been busy, with some tests and fallout know how it goes.....time flies and then panic cause I haven't studied anything.....

still panicking.....but here's the chapter, enjoy.....

also next few chapters may get a little dark....also this is my first fic...constructive criticism is appreciated....thank you...

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