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Kobe's Discovery When He Returned

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, you have completed the "Battle Until Admits Defeat" task!

"Ding! Master and McGrady's final result for the bullfights is: 75 wins and 25 losses.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master. You have unlocked the special shooting move, 'McGrady's Jump Shot'.

McGrady's Jump Shot: Increase defence capability by 25% and uncertainty of shooting by 50%.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for completing the hidden task and receiving the admiration from Tracy McGrady."

It was tough.

Su Feng felt that it was tough to do this.

Why was the copy of the Four Great Shooting Guards so difficult to beat?

Although Su Feng completed the "Battle Until Admits Defeat" task, in reality, he barely beat McGrady every time.

Su Feng was actually one year older than McGrady.

If not for his experience and a determined heart made of steel, Su Feng would not have been able to complete his task.

Moreover, the Monolith Badge had helped Su Feng in the completion of the task.

Thankfully, Tracey was only in year two.

Su Feng gave Odom three seconds of silence in advance.

That was because Tracey's talent had been uncovered in advance after the special training.

If McGrady went to Adidas's ABCD Training Camp, Odom would simply have a harder time.

Rest in peace, Lamar!

"This defence ability is so sick!

"Isn't it equivalent to the combination of tolerance to different types of distractions?

"However, I am not sure what the 50% increase in uncertainty of shots is."

Su Feng, who was curious, decided to test out the effect of McGrady's Jump Shot in advance.

However, he was surprised by the outcome.

That's because…

It was a skill that depended on luck.

Su Feng realized that after installing McGrady's Jump Shot, he could be extremely accurate but also extremely inaccurate.


Was what they called uncertainty in shooting.

He had to say that it was very like Tracey.

"Hmm… If that's the case, I still prefer the shooting pack in the inventory. Even though it's from the university standard and grade-A."

When installing McGrady's Jump Shot, Su Feng realized that if he wanted to reinstall the shooting pack of his university pack, he needed a list of chilled CDs.

As for why did Su Feng feel that the grade-A university shooting pack was more suitable for himself?

The reason was simple: because McGrady's Jump Shot did not increase shooting speed.

Moreover, the uncertainty of shooting was more suitable to be used as a backup.

Think about it, although the reinstallment of a shooting action required CD, if the initial installment by Su Feng was Curry's Shooting Pack, Su Feng could change to McGrady's Jump Shot during the competition.

"If I am leading by too much, I can change to McGrady's Jump Shot and train my brick shots. If I am lagging behind by too much, he could also change to McGrady's Jump Shot to fight it out!"

Su Feng felt that his arrangement was perfect!

Certainly, though…

Perhaps it might be the case that if he was leading ahead too much, he would continue to score after he changed the skill and if he was lagging behind too much, he would continue to miss the shots…

Meanwhile, like what Su Feng had speculated, McGrady's Jump Shot did not change Su Feng's current shooting actions after installment. The only effect was the improvement.

Furthermore, perhaps it was an issue with his mindset.

When Su Feng was installing McGrady's Jump Shot and practicing, he kept having the urge to show off his scissors step.


Meanwhile, the hidden task of the system was as predicted by Su Feng.

After completing the task "Battle Until Admits Defeat", McGrady did not envy Su Feng but instead looked up to him.

"If I ran to Akron and beat the future LeBron James, would that also trigger the same task?" thought Su Feng.

"Forget it, leave that to fate. If I triggered a 'Fury of the Emperor, Blood Splatters', that would be terrible."

He had to be steady. Doing things steadily was Su Feng's style.

The long, summer break ended happily with brick shots. Su Feng planned to return to Philadelphia in late August as his school was starting on September 10th.

After the daily interactions this summer break, Su Feng and McGrady had gotten much closer.

Their friendship was solid!

During the days they spent in Orlando, Tracey and Su Feng became good friends.

Meanwhile, under the assistance of Mancias, McGrady completed the school transfer procedures. He would transfer to Mount Zion Christian Academy in North Carolina in the new semester.

In Su Feng's past life, McGrady only transferred over when he was in year four. He had to say that fate was an amazing thing.

Besides that, before the end of the summer training, Su Feng and McGrady exchanged contact info.

The three trainers also expressed their interest in similar collaborations if Su Feng entered the NBA in the future.

"Thank you, Su." Before leaving, McGrady thanked Su Feng.

"Why thank me? Tracey, see you in the NBA in the future." Su Feng smiled.

"Hmm, see you in the NBA!" McGrady felt like crying as he looked at Su Feng's back.

That was because he did not know how long he had to wait before he could eat…

Ah spat!

He did not know how long he had to wait before he could meet Su Feng again.

McGrady made a silent vow that he would definitely try harder in the next semester and try his best to get into the NBA so that he could challenge Su Feng and Kobe together.

"Master: Su Feng. Nationality: Chinese. Age: 17.

Height: 197 cm (198cm). Weight: 85.5kg…

"Master's current proficiency (NBA draft first round pick level).

"Short-range shooting: 60 (68); Mid-range shooting: 77 (80); Three-point shots: 77 (80); Fadeaway shots: 74 (75); Shots after dribbling: 66 (70).

"Passing: 30 (48); Vision: 28 (51); Ball control: 55 (57); Dribbling: 57 (58).

"Horizontal movement: 81 (89); 1v1 marking: 85 (92); Stealing: 69 (82); Blocked shots: 50 (65).

"Jumping: 74 (75); Power: 45 (48); Backboard rebounds: 42 (47); Speed: 74 (75).

"Master has installed the shooting action: Steven Curry Grade A University Shooting Pack.

"Master has yet to install: McGrady's Jump Shot (special shooting action).

"Master has installed the special technique: Kobe's Fadeaway Shot (NBA draft first round pick level).

"Master has yet to install a special technique: Shammgod (original version).

"Master has installed badges: Sun Flame, Monolith."

On the flight back to Philadelphia, Su Feng felt that his hard work in the past three months was worth it when he saw his statistics.

It was worth mentioning how Su Feng had grown to 197 cm.

Su Feng remembered that Kobe had mentioned in his autobiography that he was about 196cm when he was in year four of high school.

That meant that Su Feng could feel proud of his height for a period of time!


Moreover, because an upgrade of his statistics would be more difficult when it was near the potential level, no matter how hard Su Feng worked, it was not practical for him to finish all his potential in one go.

Meanwhile, with the increase in weight, Su Feng's strength potential had increased too.

Although the 7.0 version system set a firewall for Su Feng, Su Feng knew that that was because his strength potential was too low in the past and did not reach the level that required a firewall.

As a perimeter player, before leaving, Su Feng specially enquired the issue of strength with Mancias.

Mancias told Su Feng that if Su Feng was to be compared to NBA players, he would be slightly weak if he wanted to play as a shooting guard.

As a small forward, he would need to work even harder. However, if he was playing against players from high school or universities…

"Your power is definitely enough.

"After the special training, your core power is better than most of the university players.

"Moreover, your explosive power improved tremendously too," said Mancias before he left.

"Tsk tsk, I have more than 2,000,000 Brick Shot Points!"

Although McGrady did not contribute as much as Kobe, Su Feng had reached the goal that he wanted to achieve.

In reality, after completing the task "Battle Until Admits Defeat" in Orlando, Su Feng and McGrady went through N more bullfights.

However, Su Feng realized that McGrady began to win more rounds after Su Feng's desire to win dropped.

Indeed, winning desire was an important factor in the outcome of a match.

Just like Michael Jordan, if Su Feng remembered correctly, Michael Jordan had ended his special training.

According to history, the Chicago Bulls would create a historical record in the 95/96 season in the NBA.

Similar to "Kobe's Encyclopedia", two days ago, Kobe had attained the MVP of Adidas' ABCD training camp.

Su Feng decided to surprise Kobe.

Although Su Feng's proficiency had only increased slightly, he had levelled up many hidden statistics.

With the new defence method discovered during the bullfight with McGrady, as well as the attack technique learnt from Alan Stein, as well as his 1cm advantage in terms of height, Su Feng definitely had reasons to feel confident.

It was time to let Kobe know…

"I am the one!"

Su Feng clenched his fist and vowed silently.

After returning to Philadelphia, Su Feng rested for a day and then headed to Kobe's house immediately.

"Eh, you grew so much? And you became more muscular."

However, after being touched by Joe Bryant, he heard that Kobe had not returned…

Su Feng was speechless.

It felt terrible!

Who could understand the disappointment?

"Kobe was invited to film a documentary by Adidas after being crowned the MVP of Adidas' ABCD training camp.

"They said it would be useful after he entered the NBA. However, looking at the days, I think he will be back tomorrow or the day after," Joe explained upon seeing Su Feng's disappointment.

Su Feng nodded. He had no choice but to endure the miserable Brick Shot Points.

Just as Su Feng was feeling down…

Kobe's mother, Pamela, suddenly walked down from upstairs and said, "Joe, Kobe just called. He wants you to tell Su that he will meet Su on the 30th at the usual spot at the usual time."


Wasn't that tomorrow?


Su Feng felt energized again.

Therefore, after politely rejecting the invitation to dinner, Su Feng decided to give himself another day of break!

After resting, Su Feng felt that he could beat Kobe.


It was not because Su Feng was being childish, but after being thrashed by Kobe for one entire year, Su Feng wanted to experience the feeling of winning…

Moreover, don't look down on him!

The next day, after adjusting his mental and physical conditions to 100%, Su Feng, who was ready to move, walked to the basketball court that he usually trained at with Kobe.

The night of Philadelphia, the peak of the bricklayer.

A cold beam of light shone and the ultimate bricklayer arrived!

Just as Su Feng was rushing eagerly to the basketball court…

It was 3:45 AM on Philadelphia's Market Street.

A blonde young lady of age 16 dressed stylishly was complaining in the cold air, "Damn, how can I trust Lili?

"I should have known that all these producers are brats.

"Hsss~! I am freezing!

"Oh yeah… Where am I?" After talking to herself for a while, the blonde young lady realized a serious problem.


Was lost.

"Holy crap! How unlucky am I?" Recalling her encounter, the young lady cried uncontrollably.

Philadelphia at 4 AM was extremely deserted.

Moreover, there was no such thing as cell phones in that era.

Therefore, the blonde young lady, who had never been to Philadelphia before, cried while hiding under a street light, trying her best to block herself from the cold wind.

Just as she was about to give up, she suddenly seemed to hear footsteps.

Perhaps after calming down from the cold wind, she suddenly shuddered.

Hmm, after all, wasn't it normal for one to feel fear after having heard horror stories before?

"Gosh, I am screwed." The blonde young lady fiddled with her clothes in an attempt to cover her sexy legs.

After a long while, hearing the footsteps nearing, the blonde young lady could tell that the person was a fit man.

"Forget it, even if I die, I shall not die in vain!" She gathered her courage and looked up at the source of the footsteps.


She saw the face of the person under the street lights.

So handsome!

He shouldn't be… a bad guy, right?

Alright, it had been proven that looks were like that.

Su Feng had experienced something similar in his past life.

A male student who had a crush on a popular girl wanted to buy her bubble tea but was rejected by her. She said, "I am studying, please don't disturb me."

The male student was feeling sad, and in order to have her drink the bubble tea he bought, he asked the handsome Su Feng for help.

When Su Feng took over, not only did the lady accept the bubble tea, but she also took the opportunity to ask Su Feng some extremely easy math questions.

So what did she say about studying and to not disturb her?

Therefore, in order to let his good friend see the true colors of the girl, Su Feng said to her, "I didn't buy the bubble tea. Also, I need to study, please don't disturb me."

Unfortunately, despite Su Feng's efforts, the male student got together with the girl after a few years.

Su Feng thought that his move should have allowed the girl to understand that she should not live off her looks.

It was definitely not because Su Feng's friend became an entrepreneur.

"Hi, I am lost. Do you know how to get to 298 Market Street?"

The blonde young lady felt that she had met a life saver.

Indeed, the handsome guy was Su Feng.

"Oh? You walk 500m ahead and turn left. Then you walk another 100, and you will see a junction. Continue walking straight for 300m and you will reach your destination." After answering the young lady, Su Feng continued walking.

"Hold on… You spoke too quickly, I… cannot remember. Can you please take me there?" The young lady smiled at Su Feng.

"Oh, let me just repeat…" Su Feng repeated the directions slowly.

"No, no, sir, I mean, it's so late, it's not safe for me to walk there alone. Can you walk with me?" said the young lady while acting cute.

Huh? If you know that it's unsafe, why are you out?

Su Feng wanted to scold her, but he was rushing for time. "Don't worry, this is Market Street. I walk here everyday, and judging from your looks, you will be quite safe."

The young lady was speechless.

"No, sir, are you really willing to let a cute girl…" Su Feng interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"Are you saying that you are cute because of your smudged makeup?" Su Feng said as he pointed at the young lady's face.

The young lady was speechless.

"Rest assured, there's surveillance cameras all along the street. I always walk here at 4 AM and I have never encountered any danger." The street was a busy street in Philadelphia. Although the security was not very good, this area was an exception.

Moreover, Su Feng did not believe that anyone would take advantage of the girl who had her makeup smudged.

The young lady was stunned.

She had never experienced such a treatment before.

"Forget it, I shall bring you over," said Su Feng after thinking about it.

After all, if someone really hurt her, he would be guilty of not helping her.

However, the young lady did not expect to reach the destination…

After running!

Holy, did this guy not pity girls at all?

She wanted to stop, but…

She continued running after thinking about how it might be unsafe.

Alright, she had finally reached her destination.

Although Su Feng's words hurt, the blonde young lady felt that she owed him a "thank you". "Hi, my name is…"

"I am not interested in your name. You don't need to thank me either, because you wasted ten minutes of my time."

Su Feng turned and walked away before the young lady could finish her sentence.

The young lady never felt so hurt before.

She was terribly hurt by Su Feng.

"What kind of person is he!?" The young lady cried uncontrollably.

"So annoying!"

Finally, at 4:05 AM…

Su Feng met Kobe after a long summer break.

"You are late."

Su Feng felt that all the negative emotions were gone after seeing Kobe.

"The sandwiches are inside, hurry and eat them!

After you finish digesting the sandwiches, I will let you see how powerful I am now!"

Su Feng said as he handed his bag to Kobe.

Kobe's expression could not be hidden.

At that instant, Su Feng felt like Kobe smiled extremely creepily.

If Kobe's thoughts were put into words, it would be:

"I am finally eating Su Feng's sandwich again!

"What have I been eating for the past two months?!"

"Delicious!" Kobe praised Su Feng as he ate.

"Then eat more." "After all, I will crush you later, then I shall not have any more pressure," Su Feng thought.

"Hmm! Of course I have to eat more. After all, I will only have energy to torture you if I eat more," thought Kobe.

After about 30 minutes..

Kobe, who felt comfortable, moved his shoulders and realized that…

"You grew taller too?"


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